HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-08-17, Page 2Clinton Loyal Orange Lodge at Derry Day parade Brucefield BY MRS. H. F. BERRY Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hill spent Sunday in St. Catliarin, a, Mr, Glen Swan is a patient in. Clinton hospital, Mrs, Geo. Henderson visited for a few days last week with friends in Owen Sound, Mr. Lorne Wilson is a patient in London's St, Joseph Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jackson were on vacation last week. Mr. and Mrs. K. Sholdice, Windsor, spent a few days with their mother, Mrs, M. Sholdice and Mrs. Paterson. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Mason, Windsor, spent the weekend with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stackhouse of Wilton Grove visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, M. Wilson. Mrs. Murray Tyndall has taken up residence in the Scott apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McBeath and family visited with Mr. McBeath's mother, Mrs. W. McBeath for the weekend. Mrs. Jas. Paterson and Cheryl, London, spent Sunday with relatives in Brucefield and Clinton. Cheryl remained for a few days' holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stevens visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. John Henderson. Sacrament of Holy Communion will be held at Brucefield United Church at 10 a.m, on Sunday, August 20. Reeve Elgin Thompson and Mrs. Thompson have returned from a vacation in the Canadian West. 1 c SALE 1 c at the. SAO/AVON ARMY RUMMAGE DEPOT 15 .Ratlenbury St., .Clinton EVERY DAY AUG. 1 4 - 2 1 _(ex,Opl.sunday) 10 a.m. — 5:30 p.m. FIRST ARTICLE AT REGULAR. PRICE SECOND ARTICLE (YOUR CHOICE) ONE CENT HURRY-7-- BARGAINS 32,33b • 800 FT. PRIVATE TWO HEATED POOLS, SUN DECKS • LUXURIOUS GUEST ACCOMMODA- TIONS • GOLF PRIVILEGES ON 3 CHAMPIONSHIP COURSES • FREE TENNIS ON PREMISES • SUPERB DINING • NIGHTLY DANCING & ENTERTAINMENT • Visits to fabulous Disney World available. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT; INNKEEPER 362.7537 .212 KIND ST. W. TORONTO eatikeadMilefliotel ki FORT LAUDERDALE'S FINEST FUN RESORT 3200 Galt Ocean Or„ Fort Lauderdale 333011 $ n April 18 1Noir bhercuernber 14 *14 Per Person.0/. up. 56 of 420 rooms, Europeen°so Plan Modified Amer ican Plan; , lavish dinner & breekfast add $8 daily. ONTARIO NO. 1 GARDEN FRESH HEAD LETTUCE 21.,49° CANADA NO. 1 CRISPY CARROTS Mr :et 23' GOLDEN YELLOW CHIOUITA OR DOLE BANANAS Ns.13` ONTARIO NO. 1 GARDEN FRESH GREEN PEPPERS "ck 10` ONTARIO NO. 1 GARDEN FRESH Field Cucumbers 2 4,29c CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO GROWN ONIONS ca. or 45' PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRO—NEW CROP ORANGES Dec. s:13: 49' U.S. No. 1 NEW CROP YAMS 216,45' The season for fairs is upon us it seems. One of the early ones is Lucan Fair which begins tomorrow (Friday) and runs through Saturday and Sunday, Two of the excellent entertainers are Gordie Tapp and violinist, Al Cherny. See the ad elsewhere in the paper for details about the "Lions' Den" etc, * Mr. and Mrs. William Porter of St, Marys spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Porter, R.R.5 Clinton. Holiday visitors this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leibold of R.R.2 Clinton were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grindon and son, John, of Burnaby, B,C., Mrs. Edith Johnston of London and her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston and baby son of St. Thomas, Mrs. Marion Malcolm and daughter Kimberley and friends of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Twamley of Stratford and their grandson David Skinner of Stratford and two Continued from Page 1. And everyone who knows Les Jervis recognized the character sketch done by David Fox. As a matter of fact, those in the audience who were from the area recognized most of their neighbors in the scenes. Howls of laughter and groans of embarrassment burst continually from the straw bleachers. And somehow the actors managed, while laying open the characters of the community for all to see, not to offend anybody (they hope) and not to bear false witness to the personalities of any of their new-found friends, The program ended with the magnificent skit set to rhyme, of the Saga of Big John Deere and the coming of the tractor to farm- life. Alan Jones as John Deere led the pantomime through to its conclusion, where machinery triumphs and John Deere is drowned. When all the actors had disappeared off stage through a trap-door, the show was over, and Paul Thompson invited the audience to have some refreshment and stay to chat with the actors. This chance for discussion among actors and audience was as appreciated by one group as by the other, for the six actors wanted to hear whether their interpretations had been 'successful 'in the opinions of those from whom, they, had gotten their information. Evidently they had, for compliments flew, even from members of the "Lobb Dynasty". The show is over now in Clinton, but it will live on in Toronto. Paul Thompson explained that the material gathered during