HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-03-30, Page 11IRENE'S LAUNDROMAT and DRY CLEANERS 15 Rattenbury St. E. Clinton -- 482.7833 One Day Service DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING In Bulk Or Individual Pieces Hours — Mon. through Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 42tfn WE SPECIALIZE IN Custom Slaughtering and Processing To Individual Requirements * Cattle and Hogs are Government Inspected in our Modern Abbatoir for Your Protection 17, BIRTHS PIPE: 'ATM and Mrs. John Pipe, Brussels, in Clinton Publie Hospital, on Tuesday, March 21, 1972. a son, •••••• .rn TR+ .r7 EINBODEN: To Mr, and Mrs. Jack Einboden, Clinton in Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, March 23, 1972, a soli. IN THE ESTATE OF ALVIN JOSEPH VODDEN, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Jeweller, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 26th day of January, 1972, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of April, A.D. 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which tile undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 15th day of March, A.D. 1972. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. —12,13,14b IN . THE ESTATE OF ANNIE VARCOE, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 24th day of January, 1972, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of April, A.D. 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 15th day of March, A.D. 1972. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. —12,13,14b IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HAROLD GLAZIER, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Laborer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 23rd day of October, 1971, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of April, A.D. 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 7th day of March, A.D. 1972. E,B, MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. 11,12,13b CLEAR ING AUCTION SALE Of farm machinery, livestock and feed at Lot 19, Concession 10, Stanley Township, 21 /2 miles east of Hayfield and 1 mile south or 7 miles north of Zurich on Wednesday, April 12 at 1:15 P.M. Full listing in next week's edition, Mr. William Desch Rathwell Auction Service Brucef i e I d-482-3120 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Specializing In Farmers' Returns ROY'S TAX SERVICE 17 GiObings St. Clinton 482-9357 • 6tfn :THWELL'S BRUCEFIELD MACHINERY AUCTION 40 miles north of London on Hwy. No. 4 and 1 mile east of Brucefield on County Rd. No. 3 or 6 miles south of Clinton on Saturday, April 1, at 12:30 P.M. A partial list consisting of Tractors: International 806 diesel apt. h. well equipped; 1850 Cockshutt and 4-furrow 16- inch plow; Cockshutt 70; Cockshutt 40 and loader; Allis Chalmers C, 2-row cultivator and bean puller; M.H. 44 diesel, 3 pt. H., 4-row cultivator; International A and bean puller; Nuffield 10-60 with loader; International C; International W. 6sInternational 400; M.II. 44 Special; Oliver 77; David Brown , 860 with cab; Ford Super Major; Case 430 and loader; A.C. D17andplow; A.C. Wd 45 with loader; M.M.U, gas; A.C. 190 fully equipped; 3010 J.D.; 1900 Cockshutt, fully equipped; 65 Massey Ferguson; 333 Massey with 3 pt. H, 4-row scuffler; John Deere 440 crawler with industrial loader and new motor; etc, etc. Trucks— '67 Ford T. 800 tandem dump; 68 Ford T. 80 tandem dump, 391 motor; '71 F 100 Ford pickup; '68 GMC 12 ton; '69 GMC 1 /2 ton-both safety checked. All trucks above average condition. 17' house trailer, propane, electric brakes, etc.; truck camper, two sleeper; truck camper box. Boats-14' Crestliner, fiberglas, 40-h.p. Johnson and trailer plus ski equipment; 22' cabin cruiser with Chrysler inboard marine and tandem trailer; 18' plywood hull with cabin, 75 h.p. Evinrude and trailer. Snowmobiles — '71 Snoject, 27 h.p., wide track; '70 Snojet, 19 h.p.; '68 Ski-Doo, 16 h.p,, electric; '71 Boa Ski; '71 Snojet, 24 h.p. Yahama engine; '70 Motoski, 25 h.p., electric; '69 TNT Ski-Doo; '70 TNT Ski-doo; '70-300 Olympic; '72 Yamaha GP 292; snowmobiles trailers. Corn Planters---J.D, 8 row 30 inch 894 AN, dry fertilizer; ,J.D. 494A, dry fertilizer; J.D. 494A, liquid fertilizer; Int. 420; Case 4-row planter; etc. etc. Combines —Int. 203 with bean equipment; M,H. 35 pull type, brand new, never used; 430 A.C, corn head for G. or C, with adaptors; 6 row 635 J.D. corn head, 3 yrs. old; Case 80 with Case air cooled motor, late model, low profile, pull type with bean equipMent; M.11. 