HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-03-16, Page 10Classified Rates You are charged according to the number of words ukrd in your advertisement. Sets of numerals such as serial numbers, telephone numbers, street numbers or prices count as one word per set. Hyphenated words and numbers are counted as separate words. Want Ads, Cards of Thanks, In Memoriams, 25 words or less, $1.25 minimum, 4c per word thereafter. Coming Events, 20 words or less, $1.25 minimum,.5c per word thereafter. SAVE 25c FOR PROMPT PAYMENT Accounts paid before 5:00 p.m., Wednesday of week following publication will earn a 25c discount. Deadline: 12 noon, Tuesday a SNOWPLOWING Lots, Driveways, etc. LYLE MONTGOMERY 65 Rattenbury St. E. Clinton, Ont. 48 tfn INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Specializing In Farmers' Returns ROY'S TAX SERVICE 17 Gibbings St. Clinton 482-9357 6tfn BICK'S CUCUMBER CONTRACTS now available. Contracting FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 17 and 18 at MRS. G. KRAMERS Dublin, 345-2643 llb JACK'S WOOD TURNERY CUSTOM WOOD TURNING AND GIFT ARTICLES JOHN PLUMTREE 482.9695 CLINTON (At Rear Of 84 Albert St.) - 5tfn TOOL RENTALS Floor Sander and Edger. Belt Sander. Vibrator Sander. Y2" Drill. 1/4" Drill. Skill Saw. 40' Aluminum Extension Ladder From BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482-9505 Clinton 35eow 10-Clinton News-Record, Thursday, March 16, 1972 12. NOTICE to CREDITORS 6. REAL ESTATE 11. SERVICES HELP WANTED 11. SERVICES IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HAROLD GLAZIER, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of IIUron, Laborer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 23rd day of October, 1971, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of April, A.D. 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 7th day of March, A.D. 1972. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C„ Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. 11,12,13b iisINTEE IVIOTO-SKI Sales and .Servive Clothing, parts, accessories. B.os'n Shop, one mile north Brucefield. Open 9 a.m. ,.) 9 p.m. Phone 482.7222. -49tfn REGISTERED NURSE for Huronview Clinton GOOD SALARY PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS APPLY BY TELEPHONE 482.3451 LETTER, OR IN PERSON to ADMINISTRATOR lib TRI-TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Albert Street Office 482-3821 CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates-Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY - Beef and Pork Thursday - Beef'. Only • PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood Income Preparation Individual Tax • Record - Business Farm - INCOME 4. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT Returns LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 1-17b Frame duplex with separate heating and meters for both apartments. Apartment number 1 consists of four bedrooms, plus kitchen, livingroom and diningroom. Apartment number 2 has two bedrooms plus the usual conveniences. Asking $11,500.00 with a private mortgage available. ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished, heated apartment, Available immediately. Phone 482-7920. -33tfn THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Requires CUSTODIAN for Central Huron Secondary School Written applications should be addressed to Mr. R, McVean, Plant Superintendent, Huron County Board of Education, 99 Shipley St., Clinton, Ont. Applicants wi I I be notified if required for interview. Deadline for applications is March 23, 1972. We do all types of JEWELLERY REPAIR * Ring Sizing * Claw Retipping * Watch Repair * Acutron Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Ctinto 1, Seaforth and Walkerton 12tfn. TWO 2-bedroom apartments, centrally located, - available immediately. Phone 82-9760. -5tfn ROOM TO SPARE In this 2-storey bedroom on AlbertStreet. House condition is good; cheery, large kitchen with built-in cupboards, living and dining room, An ideal family home. Please call and let us show you this home. V.L.A. PROPERTY 2 acres of land plus 4 bedroom, 11 /2 storey house on the edge of town. Full basement F.A. gas heating. An econimically owned home. Our pleasure to show at yopr convenience. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES Goderich township, 8 acres plus better brick home, barn and shed. Londesboro, 15 acres, frame home, barn, highway location. Zurich, modern four bedroom, brick veneer home. Brucefield, 11 /2 storey bedroom home, highway location. Belgrave, 10' X 50' mobile home plus 2 town lots. IN THE ESTATE OF HENRY FRANCIS SLOMAN ALL persons having claims against the estate of Henry Francis Sloman late of Clinton, Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 31 day of October, 1971, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 31st day of March, 1972, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. DATED at Goderich this 29th day of February, 1972VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY Stratford, Ontario (Executor or Administrator). By DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario Their Solicitors herein. -10,11,12b 5, ACCOMMODATION WANTED ROOM and Board wanted in Clinton area, Phone 482-3326 after five.