HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-09-14, Page 1516. ENGAG EMENTS ' 20, CARPS of THANKS A uburn Walkerburn, BY MRS. WES BRAPNOCK The Walkerburn Club held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Arie Duizer, Londesboro, The president, Mrs. Elliott Lapp was in charge, and opened the meeting with the singing of 0 Canada followed by the Lord's prayer. A reading was given by the president, followed by the financial statement given by Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey, The roll call was answered by 14 members and two visitors. On motion of Mrs. Walter Cunningham and Mrs. John Hallam, the members accepted the invitation to hold the next meeting at Teeswater at the home of a former member Mrs. George Schneider. The draw prize donated by Mrs. Thomas Cunningham was won by Mrs. Joe Hunking. Plans were made for the next meeting when Mrs. Elliott Lapp and Mrs. Worthy Young will be in charge of the program and the lunch committee will be Mrs. Lloyd Penfound and Mrs.. Garth McClinchey, The roll call will be answered where they spent their summer vacation. The program for the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Walter Cunningham and Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey. The guest speaker, Mrs. Maurice Bean was introduced by Mrs. Walter Cunningham. 'She gave an interesting account of her family's trip to the Yukon and Alaska. She showed pictures and a sample of the gold which Mr. Bean had panned, also volcano ashes and copper samples, Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey thanked Mrs. Bean and presented her with a gift. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Arie Duizer, Mrs. Elliott Lapp and Mrs. Worthy Young. PERSONALS Mrs. Magnus Erlendson of Pt. Coquittarn, B.C. visited her cousin Mrs. Torrance Tabb and Mr. Tabb. Miss Judy Arthur visited friends in Owen Sound last week. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Cade of St. Marys visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trornrner Act to be talked in Clinton The Ontario Department of Labor is corning to town Wed- nesday, September ,20 and Thur- sday, September 21. The Wednesday meeting will be open to the public and will be held in Goderich District Collegiate Institute small gym- nasium from 8 .pm to 10 pm. At this meeting, represen- tatives from the Ontario Depart- ment of Labor, will briefly outline the Employment Stan- dards Act and will then answer any questions from the floor. Persons wishing to familiarize themselves with the Act prior to the meeting may pick up copies of the Employment Standards Act at the business office of The Goderich Signal-Star. Thursday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the town hall (just to the right of the main entrance) persons who wish personal in- terviews with department of- ficials may speak in privacy. For those who find the Goderich dates inconcenient, there are similar two-day sessions scheduled for Wingharn, September 18 and 19; Lucknow, September 19 and 20; and Clinton, September 21 and 22. Mart you're roc:10y kr not* the day see the IveautINI n ::;WEDDING LINE INviTASION8 ARID iNXDUNCZMENTS ANSTETT awatias LTD eflitton Amt %NNW* CLINTON 4804525 TENDER WANTED TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT TRUCK TENDER For a 1973 one-half ton truck with present 1968 Chevrolet one-half ton used truck as trade-in. Township tender forms which list the required specifications are to be used and are available at the Clerk's office or from Road Superintendent. Tenders must meet the Department of Transportation and Communication's approval and lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be received by the Clerk or Road Supt. before 12:00 noon, Saturday, September 30, 1972. George Hoggart, Road Supt., Londesboro, Ont. 37,38b YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE DEALER USED CARS alid TRUCKS CLINTON, ONTARIO 482-9321 CUSTOM BULLDOZING CHAS. BRUINSM A RR 2, Goderich 524.9804 —tfn .,1 Your SIMPLICITY DEALER CHUTEB PLUMBING and ELECTRIC 46 KING ST. PHONE CLINTON 482-7657 36,37b 'SCREENED TOP SOIL Landscape Work BACKHOE WORK (Excavating, trenching, basements, etc.) ' GRAVEL and FILL Cement Gravel LYLE MONTGOMERY Cl inton-482-7644 15tin VACUUM CLEANERS Sales & Service All Makes SOS PECK VARNA 262.5748 14, BUSINESS NOTICES 14. BUSINESS NOTICES TENDERS FOR CUSTODIAN for Brucefield United Church. Ali tenders to be in hands of Mrs. Allan Hill, Brucefield, not later than 'Friday, September 22, 1972, Duties commence on October 1, 1972. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted, For further information, contact Robert Fotheringharn Chairman, Bruce United Church Board of Stewards; Phone 482-9196.-37b 15. