HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-09-28, Page 2Linton News-Record, Thursday, September 28, J97.2 TAIPTTY.Q1KeilLe,14Q"NTTY0'4,,T9,TtohY4n1.01c49.Z 0NAT11 Tail k UY MARG RUDD UT US MAKE YOUR 00 FURNITURE BETTER THAN NEWT Fora free estimate and a took at Our newest SWOON Of * materials cALA, CLARK UPHOLSTERY Phone 523-4272 R, Cook, Prop. EilYtb, Ont. WE HAVE A FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE 4` VS0101160, THANKSGIVING Sunday Night October 8 SMORGASBORD The Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society raised 157 per cent of its objective, it was learned at the Unit's annual meeting and banquet at Clinton last week. The branch chair- men « are shown with the new Unit chairman Gordon Richardson of Clinton (seated). Left to right are; J.R. Spittal, Seaforth chairman; Don Jolly, Exeter chairman; Bob Swartman, Goderich chairman; and Marc Forest, vice-chairman of the Wingham Branch. Huron-Perth Jersey Show The Perth-Huron Jersey Parish Show was held at Strat- ford, September 19, 1972. Senior and Grand Champion award went to Ronald Bowles of At- wood with Ricky's Star Cheeky. Mr. Bowles also. won the Reserve Senior and Grand Champion with Bowlesland 0) 5:00 AND 7:00 RESERVATIONS REQUIRED 1 Monday, October 9 THANKSGIVING ec:114 . ,1 w " "" 'DINNR 'Le) ‘1,411''1 .15 a •L'Issw SERVEOrnitO,• 1130 and 6:00 to 7:30 ° ;FEW; Elict1 E., I 45f1 Eitt'PQ.PWctio -zi,P24-7337 Li Slatnin 91101 II ober 4th (" WeinesdayAight •` S oigasbord i• +,:. 7 .•I ,on•—• P, Fo Gingersnap and the Junior Champion. The Reserve Junior Champion was won by Jack Van Egmond of Clinton with Egmond Victor's Lady. Mr, Van Egmond won both the Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor banners. In the Junior show, Sharon Bowles showed the champion calf, Bowlesland Marietto, ning the George Bagg Memorial Trophy. John Hoggart had3ye Reserve Champion 6:04f4 Ninety percent of Canadfp, forests are Crown-owned. Egmond Victor's Cutie. AT IGA WE SELL ONLY CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF! CUT FROM THE CHUCK-BLADE,BONt OUT BEEF BLADE OR SHORT RIB ROAST REGULAR CUT FROM THE CHUCK BEEF BLADE STEAKS ROUND BONE CUT FROM THE CHUCK , BEEF SHOULDER STEAKS LB. REGULAR CUT PRIME RIB 1st TWO RIBS ONLY BEEF RIB STEAKS REGULAR CUT PRIME RIB 3rd to 5th RIBS ONLY BEEF RIB ROAST TABLETRIM PRIME RIB 1st FOUR RIBS ONLY BEEF RIB ROAST 115 ec 'PAMPER ASSORTED VARIETIES CAT FOOD "111; 17' SOCIETY ASSORTED VARIETIES DOG FOOD 4 .",t,f; 88' TOP VAIU DOG 8 CAT MEAL OR DOG & CAT KIWI DR. BALiARD'S3OFT'PrIbIST, -AMRTED, VARIETIES CAT FOOD `41; 39' 59` Nursing school holds Blue band ceremony Acknowledging the 60 mem- bers of the senior class who have successfully completed their first year program, a large gathering assembled at the Perth-Huron Regional School of Nursing for the Blue Band Ceremony. . Miss Rosemary Downey, co- , ordinator of the Junior year students, in her address to the students, stated the coming year would mean assuming more and more independent roles professionally: In order to provide comprehensive patient care, responsible team work will be necessary. This ceremony marks the' beginning of the rest of their lives. In the giving Ot their "genuine self" to otherSo and to self, will mean happiness, success and inner peace. The ceremony was chaired by fly Paul Beams Professor from the University of Waterloo and part-time lecturer in English Literature at the School. Present at the ceremony were members of the Board of Trustees, Faculty and Staff of the School of Nursing, parents of