HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-04-27, Page 12SILVERDALE FROZEN CONCENTRATE ORANGE JUICE 6 oz. Tin 15` SQUIRREL SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER 48 oz. Jar or Tin 99c E.D. SMITH TOMATO KETCHUP 11 oz. Btls. , 20,39` Faingo„ TOP VALU FANCY KERNEL CORN 12 oz. Tin 18C SAICO PURE CHOICE APPLE JUICE 48 oz. Tin 29c MORE Meat For Your Food Dollar MORE Service Where It Counts Most MORE Weekly Specials MORE Variety To Choose From MORE Consumer Concern MORE Exciting lip Perishable Departments • MORE Convenient Locations SOMERDALE CHOICE FROZEN FRENCH FRIES 2 lb. bag 19` MORE Owner-Operated Stores MORE Value For Your Food Dollar MORE Community Involvement RED SLICING ATERMELON U.S. NO, 1 LETTUCE CANADA NO. 1 WAXED TURNIPS RED OR BLUE BRAND ROUND STEAKS FULL SLICE OR BOTTOM ROUND ROAST RED OR BLUE BRAND FOR YOUR BBQ SIRLOIN, WING, T-BONE STEAKS COLEMAN'S Football Style SMOKED HAM EITHER HALF 40 16. IPM. 1.99 AERO GREEN LAWN 7.7-7 FERTILIZER CALIFORNIA SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES PEAT MOSS ONTARIO GROWN CANADA GRADE 'A' TOP VALU Fresh Or Frozen TURKEY BROILERS 6-9 lb. Size ONTARIO NO. 1 DUTCH SETS Canada no. i Ontorio Not House CUCUMBERS CHIQUITA BANANAS MARY MILES WIENERS / ON vac poc pkg, 99' DAVERN SLICED SIDE BACON In,. pee 654 IMPORTED FROZEN VA& or 1014/1•11•4 LEG sf IAMB 16. 591` LEAN AND TASTY BUTT PORK CHOPS OCEAN PER FOR 8RAISINO SHORT RIBS OF REEF For Sewing Centre Cut RUE SHANK 114 79K IS 75` BRITISH COLUMBIA RAINSOW TROUT A.974, Freshly Cul, Whole or Hal( TURKEY BREAST Boneless Rump or Sirloin- TIP ROAST 16.1 .19 TOP VALU SLICED SIDE BACON ULSTER FRY DREAKEAST STRIPS lb. Wall ja, MARY MILES FAST FRY CHUNKS 0..1,45 KITCHENER PACKERS BOLOGNA Ry ti. Pim &1St BURNS LINK OR FARM SAUSAGE IGA HAS ONLY CANADA'S FINEST RED AND BLUE BRAND BEEF LOW REBELLION PRICES HEINZ STRAINED MEATLESS VARIETIES 414 Ox. jar MIXED, OATMEAL OR RICE PAILUM CEREAL 16 ox. pkg. CANADA NO. I ONTARIO Yellow Onions CENTRES OR SLICED SMOKED HAM AND SAVINGS:. CORPORATIO PAYS YOU HIGHEST INTEREST on Guaranteed Investment Certificates GIC's Are Fully Guaranteed Term Deposits for Periods of 1 - 5 years for CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Contact your LOCAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR • or 69 YONOE STREET, TORONTO I I.416-360-1770 Member Canada Deposit Insurante Corporation,; . . . LAWSON and WISE Complete Insurance Service and Investments 5 Rattenbury st„ Phone 482-9644 Clinton. Ont. T, Wise—Res. 482.7265 vi.'now • '' • • • ADELAIDE DANIELS SAYS GOOD EATING HABITS SLOW AGING In spite of the many wonders of modern science, we haven't yet learned how to improve on Ponce de Leon's record for discovering the sem' ^f eternal youth. People go on growing old, and scientists still 'haven't found the way to reverse the process. Luckily for today's men and women, though, we are making progress in learning how to slow down the aging process. It may be only a matter of time before we have the answer we want. • "No cell in our bodies lives forever," today's researchers say. "Each seems to be timed for a certain span of existence, Aging is the result of the decline and eventual failure of individual cells." As we grow older, our body cells can no longer replace themselves as quickly as they did when we were young. But some scientists hope that eventually an element in the cells can be stabilized to stop the gradual modifications that end by making us old. Meantime, we must depend on keeping the body fit and until a better answer is found, researchers agree that this can best be done through proper food, regular' exercise and adequate rest. Some young-looking, young-feeling oldsters stay that way by avoiding tobacco and alcohol, and taking long, regular walks. Some smoke and drink moderately. Some take more strenuous exercise. But one thing they have in common is wise eating habits. Their diet is based on eating enough protein foods such as fish, poultry, cheese and meats; milk; fruits and vegetables; whole grain or enriched cereals and