Clinton News-Record, 1972-07-20, Page 13VICTORIA and
Lealand Hill, Manager
Elgin and Kingston
Goderich 524-7381
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111t
Two of the finest biennials for
flower borders and beds are
sweet williams and wallflowers.
Both have a fascinating range of
colors and give massive displays
with normal care, but are poles
apart in their climatic
requirements, for while sweet
williams will withstand most of
Eastern Canadian conditions, the
English wallflowers will only
grow successfully in the milder
parts of British Columbia.
The sweet william is a great
favoritd among gardeners,
because it brings the delight and
freshness of an Old World garden
to the most modern settings. It
has always been popular because
of its great diversity of color, its
long season for flowering, the
sweetness of its perfume, and its
ease of cultivation. The plant is
capable gf reproducing itself
from its abundant seeds that it
self-sows where it is planted, but
unfortunately these seeds seldom
produce plants true to type. The
species Dianthus barbatus, a
native of Southern Europe, was
introduced into English gardens
before 1575.
There are annual forms of this
biennial, but most of the better
cultivars and strains are
biennial types. Sow the seeds in
June and transplant the seedlings
in the fall. Make the nursery rows
12 inches apart and plant the
seedlings nine inches apart in the
row. In September or October
move them into the beds or
borders where they are to flower.
A few years ago at the
Agriculture Canada Plant
Research Institute in Ottawa, an
attempt was made to grow all the
existing kinds of sweet williams.
Some of the most delightful
cultivars were Pheasant Eye,
with brilliant crimson florets
accented by a prominent pure
white zonal marking; Scarlet
Beauty, short, compact plants
with uniform scarlet-red flowers;
Harlequin, with two-toned pink
and white flowers on very
vigorous plants; and the
extremely beautiful short,
compact strain Indian Carpet.
which grew only six inches high
and had flowers ranging from
white to pink and deep red.
The English wallflower
,(Cheiranthus Cheiri) is a native of
the Canary Islands, Madiera and
the Mediterranean regions,
where it is a perennial, In Canada
Save on
by your
Money i you put into your
registered retirement plan
can be deducted from the
income on which you pay
tax. Put that money away
in monthly instalments in
your Victoria and Grey
special savings account —
beginning right now. You'll
earn high interest until the
end of February next year
and you can put it into
your own retirement
income fund and deduct
that amount from taxable
income. Let us set it all up
for you. Get smart today
at Victoria and Grey.
There's a lot of puppy love for young Bill Brautigam of Clinton. Here eight long-haired Dachshunds
scramble over him one warm evening recently. His parents, Keith and Jean Brautigan, raise the rare
dogs fora hobby and forshow purposes. These pups, some of the few in Canada, will be worth $125 as
and I'm hoping my cohorts will
approve. First of all. I will not
beg, entreat, cajole, urge or
otherwise bring pressure to hear
on anyone who does not want to
participate in that part of the
picnic. As far as I'm concerned, it
is everyone's personal business
if he or she wants to risk a heart
attack by running full tilt after
doing very little else for the
remainder of the year but pushing
a pencil.
Going on the premise that
picnic fever is fading among the
young, the greatest portion of the
activities will be geared to the
middle-aged (like me) and the
elderly (like I'm fast becoming).
Oh, there will be the usual frolic
for the pre-schoolers and the
youngsters under 8 or 10, but I see
little value in planning a program
of young adult sports when most
parents either can't persuade the
teeners to come...or can't prevail
upon them to do much more but sit
with long faces watching the clock
for lunchtime and eventual
departure. Rebellious youth will
get no hassle from me!
There will be plenty of
opportunity for
conversation...for I believe that
most people are like I am. I think
the greatest appeal in family
picnics is the sociability. It is an
annual opportunity to get the
statistics straight.„to note how
much John's hair has thinned out,
how much smaller Grace's waist
has become, how saucy little
Herman has grown, how mod
Cousin Hilda's oldest son has
It is a chance for Uncle Gregory
to brag about his new car, for
brother Bill to haul out the plans
for his summerhouse on Lake
Going Broke, for Grandpa
Higglesworth to make excuses for
his son and family who are on
special assignment in the
I think the accent should he on
the fatnilies—not food and foolish
fun, That's what attracts me and
I'll wager that's what keeps most
folks coming year after year.