the senior students and the total student body. Greetings and congratulations were extended on behalf of the Board of Trustees by its president, Dr. R. Rowe. A welcome was also extended by the School Principal, Miss Mary Philpott. The 20 members of the junior class,' ji'artWate'crin the program, presented, the`School redti:' With , `attached, to each member of the senior class, Following the ceremony a reception was held for the student body and guests. MEET THE COMMIES NIGHT Thursday, October 5 8:30 p . Central Huron Secondary School Clinton Candidates from the Liberal Party, Progressive Conservative Party and New Democratic' Party will be in attendance to discuss issues in the current Federal Election Campaign. SPONSORED BY THE HURON FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Robinson out Reeve Harold Robinson of Howick told Huron County Council last Friday he will not seek the Warden's chair in 1973 as he'd originally intended. While Robinson didn't elaborate upon his decision, he wished the "best man" success. Announcements for the can- didates for Warden usually come at the October or Novem- , ber sessions. Bus drivers, being human, are less safe if irritated or otherwise disturbed, But unlike private motorists, their responsibilities include the immediate safety of as many as 60 people. The On- tario Safety League asks all automobile drivers to show ex- tra consideration towards public transportation vehicles. HELP US CELEBRATE IIV COCO UNI0t4 1.10. lIN Alik61C Saurday, rk October 2,Bill, 1912 Clinton tae. Nall, kO Stfett ScRi'tit 7:0 P.M. 1104CE 9:00 P,Nt. f. G. Steglort, 1<itenener Supper ponce Lunch 0.01014 C° trz Guest S°°1(er -r;c14.tt per person Oite:NM:Mt A\t6'‘‘.abl LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE CREDIT UNION Clinton Community Credit Union O Ontatio tt. 4824461 FOR GOOD VALUE, QUALITY AND SERVICE SHOP THE IGA STORE NEAR YOU... CLINTON IGA i TdmArol MITCHELL'S FANCY APPLE SAUCE 59.1 00 tins II BONUS DISCOUNTS ASSORTED VARIETIES BANQUET FROZEN CREAM PIES 14 oz. pie 29c VIVA ASSORTED COLOURS PAPER TOWELS BABY SCOTT REGULAR DISPOSABLE DIAPERS LADY SCOTT ASSORTED COLOURS BATHROOM TISSUE 3 ,14 1.00 SCOTTIES 2 PLY RAINBOW OR WHIT FACIAL TISSUE 5'.1W6 1 .00 '4. 83' "t'i 29' Atli 59' et 1.499 ';:`; 59C ' :1131i 1.79 CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK-BONELESS 16.1.99 CROSS RIB STEAKS CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK-BONE IN ts 75' BEEF SHOULDER ROAST OAVERN VACUUM PACKET 1 lb, pkg. 16. 99` SLICED SIDE BACON SMOKED 16.99` PICNIC SHOULDER .17 it, 49' x.69' 16.59c NEW POTATOES 25 lb, bag 'RED OR BLACK GRAPES 289c U.S. NO. 1 CALIFORNIA LUSCIOUS 0-' PRODUCT OF SOUTH AfRICA.NUTRITIOUS • For Spriugtimo Enjoymenl•AssF4 VOrleties & Colours OUTSJIANORANGES CANADA FANCY ONTARIO. McINTOSAAPP4S CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO CABBAGE FOR YOUR PET FROM IGA 13g Oat 59c DUTCH BULBS U.S. NO. 1 CRISP, RED 1146;" Vc DELICIOUS APPLES Ili 6 0, 59' CANADA NO, 1 YELLOW COOKING 11,290 ONIONS CANADA NO, 1 ONTARIO PURINA DOG CHOW CHAMPION ASSORTED,VARIETIES DOG FOOD DR, BILLIARD'S ASSORTED VARIETIES CAT FOOD PURINA CAT LITTER It, 59' Mrs. Doug Andrews of Ilder ton, formerly of Clinton, last week attended the annual din- ner meeting of the Canadian. Cancer Society. She held the position of Vice-Chairman during the 1972 campaign. She will be succeeded in that position by Mr. Peter Staniforth. * * * Mr. Ed Craig, who resides with his daughter, Mrs. Howard Johnson in Clinton, enjoyed a trip with his son, Sam Craig, last week to