HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-04-20, Page 1010,ClintOn News-liecoeci, ThorSdaV, AP0120, 1972 After the Easter story of the death and resurrection of Christ has been retold, we still have with us the same kind of people like those who lived in the time of Christ, who ridicule this great truth, Thomas, the doubter, Would not believe in the resurrection until he saw the nail prints in the hands and feet of Christ, There are those who deny the physical personal resurrection of Christ, they claim that it was only His spirit or Ghost. One wonders how a ghost could be seen, or how could it walk, or talk. Also how could a ghost cook and eat fish with other people as recorded in the twenty-first chapter of The Gospel of St. John. Not only with this story of Christ, but with so much other great truths of the scripture, we have had, and still have those people who set themselves up as knowing the whole truth and God's plan in regard to the beings that He has created. They claim to know all about the future, One reads about their Conventions where the speakers denounce all and sundry, especially the established church, and all are already lost unless they conform and become one of them. Some of these movements have only come into being during the past Century so they would have us believe that all who have believed in Christ, and died in the faith ever since Christ returned to His Father, are all lost and for them and us there is no hope in Eternal life, These are the contrary winds of our times. Paul in writing to the Ephesian Church in his day, warned them not to be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive. (Ephesians 4- 14) Again in the epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter 1. verse 13, "Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?" As one reads this book this tract or that, or listens to different speakers by means of radio or television, each one has a doctrine or interpretation or theory of their own. They cannot all be right. How then is one to know the truth? In my humble thinking, truth is only revealed to us after we have had a personal encounter with The Living Christ. Unless one has had the experience of the new birth (Been Born Again) John 3-3. and has had the Baptism of The Holy Spirit, one cannot know the truth, for only The Holy Spirit of God can reveal the word of God to any one. What am I trying to say? That unless we believe The Easter story in all of it's fulness, we cannot lay claim to Everlasting life, So we need to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith, and not steal scripture which relates to other people (I refer to the Jewish people) and their future, when Christ will reign over them for one thousand years. We must not claim this for ourselves. In conclusion let me repeat, "For by grace are ye saved, through faith, It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast". Search the scriptures, spend much time in prayer and God's Holy Spirit will guide and direct you and you will not be blown hither and yon with the contrary winds of strange doctrine. Paul Parr and The Songmasters along with Jack huggles, associate evangelist with Living Waters Ministries, will be at the Huron Men's Chapel at 8 p.m. nightly between April 21 and May 7. Mr. Ruggles is both a preacher and a soloist, having a natural talent as a songleader. He has pastored churches in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Paul Parr and The Songmasters are recording artists who have been singing throughout the United States at aII -night sings, conventions, churches and Crusades. II,_ N.', W.,,N•V e.g. 36 months at 11.78% on new and used models )IP it BANK FINANCE RATES USED CAR SPECIALS 5 1972 Chevrolet Impala, 4 door hardtops, fully equipped 10 — 1971 models Such as Chevrolets, Pontiacs, Tempests, Le Mans, Fords, Mustangs, and Valiants 7 — 1970's in various models, Chevs, Pontiacs Plymouths, Fords and Valiants 6 ----1969 Chevs, Pontiacs and Fords 20 1965 1968 Models 1970 FORD Custom 500 stationwagon 1969 FORD Country Squire 9 passenger stationwagon 1968 FORD Custom 500, 9 passenger stationwagon USED TRUCKS 2 ---1910 G.M.C. I tons, 12 ft. stake body, dual wheels, 350 engine 1970 FORD 1/2 ton pickup, 6 cylinder, standard transmission 1969 FORD th ton 2 1969 050 cab and chassis 1969 G. IA ton pickup, V8 automatic 1968 FORD F500 With stake body 1968 GAI,C, 950, 16 ft, stake 1961 0,tif.C. 1 ten pickup, VS A number Of Econolint and Chevy Vans from '64 to standard and automatic transmission %#%#~"AAAAA#SAAA0 Brussels Motors BP Service station' Ptions 11$74371 Sean Connery -James Bond 007' " -Diamonds Are Forever Ef..rasIANArnoruf CHAIM GRAY 9...„udarouturitnom Aisfotoo figgsmor = 4.....0,00110040hoom sow #,...wfiikv. RrwMr lpl gi.00,4)0 = g• MOW 14010,10, 1,141IMM1000Uft et.&. 0.19 tee.20 M21 4,12 so .23 mes.24 tvf;25 seforilor **de 22 Mir (IONIA CORORAII WW0 Got husband who au Ito get Take him out to the MOMS, wimilimioniimmilimImminimommoull000.4 University this year? One of our plans may help you through. The Canadian Armed Forces Regular Officer Training Plan offers you a chance to get a university degree in Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry or Pharmacy. An officers career in the Canadian Armed Forces has many benefits. It you are going to University this year, see us. It could be the beginning of a great future for you. Canadian Forces Recruiting and Selection Unit PARK GODERICH, ONT. 524-7811 ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL NOW PLA YING C BROTHERS $1.00 COVER CHARGE THIS FRI, and SAT, ONLY + + + BEGINNING APRIL 24 THE STAGE DOOR MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOONS 4-6 P.M, GO WITH US! THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES DRS•76.27 CENTENNIAL SQUARE 520 WELLINGTON STREET LONDON 12, ONTARIO 5th ANNUAL * DOOR CAMPING and PRIZEs SPORT SHOW SATURDAY & SUNDAY Amig 22 23 miiii. Mitlir ' ail atI. 416t1h. '.'"-. .04/ AI MP CHORES UNDO IMAM FREE AND MLitt BE ACCOMPANED SY AN OW iltit CAXASIAll 1401111111A1411 140 SPONSORED 6Y ADMISSION 504 WOOMMillAittfattlhttoikluttolowitrolatotta.90/10010 At 114 CLINTON- ARENA 4it Mt tWeat to 'MILOS obra IktAillottitt$1.1. NAV At 411144.2111)41 APOIL et ~Il 0100(11,101.194. WmmUNilYilkatcit IN CLINtON I ai01110' AII1 SIAN L t3 DAY1 it t46600308014.1 cakteras iti•iiNG A eo When you're 'lowly to 40/118 d oy . . ire the bootstifut RAINHINT WEIODING LINED INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD Clinton Walkerton And Seaforth CLINTON 482.9525 NOW FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE CLOUD "NINE" ROOM AT HOTEL CLINTON PRESENTS nunrmili "SING ALONG" WITH JEAN AT THE ORGAN EACH FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT AND REGINNING SATURDAY APR. 22 DANCING IN THE "DINING ROOM" A T HOTEL CLINTON 2 A SAFARI Of LAUGHS W THE CARRY N GANG! FUN FILLED HITS! ADULT inliRrAlooltrof ria CARRY ON UP THE JUNGLE DOI° Eitol*6 44bc, YOUllgo 44'0 overboard with the Doctorteam making a maiden— v0Vaget FRIDAY SPECIAL adMissions for the price of Fri. 21 sat. 22 Same still doubt the Easter Story Square Dances host area dance clubs CARE IN THE °"" WEEKENDS HOME COURSES FRIDAY, APRIL gl, MOVIEr "KING OF THE .GRIZZLIES" at Clinton Public School. Admission 500.-14-110 FIFTH ANNUAL CAMPING AND SPORTS SHOW., Saturday and Sunday, April .22 and 23. Clinton Community Centre, Admission 50c. Sponsored by Clinton Canadian Legion, Branch 140,- 0-16h FINAL card party, Thursday, April 20, Orange Hall, auspices LOBA, Ladies please bring lunch.-1.6h Yr" WEDNESDAY, April 26, 2;00 p.m, Dessert Euchre and Bake Sale, 100F Hall, sponsored by Rebekahs. Admission 50c,-16p SATURDAY, April 22, Clinton Legion Social, Music by Ken Mittelholtz and "The Twilites". Dancing from 9:30.-16b WEDNESDAY, April 26, Open meeting Clinton Horticulture Society, Town Hall, 8 p.m, Dr. Robert Madren of Auburn will speak on landscaping and patio garden designs. Annual plant exchange night. Bring slips, corms and dahlia tubes for trade, barter or just plain giving away. Everyone welcome.-16b RUMMAGE Sale, Salvation Army, Goderich, Saturday, April 22 at 1:30 p.m.-16 DON'T miss it. Huron Trail Riders Annual Dance, Friday, April 28 in Saltford Valley Hall, Tickets $8,00 a couple, includes buffet dinner and refreshments, Musicby the Country Boys, Open bar from 10-1, Advance tickets only, For tickets in Clinton call 482-9296.-16,17 WEDNESDAY, June 14, Ham and Turkey supper, Holmesville United Church, auspices U.C.W.-16b LUTHERAN Worship Service, Sunday, April 30, 2 p.m. Knox Chapel, Goderich. Bruce Bjorkquist pastor.-16,17x COME to Blyth Lions Club Bingo every Saturday night at 8:30 p. m Community Hall. Admission $1,00. 12 regular games, $10.00 each. Two Share-The-Wealth games. One $25.00 special. $125,00 jackpot, if taken in 60 calls, if not taren, $10.00 added each night. 