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Of Antiques & Household Effects for Miss Evelyn McMichael, 159 East St., Goderich on Saturday, September 23 at 1 p.m. Tappan electric stove (like new); Philco fridge; studio couch; 3 commodes; antique desk; drop- leaf tables; antique dresser; small tables; oil lamps; child's rocking chair; 2 antique chairs; pressed-back chairs; trunk; blanket box; jelly cupboard; ice box; frames; sewing machine; utility cabinets; roll-away bed; single bed; bedroom suite; bedding; dishes; mustache cup; depression glass; lawn chair; lawn mower; step ladder; garden tools; etc., etc. TERMS CASH—HOUSE SOLD Mike Cummings, Auctioneer 524-9064. Maar SAT/SFr Yoh 1968 IMPALA Four-door Vlit Power brakes, Mooring, radio. Watt $1695 Lic. 51670 power Now . $1395 RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Auction Sale Of Tractors and Modern Farm Machinery on 4th concession of Goderich Township past Mustang Drive-in Theatre on the lett, 1 1 /2 miles south WED., SEPT. 20 AT 1 P.M. SHARP Massey Ferguson 65 diesel high arch tractor; International Ii gas tractor and two raw scuffler; 200 bushel PTO New Idea manure spreader; 180 bushel PTO Flail New Idea Manure spreader; 6 ft. cutter bar for fox harvester; 40 ft. 8" PTO drive Versatile auger (new last fall); 36 ft. smoker elevator and cone horse motor; 100 gal. three-point hitch Calsa sprayer; 7 ft. three-point hitch blade; 12 ft. chain harrows; 5 section of diamond harrows; 180 amp. Lincoln welder; set of dehorners; battery charger; hydraulic ram; 15" Gehl hammer mill PTO; wagon and hay rack; table-type hay elevator 16 ft; Cross feed elevator 18 ft,; wheel-type fertilizer spreader; 165 bushel gravity bin; bale stoker; International No. 46 baler; 4 furrow 14" three-point hitch plow; Cockshutt No. 83 two-row picker-sheller; boat & trailer; applicator; tools and rnisc, items, etc. Farm is Sold TERMS CASH Harold Montgomery Proprietor Richard Lobb 8t Iton Getlie Auctioneers' Phone 482.7898 for information, inline water drug "VIONE•nosimmalom.m.ufte r Eastern Star AUCTION SALE WHEN-SEPTEMBER 16, 1972 WHERE-KNOX CHURCH PARKING LOT TIME-1 P.M. AUCTIONEER-MIKE CUMMINGS Under the auspices of Chapter 248, Eastern Star, Goderich, Ont. }M11•1111•1111W TREE PLANTING ASSISTANCE Do you have some land you want reforested in 1973? If so, contact the: Secretary-Treasurer Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Box 5, Wroxeter, Ont. 519-335-3557 36,37b THEY'RE HERE FROM WASHABLE WOOL & TREVIRA KNITS WF70—single- breasted blazer with patch pockets, in houndstooth pattern knit. 10 to 20 Each $ 4 on i.t 0. 0 WF72—slightly flared matching pants, elasticized sizwesaiss1t2ob oa ton n.doi. 80 Each SHOPPE OW !Mini'! Mut fit irkm, ODDER ICH DELIVER TELEPHONE BOOKS FULL OR PART-TIME Men or women over 18 years of age, with automobiles, are needed in Clinton and surrounding areas. Delivery starts October 11, 1972. Send name, address, telephone number, type of vehicle and hours available on a postcard to: D.D.A. Ltd., P.O. Box 220 Station T., Toronto 19, Ont. Please DO NOT call the telephone company. '-37b 11. SERVICES 11., SERVICES ,12,NOTICE taCR EDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ETHEL SARAH HOLMES, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Married woman, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 30th day of May, 1972, are required to file full particulars thereof with • the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of October, 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 7th day of September, A.D. 1972. E.B. MENZIES, Q,C„ Clinton, Ontario. 'Solicitor for the said Estate. 37,38,39b IN THE ESTATE OF FIATTIE BEATRICE COURTICE, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired School Teacher, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 29th day of May, 1972, are requested to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of October, 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of September, A.D, 1972, E.B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. —37,38,39b RICHARD LOU EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER CL INTON. ONT, PHONE: 482-9431 or 482- 7898' THESE CARS MUST GO! 1964 BUICK SPECIAL 1970 EPIC Four-door compact ite, radio, safety Two-door, 6000 miles. K50082 checked. K51695 500 $1495 t_91011RowN'MOTORS LTD. 17. BIRTHS BEATTIE: To Mr, and Mrs. David Beattie of Clinton, in Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, September 7, 1972, a daughter, Lisa Jean, 18, DEATHS SEELEY; At Kiev, Russia, on Monday, September 4, 1972, Marion Louise (Rutledge) Seeley, of Clinton, widow of Wilfred Seeley and dear mother of William, of Buffalo, KY, and Robert, of Edmonton. The funeral serbice will be held at Ball Funeral Horne, 153 High Street, Clinton, on Thursday, September 14 at 2 p.m. with interment in Clinton Cemetery. LEE: At Sundridge, Ontario on Friday, September 8, 1972 Thomas William Lee, in his 91st year. He is survived by his wife the former Mabel Garvie; two sons, Elmer of Clinton and William of the United States; two daughters, Mrs. Harvey (Norma) Astley of Brooks, Alta.and Mrs. Norman (Verna) Flamm of Sundridge, Ont. Funeral service was held at Ball Funeral Home on Monday, September 11 with interment in Clinton Cemetery. 20, CARDS of THANKS KYLE: I wish to thank relatives and friends for cards, and treats while a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. A special thank you to to Dr, Wallace, nurses and staff of hospital, Mrs. Morrison, the Varna U.C.W. and all those who ,were so kind to help at home. —Wilmer McClinchey — 37b POLLOCK: Sincere thanks for the visits, cards, flowers and gifts during my stay at the Clinton Public Hospital. —Verna E. Pollock, —37b, McLEAN; Wo would like to thank our friends, relatives and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, in the recent ,.loss of our baby son Robbie. Special thanks to, Rev, .Currie and the Bonthron Funeral Horne—Ray and Marjorie McLean.