90 Special; 18 Oliver. Machinery Several wagons, some with gravity and grain boxes; assorted widths of wheel and drag discs; 3 pt. h., semi- mounting and trailplows up to 5 furrows; field cultivators of various widths; seed drills; G.D. Int. and Cockshutt; Fox Super 1000 Harvester complete with hay and corn head and sharpening unit; Gold forage harvester with corn and pickup heads; weed sprayers; Cockshutt and New Idea semi-mounted mowers with power shaft for conditioner; corn pickers; manure spreaders, various sizes; J.D. one-way discs; 10- plate cultivators (sufflers) for Cockshutt, Oliver, M.H. and Case tractors; Janis windrowers; two-row 500 A.R. and 520 with conveyors; Mauwer 2-row bean puller, 4-row Mauwer puller; Pedrloss roll and mix mill, one year old; one and one- half ton capacity; various other equipment; post hole digger; harrows; elevators; welder; 40 rolls heavy tar paper roofing; etc: etc. Consignments will be welcomed and received until 6:00 ' P.M. Friday, March 31. Terms —Cash Lunch available, Note: This is a large offering of machinery and tractors, Machinery to be sold at 12:30 p.m. Sharp. Tractors approximately 3:30 p.m. ALLAN HAUGH, SALES MANAGE,R Phone 527-0138 RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE trucefield-482- 3120 iftila0111111110/401011.41.iminotioarlitealaimaiimmelliMale SHUR•GAIN Pig Tail Curler now available with 101 Mecadox* prevents and controls VIBRIONIC DYSENTERY (Bloody Scours) in swine. Mecadox * improves WEIGHT L. GAINS and— ") Mecadoe improves FEED 101 EFFICIENCY in swine during periods of stress due to weaning, castration and handling. Mecadox "—specifically designed for inclusion in swine feeds to be fed only up to 75 lbs. body weight 'TfAVIIIA.PhMOWNWHA Come in and get the full story on Pig Tail Curler with Mecadox' SHUR-GAIN DEALER — MASTER DEALER PHONE 482-9792 Pork Slaughtering (up to 200 lbs.) Cutting, Wrapping and Quick Freezing Beef Pork Curing 'and Smoking Hams and Bacons 12c lb. PRICES AS FOLLOWS: Beef Slaughtering $6.00 $4 00 All persons having claims against the Estate of EDWARD LEONARD TALBOT, Farmer, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 12th day of February, 1972, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 15th day of April, 1972, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this I4th day of March, 1972. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate, —12,13,14b Slaughtering on Monday only. AII•Promsing Guaranteed Exeter Frozen Foods Call 235-0400 C. M. HALL f kTHWELL'S AUCTIONEERS and APPRAISERS Licenced and Bonded ONTARIO WIDE AUCTION SERVICE PHONE COLLECT 482-3120 tfn TREE SERVICE. Fully insured, Free estimates, Dead Elm removal, pruning, etc. Phone 482.9134. —32tin REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and Floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home, Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7 67 6. Ken McNairn. —2ifn VACUUM CLEANERS Sales & Service All Makes BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 LYLE MONTGOMERY 65 Rattenbury St. E. Clinton, Ont. • 48tfn QUICK cash to pay bills dr make a purchase. Call Don Denommc, Trans Canada Credit, 52.4.5349. —1 ()tin Sewing Machines SERVICED & SOLD ALEX REED 197 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 5 2 4-846 5 PI RCY .CHARLES RENNER, Hayfield, Ontario, -will not be responsible for any debt other than those contracted .by myself afterailarch.20, 1.972, -,-13,14,15b I WILL NOT be responsible for debts incurred other than by myselfa-William C. Baker.- 12,13,14p. BMWS CUCUMBER CONTRACTS now available at MRS. G. KRAMERS Dublin, 345-2643 PAUL KRAMERS RR 4, Seaforth 527.0926 12tfn 15. AUCTION SALE . "MORNING ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE" of the contents of Mrs. Emily Cory's shop, Goderich, at the Auction Rooms, one mile south of Goderich on Hwy. 21, on Saturday, April 1, 1972 at 10:30 a.m. Dry sink; 2 antique desks; pine chests of drawers; pine washstand; pine kitchen cupboard; blanket box with drawer; rope bed; flat-to-the-wall cupboard; bureau; commode; 7 ft. three-way mirror; vanity table; rocking chairs; mohogany dresser and chest of drawers; fireplace irons; wall-phones; television; electric' stove; 5 pc. bronze set; coffee table with matching end tables; hanging lamp; oil lamps; wooden and iron primitives; bells; crocks; quantity of frames; milk glass; pressed glass; goblets; 2 blue vases; carnival vase; a large quantity of china and glass: rugs; etc. etc.' Terms cash — property sold. Mike Cummings. Auctioneer, 524-9064. 