HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-12-28, Page 6Among the 400 delegates who attended the Land Use Conference held recently in Toronto were (left to right) Ed Oddleifson, Bayfield Reeve, Val Demais, Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs; John Pow, Reeve, Woodhouse Township; and Howard Lang, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The conference centred on regional plan- ning and gave participants a chance to study and discuss both sides of the land use question. (OMAF photo) Farmers receive more for milk 7 & 8 H.P. Jacobsen IMPERIALS SNOWBLOWERS REGULAR $469.00 to $599.00 SPECIAL $425" to $549 00 HURON MAITLAND LTD V ANASTRA (STRAIGHT IN FROM THE MAIN GATE IN THE OLD SIRE. HALL How long does it take to cook a turkey? Extensive research carried on in the experimental kitchens of Agriculture Canada resulted in a new roasting timetable for consumers, The home economists explain the procedure used in testing: 1. To precisely measure the inter- nal temperatures during cooking, thermocouples are inserted in the breast, thighs and stuf- fing of the turkey. 2. The thermocouples are attached to an electronic recorder which automatically records the temperatures on a graph. 3. Turkeys are removed from the oven when the internal temperature of the thigh reaches 185° F. 4, Each day, ten panelists evaluate samples of turkey for flavor and tenderness. An improved timetable now available for roasting turkey DURING S SEWING CENTRE WHITE ELNA MARY FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY Ina simple—perfect—reliable simple—perfect—reliable the world's finest precision-made sewing machine. It offers you new dimension of sewing:- - Satisfaction — Simplicity — Ver- satility — Never out-dated — Universal tension — No pressure adjustment from sheers to coats From $5000 T0 $ 1 6 3 00 ON CABINET MODELS 4FiFigi.T TERMS AVAILABLE WE HAVE SIX NEW WHITE MODELS FROM 1 2 5 DON'T MISS THESE GREAT SAVINGS alM CLINTON ItIew ,Reccird, 'Thursday, December 28, 1..973. 7-::,«UtZ5:4440414 VIIIIW411.11.71 The dairy farmers of Ontario who produce milk for table use are to receive an additional 35 cents per hundredweight for milk effective January 1, 1973, it was announced today by George McLaughlin, chairman of the Ontario Milk Marketing Board. The increase follows a ruling of The Milk Commission of Ontario after hearing an ap- peal made by the dairies against a larger increase proposed by the Board. Although the figure amounts to less than a cent a quart to the dairy farmer, it is not known at this time what the ef- fect on the consumer price will be. Wholesale and retail prices are established by individual dairies and stores in response to competitive forces. In announcing the milk producers' first increase since September 1971, Mr. McLaughlin stated that the 35 cent per hundredweight figure represented less than a five per cent increase in the price for fluid milk and did not in fact reflect the increases in costs which the dairy farmer has had to face over the last 16 months. As an example, Mr. McLaughlin cited Canadian Livestock Feed Board figures showing that the cost of feed grains for cattle had risen alar- mingly in the last year, Oats have risen 34 per cent while corn and soy meal have risen 23 per cent and 41 per cent respectively. In additidn, daily farm wages rose 9.5 per cent between August 1971 and August 1972, Even more distur- bing is that many of these costs are continuing to climb. Added to this, dairy farmers have had to cope with some of the worst weather conditions in years. The poor quality of the winter feed reduces the milk yeild, and to keep the public supplied farmers are forced to buy more of the expensive grain supplements and so are caught in a vicious circle that drives their costs still higher. Because of these circumstan- ces, Mr. McLaughlin explained, dairy farmers had hoped for something better than the 35 cents decided upon by the Com- mission. "After all" he added, "The dairy farmer, just like any other consumer, is faced with the falling value of the dollar and is entitled to protect his in- come. He is also required to make a large capital invest- ment in his farm and the price for his milk must be set at a realistic level which will en- courage him to stay in the business." Mr. McLaughlin concluded by pointing out that "milk represents one of the best buys Forty per cent of grade 6 students in Canada spend at - least 20 hours a week watching television. But by the time they get to grade 13, only five per cent allow themselves this luxury, while 32 per cent watch the tube less than four hours during an entire week. The information is contained in one of a number of tabulations and charts published today in a Statistics Canada education service bulletin, giving some of the results of a student census un- dertaken last year as an ad- junct to the 1971 Census of Canada. „ ; • • When it'"; to ring newspapers, 72 per cent of the grade 6 children, 70 per cent of the grade sevens and 65 per cent of grade eights preferred the comic section above all else. Interest in local and world 'news increased sharply