But a picnic'? With flies and
mosquitoes and too much sun?
Ridiculous races and a cooking
contest with keen competition?
Who needs it?
Independent Shipper
United Co-operative
of Ontario
Livestock Dept
Ship Your Livestock
Roy Scotchmer
Monday Is Shipping
Day From Varna Stockyard
By 7:30 a.m. Monday
For Prompt SorvIco
No, Charges on Pick.up ti
OFFICE — Main Strait, Saaforth — Phone 527-0400
Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer
— COMPLETE FARM COVERAGE, including Machin-
ery and Livestock Floaters,
— URBAN PROPERTY — We now offer Composite
Dwelling Insurance as well as Homeowners In-surance,
JAMBS KEYS, RR 1, Sesiorth; V, J. LANE, RR 5, Seaforth;
LICIPBR, RR 1, Londeshoro; SELWYN DAHER, Brussels;
MilOLD SQUIRTS, RR 3, Clinton; K. J. ETUE, Seaforth;
DONALD C. EATON, Seaforth.
This Sweet William—Summer Beauty, although
a biennial, may be treated as an annual.
Boaters take note
Zbe little
RUTH WALLACE, the new owner, suggests:
For a Light Summertime Lunch
Try Our
Homemade Soup & Sandwiches
Homemade Soup & Luncheon Plate
Buy one pair of shoes at regular price
and choose another pair for yourself
and many lines of broken sizes of
mens, womens, and childrens footwear
Phone 5'27411
arden Notes
Sweet Williams and Wallflowers
F rom my window
11111121.1111 2111ffl
0000Qaouvus. do
it is best treated as a biennial. It
will not grow in most areas of
North America, where the
winters are too ea and are
followed by very hot summers.
The only area that is suitable for
these plants in Canada is the
milder and more humid parts of
British Columbia. The Siberian
wallflower (Erysimum asperum),
however, is quite hardy and
survives the winters well in
Eastern Canada and in the Prairie
provinces where the snow is deep
enough to cover the plants, It
blooms in May and June and
makes an excellent companion to
tulips. When it is almost finished
flowering, cut back the plants and
a second period of bloom will
The English wallflower, has
many garden strains ranging
from the familiar old-fashioned
yellow, found on walls and among
ruins, to the modern large-
flowered forms that vary from
ivory through yellow, orange, red
and purp.le.
Sow seeds of the English
wallflower outdoors in June or
July in wdll-prepared soil. Sow
them thinly and evenly to "4 inch
deep. When two or three inches
high, plant the seedlings nine
inches apart in nursery rows 15
inches apart. In colder climates
transplant them into cold frames
Don't buy charts with missing
corners! If the chart you are
planning to purchase at your local
marina has one of its corners cut
off, don't buy it, the chart is
Commander Sigmund R.
Petersen, Lake S,urvey Center's
Acting Director, offers these
words of advice.
He said, "Several years ago
Lake Survey, a Department of
Commerce unit under NOAA's
National Ocean Survey, set up a
sales agent program so that our
charts would be more readily
availbable to the using public. The
program offers marinas, marine
dealers, etc., a modest discount
to sell Lake Survey Great Lakes
He continued saying, "One of
the important provisions was that
when charts became obsolete the
corner showing the chart number
and edition date would be returned
and the chart replaced at no cost.
So if someone tries to sell you a
chart with a corner missing, don't
buy it!"