13 16. ENGAGEMENTS • x Mr. and Mrs. Koob Drost, R.B.4, Goderich, are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Jeanette Cuba to Mr. William Slotegraaf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Slotegraaf, R.11.2, Clinton. The wedding will take place (the Lord willing) on Friday, the twenty-first of April, 1972, at 7:00 p.m. in the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton.-13p 17. BIRTHS TREWARTIIA: To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trewartha (Nee Virginia Husul) of Orangeville on Sunday, March 12, 1972 in Dufferin Area Hospital, Orangeville, a daughter, Deanna Lea. MEDD: Morris and Becky of Kitwe, Zambia are pleased to announce the birth of a son, Christopher Scott, 8 lbs. 6 oz., a brother for Shelley Jane. Grandson for Mrs, Elizabeth Medd, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston, Goderich. ZONDAG: To Mr. and Mrs. C, Zondag, R.R. 1, Dashwood, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, March 27, 1972 a daughter. STURGEON: At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Thursday, March 23, 1972, Willard Sturgeon, of Hayfield, in his 76th year. Dear father of. Glen and Milvena (Mrs. Waltei. Erickson) both of Hayfield, Norma (Mrs. Gordon Stewart), of Kincardine, Donna, (Mrs. John I3oyes) of Bayfield. The funeral service was held at Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield on Saturday, March 25 with interment in Hayfield Cenietery. 20. CARDS of THANKS HUNKING: We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for the lovely flowers, cards and visits during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to all the people of Londesboro and vicinity for their kindness to our Mother. Also to .the nurses on second floor of Clinton Hospital, Rev. McDonald and Taster Funeral Home. —The Flunking Family. COOK: We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to all our friends who took the time to remember us on the occasion of our 50th wedding anniversary with so many beautiful cards and gifts. We shall remember all your kindness,—Charles and Luella Cook —13p SILLERY: I wish to convey my sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the lovely shower gifts received at the home of Mrs. Robert Fotheringham and at the community shower held at the hall in Brucefield. —Janice Sillery. — 13b WALKER: I wish to express my thanks to everyone for their kindness to me while I was in Clinton hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden and Dr. Street and nurses on the first floor. —Lloyd Walker, Wingham.-13p WHITMORE: Words could never express our sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown us by so many people of all walks of life during the loss of our dear and.only sots—Ralph,. Although it is impossible to mention everyone we trust you will include yourself as one of the following—Seaforth District High School, Staff and Students, Camp Menesetung, Seaforth Women's Institute, 411 Homemaking Leaders, Egmondville UCW, Rev. Stan McDonald, Rev. T.E. Hancock, G.A. Whitney and George Hays, our many friends, neighbours and relatives. A very special thanks to the over one hundred young people who visited us at the funeral home and attended the service who we couldn't call by name. It was heart-warming indeed to see so many fine young people who were so concerned. To everyone, your comforting expression of sympathy will always be a treasured memory. —Kathleen Erlin & Karen Whitmore. —13b DUNN: My sincere thanks to all my friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and gifts, and to those who visited me while a patient in Clinton Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Addison and Dr. Newland, Mr. Singh Khurana, Mrs. R.U. MacLean and the nurses and staff on first floor.—Albert Dunn, Bayfield.-13b GRAHAM: A sincere thank you to all who visited me, sent cards, flowers and treats while a patient in Clinton Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Walden and the nursing staff. Mel Graham.-13b McASII: My sincere thanks to everyone for their visits, flowers, gifts and cards while in hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to my doctors and the nursing staff. Your kindness and thoughtfulness will always be remembered. — Eleanor McAsh.