HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-08-24, Page 2News•Recor4, Ttitirsdfiy, August 24, 1972 Town BY MAHG ,RUPD PUBLIC NOTICE with friends and relaxed under the spell of the Murray music. We feel it is true to say that everyone had a wonderful time, with the possible exception of the wee lad, who locked himself in the remote outhouse and was only' released after his frantic yells and bangings was heard above the orchestra. As for the Rector, the Rev. Geo, Youmatoff said in summing up the day's success: "You must all live right. It is better to put your faith in St. George than in St. Swithin. 16 Riftehe Continued from Page 1, a good question whether she or the Rector's wife, Mrs, Youmatoff in full length empire gown, was the "belle of the ball". During the afternoon, the Murray orchestra played to a most appreciative audience gathered around, Young people swam, played games and went for pony rides, The pony was supplied by Gary Merner. Another most popular feature was boating on the lake, Jack Mayhew's motor boat, Don Middleton's kyack and Stewart's canoe were in demand all afternoon, The Stewart Middleton's deeply appreciated the efforts of the church fathers, who brought picnic tables, chairs and bales of hay. Thanks too, to Ken Merner for the use of his roadway, all the "church mothers" who nipped in and helped and to Hank Gelling for his piano. Every centennial happening so far has been most successful as everyone worked hard to make it so. Those who didn't boat or swim visited SUNDAY ,AUGUST 27 HEAR R. J. ROLSTON OF FORT ERIE ONTARIO "PLUS" THE TABERNACLE TRIO At Westfield Fellowship Hour at 2 p.m. Huron Men's Chapel at 8 p.m. Special Speaker at Westfield FellowshipHour Speaking on - "WHY Rev. Warr MILLIONS LIVING NOW MAY NEVER DIE" GOOD NEWS DRIVE-IN on SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 8:30 p.m. HEAR SPEAKER JIM BOSWELL from London Music by THE NEW COVENANT CHILDREN COME AS YOU ARE IN YOUR CAR 1/2 mile east of Holmesville Highway 8 ALL WELCOME NO COLLECTION Fisher reunion The Fisher reunion was held on Sunday, August 20, under sunny skies at the Falls Reserve at Benmiller. There were 41 families who signed the register and over 75 enjoyed a lovely noon meal. • A short business period followed with the president, Arnold Fisher in charge. It was decided to hold a picnic here next year with the same committees in charge and with power to add others to help. The sports were under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill, Bayfield. Results were; the youngest person present, Barry Kerr (age three months); the oldest person present, Mrs. Theresa Elder, Tillsonburg (85 years of age); the most recent married couple, Mr, and Mrs. Craig Jessop, Winnipeg (4 years married); the longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wiltse, Clinton (59 years). Races for the younger children followed: teenagers' running race, Brian Merrill, Bayfield, Wayne Cantelon; married men and women straw and water relay, the ladies side; squeeze the scales, men, Mr. Harry Kerr (220 pounds); most change in men's pocket or purse, Mr, Jim Matheson, Toronto; arm link running race for everyone, Gordon and Brian Merrill, Esther Merrill and Wayne Cantelon; piggy back race, Harry and Dennis Kerr, Gordon Merrill and David Fisher; lady with the most jewellery, Mrs. Theresa Elder; guessing no. of candles in jar, Jane Kerr. Practically all the young folk donned bathing suits and had heaps of fun down at the falls, while the older folks enjoyed visiting with friends and reminiscing. R100410kg, IT SANDWICH FIXINGS WHITE SLICED (PONY TAIL) 'TOP VALU BREAD HOLIDAY (LUNCHEON MEAT BOSTON CORNED BEEF LOAF CLOVER LEAF HOE SALMON BYE THE SEA FLAKED LIG PACK TUNA SLEEVE A OP VALU SOFT MARGARINE (70% BUTTER ELM GROVE DAIRY SPREAD SPECIAL STUDENT DESK 39" x 21" TOP 30" HIGH SOLID WOOD CONSTRUCTION (Birch) WALNUT FINISH $485° Other Models Ili Stock FASCINATION ASSORTED FLAVOURS ICE CREAM 12 oz, tin to.3"' 23 tin I DEL MONTE FANCY PINEAPPLE JUICE MONARCH SOFT WHEAT CAKE & PASTRY FLOUR VIVA WHITE OR ASSORTED COLOURS BATHROOM TISSUE 3 :ail CORONATION SWEET, HAMBURG, OR HOT DOG. RELISH 4 11%1 .00 SHIRIFY GAY PLAIN, SUGAR OR ' CINNAMON DONUTS L0.'51 NI Huron not big enough, • (continued from page 1) become a region?" asked Thomas. "If you want a quick answer it is no," answered McKeough, "You