HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-08-31, Page 1311. SERVICES SCREENED TOP SOIL Landscape Work BACKNOE WORK (Excavating, trenching, basements, etc.) GRAVEL and FILL Cement Gravel LYLE MONTGOMERY C I inton-482-7644 15tfn Seeding, Sodding And Shrubs COMPLETE LINE OF GARDEN SUPPLIES ART'S LANDSCAPING And NURSERY 166 Bennett St. E., Goderich 524.9126 13. PUBLIC NOTICES 13. PUBLIC NOTICES MRS. ELEANOR GORNALL REGRETS.. TO ANNOUNCE- THAT"— ' **''* SHE IS DISCONTINUING HER PIANO TEACHING THIS YEAR ANTIQUE AUCTION Antique furniture Auction on No. 8 Hwy. west of the lights in Seaforth on Saturday, Sept. 2 at 1:15 p.m. The footbone's a connected to the headbone. Take a good look at your shoes. Make sure they're not getting run down at the heel. Change fraying laces. And check the soles to see that they're in good condition. Sure footwork begins with proper footwear. The sure way to safety is Self-Defence. Think about it. When you play tennis, you wear tennis shoes.When you walk, you wear good walking shoes. And when you work you wear proper footwear for comfort and protection. Ns .NwAiN0 ;r00* 00.610*** Your Workmen's Compensation Board . and The Safety Associations, Ontario CifinUt. New.0,13,0purd, 'Thursday, ,,August .3/, 4972,1$ Auburn Milken ,family has reunion 8. HELP WANTED REGISTERED NURSING ASSISTANT for Kilharehan Nursing Home, Seaforth. Apply to 527-0046 after 4 p.m. — 35b ORGAN PLAYER required. Reply to Box 351, Clinton News Record, Clinton, Ont, — 35, 36b WANTED live-in babysitter, own room, good wages. Please phone 524-7268 after 6 p.m. — 35tf AMBITIOUS COUPLE who need more income. Unusual opportunity For good earnings for both. Work together, Part time or full time. Write Box 350, Clinton News- Record. — 35p PARTTIME cocktail bartender wanted for weekends, No experience iecessary. Apply in person to Garry Armbruster, Blyth Inn Hotel, 13lyth. 34, 3Fib VANTED: babysitter for one year 4d child in my home, 5 days a week. 'hone 482-3333 evenings. — 35b RELIABLE BABYSITTER for my lame for mornings only, five days a week, for two pre-school children, 3eginning September 5. Apply to E'.O. Box 189, Clinton. — 34-35b BOOKKEEPER REQUIRED Must be fully experienced and, capable of working without supervision. First-class typing essential. Knowledge of McBee Payroll system a definite asset. Excellent working conditions and benefits. ' 'Salary commensurate with experience. state all details; age, experience, qualifications, marital status, etc. apply in writing to: J. G. Berry Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, —35b THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUIRES SECRETARIAL HELP FOR HENSALL PUBLIC SCHOOL up to 171 /2 hours per week Applications stating experience, and telephone number should be addressed to: Mr. Ron McKay, Principal, Hensel! Public School, Clinton, Ontario. Deadline for applications is September 8, 1972. D. J. 'COCHRANE DIRECTOR R. M. ELLIOTT CHAIRMAN .EMPLOYMENT WANTED ILL BABYSIT Monday to riday. Phone 482-3889.--35p ILL BABYSIT one or two pre- hoolers, at my own home, daytime, perienced. Phone 482-9726. — ,36b ILL BABYSIT in my own home, onday through Friday. Phone 2-3196. 33,34,35b 1. SERVICES T US REPAIR AND MAKE ur rings and jewellery like w. Diamond rings renewed d stones safely secured — n't take chances. Expert. work • ne reasonably to your isfaction. Watch repairs and arl restringing. W. N. Counter, Clinton, Ontario, —tfn BITING, indoors and outdoors. uses, cottages etc. Marine and usepaints in stock, Apply to s'n Shop, Highway 4, one mile rth Brucefield, Phone 482 — 22. —18tfn CIA BOARDS replaced; also ve-troughing. Free estimates request. Phone 482-7222. — fn n's Bicycle Repairs Sales & rvice. New and Used Bicycles. one 482-9941, 305 Ontario reet, Clinton. —28tfn ,PAIRS, remodelling, general rpentry work. Reasonable tes, H. Mitchell, 482-7584.— • 38b ICK cash to pay bills or make purchase. Call Brad amilton, Trans Canada edit, 524-8349.-10tf PTIC TANKS cleaned, All work aranteed. 20 years experience. ite" Louis Blake, R.B. 2, ussels, or Phone 887--6800.-- .37p 11. S E RVICES SANDBLASTING, brick houses, silicone treatment; repair mortar joints; air hammers and drills:. compressor work. Contact Arnold Stothers, R.R. 6, Goderich, Phone 529—T403.- 25th) REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs, around the hOme. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNaitn. —2tfn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482-3320 —2tfn CROP SPRAYING Phone SPRATEK 482-7220 Competent and Competitive High Clearance Equipment —20tfn JACK'S WOOD TURNERY CUSTOM WOOD TURNING AND GIFT ARTICLES JOHN PLUMTREE 482-9695 CLINTON (At Rear Of 84 Albert St.) 5tfn CUSTOM BULLDOZING CHAS. BRUINSMA RR 2, Goderich 524-9804 — tfn CATER PLUMBING HEATING 11,- ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652, ' —18tfn CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates—Tuesday and • Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork ,Thursday — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood 411110 • I I 1. I I 0180 •-• RICHARD LOBO EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER CLINTON. ONT. PHONE; 482-9431 or 482- 7898 VACUUM CLEANERS Sales & Service All Makes BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 12.NOTICE 'to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF VIOLET ANN WALTERS, late of the City of Toledo in the Slate of Ohio, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- named are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 11 ih day of September, 1972 after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of Which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th day of August, 1972. E.B, MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. — 34,35,3613 13, PUBLIC NOTICES HULLETt CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Pupils will be attending sOhool from 9 e.m. 10 2 p.M. on Tuesday, Sept, 5, 1972. TENDERS THE HENSALL RECREATION, Parks and Community Centre Board would like lenders for approximately 2,000 gallons of oil for the 1972-73 season, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be submitted by September 9, 1972. Karen Alexander, Secretary Treasurer. — 34,35b 16. ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. Arnold E. Young, R.R. 5, Goderich, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Connie Jean to Mr. Scott 13. Macaulay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Royce S. Macaulay of Clinton. The wedding to take place at Knox Presbyterian Church on September 23, 1972 at 7 o'clock. — 35x Antique Furniture — Oak table and 5 matching chairs; kitchen table and 4 matching chairs; buffet; walnut serving table; small spool table; chesterfield and 2 matching chairs; 3 rocking chairs; 1 wicker rocker; end tables; day couch; writing desk and book case; sideboard; wash stand; matching bed, dresser and 18. DEATHS FOWLER: Edward Ellwood of Toronto, formerly of Clinton, passed away at Toronto on Sunday, August 27, 1972, in his 56th year. Beloved 'son of Harry Fowler of Clinton and the late Emma Fowler; •dear brother of Edna (Mrs. Dynes Campbell) of Dungannon, Ila (Mrs. George Bancroft) of Leamington; Lorraine (Mrs. Ken Scott), Brucef Id; Lois, (Mrs, Jack D'Engelo) of Arlington Heights, Illinois; Beatrice (Mrs. Cass Zemenick) of Dearborn Heights, Michigan; Gordon of Goderich, Harold of St. Helens and Benson of Winnipeg. The funeral service was held at Ball Funeral Home, Clinton on Wednesday, August 30 with interment in Clinton Cemetery. 15. AUCTION SALE IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE in three sessions. Over 850 valuable lots and being sold through the facilities of ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Centre Wingham, Ontario FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 1 - 6:30 p.m. modern and general furnishings SATURDAY MORN., SEPT. 2 - 10:30 a.m. Vintage furniture, farm things, old car parts, curios and collectables. SATURDAY AFTERNOON., SEPT. 2 - 1:15 p.m. Antiquities in infinite variety and desirable vintage items. Auctioneer: Jack Alexander Preview: Wednesday till 6:00 p.m. Thursday till 9:00 p.m. Friday till sale time. Saturday 8:30 a.m. till sale time, For information: J.A. Currie Auction Administrator Wingham, 357-1011 —35 washstand; dresser; folding cot; 3 trunks; Steger ,3redle sewing machine; odd tables and chairs; paper racks; 4 fern stands; pictures and frames; Lewit vacuum cleaner; sewing cabinet; oil lamps; hooked rugs; mats; drapes, quilts and blankets; Westinghouse refrigerator arid many more items. 