HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-09-14, Page 13SNYDERS, CHOICE QUALITY Asparagus CUT$ PANTRY SHELF, FLAKED LIGHT Tuna Fish PANTRY SHELF, CHOICE QUALITY, Pineapple KELLOGG'S 3 124I-oz tins $1•00 3 6-oz tins $1•00 SLICED 3 28.11-oz tins $1.00 Rice Krispies 2 13-oz pkgs $1.00 KOTEX, REGULAR, SUPER, PLUS PKG Of 12 Sanitary Napkins 2/$1.00 FRITO LAY (ACTION PRICED SPECIAL) (PREPRICED 69c) Potato Chips 11,oz pkg 65? ALP, FROZEN Peas & Carrots 5 1i-oz pkgs $1.00 CHEFMASTER SUN PAK, CONCENTRATED, FROZEN (Sugar Added) 12fl-os-tins Soft Margarine lib tub 28? Orange Juice 3 12-il-oz tins $1.00 Action priced! JANE PARKER, SLICED Sandwich Bread $ 0 412 4a -voez 0s 0 (BUY 4 LOAVES — SAVE 1k) COOKED MEATS re ft" Aqua, Avocado, Pink, White, Yellow KLEENEX TOWELS 2 $ pkgs of 2 rolls 1..0 Boutique, Pink & Blue, Gold & Avocado — Pkg of 2 rolls Delsey Toilet Tissue Pink & Blue Facial Tissue Kleenex — Boutique Gold & Avocado Pkg of 130 2-ply sheets Assorted Colours war 1# S ak4 • - Kleenex ---boutique Aga InPkg of 73 Br and Fabric Softener 32."." A&P btls 31`1.00 Your Choice! Choice Quality 10-11-os tins Henley Dessert Pears Libby's Products Spaghetti in Tomato Saute or Deep Brown Beans with Pork MIX A MATCH — 11-11-os tins 61`1.00 Serve Quality Jane Parker Baked Goods! Jane Parker Full 8-inch, 24-os silo (Savo 10e) Lemon Pie each 49? Jane Parker 1-lb 9-ox cake (Savo 10c) English Fruit Cake each 39? Jane Parker 10-ox cakes (Buy 3 — Save 170 Golden Loaf Cake 3/$100 Jane Parker, Pineapple Topped (Save 14c) Sweet Rolls pkg of 8 3 90 Jan. Parker 16-os cake (Save 6c) Babka Coffee Cake 59? Jane Parker (Savo 6c) Glazed Donuts pkg of 8 3w "/A./1/1•04/1/C-4 ktionViced! SX Brand, Sliced Macaroni 6t Cheese, Chicken Loaf, Minced Ham LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! N•14•NINN BONELESS LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! Point Sirloin Steak lb s1.39 CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED. FROZEN, VACUUM PACKED Chickens 3 TO 5.16 AVERAGE lb 44? ALP BRAND, FROZEN Ocean Perch Fillets 16,0z pkg 58? Now available at A&P WEO, family Circle Illustrated LIBRARY OF COOKING man Build a complete sit the rosy vitunie- „ lo-we61# • Volume One Rill available et the INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF ONLY MPG 1641-oz bottles LIMO one coupon per customer, Valid through Sept, 23, t972'Good only et AAP WEO Stores, NNES(6666‘ KOMUSLR UnNIEN 2i Owammetireeew PLUS flOTTLE DtPOSIt Everyday Low Prices! RED BRAND STEER BEEF, IDEAL Brisket Plate SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SLICED Side Bacon lb 38? lb 681 LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! lb 64? FOR BROILING 16481 1.lb vac pat 88? Meaty Pork Hocks FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND IMPORTED SPRING LAMB Shoulder Lamb Chops BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK Sausages Beef & Pork FIRST 4 RIBS ONLY LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! Rib „Steaks 0)0.16 BONELESS BOTTOM CUT Round Steak Roast lb $1.29 Boneleas Rump Roast lb $1.29 Freshly Ground Beef, lb 84? FROZEN, 10-LB CARTON Chicken Legs lb 5 9ce FRESH, LEG OR BREAST QUARTERS Chicken Quarters lb 513ie II 1,11/ CALIFORNIA THOMPSON Seedless GRAPES lb Caliktnia Extra Large Size WHITE TABLE STOCK POTATOES 10-16 bog PIECES & STEMS. — LEAVER MUSHROOMS 31021N Betty Crocker CAKE NIMES 39c 13 vorietir) - 19 07. pkg. CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON ! weo 1.011,4,, OP 0,01 WITH THIS COUPON ,053 Thousands of triple-tested recipes from the kitchens of Family Circle Magazine your ready reference for a life- time of good eating, VOLUME 2 — ONLY $ 179 EACH 2 cup chopped onion tablespoon butter or argarine oz. can condensed cream of getable soup oz. can baby clams or clam owder /2 soup cans water /2 QZ. tin tuna pinch of nutmeg 1 tablespoon parsley (optional) In saucepan, cook onion in butter until tender. Blend in remaining ingredients, except parsley. Heat to serving temperature - do not boil. Sprinkle parsley on each soup, bowl of chowder. cozen sandwich fillings? Big helpers when fanning boxed lunches ozen sandwiches have come a great favorite: they n be made ahead of time, go rectly into the lunch box and completely