HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2009-03-19, Page 14Roger, Debbie, Caleigh and JennaHopper greeted worshippers at KnoxUnited Church on Sunday, March15. Rev. Tom Murray welcomed thecongregation.The hymn-sing selections wereImmortal, Invisible, God Only Wise and Lord, Speak to Me. It was announced that Mary and Jack Taylor will be married 62 years. Prayers are with Jim Lamont, a patient at Seaforth hospital. There is a potluck meal immediately following church on March 22. This is a chance for Rev. Tom Murray to get to know thechildren in the congregation and forall to share in some fellowship time.A Night of a Thousand Dinnerswill be a potluck meal at George andElizabeth Procter’s on March 26 at6:30 p.m. The Lenten Meditation was shared by Sheila and John Nixon. After John extinguished a candle the congregation sang a verse as printed followed by the singing of Creating God, We Give. The senior choir sang, We Will Keep Our Faith Alive. During the children’s time Rev.Murray explained that bodies aremade up of 75 per cent water. Peoplehave to have water to replenish theirbodies. But just as they need waterthey also need what God offers themspiritually, he said. After the Lord’s Prayer the children adjourned to Sunday school. The scripture readings were Exodus 17: 1-7 and Psalm 19 read by Jim Barnes. After the singing of the hymn, I Heard the Voice of Jesus, the gospel acclamation was read responsively. The sermon was entitled, OurJourney…A Soul Saturating Drink!It was based on John 4: 5-42.There is no substitute of the soulsearching water that God canprovide. People need a living vitalrelationship with God, Rev. Murray said. Everything one needs to know comes from God. People must decide for themselves if they are going to drink from the cup. Faith needs to be carried on to the next generation. Steve Coultes and Ken Procter took up the offering, followed by the singing of the hymn, Your Work, O God Needs Many Hands. Prelude and postlude organ music and accompaniment to all the hymns was supplied by Elizabeth Procter. The community extends congratulations to Kendall Jardin who earned the Spirit of Skating award with the Blyth Skating Club. Kendall Jardin and Brookelyn Johnston, two of East Wawanosh Public School’s students performed exceptionally well at the public school speak-off against Wingham Public School. We have been enjoying spring-like weather and many of the robins have returned so just maybe our winter weather is over. Congratulations to the Blyth/Brussels PeeWee girls hockey team who won the B consolation final on Sunday evening at the Goderich Lions Young Canada Week Tournament. Girls on the team from the Belgrave area are Lindsay Shiell, goalie; Ashley Higgins, forward; Autumn Wightman and Kaitlyn Michie, defence. Their coaches are Chris Michie, Ken Higgins and Don Shiell. Trainers are Kim Higgins and Alison Wightman and the manager is Brian Wightman. There were 7 1/2 tables of shoot in play on Friday, March 13 at the Community Centre. The winners were: high pink card, Marie Stewart; second high pink card, Helen Casemore; most shoots, Louise Hammond; high white card, Joann MacDonald; second high white card, Jack Taylor; most shoots, Ross Taylor. The next shoot is Friday, March 27 at 1:30 p.m. PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2009. Get the bikes! The weather has turned warm and it’s March Break. Jordan Hubbard, left, and Tanner Giesbrecht were two of the first young men to take advantage of the sun and dry roads. (Shawn Loughlin photo) Hoppers greet for Knox United service 100% Natural Alternative for fertilizing your lawn and garden 5-1-5 Organic Fertilizer Green Acres 5-1-5™ For Lawn & Garden All Season Fertilizer Cty. Road 25, Auburn Auburn Co-op Open Saturdays ’til 4 Available in 20 kg (45 lbs.) bags. Covers approximately 4500 sq. ft. The Ultimate Lawn Care Program! Ever wondered how some people have a deep green lawn that is thick and lush? Want your lawn to look the same way? Turf Revolution™ has the answer to make your ordinary turf become the Ultimate Lawn. Available at... • 100% Organic alfalfa blend fertilizer • Triacontanol, naturally occurring in alfalfa, is known to increase root mass, increase nitrogen assimilation, encourage earlier and stronger tillering, greener and broader leaves. • Non-burning, environmentally friendly • Excellent fertilizer for gardens, planters and rose beds. • More robust, healthier plants are more tolerant to environmental stresses including heat stress and cold stress (great fall fertilizer). • Contains 20% water soluble nitrogen for faster spring green up on your lawn. See us for all your lawn & garden needs * Grass Seed * Aerator available 519-526-7262 B e p r e p a r e d f o r t h e C h e m i c a l B a n t a k i n g e f f e c t A p r i l 2 0 0 9 NEWS FROM BELGRAVE By Linda Campbell Call 357-2188 PEOPLE AROUND BELGRAVE