-1.1p Sewing Machines WANTED to rent or buy-medium size house in country, with small barn or shed. Call 482-9361 between 12:00 and 2:00 or after 6 p.m. -11p SERVICED & SOLD ALEX REED 197 Bayfield Rd., Goderich R. M. Elliott, D. J. Cochrane Chairman Director 5 24-8465 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE 6. REAL ESTATE -11b 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE 111111111/111/0, `vimmoke 1111111111=MIZI, 12. NOTICE to CR EDITOR5. HURON PINES REALTY LTD. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 482-7304 FOR SALE-APPLES. Spys, Kings, Delicious and Greenings. Free delivery in Clinton. Phone 482.9141. Fred McClymont, Varna.-11,12,13,14b RABBITS FOR SALE - Pet rabbits of all colours, also some breeding stock. Ron Baird, Drummer St., Blyth, Ont. -2tfn 10. LOST and FOUND.. IRENE'S LAUNDROMAT IN THE ESTATE OF SARAH FLORENCE POLLOCK, late, of the Village of Varna, in the County of Huron, Housekeeper, deceased. FOUND- Young, part German Shepherd dog. Very dark colouring. Phone 182-9135.-lib and DRY CLEANERS 15 Rattenbury St. E. Clinton - 482.7833 One Day Service DRii. CLEANING AND PRESSING In Bulk Or Individual Pieces Hours - Mon. through Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 42tfn SKATE SHARPENING, 50 cents a pair, at Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods, 80 King Street, Clinton, Ontario. -5tfn LOTS FOR SALE Clinton's newest subdivision, large frontages, scenic view, Raglan Street. 2. ARTICLES FOR RENT 11. SERVICES ALL persons' having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 17th day of January, 1972, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of March, 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 25th day of February, A.D. 1972. E. B. Menzies, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 9,10,11b FORMAL RENTALS /for all occasions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd., Clinton and Goderich: -7tfn. CLARKE ZINN 86 Wellington St. Clinton Phone 482-7838 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE QUICK cash to pay bills or make a purchase. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit,- 524-8349. -10tfn POPULAR MUSIC now available at McAdam's Hardware. For more complete musical needs, it is Henry's Harmony House, Seaforth. Phone 527-0663.-7tfn Lake Lots For Sale (Port Albert Area) New Chalet Cottage $17,500, Top Row CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent, Power trowel, small' mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and, wedges Form ties stocked. Phone 236-4954 evenings or Saturdays -2tfn WOOD FOR SALE-Hardwood slabs delivered in truckload lots, six cords for $24. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn. Phone 526- 7220.-9,10,1lb BUILDING ESTIMATES (No Obligation) Properties bought, sold and. leased. Will build to lessee's specifications. 1111111111111111111.1.1=MMIIIMIIIII 7. AUTOS CARPENTER, HANDYMAN, repairs, remodelling, etc. Reasonable rates. Prompt service. H. Mitchell, 182-7584. 9-12p. FAST 2-hour car buyers loan service-loans $50.00 to $5,000.00. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, 524- 8349. - 1.0tfn ORDER your Crisp, Juicy apples from Art Bell's cold storage. Also fresh cider. Free delivery. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. 524- 8037.-10tfn FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear. 482-9351. T22tfre FLITHWELL'S nrievcse ertia.411 3. ARTICLES WANTED DEAD ELM CUTTING, 50c per tree; also custom chain saw work. Call Roy Huber, Teeswater 392- 6069.-8-121) For VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service call DON TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED Exeter, Ontario. Phone 235-1100. AUTO SALES OFFICE or could be used for taxi stand etc.-12' x 10', storms and screens for summer and winter use, fully panelled, tile floor, tiled ceiling, completely wired, includes interior lights and exhaust fan, excellent condition, very easily moved. Call Gord Munroe at Graf's Fina. 52a-8411 or 524-9412.-11 Real Estate ANTIQUES and used furniture wanted. Call 482-9138.-10-13b AUCTIONEERS and APPRAISERS Licenced and Bonded ONTARIO WIDE AUCTION SERVICE pi-pNE, COLLECT 482-3120 tfn TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH 82 Albert Street Clinton 50 acre farm in Ilullett Township with excellent buildings. Spring possession. Nearly 'new rL bedroom •liome"in" Clinton, with all conveniences. Well located and quick possession. SIDEWALK bicycle for 4-8 year old. Phone 482-9978.-11b LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured - -don't take chances. Expert work .'.done reasonably • to • your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. Clinton, Ontarlo. -tfn 4. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 'SEE THE COMPLETE LINE OF 1972 GRAVEL TENDERS 12 MONTHS FREE service on all Electrohome TVs, black and white and colour. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield, 482- 3232.-11b OFFICE BUILDING For Rent Or Lease (C.I.A.G. Insurance) Available March 1/72 Phone 482-6694 -4tfn WE SPECIALIZE IN Datsuns 2 bedroom brick home in Blyth, nearly new. Priced right. Well located, well established garage.business in Blyth, showing excellent profit. Priced right with good terms. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482-3320 -2tfn Tenders are being called for the supplying, crushing and delivering of approximately 15,000 cubic yards of gravel onto Township roads on or before May 31st, 1972, al I gravel to pass through a 3/4 " screen and to be delivered where designated by the Road Superintendent. All tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for $500 and to be in the clerk's hands by 12:00 noon, April 3rd. Custom Slaughtering and Piocessing TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES for sale or rent. We also repair and service typewriters and adding machines. Smith's Office Supplies and Gifts. Phone 482-9766.-23eow 1200's - 1600's PICKUPS Starting As Low As $2,095 DATSUN: THE MORE FOR YOUR MONEY CAR GERALD'S DATSUN COMPACT ONE-BEDROOM, self-contained, heated, apartment. Frig. and stove included, as well as some other furniture if required. Quiet location. Phone Lawson & Wise, 482-9644 or 482-7265.-- 5tfn To Individual Requirements * C le and Hogs are ,vernment Inspected in our iviodern Abbatoir for Your Protection FOOD FOR THOUGHT Less than 10 percent of the money that Canadian consumers spent on food in 1971 was paid to Canadian farmers. REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNaitn. -2tfn- BELL piano in good condition, $200. Mrs. 0. Kelland, Londesboro.-11b Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars, contact Road Superintendent, J. Potter. - TWO bedroom, heated, unfurnished apartment in Bayfield. 565-2677. -thin PRICES AS FOLLOWS: Beef Slaughtering $6.00 Pork Slaughtering (up to 200 lbs.) $4.00 Cutting, Wrapping and Quick Freezing Beef 6c lb Pork 5c lb. Curing and Smoking Hams and Bacons 12c lb. R. E. Thompson, Clerk. CONTACT MASON BAILEY PHONE 482-9371 TREE SERVICE. Fully insured. Free estimates. Dead Elm removal, pruning, etc. Phone 482-9134. -32tfn 22 Goderich St. W. SEAFORTH 527-1010 11,13b IIOUSE for rent-3 bedroom duplex in vicinity of schools. Available April 1. Apply to Box 111, Clinton News-Record.- lltfn 7. AUTOS CHOOSE 111111111MINIMMIll 1965 Valiant, four door, 6 cylinder, automatic. Reliable Transportation, good condition. Phone 482-7398 after 5 p.m. - 11,12b MN, from 8. HELP WANTED VACUUM CLEANERS OUR WIDE SELECTION TWO-BEDROOM apartment, recently decorated, frig., stove, drapes; 1-bedroom suite, kitchen suite and living room suite included. Phone Lawson & Wise, 482-6644 or 482-7265.-5tfn FULL or PART TIME help required to service customers with Watkins Quality Products. Apply to Box 110, Clinton News- Record.-11,12p Slaughtering on Monday only. All Processing Guaranteed Exeter Frozen Foods Call 235-0400 1962 Pontiac, 4-door, automatic, 6 cylinder. Good tires. Apply to 52 Princess St. W. after 6 p.m. -11b Sales & Service All Makes BOB PECK VARNA 262.5748 ONE bedroom upstairs apartment, available immediately. Phone 482-6694.- 9tfn C. M. HALL ONE bedroom furnished, heated, self-contained apartment. Phone 482-7227.-9tfn Whiting Auctioneering and Appraisal Service OUR OWN MAKE MADE FROM QUALITY CHOCOLATE A. FOR SALE C. WANTED VS. FARROWING CRATES; feed stalls; gates; carts and repairs, George Troyer, 262.5282. - 11eow WANTED: Good used tractor, 40 to 55 h.p. Phone 482.3176.-11b Profit by Experience We give complete sale service Book your sale early to avoid conflicting dates Free service for charitable organizations NORM WHITING, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone collect 235.1964 Exeter FARM SERVICES D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FARM LOANS - $50.00 to $5,000.00, Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, for special farm repayment terms. Phone 524-8349 -tarn The Best of Both in Our Line-up KNITS WOOLS DENIMS CORDUROYS HOLSTEIN Bull Calves. Jan de Weerd,R.R. 1, Londesboro. Tel, 482-9890.-11p 10,11b Hensall Livestock Sales CHUTER PLUMBING & ELECTRIC .1C:==.11C=41,===31C:===;41-4==q*C===K=8 MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS HEATING CONTRACTORS SHEET METAL CONTRACTORS Full Line of Plumbing Supplies 46 King St., Clinton Phone 482-7652 Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON THINK SPRING SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 2:00 PM. All classes of Livestock Bartliffs Bakery at COMPETENCE CUNT IDENCE COMPETITION r. Victor Jack Doug Hargreaves Riddell Riddell 482 /511 237 3431 23/ 3576 Clinton bashvvi, • , Ciashvvood Pickett & Campbell Limited LIMITED BAKERY and RESTAURANT 482.9727 Clinton 1:30 p.m. TERMS: CASA JOE COREY - Sales Manager 8-13h GODERICH KINCARDINE CLINTON vommoramena.