HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-07-06, Page 711. SERVICES . 12. NOTICE tct CREDITORS 13. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE of APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON FOR APPROVAL OF A BY-LAW IMPOSING A SEWER RATE TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Clinton intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction and extension to the existing sewage. works, including the construction'of a new pumping station on Lot 900 on Osborne Steet; The" construction and installation of a 12 inch force main running from the pumping station easterly to North Street; thence Southerly along North Street to Dunlop Street; thence easterly along Dunlop Street to King Street; thence southerly along King Street to a point approximately 500 feet southerly from the railway crossing where it wilLjoin an 18 inch gravity main to continue along King Street to its intersection with Gordon Street where it will join a 21 inch main which will continue along K ing Street to Walker Street and the latter main will there join a 24 inch gravity main to continue across Lots 103 and 104 a distance of approximately 265 feet to the site of a new water pollution control plant which will also be constructed on part of Lots 103 and 104, Plan 7 Victoria Terrace, Clinton, at a total project ; cost of $770,800.00 after application of an anticipated forgivable portion thereof, there will be a net project cost of $642,300.00. It is intended to charge the whole of the cost of the work as a sewer rate for a period of 20 years upon lands that will or may derive a benefit therefrom. 2. It is proposed to raise the whole of the annual payments by a surcharge of 240 per cent on the monthly water bill. There will be an additional surcharge levied against each user to cover the maintenance and operating costs of the system, based on the annual water account, of approximately 155 per cent. 3, The following examples show approximately the average annual charges for the average Clinton household; Cost of existing water and sewer services for average household Water (including administration $20,00 Maintenance of sewage treatment plant and pumping station 15.00 Average annual cost for the average Clinton household including new sewer extension Water (including administration) $20.00 Maintenance of sewage treatment plant and 18.00 Maintenance of street Maintenance of street sewers and administration 13.00 sewers and administration 13.00 Charge for capital cost of construction of new sewage plant and pumping station 48.00 $48.00 $99.00 Therefore the total cost, as indicated above, is estimated at $99.0 for the average household each year. 4,(a) The area upon which the sewer rate is to be levied will include all of the property within the Town of Clinton having sewer connections. (b) The following exemptions will be granted: There will be a maximum sewage rate charge Of $20.00 Monthly and any water user whose sewage rate will exceed this sum bated On the proposed sewer charge will be exempt from paying any monies in excess of $20.00 monthly. 5, Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, send by prepaidpost to the clerk of the Town of Clinton, at the addre,ss given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the special rate, 6, The Ontario Municipal Board may approvethe said special rate pursuant to the statute and tnay approve of the saidworks, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any Objections will be considered, but notice of such hearing Will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above, DATED at the Town of Clinton this 4th day of July 1972, Cameron C. Proctor, Clerk-Treasurer, c-o EJ3. Menzies, O.C, Barrister, etc., Clinton, Ontario, TENDERS The Ausa410-Bayfield Conservation Authority Will ,assist watershed Jendowners. in planting trees (minimum 500; maximum 5,09()) for a. nominal fee of Obtain app I ination for seedl ing stock fremAuthority office or Ministry of Natural Resources offices (former Department of Lands and Forests), Order trees well in advance to ensure. pgy;rtainntge,ed deliveryfer spring For more' information, contact: AUSABLE-BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Box 459, Exeter. Tel. 2$5-2619 TENDERS FOR ALTERATIONS AND NEW CONSTRUCTION AT WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL. Tender forms and specifications will be available at the Huron County Board of Education, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario as of July 10. Deadline for tenders is July 14, 1972. R, McVean, Plant Superintendent. —27b 15. AUCTION SALE Of antiques, including many collectors' items, will be held for George McDonald in the Ripley High School auditorium on Saturday, July ,8 at 10:00 a.m. Lunch booth on grounds. Auctioneer's comments: "All articles are in good condition and have to be seen to be appreciated." Articles can be reviewed Friday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock; also Saturday, 9 a.m, until sale. Terms cash. Owners or auctioneers not responsible for any accidents or injury on property day of sale. Auctioneers—Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 or Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170.