breads; and some source of vitamin A — whether their doctors recommend it as green and yellow vegetables, yellow fruits, butter or en- riched margarine, Perhaps most important of all, they keep food intake within limits that allow little or no variation from a normal, healthy weight. As we become older, we require less total food — partly because we are less active, partly because body processes gradually slow down. We must adjust to this reduce need, "Stay slim," doctors recommend, "and you will avoid a wide range of health problems. Overweight people just don't live as long as those who can find their waistlines." Of course, some people want their miracles and want them right away — the vogue for plastic surgery is testimony to that fact. The average person, though, chooses to age gracefully. He or she believes in letting nature take its course, while keeping an eye on it and giving it a helping hand. (Adelaide Daniels is Founder & Director of Weight PI/filchers of Ontario Limited) Wherever you look there will be a happy face at this children's Party planned ahead for no fuss and no muss. Plastic plates, cups and cutlery are used not only for place settings but are transformed into fanciful favors and decorations— even happy games. The youngsters can make their own and will end up taking the hostess ware home. Quite a unique example of re-cycling, For a happy happening make happy, smiling faces the motif of the party. Paint smiles on colorful plastic plates with felt markers. (Children will want to hang these in their rooms!) Assemble happy little men from WOOL Realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own Organization, SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 10 Carleton Place, Ontario. Obtain sacks and twine without charge from — Russell Manson (Shearer)' Zurich or by writing to Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited 40 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. 14,15,17,18 plastic hot drink cups, also to be taken home as favors, Or bowl them over in a game appropriately called '41lowl-a- Happy-Face", Hostessware, avocado, tangerine and gold plastic plates, cups and cutlery, is available at local supermarkets and chain stores. Use hostessware when time is precious. It saves on the washing up chore. AU the food in the suggested menu can be prepared well ahead of eating to leave an adult free to help and enjoy the children. Tuna chip bake, finger salad, buttered rolls and make-your-own-sundaes topped off with a party punch is a menu worth all smiles and no frowns. "BOWL-A-HAPPY-FACE" Materials: —12 plastic sandwich plates for one game, (two for each bowling disc) —20-30 plastic hot drink or cold drink cups in assorted colors for "pins,; —10 plastic forks or spoons —plastic cement —black felt marker For each bowling disc glue two plastic sandwich plates together, bottom to bottom. On each plate draw a big smile and two big round eyes with the black felt marker. For a well-equipped game make up six discs, Six plastic cups are needed for each "pin". Cement two cups together, one inside the other. Repeat with two more cups, Join files e double cups together, rim to 2-4 players. Even adults can play and join in the fun. MAKE-YOUR-OWN-SUNDAES The morning or day before the party, scoop servings of vanilla or chocolate ice cream into Hostess old-fashioned smoke tinted, plastic tumblers. Place in freezer until party time, Glue plastic cups to Hostess picnic plates with plastic cement to prepare containers for the sundae toppings, This provides tipless., dripless serving pieces to help avoid accidents. Fill these topping cups with an assortment of sauces, marshmellow, chocolate, butterscotch, tutti- fruitti, peanuts and cherries, Add a plastic spoon for serving, At party-time children will have a ball topping ice cream with their own concoctions. TUNA CHIP BAKE 1 small (5 oz.) bag potato chips 2 cans condensed cream of chicken soup 3/4 cup milk 2 cans (61/2 oz.) chunk light tuna 2 cups frozen peas Crush potato chips in their own bag, Sprinkle about 1 /2 cup on bottom of greased 2-quart casserole. Mix together the remaining ingredients. Sprinkle top with reserved crushed chips. Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Garnish with fresh parsley and sliced tomatoes. Makes eight servings. This casserole may be made well ahead of party, refrigerated, then popped into the oven one-half hour before serving time. 2A—Olinton News-Record, Thursday, April 27,1972 Happy Face party worth smiles rim, open ends facing. This is the body of the pin—and may he left as is. To make the pin a happy little man, glue another cup to one end, cementing the bottoms of the cups together. Cut about one inch from the top of this cup. It is important to have the face a little shorter than the hat! Now glue an inverted cup on top for a bat. Glue handles of plastic spoons or forks to the body cup for arms. Glue black felt smile and button eyes onto each face. Also, number the men, 1,2,3,4, and 5, with marker, To play game: Line pins up in a V with number 5 man the point; 2 and 3 on one side; 1 and 4 on the other. Mark a starting line 1.0-15 feet from the pins. From this point each player rolls the discs to try to knock down the men. Each player has three chances each time it is his turn to play. Score by totalling the numbers on pins knocked down. Players take turns and after 8-10 turns the scores are added. Of course, the player with the largest score wins. Bowl-a-Happy-Face is great for BE AN EARLY BIRD The Canadian Cancer Society wants to spread the word that early detection and prompt treatment can save many lives from cancer. Your local Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society can provide you with information about the Seven Safeguards against cancer. Early detection and prompt treatment saves lives from cancer. Have an annual health check-up including cancer tests, your Canadian Cancer Society urges. About 50 years ago, the number of women who survived five years after an operation for breast cancer was about 15 per cent. Today, because of improved techniques of detection and treatment, the five year survival rate is about 58 per cent. The Canadian Cancer Society urges all women to learn about breast self-examination and practise it. Twenty years ago only ten per cent of all Canadian men with cancer of the prostate survived for five years. Today the figure is 37 per cent, thanks to progress made possible by contributions to the Canadian Cancer Society. Deaths from cancer of the cervix could almost be eliminated if all women had a Pap test at regular intervals. The Pap test is a simple, painless examination which Can be done in a doctor's office, according to the Canadian Cancer Society, whose campaign slogan is "Cancer can be beaten." It takes $15 a day to feed and care for 1,000 mice in research laboratories throughout Canada. Mice are used in experiments which are helping to solve the problem of cancer. Support the research attack on cancer by sending a cheque to your local unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. Twenty years ago, only 19 per cent of people with cancer of the larynx survived for five years; today the figure is 44 per cent, thanks to advances in detection and treatment. Your contribution to the Canadian Cancer Society wild make possible more progress in its fight against one of mankind's most•stubborn diseases. One of the most useful drugs used in cancer treatment today is Vinblastine, developed from the leaves of the periwinkle plant by Canadian scientists working with funds contributed to the Canadian Cancer Society, Donations to the Society's campaign will make possible more scientific advances for the betterment of all mankind. Help prevent cancer by not smoking cigarettes, says the Canadian Cancer Society, which needs your contribution to help it learn more about preventing and curing cancer, BUYING? SELLING? Reach _ 11,800 Households in Huron County with an economical WA NT A D in the HURON SHOPPING NEWS .CLASSIFIED' PAGE 'Phone the News-Record at 482.3443 or the Sighal-Star at 524.8 a3 I to place your want ad: