The Citizen, 2009-05-07, Page 10PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2009.
The Friday night euchre at the
Cranbrook Hall was hosted by
Marion Harrison,Adrian and Shirley
Verstoep. There were 5 3/4 tables at
Share-the-wealth winners were
Norm Dobson and Adrian Verstoep.
The travelling lone hand was won by
Norm Dobson.
Other winners were: ladies’ high,
Helen Dobson; ladies’ low, Shirley
Verstoep; ladies’ lone hands, Viola
Adams; men’s high, Judy Hahn;
men’s low, Murray Hoover and
Delphine Dewar, men’s lone hands,
Adrian Verstoep and Jim Minielly.
Lucky tally winners were Leanne
Minielly, Keith Turnbull, Jean
Dewar, Neil Hatt, Myrna Burnett,
Verna Crawford, Joan Jacobs, Allan
Edgar and Linda Minielly.
The next card party is on Friday,
May 15 at 8 p.m. at the hall.
It is the end of another chapter in
the history of school buses in our
rural area of Walton/Winthrop. The
Winthrop Bus Lines were officially
acquisitioned into the Murphy Bus
Line family as of the first of May.
The drivers and routes will remain
the same for the current school year,
then some changes will occur in the
It was in the late 1950s that
Russell and Nelson (Dick) Marks of
Walton, started busing children to
the area schools. They would pick up
children in a blue van and take them
to the two rural schools of the area.
In 1962, the new larger Walton
Public School was opened for the 90
students and three teachers. At that
time, the contract they had covered
busing students in from parts of Grey
and Morris Twp. about 70 kms. a day
for $5,000. A larger Volkswagon van
and a regular bus were had by then.
Russell Marks died in 1967 and
Watt Bewley began to drive full
time. In about 1969, kindergarten
was started and Watt drove those
students to the Ethel school for two
years. He picked up students on the
16th of Grey and the 8th of Morris,
while Dick picked up the students on
the boundary, the 17th of Grey and
the 9th of Morris.
In time, another bus was needed
and in 1971 Ross Bennett started
driving full time and the Marks bus
fleet had expanded to three buses.
Over the years, drivers for Dick
included Watt, Ross, Wendy Noble,
Pat Nolan, Marie Coutts, Rev. Ed
Baker, Harold Bolger, Doug
Schroeder and Karen Hoegy. Some
were full time and others part time.
With the changing times and
expansion of areas, changes included
the busing of students to the high
schools in Seaforth and Clinton. The
buses would meet in Walton, then
Ross Bennett would head to Clinton
with students for the schools there.
Dick and Watt would head for
Winthrop, exchange students with
other buses, then Watt would head
back to Walton and Dick to the high
At one time, there were nine buses
converging at the Winthrop yard to
exchange students and not once was
a child left behind.
Dick drove bus for over 20 years,
Watt for nearly 20 and Ross for 13
In 1989, Dick decided it was time
to quit. His daughter, Sharon and her
husband Brian Pryce were
approached about taking over the
family business. Not wanting to go it
alone, a partnership was formed with
Doug and Gail Schroeder and
Winthrop bus lines was born.
Again with the changing times,
changing boundaries, new schools
being opened, Winthrop Bus Lines
had to expand. In 1971, a bus was
needed to pick up students that then
would meet another bus heading to
Stratford and St. Mike’s. In 1995-96
the new St. Anne’s Secondary school
opened in Clinton and another bus
was needed.
The fleet grew to five buses.
Students went by bus to St. Mike’s
Catholic High School in Stratford,
Seaforth High School,Walton Public
and Seaforth Public, Clinton Central
Secondary School and St. Anne’s
Catholic High School, Clinton.
In 2000, Walton Public School
closed so there was one less stop at
Walton, as students were then bused
to Seaforth.
In the 20 years of service to Grey,
McKillop and Morris Twps. the
village of Walton drivers have
transported the youth to school.
Driving over the years for Winthrop
Bus Lines were Sharon and Brian
Pryce and Doug and Gail Schroeder.
Doug has been driving since 1988, a
friendly face many children
Another husband and wife team is
the Hoegys. Karen Hoegy drove for
many years and her husband Barry
spared. Brian and Susan MacDonald
also took up the challenge of driving
during the last 20 years at some
The latest two drivers for
Winthrop are John Gillis and myself.
Every company needs spares, and
Carl Merner and Jim Bosman have
filled the roles well in the last few
It has been a pleasure driving for
Winthrop Bus Lines and the great
owners. It is like everything else in
these times, the big companies get
bigger and the little guy gets lost. We
are now part of the Murphy Bus Line
family and a fleet of over 400 buses.
When speaking with Sharon and
Doug, they both said it felt different
driving on Monday morning.
Congratulations to the Pryces and
Schroeders on successfully and
safely transporting the precious local
cargo for the last 20 years.
5 3/4 tables in play
at Cranbrook euchre
April shower bring May flowers
or so the saying goes. We certainly
had enough rain during the last week
of April and I will say that my
daffodils have exploded out of the
ground and are blooming
beautifully. Unfortunately, it is too
wet to work in the flowerbeds,
because I also see weeds and grass
popping up as well.