at the grade 10 level, where 41 per cent of the students expressed interest in local news and 36 per cent in world news. The comic pages, however, were still in first place, interesting 45 per cent of the audience. In Grade 13, world news finished first, with a 48 per cent readership, local news second at 43 per cent and comics third at 41 per cent. Editorial pages were read by 18 per cent of those in grade 13, and financial pages by seven per cent. Cor- responding figures in grade 12 were: world news, 43 per cent; local news, 44 per cent; comics, 45 per cent; editorials, 15 per available to the consumer today, and whether considered in terms of its rich protein, its essential vitamins or its mineral nutrients it remains a nutritional bargain". The 35 cent per hundred- weight increase raises the farm price in Southern Ontario from $7.05 to $7.40 per hundred- weight and in Northern On- tario from $7,62 to $7.97 per hundredweight. ' cent and financial pages, six per cent. Students were also asked how many books were ex- cluded.) Ten per cent of grade 6 students and almost 20 per cent of those in grades eight th- rough 12, reported reading no books. A fairly consistent 40 per cent of students in every grade from eight to 13 read one or two books a month and an equally consistent 17 to 18 per cent read three or four books. Other tabulations in the bulletin deal with part-time employment of students (about 40,,per.,cerlt of those y4vtith jobs work only on weekends' and about a"ifit.rdlliinifig'evgnias)fl mobility (20 to 30 per cent of the students were born outside the province in which they at- tended school last year); sex ratios (more males than females in all grades, reaching 52.5 per cent males by grade 13) and mother tongue (the percentage of those reporting languages other than English or French was generally lower than the percentages shown for the population as a whole in the same area.). Dominion Automobile Association and the Canada Safety Council have joined municipal and provincial Police Departments in a bid to battle the drinking driver. Statistics from Dominion Automobile Association files show that, if the trend in other years continues, one half of all traffic fatalities this holiday weekend will involve drinking drivers, With Canadians enjoying the holiday season and New Year's Eve falling on Sunday this year, the prospects for a decrease in traffic deaths are not bright. Prevention of traffic deaths will come about only with a concerted effort by safety organizations, the news media and the presence of com- mon sense on the part of celebrators this weekend, Newspapers and radio stations will be using their space to bring reminders of safety to their readers and listeners. Police officials are The Christmas meeting of the Father Stephen Eckert Council of Seaforth and District was held last Thursday evening in their council rooms at St. Columban. Among the 60 members present were guests from Kilroy Council, Stratford, Father Nagle Council, Goderich, and of course Santa Claus from the North Pole who distributed presents to the council mem- bers. Grand Knight, James' Devereaux, extended a welcome to the guests and the compliments of the Season to all members, A social hour followed the meeting. Grand Knight Devereaux, before lunch was served, in- troduced Cecil Tufts, Stratford, using a combination of public information and assistance to motorists along with a strong warning that all available per- sonnel will be waging war with the driver who drinks, Dominion Automobile Association offers these three common sense suggestions: I. Be prepared — Drive defensively. Although you may be an abstainer watch for the other guy. Stay alert and an- ticipate the actions of the other car, 2. If you are going to be drinking — don't drive — only one drink will impair your judgement. Use a taxi — public transportation or let a non- drinker take the wheel. 3. Think about somebody other than yourself. Can your family afford to lose you or have you crippled for life. Or can you live with your con- science knowing that by drinking and driving you could easely kill or maim somebody else. Faithful Navigator of the Dean Egan Assembly, Fourth Degree, of Seaforth, who,was in charge , of the annual assembly Christ- mas draw. Following are the winners: 'first, Al Grant, Strat- ford; second, 13.J. Barbet, Lon. don; third, Murray Baler, Mit, chell; and fourth, Clem Regier, R.R. 2, Zurich. The regular monthly draw, share,the-wealth, sponsored by Father Stephen Eckert Council, was won by Rita Carey, Mount Carmel. Wilfred Hogan, RR 8, Parkhill, was the seller. In- stead of the usual $5 door prize, the prize was a turkey arid won by Leo Masse, Grand Special Christmas draws were won by Wilfred Mousseau , and Charlie Ducharrne. A nuttier of piiiiciPk ,,............., BY J. CARL HEMINGWAY Happy. New Yearl When we think of the New Year we also think of the year that has just passed. For some of us it has been a good year financially and for others it has been discouraging. Those farmers who grow their own feed and feed it, won't feel the results of the poor crop for a few months. On the