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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2009-02-12, Page 19Huron East council set a policy instone at its Feb. 3 meeting that willsee council receive the same raise itsemployees get for the foreseeable future. At council’s first meeting of 2009, on Jan. 6, there was an investigation into a past bylaw that saw council receive the same pay raises as staff and discussion that while the bylaw had been enacted, council hadn’t been following it, having not received a raise since 2006. After further investigation, however, it was discovered that no such bylaw existed and that it was up to council to enact a new policy on pay raises. Then council passed a resolution that would give them a two per cent raise, mirroring the cost of living expense raise the municipality voted to give its staff. However, there was some confusion among councillors at the Feb. 3 meeting as to what raise had been voted in. Deputy-mayor Bernie MacLellan and councillor David Blaney saidthey were under the impression theyhad voted in a raise based on the factthat council hadn’t got a raise since2006. This, according to MacLellanwould give council a close to 6.5 percent raise, in accordance with the two per cent raise in 2007, the 2.5 per cent raise in 2008 and the two per cent raise for 2009. If the raise was approved, however, all councillors agreed the raise should not be retroactive. However, with no such bylaw in place, such a raise couldn’t be justified. The rates, as previously reported, will go from $125 to $127.50 per council meeting, a meeting exceeding four hours will go from $160 to $163.20, a half-day seminar will go from $80 to $81.60 and a committee meeting will go from $60 to $61.20 and the councillors’ per diem will go from $4,500 for mayor Joe Seili to $4,590, $3,500 for deputy-mayor Bernie MacLellan to $3,570 and $2,500 for councillors up to $2,550. If council had voted to receive the updated rates year-by-year,councillors would receive $139.97per meeting along with anhonorarium of $5,038.79 for themayor, $3,919.06 for the deputy-mayor and $2,799.33 forcouncillors. Councillor Bill Siemon made the motion to enact a policy that would see councillors receive the sameannual raises as staff, saying “Noone can say we’re paying ourselvesoff. We’re treating ourselves thesame as we treat our staff.”MacLellan said he was thinking ofclerk-administrator Jack McLachlan and treasurer Brad Knight when discussing a possible pay increase, recalling the new pay grid HuronEast implemented last year.“The reason we did that wasbecause we felt that we had staffbeing underpaid in comparison toother municipalities in HuronCounty,” MacLellan said. “We agreed to hold off last year because of the tax jump though.” THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2009. PAGE 19. Huron East council sets remuneration policy While there are many types of chocolate and each person has his or her favourite, a well-known French confection is the chocolate truffle. These decadent desserts provide three layers of chocolate: a creamy ganache centre, a thin shell of chocolate and a dusting of cocoa powder. Their richness belies the easy recipe. All it takes is a few ingredients to make homemade chocolate truffles for your special Valentine. CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES 14 ounces dark chocolate (preferably 70% cocoa), or high- quality unsweetened baking chocolate 8 ounces heavy cream 8 ounces additional dark chocolate, for melting 11/2 cups unsweetened cocoa powder Bring the heavy cream to a boil in a saucepan. Break up the 14 ounces of chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Add the hot cream to the chocolate, stirring until all the chocolate is melted and forms a creamy ganache. Place the soft ganache into the refrigerator to thicken until it is able to hold a shape. Using two spoons (or your fingers if you don't mind getting messy), scoop and roll small balls of the ganache into round balls. Place the ganache balls onto waxed or parchment paper. In a double boiler, melt the remaining chocolate. Place the cocoa powder in a bowl or plate for dredging. Dip each ganache ball into the melted chocolate. Then roll in the cocoa powder until coated. Let the truffles dry and harden slightly before serving. Enjoy. COMING EVENTS BE YOUR OWN BOSS - Find out how at The Canadian Franchise Association's Discovery Day: Niagara Falls, March 7, 2009 & Hamilton, March 8, 2009 - 10 A.M. - 4 P.M., attend FREE if pre-register at HUGE RV SHOW - "35th ANNUAL" Campground Operators & Suppliers Feb. 13th & 14th, 10am - 9pm; Feb. 15th & 16th, 10am - 5pm. Admission $12.00. Agriplex Building, London. An opportunity for a $5,000.00 cash draw for anyone who buys a unit @ the show. 1-519-652-3773. 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