HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-11-16, Page 10Snow Removal SIDEWALKS. and DRIVEWAYS Dwight Aldham 524-6413 • SALES PERSONS required to sell Vinyl Siding on com- mission. Write or call Collect MITTEN VINYL PRODUCTS 54 Guelph Ave. Hespeler, Ont. 519-650-9145 c45,46,47p Where to Bog it RELCO Sewing Centre (APPROVED DEALER) 40 WEST ST. 524-8431 ,a g SPECIAL At your SIMPLICITY DEALER GAS DRYER MODEL D515 GN 52 1 9 .0o Offer good until Dec. 31, 1972 CHUTER PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC 46 King St. Clinton Phone 482-7652 • 46tfn FLEA MARKET Sunday, Nov. 19 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. THE AUCTION ROOMS HIGHWAY 21 - 1 mi.S. of Goderich. Glass, China, 'furniture, trunks, clocks, primitives, crafts etc. ADMISSION FREE Dealer Inquiries invited. 524- 9064. G46 ANTIQUES KILDONAN HALL ITEMS PURCHASED PHONE 482-6692 CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St, 482-76,52, c -18tfn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED mbbeRN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale cuNtor4 PhOne 482.3320 • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11). PAGED 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 11. TENDERS 12. AUCTION. SALE S. HELP WANTED 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 21, BIRTHS 13, SERVICES AVAILABLE IS. PUBLIC NOTICE 1111n 1111110.101.0111ailliddr=f0111111WPWINSIMINO101111111110.11111.1 TENDERS now accepted for snow removal for the Saltford Valley Hall. For fur- ther information phone 524-7054. Deadline for tenders, Dec, 1, 1972.-g46,47 NEsairr: To Mr. and Mr Murray Nesbitt, Blyth, in Clint° Public Hospital on November 1972, a son. HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance, phone 524, 8892, Goderich.-geow • WANTED-someone to plough ap- proximately 30 acres, Please phone $29-7338.--g46 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing, Scholl's Food Market, Hensel!, Beef-Monday; Pork - Tuesday. Pick-up service available, Hamburg patties made on request, • 262,-2017. - c40tfri CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Property, Household Effects and Antiques will be held for the estate, of the late Mary Doer, in the village of Auburn, on Saturday, November 25th at 1:00 p.m, TERMS-CASH Clerk: George Powell Auctioneer: Brian Rintoul g46 .a WE REQUIRE part-time help in our packaging department. Apply in person to Bartlifrs Bakery, Clinton, --c46b SMITH: To Mr. and Mrs. Waite Smith, Clinton, in Clinton Publi Hospital on November 10, 1972, son. FOR your Antenna Sales and Set.- vice, contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089.-gtf 12, AUCTION SALE GUITAR LESSONS during the school day for the following elemen- tary school areas - Huron Centen- nial, Hohnesville, Hullett Central, Clinton. Write Henry's Harmony House, Seaforth' or phone 482.7166 or 527-0663. - c4ltfn -_-___-- CHIMNEY repair work, eavestroughing and roofing. Phone 524-6066.-g45,46 Treasurer's Sale Of Land in Arrears of Taxes COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday, December 12, 1972, at 10:00 AN, re any unpaid taxes still outstanding at that date, as shown on the list published in the Ontario Gazette on September 9th. _ _ NOTICE IS HEREBY FUR- THER GIVEN that if any of the said lands remain unsold, an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday, December 19, 1972, at the same hour and place. Lists of the properties involved may be secured at my office in the Court House, Goderich, On- tario. JOHN G. BERRY Treasurer County of Huron August 18, 1972 Here are HOUSEKEEPER required, to live *--.1 in-to care for a five-year-old; home ,, has all modern conveniences. Phone 1 524.6806 after 5:00 p.m.-g46,47 i f PART-TIME office help wanted. Typing experience essential.' Write qualifications to Box 98, Signal- , Star.