-13b LOVE: My sincere thanks to friends, neighbours and family forflowers, cards, visits, treats and acts of kindness while I was a, patient in Clinton Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to the staff, Dr. Walden, Dr. Goddard, Rev. Lewis, U,C.W. of Ontario Street United Church and U.C.W. of Nippon United Church,—Mrs. Ross Love-13b BY ,)QYCE PEPPER C.O.C. OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The C.O.C. of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their Eaater meeting on Sunday morning at the Church. Beatrice Thompson opened the meeting with an Easter poem. Seven members answered the roll call by naming an Easter symbol. The offering was taken by Janet Hoggarth. An interesting story was read by Beatrice, arid' the children made pretty Easter scenes. Everyone enjoyed eating Easter eggs. The next meeting will be April 9. EXPLORERS OF CARMEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hensall Presbyterian Explorers met Sunday morning, with 10 members answering the roll call, with a symbol of Easter. Leaders Mrs. Al Hoggarth and Linda Bell then took the • Explorers to the Queensway Nursing Home, where they visited about 30 residents, and gave them Easter treats made by the group. Next meeting will be April 9, at the home of Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, who is the Children's Secretary of the Huron Presbytery. LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY HOLDS DRAW Don McLean of Egmondville was the lucky winner of an Easter Hamper of groceries. The draw was sponsored by the Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary and the winning ticket was drawn by Cindy Bisback, Mrs. Evelyn Randall was the convener for the project. The proceeds are to go to the Crippled Children's Treatment Centre in London for equipment. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Vic Stan and son Dale, left Saturday for their new Letter Continued from Page 4. is looking better all the time. July 25. My heart begins to beat. Though it is still very small, it is in proportion to my whole body, nine times as big as yours, mommy. July 27. My little arms are growing fast, but my legs have trouble keeping up with this rate. July 30, Today I am ten thosssand.tissips ast big ,a,a,i otii the first day. True, in all 1:measure only four millimeters (less than a quarter inch) but everything is there already: eyes and ears, mouth and brains, kidneys and liver. August 2. Today I got very elite little fingers. I will use them to put my hand in yours, later on, mom. August 6. Today I got my little nose. My ears are ready, too, and look like yours. August 14. Somebody might take a picture of me: I will look exactly the way I will at birth. In my jaws there are the buds for my baby teeth. My brains send impulses to other organs. My heart beats fast; the stomach, the liver and the kidneys work well. August 16, Today Mom experienced that I am with her. Why is she so worried? August 27. My eyelids have been formed, as well as my vocal chords. If I had air, I would shout for happiness. You can tell already, too, that I am a girl. August 29. I can feel pain. My eyelids and hands react to touch. August 30. 1 can frown deeply, as if I am thinking about a problem. And that is exactly what lam doing, because I still do not understand why Mom is so worried. September 3. It is marvellous. I breathe, swallow, but do not choke, because Mom takes care of the oxygen I need. Swallowing some liquid is important for the ,formation of the air sacs in my lungs. September 18. 1 have found out how to suck my thumb, and I like it, because it keeps me relaxed. If I move my lips, it looks as if I laugh. The doctors say that it is only an exercise before I will have to suck. But for you it means that I laugh, because I feel completely happy and protected with you. September 19, Because others are urging her on, Mom will have me killed today. Please, Mommy, don't. There are so many people that will help you in your troubles. But please, let me LIVE. home in Amnerst,-1a01,0. Scotia, Where Mr. Stan has accepted a transfer from Boise Cascade. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hallam and Howard visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Hallam of Auburn, on Saturday. Ross Hallam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Hallam, has been holidaying with his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Falconer of Clinton for a few days. Mr, and Mrs, Allen Miller visited Friday with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Houston of London. Mrs, John Hoven and children of Seaforth visited with Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Schwalm and Mrs. Bertha,Jinks. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dining and family of Sarnia visited Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mennen of North Bay, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Roberts and family. Rev, and Mrs. Ross D. MacDonald of Montreal, have accepted a call to the First Presbyterian Church in Kippen UCW BY RENA CALDWELL The U.C.W. of St. Andrew's Church, Kippen, met at the home of Mrs. Hugh Hendrick on Wednesday, March 22 with Mrs. Ken McLellan acting as Co- hostess. Mrs. Emerson Anderson opened the meeting and gave ,the Devotional consisting of an Easter Poem, Scripture Reading from Luke 23 Verses (33-46) Hymns were sung and Mrs. Anderson's Worship title "The Man who protrayed Christ" was given, Mrs. Wm. Bell chaired the remainder of the program commencing with an Easter Poem, The minutes were read by Mrs. Edison McLean. Mrs. Ken McLellan gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Norman Dickert gave the Sunshine Report and Mrs. Edison McLean gave the Visitation report. The roll call was answered by contributing a vegetable dish for use in the Kitchen of the church. It was requested that good used clothing ibe left at the church by April 3 for distribution. Mrs. Edison McLean gave the _ . . PembrokesOntarie. They Wilt be living on 512 Mary Street. Their induction will be on March 30, at 7:30 p.m. lie was a former minister of the Ca rM'ej.: Presbyterian Church in Hensall, and Mrs, MacDonald was a leader, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fink and daughters of Belleville spent a few days this past week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fink and friends, Mrs, Tressa. Fletcher is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital where she has been confined for the past two weeks. KINETTE CLUB MEETING The Hensall Kinette Club met at the home of Mrs. Sherry Bonthron, for their March 22 meeting. Mrs. Martha Stan was the guest for the evening, Preparations are being made for the spring rummage sale on May 5. Final touches were added for Interclub, which the Kinettes are hosting for District 1 Zone 13, on April 12, The raffle was won by Mrs. Joanne Bell. meets topic on Drugs and Alcohol a thought-provoking subject. The offering was taken by Mrs. H. Hendrick. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Alex McMurtie and Mrs. Bell closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by Unit 3. SWEET DREAMERS Kippen 2, 4H club met at the home of Mrs. Grant McGregor on Wednesday, March 22, The meeting opened with the 411 Pledge. The minutes were read by Chris McGregor. The new secretary elected was Linda Vanneste. The Achievement Day Exhibit and the Fashion Show were discussed. The next meeting will be held at the home of Linda Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson and family of Wroxeter and Mrs, John Barnard of Exeter visited Mr. and Mrs, W.L. Mellis on Tuesday. Mrs. Harold Jones has returned from a holiday in Florida. Mrs. Steve Pine, Sault Ste. Marie, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. McBride, 6c lb. 5c lb. 11, SERVICES • 1i. PUBLIC NOTICES ,}Iensall Clinton News-Record, Thursday, Marth 3R,„ 1972-»11 Presbyterian GO C. meets JACK'S WOOD TURNERY CUSTOM WOOD TURNING AND GIFT ARTICLES JOHN PLUMTREE 48 2-969 5 • CLINTON (At Rear Of 84 Albert St.) — 5tfn 11. SERVICES. 11, SERVICES AUCTION SALE 12. NOTICE to CREDITORS of livestock, farm implements, sa hay and grain will be held for William George, Lot 12, Concession 14, Hullett Township, three miles east of Blyth, on Huron County Road 25, on THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1972 at 1:30 p.m. Terms—cash—farm sold. Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer, Lucknow, Ontario. 12,13 TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH Applications are invited for the position of Warble Fly Spray Operator. Township to supply all equipment. Applicant may apply on basis of either Price per hour or Price per head. butios to commence April 10, 1972. Written applications to be in hands of the undersigned by April 3, 1972. For further information contact the undersigned. R, E. Thompson Clerk Township of Ooderich 12,13b 14. BUSINESS NOTICES 18, DEATHS TENDER FOR GRAVEL VILLAGE OF HAYFIELD Sealed tenders for supplying and laying approximately 2,000 yds, crushed gravel 3/4 " screen sizewill be receivedby the Clerk until April 10, 1972. Must be applied to village roads by May 10, 1972, Laweat or any tender not necessarily adcepted. G. J Crahana, Clerk, Village of hayfield. 12,13b