HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-08-31, Page 2MARY'S SEWING CENTRE LATEST IN BACK-TO-SCHOOL SHOES FOR MEN & BOYS NIIIMMNIMMemmill11•0111. AIKEN'S LUGGAGE CLOTHING 'CLINTON PHONE 482-9352 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE Main Street, &Worth — Phone 5274400 Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer FIRE, EXTENDED COVERAGE, WINDSTORM, THEFT, • PROPERTY • DAMAGE, LIABILITY, .ETC. — COMPLETE FARM COVERAGE, including Machin- ery and Livestock Floaters. — URBAN PROPERTY — We now offer Composite Dwelling Insurance as well as Homeowners In- surance. — SUMMER COTTAGES, TRAILER HOMES CHURCHES, HALLS. Mr AGENTS: JAMES KEYS, RR 1, Sealorth;-V, J, LANE, RR 5, Seaforth; Whi, LEIFER, RR 1, Londoshoro; SELWYN BAKER, Brussels; HAROLD SQUIRES, RR 3, Clinton; K. J. ETUE, Seaforth; DONALD G. EATON, Seaforth. montoommemimmorm, CANADA FANCY EARLY MeINTOSH APPLES 3 lb. bat 79' PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA GRAPEFRUIT 5 4,69c CANADA NO. 1 ONT. GROWN CELLO CARROTS s bog 49' CANADA NO. 1 ONT. GROWN CELLO ARSNIPS 2 lb. hats 45' your message on Aug. 1.5 at 17;45 hours, whilst on shore leave; but find it hard to understand your lingo. Do ye mean that a new galley slave has left the foc'sle and.that she displaces jost over .u4 of a ton, and that she iiiteods to take up quickly? May a fair wind he always at her back Jan end Ted Qozzard, Payfield Boat Yard.. 11 ALBERT ST. AUTHORIZED WHITE — ELNA DEALER SPECIAL SEWING CLASSES ON LINGERIE KNITS and. MEN'S WEAR, PRECISION SCISSOR .SHARPENING USED MACHINES — REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES The Village Guild loyfleld last chance! End of Season Siile Ends Labor Day at 6;00 P.M. Nam New Year! KIMBERLEY CLARK PAPER SALE GOLD SEAL FANCY SOCKEYE,SALMON Y4.:. 69( AsstDsouP "". 1 00 TOP V.AL,..115, VARIETIES NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE, . YORK EANCY 5 VARIETIES Vegetable% 5 It; 99c KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP Wu, 1st MONARCH COLOURED MARGARINE 4 I.:it 1,.00 10 at. 1 2--Clinton News-Record, Thursday, August 31, 1972 Town Taik6,4,,,„, 1 , Visitors vacationing in Bayfieid BY MARE RUDD ,-dP'Ke"tsc2Ite".<>1te;n ent?"-x-9,410,4 Witand Mrs, John Porter and family of Wellington, Ontario visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Porter recently. * * * Mrs. Frank Orser of Toronto, spent a few days with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and How's Your Hearing? Chicago, Ill.—A free offer of special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has been announced by Belton°. A non-operating model of the smallest Beltone aid ever made will be given absolutely free to anyone answering this advertisement. Try it to see how it is worn in the privacy of your own home without cost or obligation of any kind. It's yours to keep, free. It weighs less than a third of an ounce, and it's all at ear level, in one unit. No wires lead from body to head. These models are free, so we suggest you write for yours now. Again, we repeat, there is no cost, and certainly no obligation. Write to Dept. 5352, Beltone Electronics, 3637 Metropolitan Blvd., E,, Montreal 38, P.Q. Mrs, Wes Vanderburgh. * Guest speaker at the annual dinner meeting of the cancer Society in September is to be Bill Brady of CFPL Radio and TV fame. We understand the number of tickets available will be limited. . When our editor, Jim Fitzgerald, was returning to the office late last Wednesday evening, (August 23), he met a gentleman outside who told him he was the son of the founder of the News-Record, The gentleman was Mr. W.E. Floody of Toronto, who, incidentally, will be 100 years-old in September. Mr. Floody's father was Edward Floody, a schoolteacher in Goderich Township who, . tiring of teaching, was looking about for something different. This was in the year 1880 and in December of that year, he purchased a defunct newspaper plant in Blyth and moved the operation to Clinton. The first issue of the Clinton "Record" came out in the first week of January, 1881. The paper changed hands several times over the years, one set of owners being Whitely and Todd of the Goderich "News". These