-g46,47 ESTATE AUCTION SALE 6 GOOD REASONS Why you should look into buying one of our cars "TWILIGHT ANTIQUE" "AUCTION SALE" for the Estate of Mr. Torn Twamley, Goderich, Plus other Consign- ments at the Auction Rooms, one mite south of Goderich on Hwy, 21 on FRIDAY, EVENING, NOVEMBER 17 AT 6:30 P.M. Small antique organ (excellent condition), love seat and matching chair; odd chairs; 4 commodes, pressed-back chairs, dresser, iron beds, brass bed, chest of drawers, bureau, violin, hanging lamp; oil lamps, clocks, antique vases, coloured glass, decanter set, castor set, jugs, crocks, frames, brass plaques, Frigidaire fridge, rangette, television, large quantity of antique china and glass, new merchandise; tools, etc., etc. Terms-Cash Mike Cummings, Auctioneer, 524-9064. -g46 OF REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, AND HOUSEHOLD FUR- NISHINGS AT: 452 Andrew St. Exeter, Ont, Sat. Nov. 18th, 1972 [:00 p.m. sharp. Real Estate consists of 1112 storey brick house located one block from shopping area. Real Estate sold sub- ject to reasonable reserve bid if not previously sold. Terms . on real estate, 10% down, balance in :30 days. Antiques: many pieces of antique furniture, china and glass, also many articles of household fur- nishings, Terms-Cash. In case of inclement weather auction sale will be held at Broderick Bros, Body Shop, :361 Albert St, Exeter. DON'T MISS THIS IN- TERESTING SALE. Estate of the late Mrs. Evelyn Broderick. Norm Whiting, Auctioneer. Phone 235-1964 Exeter.--c46b PRIVATE music lessons on guitar, banjo and bass given by qualified instructor. Special attention to adult students and beginners. Phone 482- '7770 after 6 p.m, -c42tfn DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 WANTED-Companion for elderly lady, Separate bathroom, No $ and living room with TV. No heavy work. Apply Box 38, Goderich, Ont.-g38tf g1.90 _CUSTOM BULLDOZING CHAS. BRUINSMA Last year. American Motors took a very bold step Our Buyer Protection Plan, People liked it. And bought hundreds of thousands at our cars Which made it a very , ood year For them And for us But this year should be even better Because we've built a lot at new things into our '73s Things that really make a difference. instead of things that are just different So this year the simple - truth about AMC cars Will be even more true We back them better simply because we build, them better The Buyer Protection Plan andwhat it means to you. 1. The guarantee, explained. It anything goes wrong with your new '73, in the first 12,000 miles or 12 months, whichever occurs first. and it's our fault -we fix it. Free. Yes, anything. Including air conditioning. Battery. Radio. Front-end alignment. Wiper blades, Light bulbs. Anything but fires (tire Manufacturer backs them). You don't pay one red cent for labor. Or parts. We pay. 2. Making a goodthing better. There's always room for improvement. Which is why we've done everything we could to make our new '73s even better For example, we've built in many significant design improvements instituted numerous mechanical refine- ments And set up additional quality controls, in the form- 01 more car tests and more car inspectors LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new Diamond rings ,renewed and stones safely secured - don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W.N. Counter. Clinton, Ontario. - c tfn 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS SECRETARY with Rural Background for part-time em- ployment in a Clinton office. Apply in writing, stating age, marital status, experience, etc. to Box 441, Clinton News-Record, Clinton, Ont. c44tfn RR 2, Goderich 524-9804 IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH HERBERT READ, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Civil Servant, Deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of' the above- named, who died on the (9th day of October A.D. 1972, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of November A.D. 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 30th clay of October, A.D. 1972. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C. Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate. ACE PHANEUF ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential-Commercial Industrial Local or Rural Phone 524-8834 g RADIO & TV Fleetwood Sales & Service Repairs to all makes of Radio & Television 60 PICTON ST.W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 g TEACHERS WANTED - Supply teachers for academic upgrading in ' mathematics, science or english. Qualifications - secondary school teaching certificate or equivalent. Apply to the Administrator, Conestoga College, Box 160, Clin- ton, Ont, -c45,46b . IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of valuable well-kept furniture, ap- pliances, fine vintage items, many desirable antiquities, immaculate bedding and linens, good glassware, china, crocks, curios. This offering represents the, contents of a Wroxeter residence and appropriate additions from Wingham, Listowel and Kinloss Two. and being sold for the owners through the facilities of ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Centre 20 Water St. Wingham, Ont. Saturday, November 18th-11:00 a.m. Preview: Thurs. 