HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2009-03-05, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 2009. PAGE 19. After much delay, Belgrave Women’s Institute Hall seems to have cleared the hurdles necessary for it to get a new use. Sandra Weber of the Huron County planning department told councillors at their Feb. 17 meeting that objections of the Huron County health unit had been withdrawn so the the council could go ahead with its approval. A public meeting on the proposed zoning change had been held Jan. 6 but the process stalled over health unit’s concern there wasn’t enough room for a septic system. One change required by the county was the provision that a side- yard setback be created to leave room for a truck to reach the septic tank when it needed to be pumped out. Final approval must still be given by county council. In another planning issue council agreed to have Weber prepare a housecleaning amendment to allow additions and accessory buildings on lots zoned for development in Lower Town. WI Hall getszoning approval There were eight and half tables of shoot in play on Friday, Feb. 27 in the Community Centre. The winners were: high pink card, Dorothy Carter; second high pink card, Marie Stewart; most shoots, Jean Deans; high white card, George Inglis; second high white card, Wilfred Caslick; most shoots, Ross Taylor. The next shoot is Friday, March 13 at 1:30 p.m. A-Z DRIVERS WANTED AZ TEAM NEEDED! $0.52 per mile + benefits, limited dedicated Canada and US runs based out of Kitchener & Blenheim. Minimum 2 years experi- ence, clean CVOR and abstract. Call 7 days per week Toll-Free 1-888-213- 9401 or apply online at www.transportjobs.net. AUTOMOTIVE GET YOUR FOOT in the garage door. General Mechanic program. Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta. 32 weeks. Write Heavy Duty or Automotive Mechanic Apprenticeship Exam. 1- 888-999-7882; www.gprc.ab.ca/ fairview. MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. BUSINESS OPPS. ATTENTION: Turn 10 hours/week into up to $1,500/month. Work from home online. Free Training, flexible hours. www.succeedfromhomebiz.com. CANDY ROUTE! We have helped many people establish successful cash candy businesses. No Selling. Part or Full Time. Many Success Stories. Low Investment. www.uturn canada.com. EXCITING FRANCHISE OPPORTU- NITY! FORMAFENCE - Vinyl Fencing, Decking, Railings. Operate and own your own business. A proven & suc- cessful concept. Exclusive materials and information. 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COMING EVENTS CHARLEY PRIDE LIVE IN CON- CERT, Thursday July 9th, 7:30pm, HAMILTON CENTRE. A "Country Music Legend". Tickets at Copps Coliseum Box Office or Ticketmaster. Call 905-527-7666. www.rocklands entertainment.com. CAREER OPPS. ATTENTION SALESPEOPLE, MAN- AGERS, ENTREPRENEURS & ANY- ONE LOOKING TO SUCCEED - Promote product that every family needs. Bring your team or create a new one, full-training & support. Start earning above average income this month. Send resume to: opportunity@globalfinancial.ca. THE CITY OF REGINA, PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION, is looking for sev- eral Project and Senior Engineers. Please check our website at www.regina.ca for further information. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. ARE YOU LAID OFF? Government Funding Available to obtain your AZ or Heavy Equipment Certification. Call Ontario Truck Driving School Today Toll-Free 1-800-799-JOBS (5627), www.otds.com. NORTHERN CANADA RETAIL OPPORTUNITIES - The North West Company, over 140 stores, leading provider of food, everyday products in Northern Canada. Almost cost free liv- ing, fully furnished subsidized hous- ing, food, relocation assistance, and paid vacation travel, are Seeking indi- viduals/couples for: Store Managers, Meat, Grocery, Produce, Fast Food Service, Entry Level and Regular Full- Time. Applicants must be able to relo- cate to Northern Canada. Send resume to: retailinthenorth@north west.ca or Fax: 204-934-1696. TNWC equal opportunity employer. Additional information: www.northwest.ca or call 1-800-782-0391 x8862. The NorthWest Company - Leading provider of food, everyday products and financial services for Northern Canada seeking full-time retail meat cutters. Candidates should have experience with basic meat cutting/wrapping. Applicants express- ing interest in the meat business will be considered. Benefits: almost cost- free living, subsidized housing (fully furnished), subsidized food, reloca- tion-assistance, & paid vacation trav- el. Candidates must relocate to remote northern Canada. Resume: retailinthenorth@northwest.ca or Fax: 204-934-1696. TNWC is an equal opportunity employer. Information: www.northwest.ca or 1-800-782-0391 press 1, then ext 8862. TRAINING OR RETRAINING? Think Trades! Heavy Duty, Automotive, Motorcycle or Powersports Mechanics. Work Practicum. Write Apprenticeship Exam. Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta. Affordable residences. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview. US/CANADIAN HARVEST Boomerang Enterprises is Accepting Applications for Class 1 Drivers and Combine Operators. Will assist in get- ting Class 1. Contact: Terry 701-412- 5613 or 204-728-0860. FINANCIAL SERVICES $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll Free: 1-877-776-1660. DEBT STRESS? Consolidate & lower payments by 30-40%. 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Long-Term/Short- Term Relationships, FREE CALLS! 1- 877-297-9883. Exchange voice mes- sages, voice mailboxes. 1-888-534- 6984. Live adult casual conversations - 1on1, 1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies 1-877- 804-5381. 18+ * PAST*PRESENT*FUTURE * #1 Psychics! *1-877-478-4410* Credit cards / deposit or phone 1-900-783- 3800 $3.19 min (18+) For a psychic NOW! Meet us at: www.mystical connections.ca. VOLUNTEER OPPS. HOST FAMILIES NEEDED. Northern Youth Abroad is looking for families to host 2 youth from Nunavut/NWT, vol- unteering in your community July/August. www.nya.ca. Call 1-866- 212-2307. Network Classifieds:Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! • It’s Affordable • It’s Fast • It’s Easy • It’s Effective • One Bill Does It All • All Ontario $429 • National Packages Available! www.networkclassified.org For more information contact Your local newspaper By LindaCampbellCall 357-2188PEOPLE AROUNDBELGRAVE NEWS FROM BELGRAVE The community extends sympathy and prayers to Karen and Jim Hallahan and family on the death of Karen’s dad, Donald Glousher and to Glen Van Camp and family on the sudden death of their beloved Verlaine, wife, mother, grandmother and great- grandmother. On Friday, March 6 The World Day of Prayer service will be held at 2 p.m. in the basement of Knox United Church. 8 1/2 tables at shoot party By Keith Roulston The Citizen