Peterborough, Cam- pbellford, Port Colborne and Niagara Falls. On the return trip he visited with his daughter- in-law, Ann and family . in Lucan. * ;Is * Mrs. W.E. Radford and Mrs, C. Garrow have returned home after a three week tour in a luxury bus to the West Coast. The group travelled to Van- couver and Victoria by way of Saskatoon and Edmonton and returned by Lethbridge and Calgary. Then the tour crossed into the United States crossing Montana, the Dakotas, etc., re- entering Canada at Detroit. The ladies reported a happy trip and a well-conducted tour. * * * On 'Sunday last, after mor- ning service, the congregation of Wesley-Willis United Church said farewell to Mr. Lorne Dot- terer who has been organist for the past five years. Mr. Dotterer will be returning to North Street United Church, Goderich where he was organist in former years. He was presented with a token gift in appreciation of his ser- vices. * * * Of course, the big thing in this region of Ontario this week is the International Plowing Match at Sebringville. We noticed in the Wed- nesday's paper that our warden, Elmer Hayter placed third in the competition for County War- dens. Congratulations, Mr. Hayter. .7 On Friday, September. 29, at 2:30 p.m., our editor, Jim Fit- igerald will represent the paper at the. Media Plowing com- petition. He assures us he will not let us down as he has all of fifty acres plowing time behind him! Then on Saturday, the last clay of the Match, His, Worship, Mayor Donald Symons will be plowing the Mayors' Class at p.m. If you are going to the Plowing Match Friday or Satur -day, be sure to root for these two. On September 20, the Clinton PVC manager, Guss Boussey, and John Wise, Charlie Brown, Hal Hartley and A. "Red" Caron of the Public Utilities Commission attended the an- nual meeting in Stratford of District 6 of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association. Guest speaker was Dr, Robert H, Flay of Kingston and his topic was, "The Grim Energy Prospect for Ontario". The gist of the. speech was that energy costs are going to increase steadily, reflecting strong demand and faltering supply. He said Canada in 1972 does not have an energy problem. Canada in 1975 does. Energy demand in Ontario is expected to increase by 4.2 per- cent pe'r annum over the next decade with oil and natural gas retaining the lion's share of the market but with nuclear power moving up strongly. By 1985, 18% of Ontario energy supply will be derived from Ontario uranium. RICH'S FROZEN COFFEE RICH 'iii.-3W . . BRIGHT'S SWEETENED RECONSTITUTED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE "..!: 49' NABOB ALL PURPOSE GROUND COFFEE 1„1,!.. 88c BORDEN'S 2% EVAPORATED MILK 'IT. 17E YORK FRENCH STYLE MEN BEANS, CREAM STYLE CORM KERNEL SOON OR MIXED VEGETABLES 4 474: 880 SUNLIGHT PREPRICED 49' LIQUID DETERGENT , 24 to, plAt 39. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SAT„ SEPT. 30, 1972 CLOVERLEAF CHUNK LIGHT TUNA '14; 39' DIXI BATHROOM CUP REFILLS A SS' WESTINGHOUSE 40, 60 or 100 Watt EXTRA LIFE LIGHT BULBS ' gti:! 49' BIG G CHEERIOS, COCO PUFFS, LUCKY CHARMS OR TRIX CEREAL 1B I0.1.. .11.mi.CAL.pliI• AC SQUIRREL SMOOTH 1!; 53' BONUS DISCOUNTS • .40,0011 ' 4 AP. ASSORTED FLAVOURS JELLO JELLY POWDERS 3 cm. pkg. 1 1 C BONUS DISCOUNTS WESTON'S ENRICHED SLICED SANDWICH BREAD _2.,."47.1 3 ,789`. LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN BEANS WITH PORK 1 %1; 290 LANCIASPAGNETTI, SPAGHETTINI OR MACARONI g: 39c TASTERS CHOICE FREEZE DRIED COFFEE 2.09 TOMATO OR VEGETABLE AYLMER sou? 8 ",z KADANA TEA BAGS _690 GOLD REEF SLICS-OR HALVES FANCY PEACHES 4 !,1:. 