thawed by noon, uring freshness and quality. flings that freeze well must be nsidered to ensure a ton- ality sandwich. Suitable for freezing are lings made of meat and ultry, as well as Cheddar and am cheese, most sliced meats, logna, and tuna. Omit ything that may soak into the bread, like jelly or mayonnaise, or cooked egg white, which toughens, or vegetables that will wilt. Mayonnaise does not freeze well; and should not be used. Instead, use salad dressings, lemon, pineapple or orange juice, milk, sour cream, apple sauce, or cream cheese as a binder, suggest food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. rd HAMBURGER PLUSES ound beef, the most versatile meat any time of the year, fits In rfectly with barbecues or as well with sleigh bells. This flavourful, ty meat flavour Is only enhanced by the amount of preparation t into the dish. Here we've shown some dishes that are a little re time consuming as well as others that are quick. All taste ly delicious. The idea of grinding meat originated in the Scandinavian untries. It gained popularity and spread during the Napoleonic Red meat was shredded with a dull knife and eaten raw. ay we cook the meat, but the shredding or grinding is still the thod used. More beef is being consumed than any other kind meat with the number one best beef seller hamburger. round beet is good, easy to prepare, inexpensive and a taste cess with everyone. The meat is extremely tender, ecause summer and hamburgers go together so well, we've gested some interesting meat loaf treats. They can be served from the oven or cold from the picnic basket, Remember — eat loaf is a meal in itself. It needs only a tossed green salad a few raw or cooked vegetables. Fruit is the biggest success dessert. empt your family and guests on your next outing with one of e. They're 'hamburger pluses' for summer. g?Wir l EESED HAMBURGERS .UXE . Serves 6-8 cheese melts through the I patties giving them a plea- flavour and texture. )ounds ground beef ablespoons chopped onion :love garlic, finely chopped easpoon salt easpOon pepper up grated old Canadian Ihecidar cheese 3aSpoon Worcestershire auce ash tabasco bd: and all ingredients together; rn into patties 1 inch thitk. ill, broil or pan fry, until they ich the desired degree of Uless, REAL CHEESESURGER ATiONS; IROOM BURGERS 1 pound finely chopped rooms and 6 tablespoons cream to Cheesed Ham- r DeLuXe mixture. "aurgets" with a tangy made with thinly sliced thers, onion, chopped pars- hbpped dill; marinated in de of vinegar, Salt, sugar rater, ,E EAST ENS Serves 6 ands ground beef on, finely chopped 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons chili sauce 12 - 1/2 " slices eggplant flour butter basil 2 doves garlic, finely chopped tomato sauce • Combine first 5 ingredients; form into 6 flat patties; • Flour eggplant slices, brown lightly in butter, season to taste, keep warm. • Broil or pan fry patties to de- sired degree of doneness; • Saute garlic and basil in fat 1 Minute, add to tomato sauce and heat; • Place' each pattle between 2 eggplant slides, selve with tomato sauce. BRANDIED BEEF D'OEUVRES A Party Favourite. • Make up 36 tiny Meatballs,- bake In 400°F. oven 15 Minutes; sprinkle with paprika. • Heat 3/4 cup red currant jelly, 11/2 teaspoons vinegar, dash tabasto, 1 tablespoon corn- starch; cook slowly until slightly thickened, add 1/2 cup cherry ,brandy. • Place sauce and rtujetballS in Chafing dish, keep hot Over hot water. Wild Wonderful Discount Prices' g • PLUS BIG RAIN CHECK POLICY "DOLLAR" SALE! if YOU ARE • UNABLE,:10 PURCHASE ANY ADVERTISED ITEM, PLEASE ASK FOR A RAIN CHECK Your Dollar Buys More at AO) WE01 Stock Up and Save! (ACTION PRICED SPECIAL) 19-oz pkg 3 9? (ACTION PRICED SPECIAL) 215-oz pkgs 79? VOGUE — ASSORTED COLOURS Toilet Tissue pkg of 6 rolls 69? WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES ALL PRICLS SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1972, BETTY CLOCKER, 13 VARIETIES Cake Mixes BETTY CROCKER, 6 VARIETIES Frosting Mixes STRAINED, MEATLESS VARIETIES Heinz Baby Foods 41/2 -11-oz far 1611 ORANGE PEKOE (ACTION PRICED SPECIAL!) Salado Tea Bags pkg of 120 $1.61 DRACHS Corn Beef 12 OZ, TIN 49? POWDER (25e IN PACK COUPON) All Detergent 74-oz box s1.6 5