HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-08-31, Page 1414 —,-Clirstort News-Record, Thursday, August 31, 1972 Bonnie Hodgins of Parkhill plays the heroine and James Murphy plays the villain in Huron Country Playhouse's last production of the season, "Dirty Work at the Crossroads", The play continues until Sunday. (photo, by Peake) Last 'week for Huron filayhouse • t•G`KA-4471,-0-$.0•;g49'0,42-xest.0-0,63->cep-A.0•1 , ThEL3 I se sd, 2 se.anymotini. There \\ias I .k)mer Veems„Slii Fot Eyes, \ veccly Jim Fills. t lady: Steve ZOICI (Torii(' Schwartz. Ail they ‘vaine(.1 \MIS tht.sir (.:l atice to iX' h(' kin it V) /acist)- & 4e cousins A MARK RYDELL FILM sun. 3 Mtn,. 4 Tu.,S Just when you thought you'd seen it all,., PARA' CODERICH, ONT. 524-7811 and FLOWERS FOR A VIRGIN 014.111A1KI RESTRICTIHY 1 ,inaa 111 0 1. a,. aen 11100—'100--4100---41110.-01110-4, ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY and WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday ' Evening TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ont. —40ff WEDNESDAY, September 8;00 p.m. Rebekah Lodge, First meeting of autumn season at lodge rooms, POT LUCK lunch to follow.--354 THE LADIES AID of the Christian Reformed Church are sponsoring a "Luncheon is Served" party on Friday, September 8 at 7 p.m. in the Church Hall, For tickets at $1,50 call Mrs, A. Beukema at 482,-9720. An excellent meal will be served and doorprizes will be awarded,--35,36b FREE Dancing at the Mitchell Fair, Friday Night, September to Thyra, formerly Catalyst, admission to grounds, $1.00. Saturday night, September 2, to Wayne Riehi and the "Country Versatiles," Admission to grounds, $1.50.-35b TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 9:30 a.m., First meeting of Fall season for Women's Auxiliary to Clinton Public Hospital in Board Room. BAYFIELD OLD—TIME Country Fair, September 1 and 2, Fair opened by the Warden of Huron County. Parade 1:00 p.m.; Quilting Bee, baby show, horseshoe pitching, etc. — 34,35 A GERMAN FOLK SONG and DANCE GROUP, "Pommerschen Speeldeel" is coming to Central Huron Secondary School Auditorium on Monday, September 11 at 8:00 p.m. Gymnastics by a group' from Bavaria, Tickets: Adults, $1.50, students, $1.00. Sponsors, Order of Eastern Star.-35b EASTERN STAR Harvest Ball at Clinton Community Centre, Friday, Sept. 15, music by The Bluetones, lunch and refreshments, dancing 9-1, Admission $6.00 per couple,-32-36b BILL' BRADY BRAHMA BULLS BUCKING BRONCS ROPING CALVES WILD COW MILKING BULL DOGGING RODEO CLOWNS JOE tiVERHOLT SAT, HITE DANCING TONIGHT ICHARD BURTON A HAIPirYV'Lla GENEVIEVE BUJOLD RED AW 61° N: IN THE iiALW.ALLIS PRODUCTION 80TH FEATURES A tine tke14)0usaik D•eg ENTERTAINMENL EDGAR ALLAN POE'S classic of the grotesqu JASON ROBARDS Ia Murders Rii. eMorgue .COLOR by Movielab saik# An AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL Pidture Ilse ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Area HoWeins bring high prices KIN AUTUMN MT foaming The DIE TIR014 AERMAN SAND SATURDAY, SEPT. 30 81 01,INTON LOMMUNITY CENTRE A special treat for children of all ages will be given this Saturday when "Sleeping Beauty" will be presented again on the Playhouse stage. After one nearly capacity crowd, there has been a steady request that the show be repeated so that children who missed it before, or who were unable to see it at that time, might attend. The show will play on Saturday at 10:30 a,m. and again at 1.30 p.m. Admission is 50c for children and $1 for adults. No reservations needed. Along with the Board of Directors of the new Huron Country Playhouse, a group of dedicated citizens of the local area met last Saturday at a kick-off meeting to raise money for the Playhouse. Their goal is to have the company's 4proposed barn theatre in operation for the 1973 season. On the committee are Robert Southcott; Helen Kleinstiver; Mr. and Mrs. Don Brown; Mr. Howard Flemming; Mr. Bill Roberts; Mrs. Griffin Thomas; Mrs. Wm. Harwood; Mr. Bill Cochrane; Mr. Bruce Sully; Mr. Don Rutherford; Mrs. Wm. Schlegel; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Geiser; Mr. Gray Knapp; and many others. AT $1095." Western Fair coming TUESDAY Aug. 27 Bingo at Huron Fish, and Game Club, 8:30 p.m, Jackpet $57.00 in 57 numbers,---1 NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 p,m. Aug. 31. Admission $1,00 15 .reilWar each, Three Share-The•Wealth games, One jackpot for $170 in 56 numbers.i or rell, of -T(dirrTiiire:eil '$25.00 consolation, One cell and $10 added weekly if not won. — If CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, Sept. 1, 8:15 p.m, Regular games, $16; three $25 games; $75 jackpot to go, Door prizes, Admission $1.00. Auspices Branch 156. Proceeds welfare work.