1.00 REYNOLDS 12 INCH FOIL WRAP 7 5 99c DREAM WHIP DESSERT TOPPING 2E11 59c NESTLE'S ASSORTED VARIETIES • MINI PUDDINGS 3 <mi 45' NEWPORT FLUFFS - 76,g 39c • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS, -*— SURF PREPRICED 59 Powdered DETERGENT It 49c, ROBIN HOOD ASSORTED VARIETIES- ' PUDDING MIXES ;43/88' LYSOL LIQUID TOILET BOWL CLEANER 1'4: 49c. RICH'S FROZEN CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS sit 55c BEEFBURGER N ONIONS "Ti,!,11,4 37c SCOTT ASSORTED COLOURS FAMILY PLACEMATS 1049' BABY SCOTT SIZE A-,14,C OR 0 BABY PANTS 2 0.1.00 NOVA SCOTIA FROZEN PERCH FILLETS 11.69' ° NUTRITIOUSLY RICH SKINLESS SLICED BEEF LIVER $.690 TOP VALLI VACUUM PACKED SKINLESS WIENERS 2: 59' TOP VALU 6 VARIETIES SLICED COOKED MEATS '',4`,: 25` TOP VALU COOKED HAM ;::: 59' BONUS DISCOUNTS p 16,, 57, Exeter man gets post TORONTO—Premier William Davis Tuesday an- nounced the appointmera of a new chairman of the Ontario Police Commission, Elmer D. Bell, 63, an Exeter lawyer, will take over as police commission chairman October 1, succeeding Robert p, Milligan of Cornwall, chairman since 1964, He will receive $32,000 a year. The Ontario Police Com- mission helps to co-ordinate the efforts of law enforcement agen- cies in the Province, provides police advisory services to municipal forces, maintains and analyzes criminal intelligence information, and provides police training. The new Ontario Police Com- missioner, Mr, Bell, was born in Wellington County and was educated in Harriston and at the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall, He practised law in Seaforth and Brussels from 1933 to 1940, and served over- seas for six years in the Second World War. Since 1946 he has been a partner in the Exeter law firm of Bell and Laughton. Mr. Bell was first president of the South Huron Hospital Board, past president of the Huron T.B. Association, past president of the Huron Bar Association and a former mem- ber of the South Huron High School Board. GA Supplied and Serviced By M. Loeb Ltd. CUT FROM THE BEEF RIB-BONELESS RIB EYE STEAKS CUT FROM THE RIB.BONE IN ,BEEF BRAISING RIBS CENTRE CUT SHANK-BONE IN STEWING BEEF CUT FROM THE REEF CHUCK BONELESS BLADE ROAST CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCX&ONELESS SHORT RIB ROAST FROZEN CANADA GRADE UTILITY 1619c ROASTING CHICKENS BONUS DISCOUNTS GRANULATED Y 1 SUGAR 5 lb. bog 61c HEINZ FANCY TOMATO .JUICE 46 oz. tin 39c PEANUT BUTTER 4f M; 1.119 BILLY BEE CREAMED OR ?sISI LIQUID HONEY Z 1.19 LYSOL DEODORIZING CLEANER 0.,n1" 59c CORONAtry 84,0 OR 0015010 ISItt, SWEET MIXED OR BREAD N BUTTER PICKLES 24 1.:,: 49' HEILsows miCOcCACION'SAREGULAR FROZEN CUT FRENCH FRIES DR. BALLARD'S DOG BURGERS !;;;: 89c LADY SCOTT 2 PLY ASSORTED COLOURS FACIAL TISSUE At'ot 39' 79c . CASHMERE WHITE, PINK OR YELLOW BATHROOM. TISSUE CUT RITE WAXED PAPER REFILL SCOTT RAINBOW FAMILY NAPKINS VEIDEfisiNE NAPKINS CHRISTIES PREMIUM 'PLAIN OR SALTED CRACKERS*. SALTINES 1 lb. pkg. 36c SCOTT PAPER STOREWIDE SALE HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOOD LIBBY'S FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL KRAFT PURE STRAWBERRY JAM ORANGE PEKOE SALADA TEA BAGS CLOVERLEAF SOCKEYE SALMON CARNATION MILK GREEN GIANT FANCY ASSORTED PEAS HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP ST. LAWRENCE COOKING OIL 3.69 MACARONI & CHEESE KRAFT DINNER 6 7; 813` CLARK'S REEF OR IRISH STEW` 5 88c* LIBBY'S FANCY 44; 491 TOMATO JUICE "14 17c, ".4; 410 "2 44, 81 7" it. 73o " 22' "'il; 28'. "a 33c '":;',; 49'