2:00 p.m. till 5:30; Fri., 2:00 p.m. till 8:00 p.m. Satur- day, 9:30 till sale time. 1110.11'01e9.0.P1102.4031s.and: flees. in. etude kitchen!` 'and general. effects. The sale is worthy of your attendance 357-1011 for infor- mation. J.A. Currie, Auction Ad- ministrator,-g46 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND 16. PERSONAL JACK'S WOOD TURNERY CUSTOM WOOD TURNING AND GIFT ARTICLES JOHN PLUMTREE 482-9695 CLINTON (At Rear Of 84 Albert St.) UNDER AND BY VIRTUE Of a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the County Court of the County of Huron, and to me directed, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of William Little, Defen- dant, and the suit of Bank of Mon- treat, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of William Little, Defendant, in and to: Iosswiriswerworms 1, Roy Straughan, would appreciate hearing from the ladies of Goderich who have a knowledge of putting diapers on babies. Phone 524-7669. Lots of cigars and chocolates left!-g46 -44,45,46b c -- 5tfn IN THE ESTATE OF MARION SEELEY LATE OF CLINTON, ONTARIO, Widow. ALL persons having claims against the above Estate are required to send full particulars before the 30th day of November, 1972, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims thataave then been received, The Canada Trust Company, London, Ontario, Executor by Don- nelly & Murphy Solicitors, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. -44,45,46b 17. LOST AND FOUND SKELTON APPLIANCES 9. WANTED (General) ALL and SINGULAR that ,certain parcel or tract of land and premises . situate lying and being in the Town- ship of Hullett, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of Lot 2(1, Concession 10 of the Township Of Hullett, described as follows:- Premising that the road allowance between Lot 24, Concession 10 and 11 of the Township of Hullett has a bearing of South Fifty-Nine Degrees. Twenty-three minutes East (S 59° 23' E) and relating all bearings herein thereto, LOST-Dark brown Siamese cat strayed from Britannia Road West. Please call 524-9441 after 5:00 p.m. Reward.-g46 COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C & E Fur- niture, 524-7231.-gtf Ingl is-Moffat-Beatty Sales-Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 -17tf 3. Your '73 AMC car cornea with a report card. The Buyer Protection Plan also means that when you pick up your new '73 AMC car, you find a signed check-list on the sun visor Signed by a man who certifies he's road-tested your car for handling. braking. and overall performance “bhielt" 'and grey German Shepherd dog from R.R.4, Goderich. Answers to "Sheeba", Colborne Township tag no. 4. Anyone with information about this dog please phone Howard Turner, 524-8369.-g46 Screened Top soil Landscape Work Backhoe Work (Excavating, Trenching, Basements, Etc.) -Gravel & Fill Cement Gravel Lyle Montgomery CLINTON g482-7644 CORRESPONDENTS for Ashfield Township, Goderich Township, 'Colborne Township, Saltford, Kin- tail. No experience necessary. Con- tact Mrs. Shirley J. Keller, Editor, Signal-Star between 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday.-g42nc 4.11 you need a loaner, you've got one. Free. Ever ask for a loaner car and get s funny look' We understand Thal's why if we have to keep your '73 overnight for guarantee work most of our dealers will loan you ono of their nice, clean cars Free IS. PUBLIC NOTICE FOUND-At corner of West St. and The Square, a pair of lady's glasses. Owner can have same by identifying and paying for ad. Phone 524- 8845.-g46 nc BEGINNING at the North-West angle of Lot 24, Concession 10, WANTED: Snowmobile suit size 2, Phone 527-1249. --c45p AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS I will no longer be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife -Mona Robertson on or after this date, November 16, 1972, James A. Robertson.