-1 BIGGEST RODEO IN ONTARIO AT EXETER. Professional Cowboys from Canada and the U.S.A, compete for $3,000.00 Prize Money. Bronc Riding, -Bull Dogging, Calf Roping, Brahma Bull Riding, Wild Cow Milking, Steer Riding, Exciting Clowns. Saturday Night Dancing by Joe Overholt Band. Three Full Rodeo Performances Labour Day Weekend — Saturday, September 2nd at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sunday, September 3rd at 2:00 p.m. only. Admission $2.00 and 50 cents, Bleacher Seals Free. Covered Reserved Seats Only 50 cents Extra, Available in Advance. — 34, 35b STAG for DON RATHWELL at CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE on SEPTEMBER 1, 1972 RECEPTION and DANCE for DEBBIE STEPHENSON and DONALD RATHWELL (BRIDAL COUPLE) SATURDAY, SEPT, 9 9-12 p.m. ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE "BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS" EVERYONE LUNCH WELCOME PROVIDED Huron Country Playhouse offers its most ambitious undertaking this week. "Dirty Work at the Crossroads", the gay '90's melodrama, offers a large cast, beautifully painted backdrops and costumes, songs and speciality numbers and a chance to cheer the hero and hiss the villain. The play features guest players from the local area along with Playhouse favorites. Susan Dunlop from Goderich plays Flourette, a French maid; Joyse McWilliams from Sarnia plays Mrs. Upson Vanderbilt; Bonnie Hodgins from Parkhill plays her daughter, Leonnie, and Nancy Taggard from wgrand Bend, plays Little Nell. Nancy Guvstafson, Anni Thom, Betty Ann Baker, Christopher Golding, Anthony Fletcher, and James Murphy complete the cast. Musical direction for the show is by Helen Kleinstiver of Dashwood. Design for the stage by David Johnson. Performance schedule is Wednesday through Sunday evenings at 9; two shows on Saturday at 6 & 9. The opening night was staged as a benefit for the Retarded Children's Association of Exeter. The 1972 Western Fair will offer four separate entertainment packages for its free grandstand presentations during the nine-day exhibition, Sept, 9 and 10, and the other three will each appear for two consecutive days. The shows will be offered free to all fairgoers, included in the general admission fee of $1.50 for adults and 50 cents for children. Starting times for the grandstand performances will be 2 p.m., 7 pan., and 9 p.m. daily, except opening Friday when the afternoon show is scheduled for 4 p.m. Hubert Castle's International Circus, one of the oldest and most popular forms of entertainment, will be presented the opening three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This year Castle brings to the Western Fair a host of new performers of international prominence, some of them making their first appearance in North America, The Flying Valentines-- The purebred Holstein herd of Mrs, Beryl Storey Sz Son, Seaforth, Ontario, was dispersed at the Brubacher Sale Arena, Guelph, on August 4th, bringing the excellent average of $835, total of $55,940 on 67 head. The top price was $2,000 paid by Stein 'Bros., 13elgrave, Ontario, for a five-year,old daughter of the "Excellent" sire Soiling Triune Achilles, Stein Bros. also purchased six other milking cows, including a four- year-old at $1,550, a threelear^ old at $1,250, another at $1,150 and a third at $975. Seventeen animals sold at $1,000 or more. A. Alma, Robert A. Robertson, Tara, Ontario, paid the highest price Fair dates The following is a list of Agricultural Society Fairs for this area for 1972: Arthur Sept. 8,9 Ayton Sept. 9 Bayfield Sept. 1, 2 Blyth Sept. 20 Brussels Oct. 6 Chesley Sept. 8, 9 Drumbo Sept. 22, 23 Dungannon Sept. 28 Elmira Sept. 1-4 Embro Sept, 16, 18 Exeter Sept. 22, 23 Fergus Sept. 15, 16 Forest Sept, 23 Gorrie Oct. 6, 7 Hanover Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 2 Harriston Sept. 21 Kincardine Sept. 2 Kirkton Sept. 15, 16 Listowel Sept. 5, 6 London Western FairSept. 