18, DEATHS RAPSON: In Toronto pn Wednesday, August 23, 1972, Miss Alen (Nellie) I'lapstnt M her 87th year, Several nieces and nephews survive her. Funeral services were held at. Ball Funeral Homo on Saturday, August 26 with interment in Clinton Cemetery. SCHOENHALS; At home on Tuesday, Augsst 22, 1972, Melvin John Schoenhals of Clinton, in his 73rd year, husband of the late Fern Johnston. One son, R.J. (Bud) Schoenhals of Brighton survives him, as well as four sisters, Miss Freda Schoenhals, Rose, (Mrs. Eddie Nickle) both of Clinton; Margaret (Mrs. Milton Cook,) Sarnia; Olive (Mrs. George McCague,) Port Elgin. Four grandchildren and one great grandchild also survive, The funeral was held at Ball Funeral Home on Friday, August 25, with interment in Clinton Cemetery. 20. CARDS of THANKS - -- BUCHANAN: Sincere 'thanks to those who were so kind to me and to the doctors and nurses at Clinton Public Hospital for their care while I was a patient. Alf Buchanan. — 35p HEIPEL: I wish to thank Dr. Walden, Dr. Harrett, the nurses and staff of the Clinton Public Hospital, also for visits, card and treats while I was a patient,. Earl Heipet.'•r• 35p DEJONG: I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fiiends, neighbours, and relatives fOr the gifts, floVvers and cardg, I received while in Clinton Publid fldspital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Street, Dr. Harrett, Dr. Westburg, to all the nurses on the first floor for their tender loving care, and the kitchen staff for their good cooking, it was all very much appreciated. — Tony De Jong, R.R. 4, Seaforth.- 35p RAPSON: The family of the late Miss Ellen Nellie) Ranson wishes to extend sincere thanks to all who helped in any way during their recent bereavetnent. Special thanks to Mrs. Alvin Betties, Mrs. John Broadfoot, Rev. A. Mowatt and Ball Funeral Home. — 35p SCHOENHALS: To those who expressed their sympathy in so many beautiful and practical ways during our recent bereavement, we extend our heartfelt thanks. — The Schoenhals Family. — 35p COLEMAN: We would like to thank our friends, neighbours and relatives for the many acts of kindness shown us during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, South Huron Hospital, Westlake Funeral Home, Mr, Morrison and Varna U.C.W. We appreciate your kindness and it will always be remembered, —Harve Coleman and family. —35b COOPER: I wish to thank my friends, neighbours and relatives for lovely cards, visits and treats I received while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Kippen U.C.W., Dr. Walden, Dr. Goddard and nurses of first floor. —Scott Cooper. — 35b KRAWCHUK: We wish to thank all who thought of us in our time of sorrow. To those who sent flowers and food we are eternally grateful. To those who gave of their time and themselves, we extend our thanks. We also wish to thank the Ontario Provincial Police Detachment, Goder.ch; Westlake Ambulance Service; Zurich; The members of Stratford Branch, of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Hayfield U.C.W. and Salvation Army Camp, Glen Huron; Reverend Reddoch, President Mullins, David's teenage friends of Hayfield, friends and neighbours, McCallum's Funeral Home and all who in any way helped us in our sorrow. Mrs. Ilene Krawchuk and Family. — 35b BAIRD: The family of the late Mrs. Margaret R. Baird wish to sincerely thank all the neighbours, friends and relatives who were so very kind and helpful in its recent bereavement. Special thanks to all who sent flowers and donations to the Heart Fund, the Rev. Paul Packman, Hensall Rebekah Lodge, Brucefield United Church Ladies, the pallbearers and flowerbearers, R.S. Box and J.C. Cornish of the • Box Funeral Home and the staff of Huronview. 35b 21. IN MEMORIAMS PARTRIDGE: In loving memory of our dear mother, Lucile Elennett Partridge, who passed away, Sept. 4, 1965. Mother darling, not just today, but everyday. — Leona and Clayton Weston, — ,35b The annual Plunkett family reunion was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Merrill, R.R.1, Clinton recently with 50 in attendance. Mrs. Amber Popp and Lloyd Finnegan were in charge of registration. A social visit was enjoyed on the lawn among the beautiful flowerheds. Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Millian and Mr, and Mrs, Murray Popp were the sports committee and , the results of the races were as follows: Races, five and under, Brenda Popp; nine and under, Anita Hallam; 12 and under, Greg Hallam; 12 and over, Sandra Popp. Men's backward race, Bill Kilian; ladies' backward race, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer; balloon-throwing contest, Lawrence Plaetzer and Mrs. Brian Hallam; oldest person present, Mrs. Allen Pattison; youngest person present, Michael Millian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Millian; birthday nearest picnic date, Mrs. Mary Saylor. Kick-the-slipper, Mary Lyn Merrill, men's kick-the-slipper, Donald Plunkett; wheel barrow race, Cathy Plunkett and Sandra Popp; guess the jelly beans in a jar, Mrs. Lloyd Finnegan; girls' walking backward, Sandra Popp; boys' walking backward, Stephen Plunkett; ladies' elimination, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer; men's elimination, George Walker. A candy scramble was held for the children. A delicious smorgasbord supper was served under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merrill and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Finnegan. Donald Plunkett thanked Mr. and Mrs. Merrill for having the picnic at their home and the minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Miss Sherry Plaetzer. It was decided that the picnic will be held next year on the second last Sunday in August and will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hallam and family, R.R.1, Auburn. Officers for the coming year are as follows: president, Wayne Millian; first vice president, Gordon Plunkett; secretary- treasurer, Wanda Plaetzer; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Tyndall and, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Millian; lunch committee, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hallam and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Popp. Lorne Popp and Henry Pattison were named captains to get teams for a tug-of-war. Relatives and friends present were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Plunkett, Miss Cathy Plunkett and Miss Beth Miller, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sword of Smooth Rock Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Saylor and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Saylor, Bothwell; and Gladys Stockert of Florida. AUBURN SOCIALS Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer and family were Miss Debbie Johnston of Victoria, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sword and Kenny and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sword, all of Smooth Rock Falls. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Cope and Carol of London visited last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, Miss Jean Hamilton of Oshawa visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Arnold Craig and Mr. Craig. Mrs. Emerson Rodger and son Keith Rodger visited last week with the former's son, Gary Rodger at Providence, Rhode Island, USA. They also visited Princetpwn, Cape Cod, Mass. At Ottawa they stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rodger and family and at Belleville with Mr, and Mrs. Les Rodger. Mrs. Evelyn McGregor of Wolsely, Sask. visited last week with her cousin, Torrance Tabb and Mrs. Tabb. Mrs. Dorothy Grange returned last week from a holiday trip to the Maritime provinces. Mrs. Celia Taylor spent the weekend at Dorchester with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Raithby. Miss Shelley Grange has returned from her vacation at Marmora, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur, Miss Judy Arthur, Jack Arthur and Greg Arthur are holidaying at their cottage at Bogie's Beach. David Rodger of R.R.1, Auburn is holidaying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger. Any girl between the ages of 12 and 26 yeare 4.of age wishing to take the fall 4 H club should contact one of the leaders immediately. The leaders are Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Jessie Naylor, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Donald Cartwright, Mrs. William Empey and Mrs. John Hildebrand. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby and John Raithby returned last week from a vacation spent in the Maritime provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weston of Toronto visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson and brother, Murray Rollinson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines are visiting with friends in Toronto. "Miss Nancy Anderson is visiting in North Bay with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Warwick. Mrs, Celia Taylor attended the London Area workshop for Curators of the District Women's Institutes at Centralia College recently, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Johnston pf London visited on