-g46-48 THENCE South Fifty-nine Degrees, Twenty-three Minutes East (5 59° 23' E) and along the Southerly limit of the road allowance a distance of Six Hundred and Nineteen and Five tenths feet (619.5'); to the point of commencement of the parcel herein described; THENCE South Forty-one Degrees;' Twenty-Six Minutes West (S 41.° 26' W) a distance of One Hundred and Eighty-Six Feet (180'); WANTED-1 1 /S h.p. Johnson out- board motor. Phone 524-9361.-g44- 46 LOST-DIAMOND stone from solitaire ring, Lost while looking at homes with Hughes Real Estate Sunday. REWARD. Phone 523-9647 Col tect-g46 S. Special Trip Interruption Protection If you're 100 mites Or more._ from home and the servrc- ing American Motors dealer can't provide same-day Guarantee repairs for your car, interrupting your trip. American Motors will reim- burse you for reasonable extra lodging and meal costs up to 5150 00, based upon your actual expenses. And this Trip Interruption Protection is also free VACUUM CLEANERS Sales & Service Ail Makes BOB PECK VARNA 262.5748 Collect BRUCEFIELD, ONT, Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 t f CASH - paid for household effects, ,large or small, in any quantity. In particular - wicker furniture, wrought iron beds, church pews and benches or any unusual articles. Phone 482-9138. --c45tfri WHEELCHAIRS-WALKERS The Humanitarian Service C, P. & T, Committee of the Goderich Odd- fellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Frit- zley, 524 -7217.-geow FOUND-Kitten in west end. Phone 524-6908.-g46 FOUND - All black young cat on Raglan St. Clinton. Phone 482-7744. -c4 (3b WANTED-oTa books and‘ book- cases. Phone collect 293-3444.--g45, '48 Vandewetering Construction THENCE North Fifty-eight Degrees, Fifty Minutes West (N 58° 50' W) a distance of Three Hundred and Sixty-One and four tenths feet (361,4'); 6. We're easy to talk to. When you buy a new '73 from us you gel a person in Brampton at American Motors Head Office you can talk to free - whenever you have a problem with your new car you can't get handled You'll get fast results. Not last talk "WOULD anyone who witnessed an accident which occurred on High- way No. 4 in the area of its junction with County Road No. 15, near Lon- desboro on January 23rd, 1972 in- volving a red or black semi-compact automobile and a 1971 Montego automobile, please contact Mrs. Florence Cartwright through her Solicitors, Little, Morrissey, Gillespie & Reeves, 412 King Street, London, Ontario,"-g45-47 :;WANTED to buy-used guitar, 'suitable for teenager. Phone 524- 8481.-g46x 18.MISCELLANEOUS W.111111111111111•01.1•1111W CARPENTRY AND CEMENT WORK Home Framing Specialist THENCE North Seventy-two degrees, twenty-eight Minutes West (N 72° 28' W) a distance of Two hundred and thirty-one and sixty- five one hundredths feet (231.65') to a point in the West limit of said Lot. PAULS DELIVERY PHONE 524.6217 WANTED. Good used horse saddle. Phone 482-3361. -c46p Our /35 offer you in addition ... The most exciting line of cars we've ever built Plus somo of the most veiling high lashion interiorS you'll ever see '73 Gremlin. for example, makes getting there as much tun as being there Especially it you order our new LEVI'S ° ill poor trim package '73 Hornet has unhatched a whole new way lo go In addition to the popular and economical Hornet sedans we infrodue a the Hornet fatchbsck While SportahOut offers you COMA3C1 car handling sporty looks plus the luxurious Gucci designed intoner option 73 Javelin and MU The pedotmance pair for the open road (or track) With room lot a cou ple ,n back And you Can Order the sharp Pierre Cardin interior '73 Matador The midsize WOW!' otters you room and Duality you'd Noon' to find rn a tun sae cat And '73 Ambassador? It features. as standard equipment the luxuries you'd normally oa veto pay extra for 524-7304 WANTED TO BUY: Encyclopedia, in good condition. Phone 482-9593, -c46b THENCE South along the West limit to the South-West angle; GIRL REQUIRES transportation daily Monday through Friday to Stratford from Dublin. Works 8:30 - 4:30 Phone collect 345-2337. -c4Gb RUSTPROOF 20. TO GIVE AWAY THENCE East along the South limit to the South East angle; I WILL not be responsible for any debts incurred by my husband, James A. Robertson, as of this date, November 9, 1972. Mrs, Mona Robertson,-g45,46,47 Let us do a complete job on that new or late model car. Well worth the reasonable investment. See us at ONE male Labrador (black), nine months old, good with children. Phone 524-8898.