don`t meet the population criteria, You can't afford the services, A study has to be made. You have to take a look at the outer boundaries as well as inner boundaries," McKeough further indicated that ,,the boundaries for municipalities set up 100 years ago need not remain the same forever, Gerry Ginn, deputy-reeve of Gederich Township, asked McKeough if consideration was being given to the method of taxing farmland. He was told that a new system of farm taxation was expected about the same time as the new assessment - probably 1974. Ginn also asked why money for certain "people" services such as health, welfare, library, could not be raised on a per capita basis rather than on an assessment basis. 'I'm afraid that some good projects are going to be turned down in Huron because taxes are raised on an assessment basis, not on a per capita basis," said Ginn. McKeough answered that the general trend now in provincial government is to assess ants to the municipalities on an assessment basis rather than on a per capita basis as in the past. McKillop's Reeve Allan Campbell asked about the increased cost for larger units of administration. "When any outfit goes bigger, it costs more," said Campbell, "Why? It is supposed to be more economical." McKeough claimed he might be "over- simplifying" the situation, but he compared larger government units of administration to supermarkets. He said that most women no longer shop at the corner store because the supermarkets can give better prices, better quality fresher produce and 'wider variety. 'People are demanding more and more services and the cost of government has gone up in. the same way that the cost of food or anything else has gone up," said McKeough, "I shop at the corner store and so does wirer retorted Campbell. "And the prices don't vary that much from the s- upermarket." Reeve Bill Elston of Morris Township complained to McKeough about the new county .boards of education. He said these Capt. and Mrs, Benno Botterhoseh and daughter* Anne, who have been on an exchange posting in Fareham, England, were recent visitors with Mr, and 'Mrs. Warren Gibbings, They will be living in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. * * Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Radford, Gregg and Tracey of Elmira, New York spent the past weekend with their relatives in the area, * * After spending two weeks with Mrs. Mae Ferris at Beaverton, Ontario, Mrs. William Rutledge has returned home. During this time, the ladies enjoyed a boat tour of the Thousand Islands, leaving from Gananoque. Their tour included Boldt Castle which is an abandoned mansion on one of the islands, The owner's wife died before it was completed and the home was left unfinished. units. were ton far away . .from the people, that the operations of the school board are being .directed by civil servants and that costs are too high for the value being received in education.. "It is just no good," said Elston, really can't agree," answered McKeough. It was six o'clock before the discussion „DAMe to an end. Dinner was served at the Bedford Hotel for county councillors and their guests. friends in Clinton and Blyth. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fee and Brenda had a camping holiday at Long Point last 'week. * * * Charles Fleming of Brighton, Ontario, eldest grandson of Mr. and Mrs. James Handy, Clinton, has been accepted as a gentleman cadet at Royal Military College, Kingston. Charles, a graduate of East Northumberland Secondary School and an Ontario Scholar, is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. . T, A. Fleming, Brighton. * * A lively group of young singers from Dayton, Ohio were in Bayfield a week ago making Bayfield Baptist Church their headquarters, Our source of information says they enjoyed some excellent singing by the group, which participated in church activities. People in our area are in for a treat on September 11, when an evening of German folksongs, dances, music and gymnastics is to be presented, The place will be Central Huron Secondary School auditorium and the group, composed of 37 young people, is known as "Pornmerschen Speeldeel". The group is coming due to the efforts of the Order of Eastern Star. Watch the paper for further details. SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE LEGISLATURE ON THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD INVITATION TO SUBMIT WRITTEN BRIEFS . On June 30th, 197?, the Ontario Legislature appointed a' Select Committee to examine, inquire into and report upon the Ontario Municipal Board and to make recommendations on: (a) the purpose, object and functions of the Ontario Municipal Board, (b) the jurisdiction of the Ontario Municipal Board. (e) the structure and organization of the Ontario Municipal Board, (d) the procedures and practices of the Ontario Municipal Board. (e) the procedures by way of appeal from the orders and rulings of the Ontario Municipal Board, including appeals by way of petitions to the Lieutenant Governor in Council. (f) the relationship of the Ontario Municipal Board in the discharge of its responsibilities with the Provincial Government, local government and the individual citizen. The Committtee invites written briefs from individuals and organizations who may wish to present information, opinions or suggestions regarding any of the above matters relating to the Ontario Municipal Board. Briefs must be submitted by September 15th, 1972 to the Clerk of the Committee Box 233, Main Parliament Building, Toronto 182, Ontario. Centennial continues. • 0 • * * * Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bond of 11.11,3, Clinton have purchased the house owned by Mr. Clarke Zinn at 86 Wellington Street, Clinton and will take possession by September 1. Mr. and Mrs. John Bernasconi and Dale, of St. Bruno, Quebec, have been visiting with relatives and John P. MacBeth, Q.C., M.P.P., Chairman. Alex McFedries, Clerk, • • THERE'S AN IGA STORE NEAR YOU a'_ I I Clinton oeb.ftd, CUT FROM THE CHUCK BLADE BONE OUT BEEF BLADE or SHORT RIB 24 ot. 87`1 12 ot. 59C 1.00 I ROAST lb. • loavesim 12ot. tins 1-7RE'RTC1 rgr:11E;g11 F FROZEN - 1 BEEF I I SWISS STYLE KNIFECti T rToTZTTE I PICKLED —16" 1 " STEAK 1 I Shoulder I I CHICKEN1 1COTTAGE 4cit BLADE I I BEEF I I 3 P1g":- 3V— I FOR BSO 3Rt0041Lib,InsSize ark ,, I CUT THICK I I STEAK I I LEGS I tub 73/4 S9C tin —......--.—.— 4 1 I 1 0 8 59c / Lb. i Lb. _ _ __ _,..1 1.1.,b:._ ___ _ I !IL___ 1, 7 94 , , I lb. pkg. WE SELL ONLY CANADA'S FINEST RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF' Golden Yellow CHIQUITA OR DOLE PRIMROSE FROZEN BEEF STEAKETTES TOP VALU - SLICED SIDE BACON MAPLE LEAF VAC PACKED ALL BEEF WIENERS 1th' 69 1 lb. sot 97c pac pkg. 59c ,lb.95c .69c 4 ot. portion CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK COMPLETELY BONELESS BANANAS C BLADE ROAST NOVA SCOTIA FROZEN BONELESS OCEAN PERCH FILLETS TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED SKINLESS WIENERS 1 .09 MAPLE LEAF DEVON VACUUM PACKED SLICED SIDE BACON pkg. 89c pkg. CUT FROM THE CHUCK COMPLETELY BONELESS CROSS RIB STEAK lb.1 .09 BURNS PORK AND BEEF STORE PACKED FARM OR LINK SAUSAGE lb.59c AUSTRALIAN FROZEN SHANK HALF LEG OF LAMB lb. 5j lb, 2 /89c U.S. NO. 1 SALMON FLESH CANTALOUPES • BONUS DISCOUNTS CANADA Nj), Ontario Grown CARROTS CANADA FANCY MELBA APPLES Nbo:_ 79c ONTARIO NO. 1 FIELD CUCUMBERS 2 i.,29c U.S. NO, 1 MOUNTAIN BARTLETT ' PEARS 5 for 59` U,S. NO. 1 THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES . 2 11.139c ONTARIO NO. WAXED TURNIPS 2 un,25c 3 lb. cello Pk3. 33c SILVERDALE FROM CONCENTRATE ORANGE JUICE DEL MONTE FANCY PEACH HALVES OR SLICES SOFTENE LIQUID DISHWASHING DETERGENT Vz gallon 79c cant. 9c LAKESIDE STANDARD TOMATOES SQUIRREL SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER 28 6tili4.17c air SCOTT PAPER SALE 32oz,29C plastic MI. 41302,99C jar SCOTTIES 2 PLY ASSORTED 'COLOURS FACIAL TISSUE 3 oft:: 1600 I 111.0 SWEETENED ASSORTED FLAVOURS FRUIT DRINKS 3 48t i .00 DEL MONTE FANCY CREAM STYLE CORN OR GREEN PEAS .00 SCOTT ASSORTED COLOURS 2 roll pkg. 'APER TOWELS [PEEK FREAN B VARIETIES BISCUITS HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR ?AM varom PLAIN 00 NOM' POTATO CHIPS 10 bt. bog 4 ig:gts4. 1 io 00 BALL & MUTCH LTD. MUTT & JEFF (PREPRICEO 2/81') Asserted Varieties 121ez. 6 pfootie CUT RITE REFILL OR CUTTER BOX 1000. DOG FOOD nit 1 600 roll Waxed Paper or Refill coNFIDErs FEMININE NAPKINS HALO REGULAR, DRY OR OILY SHAMPOO, 'a 70c WIT% MU }LAW< M00% CASE OA IlAtIcr0 ,C0001 BANQUET FROZEN. APPLE OR CHERRY PIE HOME FURNISHINGS CLINTON ,, 1494 55 of 12 9t 20 .6. 019, of it pie /1"' ''' . • 11 ALBERT ST. 482960S oreelsoralesse. eeee409.e;:,:*aa,OmaeMeialarog.' Mlve