Obviously, no reliable dealer
would purpoiely sell an obsolete
chart; however, in the rush and
and press of business obsolete
charts could inadvertently get
mixed in with up-to-date charts.
or a heated frame and leave there
there until spring. In a mild
climate transplant them in the
Sow seeds of Siberian
wallflower in June and transplant
the seedlings to a nursery bed, In
the fall plant them in beds or
areas where they are to flower the
following May and June. In harsh
climates cover them with a layer
of straw for winter protection. In
very cold areas where little snow
is expected, gardeners sow seeds
of the Siberian wallflower inside
and treat them as annuals.
There are many good cultivars
of English wallflowers among
which the following are
Blood Red—deep blood
crimson; Carmine King, rich
carmine: Cloth of Gold, golden
yellow; Eastern Queen, chamois,
clianging to rosy salmon; Ellen
Willmott, ruby red; Fire King,
vivid orange-red; Harper Crewe,
double gold; Vulcan, velvety
crimson: and White Dame,
creamy white.
Siberian wallflower itself is a
bright shining true orange color.
Golden Bedder, gold and Lemon
Queen, light yellow are two
cultivars that are different. but
are too much like compact
mustard plants to be considered
Each dealer is required to have a
'chart edition date list' (published
quarterly by Lake Survey) posted
prominently in his place of
business so if there is any doubt
about a chart, check the list.
Lake Survey's free catalog of
Great Lakes charts contains a list
of all sales agents. To obtain a
copy write to Lake Survey Center.
630 Federal Building, Detroit
In spite of the Seriousness of
the offense, a substantial
proportion of drivers whose
permits have been suspended,
continue to drive. Normally,
police do not check to ensure that
a no-driving order is being
obeyed, and offenders get away
with it unless and until they are
checked for some other reason.
In Bedfdrdshire, England,
there is a special police squad
established to survey and
apprehend those who drive after
their licenses are suspended. The
Ontario Safety League says that
squad members are given
information as to the residence,
place of work, habits and vehicles
of individual drivers under
Those of you who have been
faithfully reading this column for
a number of years will know how I
hate picnics...most especially,
the large family get-together type
I'm not adverse to families.
Nmilies are wonderful, even
when they have their
disagreements as most families
do from time to time. Meeting
once a year with the family is just
fine with me.,.but please tell me,
why oh why must it take the form
of a picnic.
Packing for a picnic is a pain in
the neck...and when it is a family
picnic, it is still worse. Let's face
it. I'm not much of a cook and a
picnic where lunch is pooled
together is nothing more than a
cooking competition without
Some women are naturals to
pack picnic baskets. They have no
end of ideas for making picnic
lunches which are absolutely
fantastic to look at and delightful
to eat. They would match their
picnic basket against the picnic
basket of any woman
present...and that is no easy task.
When I pack a picnic lunch I can
think of nothing original. What
else can you have at a picnic
except sandwiches and potato
salad with a few hard boiled eggs?
And after sandwiches every
rieoritirnielbr 35 years. there isn't
much than can be done to make the
lowly bread and butter plus filling
into a gourmet dish.
And then there's the
disappointment at lunchtime. It is
a subtle kind of hurt which I feel
deep in the pit of my stomach.
Aunt Mamie's fruited bologna
scallop creates as much stir as a
buxom blonde on a desert island
with a crew of shipwrecked
sailors and my limp egg-salad
sandwiches are left to get soggy in
the afternoon sun, That's
Another thing I hate about
picnics—the family variety—is
the sports section. What's fun
about running a race when you are
aging, over-weight, tired and hot?
Where's the enjoyment in relays
which put you in harness with a
team that isn't any more
enthusiastic about the game than
you are?
Honestly, I swear there is
something sadistic about the
people who plan these outdoor
parlor games. The object seems
to he to make fools of anyone who
will accept the challenge...and to
add insult to injury through it all
by bringing shame down on your
head if you shrink from the "fun"
Of course, that's just one
person's opinion. There must
surely be people who are
thoroughly satisfied with big
picnics because year after year
they continue to be popular.
