HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-09-14, Page 11The new teachers at Central Huron Secondary School are on the other side for this picture. In the left _TOW, front to back are: Maxine Burch, who comes from London; Terry O'Neil, from New Brunswick; Lynda Lentz, who hails from Stoney Creek; and Brian Reeve who was raised in Chatham. In the right row, front to back are: Beth Twiss, who comes from Burlington; Ron Smith from Mouid Hope; Laura Mullin, who comes from Toronto; Pam Giles, from Churchill; and Eleanor Richman, who comes from Deep River. Missing was Mrs. Prystayko, who taught in Goderich last year. news ah outdoor barbecue of meat kabobs, corn on the cob, fruit kabobs with a green salad. The Roll Call was my favourite picnic or barbecue patio food. Jan Martell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. Martell of Willowdale, graduated recently from Perth-Huron School of Nursing, Stratford, Ont. She is now on the nursing staff oeViiiletbilifal'Hespital, Richmond Hill, Ont. Clinton News-Record, Thursday, September 14, 1972—II AIMMONIMMINNOMIMOMOSOk, THE 'PAckILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE Main Street, *Worth Phone, 5274400 Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Secretary-Tireiourer FIRE, EXTENDED COVERAGE, WINDSTORM, THEFT, PROPERTY DAMAGE, LIABILITY,.ETC. • comnirrs FARM COVERAGE, including' Machin-ery and Livestock Floaters, • URRA,N PROPERTY We now offer Composite %w. elling Insurance as well as lionleoWnerS In-surance. • SUMMER COTTAGES, TRAILER CHURCHES, HALLS. AGENTs: loos KEYS, RR 1, Seallorth; V. J, LANE, RR 5, Seaforth; WM. LEIFER, RR 1, Lond.thoro; $ELWYN BAKER, Brussels; HAROLD SQUIRES, RR 3, Clinton; K. J. ETUE, Seaforth; DONALD G. EATON, Seaforth, HOMES THE IN FANTASTIC CARPET VALUES NYLONS—ORLONS—ACRYLICS IN SHAGS—PLUSHES—PATTERNS 9 x 12 From 69 97,0 89" TEEN Wlliiii 1 4COATS 10,97 to 24 97 LIBERAL CAMPAIGN KICKOFF DINNER MEETING ON BEHALF OF' CHARLIE011110MAim"- HURON LIBERAL CANDIDATE SALTFORD VALLEY HALL THURSDAY SEPT. 21 IVIgdular4 -pmeans "servi cen " Your Philips will save you money on repairs. Any one of the four modular panels can be exchanged in minutes right in your own home. They snap in. Exchange Cost is only El 4.95 'per panel. easx4get verfect color on Philing All Philips color setshave automatic fine tuning, atitomatio tint, automatic horizontal held, VHF and VW spotlit* tUrlingl crisper switch and line control Our guarantee is included in the_ price — One year parts guarantee a five year *tire tube protection plan — Bob's Own service guarantee for one full year Merrill T.V. Service CLINTON, ONT. 4112.702/ -11.411.411L /111, An Alk Adh.,41, Al Op, Allk. WERE SURF THAT WE CAN MI THE 8/11, *MI MODERATE FEES OW AT CONESTOGA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY CLINTON CENTRE Box 160, Clinton Phone 482-3458 PART TIME COURSES Please refer to the Programs and Courses Tabloid of Sept. 9 721 COURSE Marketing for the Tourist Industry Retail Management Human Relations Effective Supervision (Production) Fundamentals of First Aid * Political Science Electronics for Journeymen Part I Electronics for Journeymen Part H * Electrical Systems for Mobile Homes * Construction Materials Effective 'Supervision (Administration) Commercial Academic Upgrading English Science * Family Studies*(Sociology) ematics * Child Development (Psychology) Clubmanship Driver Education PowderpUff Mechanics Solid State Ignition Systerna Rug Hodking Leather Crafta Horsemanship Quilt Making REG. DATE Oct. 3 Sept. 25 Jan. 8 Oct. 2 Sept. 14 Jan. 4 Sept 20 Jan. 4 Sept. 1$ Sept. 19 Oct, 2 Oct, 4 Oct. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 2 Sept. 18 Sept. 18 Oct. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 3 Sept. 14 Oct. 2 TIME Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Mondays 7:30 p.m. Mondays 7:30 p.m. Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Mondays 7:30 p.m, Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Mondays 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. Mondays 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Continuous Mon. to Fri. evenings Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays '7:30 p.m. 'Wednesdays 2:00 p.m, Wednesdays 1:30 p.m. Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Thursdays 2:00 p.m. START DATE Oct, 10 Oct. 4 Jan. 15 Oct. 9 Sept. 21 Jan. 11 Sept. 27 Jan. 11 Sept. 25 Sept, 26 Oct. 9 Oct. 11 Oct., 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Sept. 26 Sept. 28 Oct. 12 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct, 11 Sept, 19 Oct. 12 * indicate* credit courses Registration Fee is $5.00. Saline() of payment for the course May be Made on the first day of the MHOS° except for cowling which are continuous and have a monthly tee available, Phone Call applications are acceptable, STORE HOURS: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY -1 P.M. TO 10 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. we get betters (Continued from page 4) ayfield, its unique and ncbanging character. We may well have been erniss in not communicating ur plans to the villagers and or not seeking out the fishermen and and others; to discuss, our plans with them. he involvements in learning to Perate a new venture simply id not permit this. It is now hat I would like an opportunity o clarify certain matters hrough the 'means of a letter to our paper. The area involved in this ontroversy is sometimes eferred to as part of the ayfield River flats and lthough the terminology is not ntirely satisfactory, it is a onvenient label to use, In order o explain the matter; I am nclosing a photo copy of a part f the survey plan prepared on ehalf of the Federal overnrnent and attached to the eed of a portion of this area hich he (Mr, Garon) sold to here in 1968, in the hope that his might possibly be printed ith this letter if it will eproduce. adequately. (Editors ote: Reproduction of map was of adequate) Survey work had indicated hat part of the sheds, which ere located on the north bank, ehind the steel pile retaining all, were on the land that Mr. aron had purchased in 1957 by leed registered as number 9955. The Federal Government ished to resolve this matter nd purchased a 50 foot strip of nd from Mr. Garon, abutting nd which had previously been xpropriated by them to provide he north dock facilities. The onveyance was registered and bstracted as follows: number 407; instrument-Grant; dated 6 June, 1968, registered 27 overnber, 1968; Grantor- ntoine Garon et ux; Grantee- er Majesty the Queen in Right f Canada; consideration 2,950; Remarks: Part of Lot. Subject to Right of way (Plan Attached). The enclosed survey diagram, if it is usable, indicates the position of the area purchased, the location of the sheds involved and also the existing travelled road. This road was described in Mr. Garon's deed in accordance with the survey description prepared for that conveyance. It is referred to as, Reserving unto other parties, a right-of-way through use of an existing travelled road, haying a• width of 16 feet and lying 8 feet on either side of a described centre line, which is also shown on the enclosed survey diagram, This means that the travelled road can legally be used by the public and fishermen for access to the fishery businesses and the north dock area, This travelled road has been reserved to public use in subsequent deeds including number 111549 to Blue Anchor. ' You will note from the enclosed diagram that the travelled road projected into the lands purchased from Mr. Garon by the Federal Government, Their concern about this is well documented and this was resolved by obtaining from the Village of Bayfield a Quit claim, which was registered November 27, 1968 as number 90406 and is from the Corporation of the Village of Hayfield to Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. The consideration is shown to be $1 and the remarks are; part of Lot (Plan attached.)The significance of a Grant as • opposed to a Quit Claim is commonplace to lawyers, but it should also be understood by those who feel qualified to profess knowledge about title matters back to the time of Baron de Tuyll and the Canada Company. Early in 1972, without the knowledge of the vendor or purchaser, or the lawyers involved in the sale from Mr. Garon to Blue Anchor, the village of Bayfield submitted the question of ownership of what has been referred to as the flats, being the remainder of Mr, Garon's property from the base of the hill to the Bayfield River. The contention was that this was Crown Land, This issue was settled by a letter to me from Mr. G.H. Ferguson, Director of Legal Services Branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources, dated Toronto, May 18, 1972 as follows: "Recently the Public Trustee's Office raised certain questions respecting the interpretation of the Crown grant that issued to the Canada 'Company in respect of the Township of Goderich in which the above mentioned flats re situated. The questions dealt particularly with the beds and banks of the rivers in the Township of Goderich. Since these questions have been raised, discussions have been had with officials of the Public Trustee's Office, the office of the Senior Crown Counsel and this office and any differences of opinion with respect to the ownership of the Bayfield Flats which may have existed have been resolved and the Office of the Public Trustee now concurs with the position taken by the officials of this Ministry that the flats are not the property of the Crown, This seemed so far as I was concerned to be the end of the matter, particularly since it was apparently the second time that the village had sought the assistance of the