the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Arthur of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Arthur, Wayne and Master Philip Arthur, Mrs. Robert Arthur and daughter Miss Jayne visited last week with relatives in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Craig returned last weekend from a vacation in Alberta. Friends are pleased to learn that Mrs. Fred Wagner is able to be home after a few weeks as patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Arthur Youngblut and Master Johnny Haggitt of Zurich attended the C.N.E. last Thursday. Relatives from this district attended the funeral of the late Thomas Manning at London last Saturday. He was in his 94th year and was a former resident of this community. He was predeceased by his wife, the former Elizabeth Boyd in 1960. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Bruce (Lois) Toll of London and one granddaughter, Joanne Toll also of London, • Mrs. James Glousher and son Douglas attended the C.N.E. at Toronto last Thursday. Mrs. Emma Trommer of Hespeler visited last week with her son, Elmer Trommer, Mrs. Trommer and family. Mrs. Slater Sr. of Hespeler visited last weekend with her son Robert Slater, Mrs. Slater and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson and Mrs. Len Coyne of Windsor visited last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robinson and Kim at New Market and attended the C.N.E. Masters David and Derrick Cartwright are visiting with their grandfather, William Rueger and Carol at R.R.2, Clinton. 15. AUCTION SALE TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE Of Antiques and Household Effects at the Auction Rooms, one mile south of Goderich on Hwy. 21 on Friday evening, Sept. 1 at 7 p.m. Antique organ, wicker settee with matching chairs; 2 winged chairs; wicker chair; wicker fern stands; jelly cupboard; washstand; 3 parlour tables; trunks; dry-sink (new); blanket box; rocking chair; lanterns; oil lamps; Frigidaire electric stove; 23" TV; gas . stove; electric sewing machine; refrigerator; washing machine; 5 pc. bronze set; 2 pc, sectional chesterfield; studio couch; rug; smoker stands; 3 pc, bedroom suite; bunk beds; single continental bed; wood lathe; quantity of new merchandise, etc., etc. TERMS—CASH Mike Cummings Auctioneer 524-9064. 35 16. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and MO. Martin pueiman, Seaforth, Ontario are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage- of their daughter Eileen to. John Martin Moerbeek, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Moerbeek, Goderich, Ontario, Tho wedding will take place on Saturday, September 9, 1972 at two o'clock at St. Peter's Church, Goderich, Ontario. — 35p 17, BIRTHS JEWITT: Ron and Jean are happy to announce the birth of their son, Bradley Kenneth on August 18, 1972 at Victoria Hospital, London. LAWRIE: To Mr. and Mrs, Robin Lawrie, Blyth, in Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, August 22, 1972, a daughter, Krista. MACKENZIE; To Capt. and Mrs. K,W. (Peter) Mackenzie (nee Younnatoff), of Ottawa in Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, August 23, 1972, a son, James Alexander Alan. BURUMA: To Mr. and Mrs. John Buruma, Vanastra, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, August 27, 1972 a daughter. RYAN: To Mr. and Mrs, Donald Ryan, Clinton, in Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, August • 28, 1972, a daughter. PROPRIEtER-MRS. ADA J. REID NO RESERVE TERMS—CASH RATHWEILL'S AUCTION SERVICE Anctioneeri I:iqUichitors BrUcefield,..,- 482-3120 34,355 KEYES; In loving memory of a dear husband and father Elmore A. Keyes, who went to be with the Lord September 7, 1967 'How could we know you would not • see another spring with us. See robins purple spinagnsies bloom, or hear the The soft brown earth upturned, the blades of greenest grass, The budding maple trees, in lanes where once we loved to pass. How could we know God planned your rest so soon, That you would leave this earth, the sun, the stars and moon. The things of life you loved, the earth you trod. These things you left, but now you are at home with God." —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Florence and sons Grant and Gerald, — 36p GOOD NIEVq, DRIVE-IN SUNDAY, SEPT. 3 8:30 p.m. HEAR SPEAKER JOHN MARTIN from Wollenstein Music by THE MARANATHA from Clinton COME AS YOU ARE IN YOUR CAR 1 /2 mile east of Holmesville Highway 8 ALL WELCOME NO COLLECTION