-g46x THENCE North along the East limit to the North East angle; THENCE West along the north limit of said lot to the point of com- mencement, containing 100 acres of land more or less, 85 of which are under cultivation. Soil is clay loath. On the premises there is said to be erected a two-storey frame house, 24 ft. by 20 ft., covered with red shingle siding; a barn, 56 ft, by 40 ft. and a driving shed, 36 ft. by 40 ft. There is also said to be a drilled well on the property, 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE CHILD size crib and mattress, Phone 524,6847.--g46 ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC TWO kittens, part Persian. Phone 524-7070.-06 EAVESTROUGHING, aluminum or galvanized, estimates without obligation, Phone 357-1077, R.E, Rattan, R.R.2, Wingham.-g12-48 WANTED-Tokens or tickets used by the Hotel Bedford Bus or infor- mation relating to this busline. P,O. Box 263, Willowdale, Ontario.-g46 HOMES wanted for two persian kit- tens. Phone 524-7928.-g46 SAN DBLASTI NG JACK HAMMER WORK BREAK UP CONCRETE BACKHOEING SPRAY PAINTING RICHARD LOU WILL CLEAN yards, gardens, win- dows, garages, and basements. Phone 482-7481 after 6:00 and anytime Saturday, -46tfn WANTED-good home for two af- fectionate white puppies. Phone 524- 6413.-g46 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER APPRAISER APPRAISER Your Goderich St, John Am- HOMEMAKER will care for motherless home or ill. Call 482. 7633. -c4Gb WILL BABYSIT Monday through Friday Phone 482-3889. -c4Gb bulance division is in need of members to help carry on their 21. BIRTHS community work. Both men and women 16 years Of age and Over are Welcome. In- tereSted persons please con- tact Don Stomp at 524-7947, QUICK eash to pay bills or make a purchase. Call Brad Hamilton, Trans Canada Credit, 524-8349, clOtf ARNOLD STOTHERS We Cock Mere betek simply because we &Sid &ear better. NEW FON '73, Mt EXTENOND stiven PROTleCTION PLAN. You can double the. Buyer Protection Plan coverage on your 'Vd car to 24 months or 24,000 m ilea. wh is heVe r domes ergt, and clue raver the Coat of fitetory•required maintenance et the Scheduled intervals Re. luired maintenance inoludes oil .nd•illter changes. 12,000• mile procla!Ort eau,• shin control dery ices,froritAnd cheek plea ail ether martufac• turenschedulecl Aar Vices to maintain your oar for the 24, rnentrue-t,00pAiie limit The list prier roe thul extended sap Vice policy Is $140.00 plus provincial sales talc, where op. plicable Yoll react pureheiw this option from an authorised American Motors Dealer with. IC 00 days of the date of dells. Dry of-your now 1053 AMC car tOyOu CLINTON. ONT. PHONE: 482-901 or 012-- 7898 c tfn - All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said William Little, Defendant, in the said lands and tenements, I shall of- fer for sale by Public Auction in my Office, in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, on Wednesday, the 29th. day of November 1972 at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon. GERRITS: To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gerrity, R.R. 4, Clinton, in Clinton Public Hospital on November 10, 1972, a daughter. Phone 529-7403 for estimates EMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done, All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7670, Ken McNairri, - c2tfri 12. AUCTION SALE g vfiltrI5mi.MAIOA$zAstSicZAlt:71,:astYA5*.Mmaa>,weso0t5a3TATOSSSMASI 1 I NOW RESIDES AT 17S Wellington Street S. 524-9924 xitammosmAytuAyagoomtwoytpostAzgApsos*olsim*Ancoos Grindley Auction Service SIGNS BY WEBSTER A-notice to my customers Joan Van den Broeck Sarah Coventry - FINE FASHION JEWELLERY 6weekmarweeatere terweitierwseWeierwewareiwie w, Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 10th day of November, 1972, Terms: 10% cash - day of sale Balance within 30 days. Harry L. Sturdy Sheriff, County of Huron CUSTOM MONO AND PROCESsINO Butchering dates-Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY - Beef and Pork 'Thursday - Beef, Only , PICK-Up SERVICE AVAILABLE Merneet Abattoir 231,3314 Dashw000 e Plastic electric sighs, highway bulletins and truck lettering. GRAF'S FINA SERVICE CALL COLLECT .t-Exparisinced Auctioneers-. Noutahold I term Silted GODERICH 524.6451 Authorized American Motors Dealer OPEN TILL 9 --c46,47b 235.0680 i•eitrisrsetWasiminrislieseimenaisiiimiliairmilane,