- 27 R.LkTIHIWELL'S eirrolocw==litorw-Ai CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture & Antiques on Saturday, July 8, 1972 at 63 Main St., Exeter, Ont. 1 p.m. Sharp AUCTION SALE Of Antiques & Primitives on Saturday, July 15, 1972 2 blocks south of Main Corner Zurich, Ontario 1 p.m, Sharp Mr. Peter Deichert, prop. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, Antiques & Tools on Saturday, July 22, 1972 144 Gidley St. West, Exeter, Ont. 1 p.m. Sharp Mrs. E. Gerson, Prop. AUCTION SALE Of Household Purnishihgs and Miscellaneous items on Wednesday, July 26, 1972 at 297 Pryde Blvd., Exeter 1 p.n.). sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mackie, Props. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, Antiques & Sealer Collection on Saturday, July 29, 1972 in Exeter Legion Hall, Wm, St, Exeter, OM, 1 O.m, Sharp This Sale is the belongings of Mrs. Fred F inkbeiner, Exeter & Mr. and Mrs, Wayne MacNaughton, London, WHITING AUCTION SERVICES EXETER, ONT, PHONE 2354964 Hanover Furs, Operated by H. Gorbet, 211-10th. St., Hanover, Ont. NAME ADDRESS PHONE FURS This Year Furs Have Gone up in Price... We have a stock of previous priced furs left on hand. These will not last long. If you want a fur, act now. We Hove a Good Selection of • PERSIAN LAMB IN BLACK, BROWN, AND GREY • NATURAL MUSKRAT IN DIFFERENT DESIGNS • RACOON • LYNX AND MANY OTHERS Act Now! and answer this coupon—we will see you the first time we are in your area. HANOVER FURS 25 YEARS OF HONEST DEALING, IN THIS AREA, HAVE GAINED US MANY FRIENDS PHONE 3 6 4...3 3 60 CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Is— CELEBRATING THEIR 20th JULY 12th 1952 1972 SHARE ACCOUNTS PAID 6 % ON MINIMUM MONTHLY BALANCE LIFE INSURED IN MOST CASES DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS 5% PER ANNUM PAID ON MINIMUM MONTHLY BALANCE OF OVER $300 TERM DEPOSITS 6 TO 71/2% Clinton Community fait union IRENE'S LAUNDROMAT and DRY CLEANERS 15 Rattenbury Si, E. Clinton — 482.7833 Poe Day Service DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING In Bulk Dr Individual Pieces Hours — Mon. through Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 42tfn 13. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Due to the untimely death of Mr. Jack Fulcher, the Driver Education Courses at Central Huron Secondary School and Seaforth District High School scheduled for July and August are CANCELLED. It is anticipated that courses will be re-offered in the fall. D.J. Cochrane, Director of Education.-27b IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN BURTON WHITE, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of 'Huron, Retired Knitter, Deceased. All persons having claims . against the Estate of the above- named, who died on the 10th April 1972, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of July 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of June, A,D, 1972, E.B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. —26, 27, 28b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN WILLIAM BATKIN LATE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED CARPENTER. All Persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of July, 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY 18 THE SQUARE-Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate. —26,27,28b Department of Public Works, Canada TENDERS For sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Vender Roof Repairs, Post Office Building, Clinton, Ontario"„ will be received until 3;00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.)' WEDNESDAY, July 12, 1972. Plans, specifications and forms of tender.can be seen at the office of the Department of Public Works, Dominion Public Building, 457 Richmond Street, LONDON, Ontario, or can be obtained 'from the District Director, Department of Public Works, P.O. Box 668, LONDON 12, Ontario. To be considered, each tender must be made on the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 3320.53311-12-42120-63017 J, E. D, Hoskins, Supervisor Tendering & Office Services. 17. BIRTHS MAGUIRE: To Mr. and Mrs, Steven Maguire, Clinton in Clinton Public Hospital on July 2, 1972, a son Steven Douglas. DONATION AND CONSIGNMENT AUCTION FOR THE VARNA UNITED CHURCH AT VARNA, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1972 1:15 p.m. Anyone wishing to consign household furniture, appliances and miscellaneous items,—for free pick up phone 482-9236 or Rathwell's Auction Service 482- 3120. 16. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Trewarlha, London, Ontario, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Janice Marlene at Mr. Norman Alexander Crampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Crampton, Owen Sound, Ontario. The marriage will take place at 7:00 p.m. August 19, 1972 in Robinson Memorial United Church, London, Ontario. — 27p Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Maxwell, Hensall, Ontario wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Lorraine to Robert James Carlile, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlile, Hensall. ; The wedding will take place August 12. 1972in Hensall United Church at 7:30 p.m.-27b 19. MARRIAGES ASQUITH-GRANIC On June 30, 1972, the marriage took place between Lillian Ann Granic of Sarajevo, Yugoslavia and Anthony Lewis (Tony) Asquith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Asquith, R.R. 2, Clinton, Ontario, at Westminister United Church, Toronto, Ontario by the Rev. D. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Asquith will be living in Toronto. 18.. DEATH$ . • FREMLIN: At his residence, "281 Home Street, StratfOrd, on Monday, June 26, 1.972, Donald Harold Fremlin, in his 28th year. Beloved husband Of Lezlie Calcott, dear father of Jennifer, son of Mr. and. Mrs, Hareld Frernlin of Clinton, brother of Douglas, London. Funeral service was held Wednesday, June 28, 1972 from the Heitibuck Funeral Home Stratford. Interment was in Avondale Cemetery, McADAM: At his residence, 149 Princess Street West, Clinton, on Tuesday, July 4, 1972, Mitcheal McAdam, in his '70th year. Beloved husband of Rose Eggett, a dear father of Eugene and Ralph, both of Clinton, Mrs. Charles Bailey (Elaine) of London, Mrs. Robert Shentaler (Grace Marie) of Ottawa. Funeral service will be at Ball Funeral Home, Thursday, July 6th, at 10:30 a,m., thence to Needham Memorial Chapel, London, where funeral service will be held Friday, July 7, at 2:00 p.m. Interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. 20. CARDS of THANKS FREY: I would like to thank all my friends, relatives and neighbours who visited me and sent cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to the, Rebekah Lodge, Ladies Conservation Club and Mary Hastings Club for the lovely bouquets and to those who helped at home in anyway.—Dorothy Frey. — 27b LIVERMORE: I wish to express my sincere thanks to everyone who sent me flowers, cards, gifts and those who visited me while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr. Addison and all nurses and staff on first floor who were all so very kind to me. All was very much appreciated. —Margaret Livermore. 27b WEBSTER: I wish to sincerely thank all those who visited me, sent cards and treats while I was in hospital. Special thanks to those who helped on the farm. — Mack Webster. —27p FREMLIN: The family of the late Don Fremlin wish to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement. Sincere thanks for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and messages of sympathy. Special thanks to Bell Telephone and Employees, Rev. M. Griffin, Dr. Newland, Stratford Hospital, Heinbuck funeral home, pallbearers, and everyone who helped in any way. Your kindness will always be remembered. — The family. —27p O'CONNELL: I wish to express my sincere thanks to anyone who sent cards, treats and visited me while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital.. Special thanks to Dr. Newland and Dr. Lambert and nurses on first floor.—Dorothy O'Connell— 27b SIERTSEMA: I wish to sincerely thank the parents, former pupils and teachers of Holmesvilie School who arranged and attended the recent "Appreciation Night" held in my honour at the school. The thoughts expressdd through this event have only confirmed the thoughtfulness with which I have been received during my years of service in the Township. Your gift will continue to remind me of the memorable "time" spent as a teacher in your community,— John Siertsema.— 27b Knox United Church Explorers held their annual banquet last Wednesday evening when their mothers and grandmothers Were the guests. The Sunday school room was tastefully decorated with pink peony buds and yellow candles with pink and white streamers. The grace was pronounced by Pastor Alfred Fry and the toast to the Queen was proposed by Sherry Verbeek. The toast to the Mothers and Grandmothers was proposed by Janet COO( and Mrs. Gerald McDowell replied. Mrs. Alfred Fry proposed a toast to the graduates and Jane Thompson replied. The leader, Miss Brenda Ball, thanked the Explorer girls for their splendid co-operation and also expressed thanks to the Mothers for their assistance. Jane Thompson thanked Miss Nancy Lapp, assistant leader, and presented her a gift for her coming marriage. Nancy thanked the girls for her gift. The graduation certificates were presented by Miss Ball and Miss Lapp to Jane Thompson, Janet Cook and Sherry Verbeek, Miss Lapp told the requirements for the red stars and