50 percent of take to full card if jackpot not taken.— ltfn SATURDAY, April 22, 1972, 2:00 1).111,1 Town Hall, Clinton, Rummage Sale with Bake Sale, sponsored by Order of Eastern Star,-15,16p CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, April 21, 8:15 ,p.m. Regular games, $10; three $25 games; $75 jackpot to go. Door prizes, Admission $1,00. Auspices Branch 156, Proceeds Welfare work.-1 NEW BINGO, CLINTON LEGION HALL, 8:30 p.m., April 20, Admission $1.00. 15 regular games, $10.00 each, Three Share- The-Wealth games, One jackpot game for $170.00 in 56 calls or less, or guaranteed $25.0 0 consolation. One call and $10.00 added weekly if not won.—tfn TUESDAY, APRIL 25,, Bingo at Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $59.00 in 59 numbers.-7 THE Clinton Wheel 'N' Dealers Square Dance Club are hosting SWOSDA (South Western Ontario Square Dance Association) at Central Huron Secondary School on Saturday, April 22, 2:30 to 11:00 p.m. The public is invited to come and watch, free of charge, a day of Modern Square and Round Dancing.-16b BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON - ONTARIO Box Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. First Show at 8:30 p.m. FRI - SAT. - SUN. April 21-22.23 — DOUBLE FEATURE — LIME BIG MAN (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Dustin Hoffman Martin Balsam Chief Dan George Color THE STALKING MOON Gregory Peck Eva Marie Saint Color Cartoon amee ensema COMING NEXT WEEKEND: 1,00 CONVICTS AND A WOMAN BLOOD AND LACE CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL proudly presents The Musical YOU'RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE BROWN based on The Comic Strip "Peanuts" by CHARLES M. SCHULTZ Music and Lyrics by CLARK GESNER FREE ADMISSION—$1.0 (1) Draw on a three foot stuffed "Snoopy" (2) A character cookie for each child Tickets May Se Purchased At: The Clinton News-Record McAdam's Hardware Pickett and Campbell Central Huron Secondary School (482.11S4) THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY " APRIL 27 APRIL la APRIL 29 The Clinton "Wheel 'N' Dealers" Square Dance Club held an Open Fun Night at the Clinton Public School on Wednesday, April 5. Each member was to bring as many other couples as they could find who were willing to participate in an evening of dancing. There were six squares plus, and caller Glenn Patterson put on a superb program for everyone. Starting off with some very old familiar square dancing, with dips and dives, and allemandes, he got everyone relaxed and in the mood. Gradually he injected a few new basics to the guests, like "star thru," "square thru," and "wheel and deal," etc. This was just enough to absorb in one evening, but gave them an introduction to Modern Square Dancing, The Clinton Club demonstrated a couple of tips of more advanced dancing to show them what they could be doing too, after a beginners course. This was the main purpose for the Fun Night, to get new people interested in joining the many hundreds who do Modern Square Dancing in South Western Ontario. The evening concluded with a delicious lunch and social hour. This Saturday, April 22, at the Central Huron Secondary School, the Club is hosting SWOSDA (South Western Ontario Square Dance Association) from 2:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. There will be square dancing from 2:30 to 4:00 in the afternoon, followed by a business meeting and a hot turkey banquet. Round dancing from 7:00 to 8:00 and a special guest caller, Garnet May from Belleville, calling squares from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. This is an association of clubs all over South Western Ontario who will be travelling to Clinton for this Saturday dance. The public is invited to drop in during the afternoon or evening and watch, free of charge. URGES POSTAL FLEXIBILITY Wickets are closed in a considerable number of sub post offices during the noon hour when many employed consumers wish to make use of the postal services. Consumers' Association of Canada has requested the Postmaster General to allow each post office the flexibility to adapt its hours of operation to the general working pattern of the locality in which it is located. CAC headquarters is at 100 Gloucester Street, Ottawa, . 3 A tA W N C , Sin, 2r/ RESTRICYR D MqWO IN "A" CHASTITY 0 ST ITY99 WOMEN espreas,BRIVE.IN mg,- THEATRE HWY 8 =ERICH AT CONCESSION RD 4 • PHONE 524 9981