-•--37b , JACKSON: Stanley and Marion Jackson, R.R. 5, Clinton, wish to thank all those who helped in any way to make their 50th anniversary celebration a pleasant occasion on August 26th, 1972, also for the beautiful gifts on our birthday and anniversary Sept, 9, 1972, WATSON: I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives and friends for their many acts of kindness and sympathy, floral tributes— and Memorial donations during ray recent loss of a dear husband. _ Special thanks to Dr. Street and Dr. Newland, nurses at Clinton Hospital. Tasker Funeral Home, pallbearers and Rev. Stan McDonald, also ladies of the U.C.W. of Londesboro United Church who served lunch. --Mrs. Mabel Watson, Londesboro, Ont, 21. IN IVIEWIC/R JAMS GREER; In cherished memory of a dear son and brother, Michael, who Passed away twelve years ago, September 17, 1960. "To some you may be forgotten, To others, a part of the past But to us who loved you , Your memory will always last." —Lovingly remembered, by Mum, Dad, Wendy and Patti. — 37b 'and family. Miss Carolyn Clark and Mr, Ed Goodfellow Of • Toronto visited Or) the weekend With Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Johnston. Friends are pleased to 'know that Mr. Gerry Klaas .is horns after several weeks a patient in Victoria Hospital,' London, Mr, and Mrs. James Towe spent the weekend in London with relatives and friends. Mrs. Gordon Taylor is visiting with her grandchildren, Mr. Michael Rathwell and Miss Janice Rathwell. Mrs. Maitland Allen and Mrs, William S. Craig of Clinton The regular monthly meeting of the Huronview Ladies! Auxiliary was held on August 21st in the Craft Room at Huronview with the President Mrs. Wilfred Colclough presiding. Representatives were present from Auburn, Blyih, Clinton, Hensall, Hurondale and Londesboro. The meeting opened with the members repeating The Lord's Prayer in unison. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, the Treasurer's report was given and Mrs. McGregor reported on purchases and sales for the Craft Room. Mrs. Colclough reported that 84 Huronview folk had visited Bob Elliott's farm at Pine Lake for a picnic and all had enjoyed the outing. The following week Huron- view were hosts to a bus load of attended the trousseau tea for Miss Carolyn Craig of Lucan at the home of her parent.s Mr. and Mm, Robert Craig at Lucan last Saturday, Mrs. Luella Phillips of Mitchell, Mrs, Frank Robinson of Toronto, Mrs, Edna Greinson and Mr, Verne Bokinger of Detroit visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. Misses Jean Houston, Joan Jamieson and Jean Wilson of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. William Clark. Mr, Kenneth McDougall returned home on Monday from Kitchener-Waterloo hospital. folk from Stratford. The Auxiliary Ladies helped serve the refreshments, Two additional trays have been purchased for use in the Craft Room Kitchen. Mrs. Colclough reported that Mr. Archibald had several projects in mind for the benefit of the folk at Huronview an&he would need the assistance of the Auxiliary to put them into ef- fect, he will have full details ready for the September meeting of the Auxiliary. Mrs. Davies and Mrs. Haines of Auburn entertained the mem- bers, Mrs. Davies read a poem and Mrs. Haines 'conducted a contest. Mrs. Colclough was the winner of the contest. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and the Auburn members served refresh- ments. News-Recerd, Thursday, September 14, 1972 . hears about northern trip CUSTOM KIRA-MG AND PROCESSING Butchering dates—Tuesday and • Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork ,Thursdki Beef. Only . CK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Nierner's Abattoir 237.3514 Dashwood ion's Bicycle Repairs Sales 84 ervice.New and Used Bicycles. hone 452-9941, 305 Ontario Street, Clinton. —28tfn EPAIRS, remodelling, general arpentry work, Reasonable rates. H, Mitchell, 482-7584.- 356-38b SANDBLASTING, brick houses, silicone treatment; repair mortar joints; air hammers and drills; compressor work, Contact Arnold Stothers, R.R. 6, Goderich, Phone 529 —7403, — 25tfn . — REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home, Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone '482-'7676. Ken MeNairn. —2tfn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE,SEAFORTH PHONE 482-3320 —2tfn 1969 CHEVROLET IMPALA Convertible, completely equipped. Wis. $2295 K51669 Now $1895 Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hittites, Clinton,, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their only daughters .Beverley Edith'to Willard Junior Cotton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard O. Cotton, Trenton. The wedding will take place, _Octooer 14, 1972, at the Ontario Street United Church, Clinton at 4;00 p.m. Open reception following wedding at Clinton Community Centre. Everyone welcorne,-37p Huronview L.A. meets