HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-11-30, Page 12COME to Blyth Lions Club Bingo every Saturday night at BM p.m., Community Hall, Ad- mission $1.00. 12 regular games, $10,00 each. Two Share-The- Wealth games. One $25,00 special. $125.00 jackpot, if taken in 60 calls, it' not taker, $10.00 added each night, 50 percent of take to full card if jackpot not taken. —ltfn BAZAAR and BAKE SALE December 1, 1972 7:00 p.m. Christian Reformed Church, Everyone welcome. ---c47.,48p AFTERNOON skating, Wed- nesdays for ladies and tots, 50c and 25c, 2-4 p.m.—c45-48b CLINTON LIONS Club Christmas. Party. Friday. December .8, .6:30 p,m. Clinton Legion Hail, Social flour, Pinner, Dancing to Country BoYs. Tickets stilt available from Lions members.—c490 NEW IIIN00, Clinton Legion Ball, 8:30 p.m. Nov, 30. Admission $1.00, fifteen regular games, $10.00 each. Three Share-The-Wealth games, One jackpot for $170 in 56 numbers, con- solation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won.—ell CASH DINGO, Legion foe, .Sea- forth, Friday, Dee, 1, 8:15 p.m, Regu- lar games, $10; three $25 games; $75 jackpot to go, Door prizes. Minis- sion $1.00, Auspices Branch 156, Proceeds welfare work.-1 TUESDAY, December 5, Bingo at Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $56 in 56 numbers. Six door prizcs.—c7 Vie little /tin BAYFIELD 565-2611 Open Weekends Saturday and Sunday DINNER-S:30 - 7 Sunday Hot Buffet Lunch 11:30 - 1 miumwasouniaimmismaiman • • la . ELM HAVEN 1 . . IMOTOR HOTEL I . . I PLAYING I THIS WEEK n n n • • • • • n n n • !Matinee Saturday • • • afternoon 4-6 p.m. L • • riosimmangsawinnuosimmans PCERBERUS" a a • Coming Next Week • a MILESTONE . a a a at 9:30 TO 1:00 HULLY GULLY REFRESHMENTS AVAILARLE- 41110111011M11.1•0101111•10MI ELECTORS OF BLYTH, CLINTON, HULLETT AND Mc KILLOP VOTE KENNETH HULLEY FOR AN ACTIVE REPRESENTATIVE ON HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION HAVING HAD TWO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ON HULLETT CENTRAL SCHOOL BOARD, I ASK FOR YOUR SUP- PORT ON DECEMBER 4. c48p ireZEg;$31a4KratMSMMS.MWZMY:SZSZ :SYSZ MYAMZ Vti YelarSZ FOR CHRISTMAS SAMSONITE DIONITE CARSON Budget Price Lines from $ 95 SINGLE CASES Meet the Crawfords, left to right, John, 3 years; Eleanor; Bill Jr., 18; Bill Sr. and Donny, 31 months. A young man with a young family who is concerned about the future of Clinton and the need for more positive policies both in Clinton and at County Coucil. For Deputy Reeve Next Monday Elect Bill Crawford RCA COLOR TELEVISION Natural Fidelity through AccuColor Proven Reliability through Solid State Model CTD 511 20" AccuColor Portable (184 sq. in.) A good buy in big picture color portables. Hand- some striped Walnut finish with Tarnished Silver metallic trim. Big set 21,500 volt AccuColor chas- sis with Black Matrix Screen, AccuMatic Color Control, "AFT", instant Pic. Power Grid VHF tuner and solid state UHF tuner. H, 17" W. 241/4 " D. 181/2 " Available with Remote Electronic Tuning System as Model CTD 511 R, $489.9.t. GALBRAITH RADIO St TIELEVISIIOIN cLiNirOs YOUR COLOR StkviCE DEALER 482-3841 12—Clinton News.Record, Thursday) November 30, 191? THE PUBLIC Is INVIT IQ ATTEND AN ENTERTAINMENT NI ON FIRE HAZARDS and FIRE PREVENTION WITH COLOUR FILM IN BRUCEFIELD 1,0.Q.F, HAIL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, p.m. LUNCH PROVIDED SPONSORED BY BRIMEFIE1-4 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF QDDFELLQWS DANCE Saturday Night TO THE COUNTRY MUSICMEN Or MATCHED SETS UTILITY CASES BILLFOLDS FRENCH PURSES KEY CASES GOLD INITIALLED FREE AIKEN'S CLOTHING FOOTWEAR CLINTON tousswetto,4145N-gpi%tmo yAo's44toor:04 By George Brown Central Huron's Drama Club enjoyed success in their pro- duction of three one-act plays last Friday and Saturday eve- ning. The three comedies were viewed by approximately 120 patrons each night, continuing what one member described as the Drama Club's most success- ful year in the past five. The plays presented were: "Cupid on the Loose," "Request Stop": and "The Ugly Due- The interest of voters of Hul- lett Township in current issues is definitely not at a peak. Only a handful of persons turned out at a public meeting Thursday afternoon at the town- ship hall in Londesboro to hear a report on the past term of council and hear a pitch from the two men running for depu- ty-reeve. At the beginning of the meet- ing, only seven persons were present besides the members of council, but this did increase slightly during the course of the meeting. Clerk Clare Vincent presided at the meeting and began by explaining that with the confu- sion surrounding the new mu- nicipal election procedures and compilation of voters lists, some people might find that their names had been left off the. lists. "Don't panic", he told those who might be in this posi- tion, because there were proce- dures to get around this. He also said that under the new system, there are two man- datory advance polls on Nov. 27 and Dec. 2. He said he had vi- sions of sitting there all day with no one coming since he figured only a couple of people would take advantage of the Ming". Request Stop was the least understood of the three (perhaps due to its format), It originally appeared