the summer will be turned into a production for a city audience as well. Great changes will have to be made in the show as it was presented in Clinton, including more explanatory content for those who are not at all familiar with farm life, and who, of course, don't know Clinton residents. After about three weeks of rehearsals, the play will open in Toronto around September 20. What do the actors intend to do after the play on farming is over? Most of them intend to stay in Toronto and try to get work in theatre — either the Passe Muraille company or elsewhere. Alan Jones wants to get away from the whole business for a while and go north of the Arctic Circle — just to see what happens and what it's like. But acting gets into one's blood and it's hard to shake. As Miles Potter puts it, "It's not a very secure way of life, but it's exciting!" "We've enjoyed it very much here," said David Fox, as he looked around the farmyard crowded with neighbors. And it is probably safe to say that the experience will live long in the memories of both the actors and the audience. Hullet council approves drainage Hullett Township will impose special annual drainage rates upon land on which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act of 1971. The council passed the bylaw at their regular meeting last week. Council also accepted a tender from Ken Hulley to supply and deliver 16,000 and 9,000 cubic yards of 'B' gravel according to specifications. Mr. Hulley's tender of 46 cents and 44 cents per cubic yard was the lowest tender submitted. In other .business, council accepted an application from J. Lyons for a, Tile Drain Loan of $3,750. Council also instructed clerk Clare Vincent to send a letter to Maitland Telephone Services requesting them to put fewer parties on telephone service in Londesboro. It is particularly difficult for businesses in the village to use the phone when needed. At a special meeting held in late 'July, Hullett Township Council gave second reading to a by-law that would provide for a Drainage Works in the township and for borrowing on the credit of the municipality an amount up to $1,755. They also tentatively accepted the report of James A. Howes on the Jenkins Drain. Council assured one ratepayer present that the report called only for work on the existing drain and didn't call for any extension. Council set September 5 at 9 p.m. as the date for a court of revision. Huron County Plowman's Association also gained permission to sell lottery tickets in Hullett. News-Revord, Thursday, August 17, 1972 .6**4 Town A .42,,,9-.4>,0,4,,~!.. BY MARG RVOD Twamley grandchildren from California, * We've had a guest in the office for the past two weeks in the person of Ken Stewart of Toronto who is searching in the old papers for information about his family, While in Clinton, Mr. Stewart has been staying with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Stewart. * * * Mrs. George Riehi has returned home after spending a month vacationing in Capreol and Harmer. Mrs. William Jenkins of Hanmer has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Riehl and her mother the past week. * * * At council meeting on Monday night, building permits were issued to Norman A. Truesdell for garage, $850; Frank Radford, carport, $450; Charles Nelson, garage addition, $200; Mrs. Mary Cameron, dwelling, $18,000; Ray Mitchell, dwelling, $20,000; and Ray Carter, steps and canopy, $500. Thrilling play.... ...Woad" Ring the Belli PICKLING & CANNING SALE 10 lb. bag 1 • QUARTER LOIN (9-11 Chops) LOIN PORK CHOPS GROUND I I APPROXIMATE r 'FRESH LEG & r ---CUT ---1„r" CUT FROM THE FAT CONTENT 25% I .1 BREAST PORTIONS 1 1 FROM THE I BEEF CHUCK WINGS ATTACHED BEEF CHUCK I BONELESS FRESH I I I I BLADE I 'ROAST or ca seck 2 ins Medium 1 lb. pkg. WE SELL ONLY CANADA'S FINEST RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF! U.S. NO. 1 THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES The best protective equipment you can ever own is already yours—one pair of eyes. Just knowing what's going on around you helps you avoid job accidents. So it makes good sense to look after your eyes; with protective glasses if the job calls for them, and regular check-ups if your eyesight's below par. Take care of your eyes, arid they'll see you safely through the working day. The sure way to i safety s Self-Defence. 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MOO 14D VEG. 5 lint 1.00 pkg. of po 2 rolls 4301 lb. , n 10 o, bog ho PUSS 'N ROOTS, ASSORTED FLAVOURS CAT, FOOD 6 isit 11.00 BETTY CROCKER, ASSORTED VARIETIES 4.% to . ,FROSTING MIXES 2 ,1•1;:: 88c SHIRLEY GAY 'RASPBERRY LLY ROLL k.if drip, or. AI CAPRI ASSORTED COLOURS BATHROOM TISSUE CASHMERE WHITE, PINK DR YELLOW Bathroom Tissue, Nov LIQUID DETERGENT CORONATION STUFFED MANZANILLA OLIVES , "it 59' KLEENEX 2 PLY, ASSORTED COLOURS FACIAL TISSUE 1.00 MOM'S COLOURED 4 88c BERNARDI?! 6310-21 Your Workmen's Compensation Board and The SafetiAssociationsi Ontario CAPRI ASSORTED OR WHITE PAPER TOWELS GRANULATED EXTRA FINE WHITE SUGAR ctn.ail 4 c of it %IP I pkg. bf 4 rolls 49 2.1 00 •ko. 1 12 u. veic plastic Qlf,