men brought part of their plant to Clinton and changed the name of the paper to the "News-Record". In November, 1924, Mr. G.E. Hall bought the subscription list and good will of the "New Era" and amalgamated with the "News- Record". BY oio..yEto EFocKsoN Mr. and Mrs, E. B, Reed, Troy, Michigan were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Don Lance for the weekend. Other recent guests pf the Lance's were their sons, Justin of Troy, Michigan and William of Carabridge, Mass.; and Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Lockhart of Troy, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Bud Parker, Port Dover, visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Violet Sturgeon. Mr. Gordon Merrill of Bayfield and Mr. Emile Habib of Toronto, arrived in Montreal on August 16 after spending a six week vacation in Egypt They visited friends and relatives of Emile in Cairo and Alexandria, and travelled south to Luxor and Aswan, photographing Greek, Roman and Pharonic antiquities throughout Egypt for the Classics Department of Brock University in St. Catharines. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Earl were Mrs. Wm. Earl, Miss Dianne Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. J, Boyle, Mr, George Brown, Mr. Russell Lawton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Boyle and son Stephen all of London; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Manchester, England and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lawton (Eric's sister) from Havana, Cuba, Weekend visitors with the Earl's were their families, Mr, and Mrs. R, J. Stevenson, Kathy, Doug, David and Karen and Mrs. B, A. Quigg, Kim and Joey, all of London. " Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baron, London are vacationing at the Pease residence. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pitblado and family, Oakville, spent last week in the village. Miss Norma Garrett is visiting this week in London as the guest of her cousin Miss Karen Garrett. Miss Diane Garrett is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cook in Blyth; and Master John Garrett is spending a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. Mabel Collins in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. John Shae, Windsor and Miss Monkhouse, London are holiday visitors at the King cottage. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Laudenback and family of Agincourt who have recently moved into their newly constructed cottage on Victoria St. Visitors who are vacationing in the Village are: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Guilfoyle and family, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dillon and family, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erb and family, Mrs. Joan Peterson and family at the Cunningham cottage; and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blauman at the McComb cottage; all of Birmingham, Michigan. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Wild and family were her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Blayney and family of Sarnia, and her mother, Mrs. John Bedard of Forest. Best wishes to Joey Wild, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wild who had the misfortune to break his collarbone while bicycling last Sunday. Congratulations to Major and Mrs. Peter Mackenzie of Ottawa on the birth of a son in Clinton Public Hospital, Wednesday, Aug. 23. A new grandson for Rev. and Mrs. George Youmatoff. Mrs. Gordon Stewart, R.R,2 Ripley, visited Thursday with her sister, Mrs. E, W. Erickson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker spent last weekend in Port Huron as the guests of Dr, and Mrs. Moore Hislop. They were accompanied by their three granddaughters, Julie, Laura and Monica who had visited with them for tlie past week. Messers Bill and Gil Latimer of Toronto are spending a few days with their grandmother Mrs. Gilbert Knight Oil Latimer has recently returned from Upsula where he had spent the summer employed by the Junior Forest Rangers. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake held a smorgasbord dinner ori their lawn on August 13 in honour of their son Rick's eighteenth birthday, Attending the celebration were his grandparents Mr. and Mrs, Walter Westlake, few friends and his family, The Arthritic Society are having a booth at the Bayfield Fall Fair, Friday and Saturday, Sept, 1 and 2; and will be happy to answer questions on Arthritis. They will also be selling cookies. Mrs. Lloyd Westlake asked that if anyone wishes to donate cookies she will be pleased to accept them at her home on Thursday or Friday, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Makins and family accompanied by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Makins, spent Sunday in Port Elgin. Mr, and Mrs, Ted Gozzard recently received a unique and original birth announcement from friends in Red Deer, Alberta which read — There's a new little cowgirl in our corral Krista Jane arrived in our camp on July 20, 1972 at 1;30 p.m. She weighed in at 10 lbs. 1 oz., A very high weaning weight is also expected — Don and Donna Carlyle, Carlyle Cattle Co. Ltd. The Gozzards, in turn, sent a congratulatory message reading thus — We received. MAPLE LEAF CHARCOAL Ok GRILLITE CHARCOAL BRIQUETS lb. loll 49c DELSEY Astorted Colours BATHROOM TISSUE 4 WI pkg. 69, KLEENEX ASS011912 COLOURS PAPER toms 2 rollpbe. 554 35b 3200 Galt Ocean Dr., Fort Lauderdale 33300 • 800 FT. PRIVATE OCEAN BEACH * TWO HEATED POOLS, SUN DECKS • LUXURIOUS QUEST ACCOMMODA- TIONS • GOLF PRIVILEGES ON 3 CHAMPIONSHIP COURSES • FREE TENNIS ON PREMISES • SUPERB DINING • NIGHTLY DANCING & ENTERTAINMENT • Visits to fabulous Disney World available. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: INNKEEPER 362-7537 212 KING ST, W. TORONTO enitereanillikatotet FORT LAUDERDALE'S FINEST FUN RESORT • ATJI 18 dany b. December 74 56 of 4id` Person deo h ••• rooms k voc up modiff.e urapean tavisn dinitAlillan Plant idd 4,047.akillit, Little Laurie Debus of Zurich digs into a plate of beans last Saturday during the Zurich Bean Festival. She was one of the more than 20,000 people who enjoyed the ton and a half of beans served. Helping her is her cousin Mrs. Dorothy Rumble of Chatham. (News-Record photo) CANADA GRADE "A" FRESH CANADA NO. I ONT. GROWN GREEN CABBAGE each 29c ONTARIO NO, HEAD LETTUCE 2 tor 49c kJ's. NO. NECTARINES 5 for 69c U.S. NO. 1 SALMON FLESH Plain or Garlic or Polish Mks- BIC1C$ PICKLES 32 st.ior 49c 25 lb. bag CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO GROy/N TABLE POTATOES DOZEN 49 VAPONA NO PEST STRIP 2.59 CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS CROSS RIB ROAST OR STEAKS .1.09 PRIMROSE FROZEN BEEF STEAKETTES TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED SKINLESS WIENERS MARY MILES PARTLY SKINNED SMOKED HAM SHIRRIFF ASSORTED VARIETIES JELLY CHECKERBOARD FARMS FROZEN Fully Cooked TURKEY DER ARCTIC GARDEN FANCY FROZEN GREEN PEAS 2 lb, bog CARLTON CLUB ASSORTED FLAVOURS SOFT DRINKS FRYING CHICKENS 2 to 3 lb size lb. WE SELL ONLY CANADA'S FINEST RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF! CoiEnTARTi FOOTBALL STYLE I FULLY COOKED Cur THICK I I TURKEYS! BLADE ! SMOKED I HAM 1 ROAST I I WHOIL OR HALF I I FOR BBQ • I I ti I 8it " BONUS DISCOUNTS Bib. Ore. shank portion 3 oz. pkg. 1.09 lb, 59c 61:11be. 894 J JAM LIQUID BLEACH 64 oz. 45. plastic jug TOP VALU EVAPORATED MILK 5 16 oz. tini I 0 0 CUT FROM THE LOIN FROZEN PORK TENDERLOIN NOVA SCOTIAN FROZEN BONELESS PERCH FILLETS TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED SLICED SIDE BACON TOP VALU HAMBURGER OR HOT DOG BUNS 46" Maple Leaf Miracle Basted Canada Grade "A" Butter Basted TURKEY BROILERS 6-9 II!. site NUTRITIOUSLY RICH IN VITAMINS SKINLESS SLICED BEEF LIVER r—irdiErfair"7 I FROM THE CHUCK I 1 BEEF BLADE I STEAKS I KOTEX Reg. Or Super FEMININE NAPKINS Pkg4 " 42 4 96 KLEENEX Rai fa pip ASSORTIO COLOURS FACIAL TISSUE plig.61 150 CHOCOLATE QUIK DOG FOOD CARNATION FRO2EN CRINKLE CUT RENtli FRIES NESTLE b s 1111 rib. 09 UR WEEKEND HOLIDAY BAR-B.0 PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA ORANGES THERE'S AN IGA STORE NEAR YOU . . „ . „ .. „ .... TREESWEEt RECONSTITUTED GRAPEFRUIT, BLEN4E,ORacic ORANGE JUICE JOHNSON'S ASSORTED COLOURS ALL PURPOSE J.CLOTH TOWELS Vit 494 DRIVE POWDERED DETERGENT king ...