8-16 Lucknow Sept. 16 Mildmay Sept. 23 Milverton Sept. 23 Mitchell Sept. 1-3 Mount Forest Sept. 12 Neustadt Sept. 16 New Hamburg Sept. 15, 16 Owen Sound Sept. 28-30 Paisley Sept. 19 Palmerston Sept. 9 Ripley Sept. 29, 30 Seaforth Sept. 21, 22 Shelburne Sept. 16 Stratford Sept. 16-20 Strathroy Sept. 1, 2 Tara Sept. 27 Tavistock Sept. 8, 9 Teeswater Oct. 6, 7 Thedford Sept. 30 Tiverton Oct. 7 Walkerton Oct. 19-21 Zurich Sept, 25 Srnithville, Ontario, paid $1,500 for .a daughter of the "Excellent" bull Bond Haven Nugget; $1,300 fora three-year- old daughter of the Class Extra sire Dividend Clipper; and $1,000 for another sired by the Superior Type sire Mayers Dark Leader. Haverkarnp, Goderich, Ontario, purchased four milking females and a bred heifer, his top price being $1,325 for a "Very Good" cow. He paid $1,050 for a three year-old daughter of Orchard Vale A B C Reflection "Superior Production Sire", and $1,000 for another three-year-old. John Franken, Auburn, Ont., paid $1,250 for a three-year-old heifer sired by the Class Extra bull Dividend Clipper. A. H, & F, E. Wood, Inglewood, Ont., paid $1,200 for a three-year-old by Weavers Reflection Apex. Carmen Sauer, Niagara Falls, Ont., paid $1,150 for a three- year-old heifer sired by Roybrook Chief (Very Good). John Franken, Auburn, also paid $1,050 for a two.yeap,old heifer, At Squire Gifts we believe in quality Canadian-made products. Slue Mountain Pottery has both of these features making it a perfect gift. An Interesting way for you and your guests to spend an enjoyable hour — browse through our distinctive showroom. starring Ray Valentine Jr., 14 old boy wonder of the circus world, performs his unparalleled triple somersault from the trapeze bar while blindfolded. The circus is complete with a bevy of trained chimpanzees, bears, camels and seals, and a rollicking array of zany comedy routines to delight the entire family. The action-packed 75- minute grandstand show will be featured three times daily Sept, 8, 9 and 10. a .••• ••• ..•••• ..••• 1968 CHEV IMPALA 2-door hardtop, VS engine, automatic, radio, whitewalls and wheel discs. Copper finish with black vinyl roof. Lic, K51614 AT WAS $1695.00 NOW SALE 1 I 95.00 PRICED ) 1969 CHEV BISCAYNE 4-dotir sedan, economical six, automatic, with radio. Rich marodh color. Lic, 03760 WAS $1695,00 NOW SALE PRICED SQUIRE GIFTS HWY. 21S., GODERICH OPEN 7 DAYS A WEll K=4 ,-**************** ir ELM HAVEN * MOTOR HOTEL * NOW PLAYING * *MA * * * :0( (Three guys and two gals) 4( IS( COMING NEXT WEEK * * * * * * MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON 4.6 p.m. lk for a bred heifer at $1,075. Thirty-seven milking females averaged $1,031 each; ten bred heifers averaged $770,50; five open yearlings, $552.; 14 heifer calves $466. each and one bull $800. FRIDAY and .SATURDAY SEPT. 11 - 2 Robert Redford, George Segal of Co. heist 'ThellotRodc... almost 2gh -•"<•,0""'. • ' •135.: `t-A**, )1/4 1;0••' , ................... SUN. NM BIG FEATURES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT VINCENT PRICE -JOSEPH COTTEN Dr. Phibes COLOR r r‘uER,CAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURE st COME FACE TO FACE WITH TOTAL TERROR! 4.1. • ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Every loving couple should see thiE v1 -I before it's too late. Speedy sez THE BOSS IS AWAY SO WE'RE OFFERING THESE CARS AT "GIVE-AWAY" PRICES ON 4 Popular Models 1969 CM IMPALA CONVERTIBLE 396 engine, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio with IMO( seat speaker, "Springtime Green", one owner. Lic. 101669 AT WAS $2295.00 SALE PRICED $11195,." These are just "FOUR" great examples of the used car values being offered to clear away for the 73 CHEV-OLDS line at ROWN MOTORS LTD. 1 968 CHEV IMPALA 4-door soden, V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, white walls, and wheel discs. Sharp green finish. Lie. 51670 SALE $ 1 275.00 WAS $ 1696.00 NOW PRICED AT GENUINE PRICE SLASH! YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET • nd OLDSMOBILE DEALER USED CARS and TRUC*$ o CLINTON, ONTARIO