memory charts and these were presented to Kim McDowell, Janice Robinson, Doreen Jefferson, Ellen Thompson, and Diane McBride, The president Jane Thompson presided for a short program including a piano solo by Janice Robinson, a reading by Kim McDowell, a piano duet by Jane and Ellen Thompson, a duet (vocal) by Diane McBride and Doreen Jefferson accompanied by Arva Ball, a piano solo by Jane Thompson and Kim McDowell and Sherry Verbeek gave a reading. Janet Cook played a piano solo. Mrs. Arnold Cook expressed her appreciation to the girls and their leaders for their evening of fellowship and spoke of their work. Janet Cook and Sherry Verbeek presented their leaders with gifts. Pastor Alfred Fry spoke expressing his thanks and gave food for thought on the theme—How the Word gets around, The program was closed with a sing-song led by Diane McBride and Arva Ball on the piano. UC ffI meets The general meeting of the United Church Women of Knox United Church was held last Wednesday evening in the Sunday school room of the church with Unit 3 in charge. The call to worship was given by Mrs. Robert Arthur. A devotion period followed. Miss Jayne Arthur played a piano solo. A duet — "Mansion on the Hill" was sung by Doris Naylor and Lorraine Chamney accompanied on the piano by Lynn Turner. The theme- Christian education in the 70's, prepared by Mrs. Gordon Gross was read by Mrs. Robert Arthur. Mrs. Gerald McDowell and Mrs, William Elliott gave reports on their visit to the London Conference and this was followed by a discussion on family planning led by Mrs. Maurice Bean. Mrs, Lawrence Plaetzer reported on the U.C.W. meeting at St. Thomas which she had attended. The meeting was closed with a hymn. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer presided for the business session. The minutes were approved as read by the secretary Mrs. Beth Lansing. The financial statement was given by Mrs. Norman McDowell and accepted. After the business was finished and correspondence read. A delicious lunch was served by the members of Unit Three. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson were guests last Saturday at the Wood-Best wedding at Delhi, Mrs. W. Tichborne and Mrs. Hugh McCabe of Goderich visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Itaithby of Dorchester spent a few days last week with Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Mr. George Timm, Miss Erna Bethke and Mrs. Charles Koch of Gorrie visited last Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Weston of Toronto spent the holiday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson and Mr. Murray Rollinson. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, Michael and Janice spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs, Gordon Taylor. Michael remained for a week's visit, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper of Exeter visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips, Beginning next Sunday, July 9th, St, Mark's Anglican church will hold their service at 8 a.m. Mr. LeO Ziler and son John of Royal Oak, Michigan visited last week With Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott and family, Mr, and Mrs. Allan McDougall and Miss Debbie Wills of Sudbilry spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Arthur spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keller at Dublin. Mr. Ed Haines spent the week- end with his parents Mr, and Mrs, Donald Haines. lie is attending summer school at London, Miss. Jennifer Grange is attending summer school at London. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. George Robb of London and Miss Barbara Trailblazers learn The North-Huron 4-h Trailblazers held their June meeting at Bob Watkins home on Monday June 19th. The meeting began with a demonstration by Jim Brigham and Ken Fidom on how to saddle, mount and neekrein a horse properly. Cathy Malcolm then showed us the various types of horse equipment and told a little about each one, The meeting was carried on inside where Sanderson of Toronto -Spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. Miss Barbara MacKay bf Sault Ste Marie, Mr. John MacKay and friend _of London and Mr. and Mrs, John Weir of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay. Mrs. James Jackson is a patient in Clinton hospital, we wish her a speedy recovery. . horsemanship attendance was taken. Ken Fidom read the minutes of the last meeting. Business concerned the next Trailride and it was decided that the ride would take place on Sunday June 25th at 12:30. The next meeting will be at Jim Brighams home on July 17th. The meeting was then adjourned, Thanks go to Mrs. Watkins for the delicious lunch she prepared. Auburn . Clinton.. News-Record, Thursday, July 5,, 1972-7 Explorers liold annual banquet 70 Ontario Watch our advertiSenients for details of our 20 , anniversary celebrations later in the year. ',4.2.44404e