Provincial Government respecting their claim. They had previously tried to prevail upon the province to establish a claim based upon the surrender of a certificate issued to Hugh McLeod for military service. I obtained from the Provincial government confirmation that the certificate surrendered by Mr. McLeod in 1906," could not possibly have been located in the Township of Goderich as this township had been previously patented en bloc to the Canada Canada." The village had also attempted unsuccessfully to block Mr. Garon's sale to the Federal Government. Now we are apparently involved in a fourth round in this episode, which includes appeal to the Provincial Government, arousing of the fishermen and ratepayers and statements made in a notice to the ratepayers association would also indicate that there is in the background a campaign of rumour and misstatement. That notice informed ratepayers that "The fishermen have been told that they can no longer careen or "Or store their boats there, and two buildings are to be torn down." Both of these allegations were false and under the circumstances fraught with malice. The notice also indicated that Blue Anchor was prepared to bulldoze its way into control of the village property. This was very much resented, because it implied we did not have a deed to the property involved, but that the village did. This was certainly not the type of welcome which persons involved in business would expect from most communities. Hayfield might do well to have a Board of Trade or at least a Welcome Wagon. Despite all' this, we are still very fond of Bayfield and for that matter, its people too. We hope to put on our property facilities such as are used in many boating areas, for storage of boats away from water, for launching and lifting boats at the convenience of owners and in good weather. We also plan to clean up an area that is now overgrown with slash, golden rod and discards. We were advised that two rotted old hulks were garbage. As a precaution we posted notices on them and got professional appraisals to the effect that they are valueless. No fisherman has come forward to claim them and the appraiser assured us any fisherman would be aware that they had no salvage value. We had actually hoped that some of the fishermen might wish to store their large metal boats in the sandy area, sometimes referred to as the launching area, without charge and certainly with our co- operation. Not only would these boats stored out in front protect the smaller sailboats from the elements, but it is well known that the fishermen are our professional seamen, who always help pleasure boaters when they are in trouble on the lake. We intend to co-operate with and be helpful to the fishermen in the tradition established by the previous owners. Without them Bayfield would cease to be the attractive fishing village that charms so many visitors. I for one would like to see an end to all this fuss about nothing and to get on with more constructive things and to find time to enjoy the sunsets again. May. I close with another quotation from Mr. For. "We like Bayfield with its peaceful, restfulness and we like the people and their kindly hearts." Yours sincerely, William Herold, Q.C, HAROLD WISE LIMITED Electrical - Plumbing ;And Heating Contractor ,261 Bayfield Rd.-482.7062 FACTORY OUTLET. STORE Old Air Force Base Clinton, Ont. I A TRUE FACTORY MIXT STORE FEATURING SECONDS AND WORM= UNIS FROM MANY CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS, OUR SILECHON MU. INCLUDE KNIT SNORTS. DRESS SHMTS.1 DRESS PANEL CASUAL PANTS, SOX, {SATHER GOODS, FOOTWEAR, SPORTSWEAR, MGM. ITC.1 FOR ALL 611:1111MLE OP Olt FA1MLY. MANY FIRST QUALITY LINES WILL ALSO SE OFFERED AT DISCOUNT PRICES TO PROVIDE GREATER SHOPPING VARIETY. Kippen BY RENA CALDWELL KIPPEN EAST W.I. The Canadian Industries of Kippen East W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. Cecil Pullman on September 20 at 8:30 p.m. Roll Call will be the advantages and disadvantages of new industries in our area. Mrs. Harry Caldwell will give the motto, Mrs. Hugh Parsons will give a contest and Mrs. Campbell Eyre will be in charge of the lunch. 4-H CLUB Kippen II 4-H Club chose their name the "Kippen Kabobs" at their second meeting on September 5 at the borne of Mrs. Robert Bell. Miss Joanne Stoll was named Secretary. Mrs. Bell discussed parties, barbecues and picnics end demonstrated the making of garlic bread. Lynn Alderdice demonstrated the making of meat kabobs. The girls enjoyed RECEPTION 6 - 7 DINNER 7:00 P.M. CATHY ROBINSON WHO HEADS THE PRIME MINISTER'S FIRST TIME VOTERS COMMITTEE WILL. SPEAK. Tickets available from Municipal Chairman. ' 85% solid state means a long life. Solid state has five times the life of tubes. NEW PHIL!. D S '73 NOW at Merrill's WITH New Modular 4 Color TV They Are 85% Solid State 1973 MODEL CC8O