May means it is also the beginning
of ball season. Men’s fastball has set
its schedule, and Tri-County’s was
set a couple of weeks ago. This week
the ladies’ slow pitch league got its
schedule done.
It is hard to believe but there
should be games on the diamonds
next week. Hopefully, it will dry up
and warm up.
Walton is hoping to have minor
ball again at the Walton Ball Park.
We have been lucky enough to have
two former Walton ball players
volunteer to try and encourage
softball for the younger children.They are hoping children betweenthe ages of six - 12 will come out onMonday nights just for fun. Theywill learn the basics of ball,throwing, catching, hitting, havingfun with no pressure of winning orlosing or travelling. Boys and girlsare welcome and thee is no cost toanyone. The only equipment they
will need is a ball glove.
We are asking if anyone has any
gloves around that are too small for
anyone at their house, that maybe
they would be willing to let these
new children to the game of baseball
use them. The men, Ron Stevenson
and Blaine Marks, are hoping to
start Monday, May 25 and run
through until mid-August. They
would accept any offers of extra
helpers from other parents and of
course they hope for lots of children.
In a five-mile radius around
Walton there are probably 40
children, so the more the merrier.
More information about the,
Basics of Baseball on Monday
Nights is available by calling Ron at
519-887-6677 or Blaine 519-522-
There is no registration, just come
out and have fun.
Home for his spring fling and to
visit the family is Neil McDonald
from Vancouver. He is checking out
his mother Leon’s new place in
Brussels. The rainy weather put offhis help in the farming area for thefirst part of his stay, but he has hadtime to catch up with the visiting ofrelatives and old friends.Hopefully the weather will changeand he will be able to help with thespring planting.A group of Walton ladies met atthe Walton Inn to have a “you have
moved party” for Leona McDonald
on Friday morning. There were a
dozen ladies joining her in the
morning for coffee and cake.
The cake was provided by
Kathleen Williamson. Patty Banks
presented the address and small gift
to Leona. The other ladies enjoying
the morning chat were Helen
Williamson, Margery Huether, Heidi
McClure, Cathy McClure, Marjory
Humphries, B.J. DeJong, Judy Lee,
Helen Craig and Jeanne Kirkby.
Leona thanked the group and
invited them to drop into her new
place if they can find her at home.
It was birthday party time for
Betty McCutcheon on Friday. The
group of ladies travelled to the
Wingham Golf Course for an
enjoyable luncheon. Helping her
celebrate were Isabel Wheeler, Betty
Knight, Dona Knight, Nora
Stephenson, Fran Bremner, Donna
Knight, Yvonne Knight, Mary
Huether, Margery Huether, Leona
McDonald, Merle McIntosh and
Bev Smith.The ladies completed their theirafternoon festivities at the home ofJim and Dona Knight and enjoyedbirthday cake and ice-cream.There was a great crowd at thebuck and doe for Ken McCallum andMeagan O’Reilly at the SeaforthCommunity Centre on Saturdayevening. They report a great time
and their wedding is planned for this
July. There was lots of fun for all
and one of the interesting prizes for
the evening was a miniature
motorcycle. The prize was won by
Bonnie Glanville.
Our condolences are expressed to
the family of Alex Cameron, who
passed away last week. The
Cameron family lived in Cranbrook
for many years before moving to
Atwood. I know the Cameron family
before moving here. Our sympathies
to Joyce and children Lynn, Roger,
Sandra and Barb and families on
their loss.
Celebrating birthdays this past
week were John Huether, Dave
Lewington, Joe Steffler, Deborah
Wey, Chris Holmes, Hayden Kelso,
Chad McCallum, Judy Valley, Bev
Fraser, Mitchell Godkin, Lori Nolan,
Annelies Ringgenberg, Andrea
Humphries, Joe Ryan, Veronica
Grobbink, Pat Melady, Armand
Roth, Gerry Sullivan and Brian
Clinton Public Hospital
St. Marys Memorial Hospital
Seaforth Community Hospital
Stratford General Hospital
THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2009 at 7 p.m.
Annual membership in each hospital corporation shall consist of persons
interested in furthering the corporation’s mission, vision and values and
whose application for admission as a member has been approved by a
resolution of the Board of Directors. Members are entitled to attend and
vote at the annual meeting, on business such as changes to by-laws and
appointment of auditors, and to receive financial information.
No member shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Members of the
Corporation unless the Member has paid the annual fee in full at least
thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting. A person is eligible to be
an Annual Member where he or she pays to the Corporation the annual
membership fee of $10.00 and where he or she meets the conditions
outlined in the By-laws. Annual Memberships in the Corporation are
effective from April 1 in one year to March 31 in the following year.
Annual Memberships can be purchased from the Business Offices at the
hospitals no later than May 15, 2009.
For further information, please refer to the By-laws which can be viewed
Andrew Williams
Secretary, Board of Directors
Congratulations to
Bridget Kellington who is
graduating from Nipissing
University’s Arts and Science
Honours Program. Bridget
graduates with a Biology degree
and a minor in Geography.
Bridget will be attending
Nipsissing University’s Bachelor
of Education Program in the fall.
Love from Dad, Brandon
and the Kellington families.
We are proud of you!
By Jo-AnnMcDonaldCall 887-6570PEOPLE AROUNDWALTON
Era ends for Winthrop Bus Lines
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