other hand, those who have had good crops won't reap the benefit for some time. Even then, they may find that production costs have jumped so much that the extra in- come they hoped for is seriously depleted. I have been told that fertilizer prices have increased very considerably, Just this mor- ning I was told that soya bean meal used in livestock concentrate has gone up $50 per ton — due to scarcity. On the other hand I read that there is to be. an investigation into the price of protein concentratfes on the suspicion that the price increase is not justified because it is due to the manipulation of the brokers that are controlling the supply. It seems to me that our farm organizations have a real challenge facing them in the New Year, Politically, it remains to be seen whether it is happy or not, I think we can be sure it will be interesting. Federally, we have a minority government which is predicted to be bad and insecure. Provincially we have a Government with huge majority and great security. I wonder which will give us the better legislation? With the controversy that is taking place over "conflict of in- terest" in the Ontario Government and, of particular interest to farmers, in the Ministry of Agriculture the farmers haven't much reason for optimism. I find it hard to understand why Mr. Stewart would feel that he is qualified to guide the farm program of Ontario farmers when he finds a Cabinet Minister's salary is not sufficient to subsidize his farm operation and he must turn to his government department for "grant" assistance, I can see no legal objection to this but again I fail to understand why, as Minister of Agriculture, he didn't have the clause, heithe grant legislation, limiting Provincial grants to those who obtain the major portion of their income from farming. This limitation does apply to Farm Credit and Farm Im- provement Loans under Federal Legislation. This would probably cost Mr. Stewart a small percentage of one year's salary but would have saved him from his present unenviable position. It is, however, a wonderful compliment to those farmers who manage to operate in the "black" or even in the "pink" without the benefit of an non-farm income. But there is more than this to a "Happy New Year". I think there are many farmers who are really more concerned about producing a healthy food supply for a hungry world than about the size of the increase in their Bank Account,. A few extra dollars can hardly compensate for the human mites that are pic- tured on T.V. ,Just for this year, could we concentrate on the good things we enjoy? When you go to bed after a hard day's work do you say "How my weary bones ache!" or is it "How comfortable this bed feels"! If your answer is the latter you'll have my wish to you — "A Happy New Year". Student census taken Homemakers today are discovering that everything is "new and improved". The home economists, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa would like to tell consumers of something new and improved now available after extensive research—more accurate roasting times for stuffed turkeys. The experiment recently completed at Food Advisory Services was designed to deter- mine roasting times for two types of stuffed whole turkeys—the regular turkeys and the ones injected with fat. The latter are commonly sold under such names "deep- basted" or "self-basted" ttkitiey,s. t j 'Every day over a period .of several weeks, two types of in- jected turkeys were cooked at the same time as a regular turkey of the same weight. Turkeys weighing ap- proximately 8, 12, 16, 20 or 24 pounds were selected for testing, On the .days of the tests, the turkeys were removed from a refrigerator at 40°F, washed and stuffed with a seasoned bread stuffing. Each stuffed turkey was trussed, placed Crackdown on drinking drivers Christmas meeting held breast side up on a rack in shallow pan, brushed with oil and covered loosely with heavy aluminum foil. To accurately measure the internal temperature during cooking, thermocouples were inserted in the thighs, breasts and stuffing of the turkeys. These thermocouples were used instead of thermometers so that they could be attached to an electronic recorder ( a device that automatically plots tem- perature changes). All turkeys were roasted at 325°F' in household electric ovens until the temperature of the thigh reached 185°. (When cooking a turkey at home, it is better to test for doneness in the stiffjlig because it is dif- ficult to insert a thermometer in the thigh of the turkey. In- sert the thermometer in the center of the stuffing and roast the bird until the temperature reaches 165'). During the study, 200 per- sons from the staff of Agriculture Canada tasted samples of meat from the thigh and breast of each turkey. Sam- ples of all turkeys cooked to 185°F were considered to be tender and juicy. Analysis of the cooking data revealed that regular and injec- ted turkeys of the same weight required similar cooking times. From the data accumulated on 60 turkeys, a timetable was drawn for roasting times of stuffed turkeys cooked at 325°F. JAN Startk.\\e, DRIVE WITH CARE!