This weekend I'm going to have
a chance to begin a picnic
revolution. With my husband and
his sister and her husband, I'm in
charge of sports for a family
I've made some sotermipledges
not selling
Concern has been expressed by
the Ontario Milk Marketing Board
with regard to insurance
salesmen, working in most of the
countries west of Toronto, who
are using the Board's name as the
sponsor or supporter of their
company's insurance plans.
As spokesman for the thirteen
Board Members of the OMMB,
their Chairman, George R.
McLaughlin, makes it quite clear
that the OMMB does not sponsor
or support any insurance
company in its efforts to sell
insurance to the Province's milk
'Any insurance company," he
said, "who has its salesmen
approach milk producers. is
totally independent of the Board
and that any company or plan is in
no way sponsored! or supported by
the Ontario Milk Marketing
Mr. McLaughlin explained that
the Board makes milk cheque
deductions on behalf of producers
for payment to companies or
individuals who supply products
and services to milk producers.
"We have a standard type milk
cheque deduction authorization
form," he said, "which gives the
Board the authority as instructed
by a producer. to make deductions
from his milk cheque for
assignment to others. but this
does not mean that the Board
sponsors or supports any
particular product or service to
Last Wednesday's Twilight
Meet was the first time since its
inception that events were
officiated by interested citizens
alone. The Huron-Perth Track
Club members from Clinton and
Goderich attended the meet, The
officials were Mrs. Lawson, Mr,
and Mrs. Wheeler, and Mr. and
Mrs. Gibb.
Events held July 12 were the
220 yard run, the shot put, and
high jump,
Winners of the 220 yard run, in
winning' order, were: 10 and
under, girls: Bonnie Reid,
Goderich (40 1 sec.): Jennifer
Harper, Goderich; and Laurie
Mackay, Goderich; boys: Jeff
Gibbings, Clinton (45 sec.); and
David Malpass, Clinton; 12 and
under, girls: Barb Lawson,
Clinton (40 sec.); and Mary Ann
Cummings, Clinton; boys: Ivan
(Gibb, Clinton (38 sed.): and
Richard Cox, Clinton; 14 and
under, girls: Michelle Flowers,
Clinton (35 sec.); Vickey Dierolf,
Goderich; and Mary Harper,
Goderich; boys; fain Lambert,
Goderich (35.5 sec.); Ray
Wheeler, Clinton; and Keith
McLellan, Goderich.
Winners of the shot put, in
winning order, were: 12 and
under, girls: Mary Ann
Cummings, Clinton (25 ft. 5 in.);
Barb Lawson, Clinton; and Susan
Jeffery, Goderich; boys: Ian Gibb,
Clinton (28 ft, 7 in,); Joe McMann,
Clinton; and Jeff Gibbings,
Clinton; 14 and under, Girls:
Sharon Irwin, Clinton (27 ft. 4 in.);
Tori McDonald, Goderich; and
Tammy McAstocker, Goderich;
boys: Ray Wheeler, Clinton (36 ft,
7 in.); lain Lambert, Goderich;
and Keith McLellan, Goderich,
Winners of the high jump, in
winning order, were; 12 and
under, girls; Mary Ann
Cummings, Clinton (4 ft. 1 in.);
Susan Jeffery, Goderich; and
Barb Lawson, Clinton; boys: Ian
Gibb, Clinton (4 ft,); Bill Mitchell,
Goderich; and Danny Boyce,
Goderich; 14 and under, girls:
Tori McDonald, Goderich (4 ft. 4
in.); Tammy McAstocker,
Goderich; and Sharon Irwin,
Clinton; boys Paul Mackay,
Goderich (4 ft. 7 in.); Ray
Wheeler, Clinton; and Johr.
McMann, Clinton.
in Huron County
with an economical.
in the
'Phone the News-Record at
482.3443 or the Signal-Star at
524-8331 to place your want ad:
Clinton News-13(3(10rd, Thursday, July 20, 19724A
Citizens take
interest in Club
We're pinched for room ...
New shipments arriving ...
The store is bulging ...
Something's gotta give ...
So we're giving bargains ...
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