on televi- sion as an animated version by artist Harold Pinter. "The Ugly Duckling" met with the greatest success, probably due to the costuming, props and charac• ters involved in it. All of the acting was up to par, and the stage crew, as usual, handled their duties adequately. The Drama Club acknowl- poll. He went over the financial report for the township which shows most sections within their budgets for the two years. George Hoggart, township road superintendent noted that there was a great difference between snow removal costs in 1971 and 1972, noting that costs were almost as high in 1971 with only one grader operatihg as they were in 1972 with ti,vb graders being used. He said the new grader purchased in 1971 had worked out well. Reeve Hugh Flynn an- nounced his intention to try for the post of county warden next year during his speech saying that with the new members being added to council it was going to be awfully crowded where he usually sat, so he thought he'd try for the war- den's chair, where it wasn't so crowded. Also speaking at the meeting were John JetVitt, acclaimed for a new term as councillor and Tom Duizer, a new member of council. Joe Hunking and Char- lie Scanlon, the two men vying for the deputy-reeve's post, asked for the support of those present. edged the Goderich Drama Club and teachers Mrs. Ren- shaw, Miss McKenzie and Mr. R. Smith for their assistance. Some larger scale produc- The November meetingof the Zeta Omega Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was held at the Cred- it Union building recently. The opening ritual was repeated followed by the roll call, min- utes, communications and treasurer's report. Vice-president Vivian Roy discussed plans for Pledge Rit- ual dinner held at her home on Nov. 28/72, The ways and means chair- man reported on finals from fashion show and social com- mittee led a discussion on fur- ther plans for entertainment night with husbands. Service chairman presented Mrs, Sharon Carter -Brownie" leader with a cheque which is to asset the "Brownies" in the further needs. Jo-Ann Bullen, president, gave the cultural program ti- tled "Poetry from Path to Love- liness." She gave excellent in- formation on the subject and led the members in open dis- cussion on their own selective poems. The meeting then closed. RUSH PARTY Members of the Clinton Beta Sigma Phi held a social at the Orange.Hall, October 72, The rush party, as it is known, gives the girls an opportunity to tions are planned by the club for later-in the school year, and, if the one-act plays are any indi- cation, they should achieve reasonable success with them also. meet their expectant members. The new girls enjoyed the evening with a variation of games and contest. Decoartions were Mexican and a lunch of hot Chili was served at the close of' the meeting. Dead heat EPITAPH, quoted by the On- tario Safety League: He felt sure his hot-rod could race the train to the crossing. It was a dead heat. OP` 11110 -ea 40. ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY and WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ont. —20tf Pineridge Chalet (1 1/2 MILES WEST OF HENSALL) Friday, December 1 music by the 'Ken Scott' Orchestra Dancing 9 - 1 Special Octoberfest Food ...eseiNrftne"..•ftwese•-•weve ROAST SPARERIBS, PIGTAILS, BRAT WURST SAUSAGE AND STEAKBURGERS, SERVED WITH SAUERKRAUT, COLESLAW OR FRENCH FRIES To reserve your table, phone: GEORGE BEER CHALET 262-2673 236-4213 DON MOU SSEAU 236-4610 ter2g*:41:0:022$1-2g".10. :.44r Ier. r4, JOIN US TO CELEBRATE tit BAYFIELD LIONS ti WINTER CARNIVAL at the NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE BAYFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3 1 9:30 p.m. - 2:30 a.m. MUSIC BY "The MAITLAND TRIO" ADMISSION $8.00 per couple Nt A limited number of tickets are available NOW at most 111 Bayfield merchants NO RESERVE TICKETS •.41412g::44TZer:OZOtc.OZ..A.:4":41 ;W:er YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND IN RED MERRIMAN A friend is someone who is ready, willing and able to help you when you need help. That's Red Merriman's job, and his way of life, When he's not managing Clinton's Royal Bank, Red works hard to help his community and its people. He is vitally in- volved in local activities. If you don't meet him around town, drop in to the Royal and say hello — Red can help you with extra cash for something wor- thwhile, or help you arrange your finances, or just help you sort things out. After all . that's what friends are for. Community Corner The Brucefield independent Order 'of Oddfellows is sponsoring a colour film on Fire Hazards and Fire Protection in Bruce- field 1.0.0.F. Hall on Wednesday, December 6 Of 8:00 p.m. "rho public is invited to at- tend, Lunch will be provided. ROYAL BANK serving Ontario tUNTON, 482,3477 Clinton Colt forward Greg Burns collides with the Lis- towel Jet goalie after he scored the Colts second goal in the third period last Thursday night, Listowel won the game by a 3-2 scare, Next game is at home this Sunday against Milverton. (News-Record photo) Three plays prove very popular FLIGHT BAGS Men's and Ladies' From $21 °5 Ladies' TOTE BAGS , Few attend Hullett meeting Sorority helps Brownies t4 BUFFET FAVOURS