HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-03-16, Page 3CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, March 17, 8:15 p.m. Regular garnes, $10; three $25 games; $75 jackpot to go. Door prizes, Admission $1.90. Auspices Branch 156, Proceeds welfare work,-1 - - - TUESDAY, March 41, Bingo at Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $56,00 in 56 numbers,--7 NEW BINGO. CLINTON LEGION HALL, 8:30 p,m., March 16. Admission $1.00, 15 regular games, $10,00 each. Three Share- The-Wealth games. One jackpot game for $190 in 58 calls or less, or guaranteed $25 consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won,-10,11,12,13n MOVIE—WALT DISNEY'S Jungle Book, 7:00 p.m., Friday March 17, Clinton Public School. Sponsored by Clinton Figure 4ating Club. Admission 50c.- 1lb CARD PARTY, Orange ,Hall, Thursday, March 16, 8:30 p.m. Sponsor, L.O.B.A. Ladies please bring lunch. All welcome.-11b SUNDAY, APRIL 9, 7:30 p.m. Joint Thankoffering. in Ontario Street United Church. Come and hear Dr. C. Moyo, Seaforth and Belgrave Men's Choir.-11b BEAN SUPPER—Bayfield St. Andrews United Church, Saturday, March 18, 5:00 p.m. to? Admission, Adults $1.50, Children, '75 cents, Preschoolers, free. Sponsored by Men's Club.-11b HOW TO READ THE BIBLE. Rev. E, Keyserlingk, internationally famous Bible scholar and author, at St. Joseph's Catholic Church Parish Hall, Clinton, Sunday March 19, at 8:00 p.m. Question period. Everyone welco m e. — 1 lb ANNUAL MEETING, Goderich and District Association for the Mentally Retarded, Monday, March 20, 8 p.m. Queen Elizabeth School, Goderich. All interested persons welcomed.-11b FIFTH ANNUAL CAMPING AND SPORTS SHOW, Saturday and Sunday, April' 22 and 23, Clinton Community Centre. Admission 50c. Sponsored by Clinton Canadian Legion, Branch 140,- 9-10 ST. PATRICK'S DANCE, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, Hayfield Community Centre. Music by Star Treic.-10,11b LUTHERAN WORSHIP SERVICE, SUNDAY, MARCH 19, Knox Presbyterian Chapel, Goderich, 2:00 p.m., Bruce Bjorkquist officiating. Everyone welcome,- 10,11p THURSDAY, MARCH 23, Euchre party, Summerhill Community Hall. Sponsored by Hall 43oard. Draw for dinner ham. Ladies please bring lunch.-11,12b YOU are invited to attend the Child Health Clinic, across from the Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday March 17, 1972 from 9:30 a.m, to 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2.Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years. —11b EUCHRE PARTY, I.O.O.F. Hall, Princess Street, March 22 at 2 p.m. Sponsored by Past Grands Club of Huronic Rebekah Lodge.-11p COME to Blyth Lions Club Bingo every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m,, Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 regular games, $10.00 each. Two Share-The-Wealth games. One $25.00 special. $125.00 jackpot, if taken in 60 calls, if not taren, $10.00 added each night. 50 percent of take to full card if jackpot not taken.— itfn s-omr 4k-19RA/ "'Pam Expew/ettice OrY.E.ier NEVYX) RE'COVEW , Offices may shift Continued from Page 1 schools are programmed for two 40:minute periods each iNeek anda period of Health in the senior level, while in the Grades Ito 6 at least three half hour periods per week should be devoted to activity lessons with additional time allotted to Health Education, Mr. IVIcCarroll used a movie he has made to demonstratetotheboard members one of the tumbling and climbing classes as an example of the activities carried out in the school term program, which includes touch football, floor hockey, swimming, skating, ice hockey, basketball, volleyball, tumbling, soccer and softball type activities, running and jumping, rhythmic activities and folk and creative dance and Health Education. Approval was given for J. A. MacDonald, London, to supply and install soundproof tiles for a wall in a classroom next to a general purpose room at Immaculate Conception School iriStratford for $559 and for Bud Steel Services to repair about 190 lockers at St. Michael's School in Stratford at $0.00 per locker. Trustee Arthur Haid, RR 4, Listowel, chairman of the transportation committee, reported that Lee Regier, Zurich, has resigned as regular driver of one Of the school board owned buses to St. Boniface School in Zurich, effective June 30, but will continue as custodian at St, Boniface School. He said he would be willing to drive the bus for extra curriculum activities at the school during the day. His position will be advertised. The old Clyde'sdale just wouldn't give up Late last Thursday afternoon a Clydesoaie horse owned by John F. Dale, Huron Rd East fell into a snow-covered ditch, After a three-hour struggle by the horse and horselovers had failed to free the animal, permission was granted to put the horse to sleep, While the men laboured to clear snow from the yard to get heavier equipment through, Mrs. John Baker returned to the scene of the accident and found the animal still fighting to survive and had managed to turn itself around in the snow, ice and water. The animal's great determination to live changed Mrs. Baker's decision to put it to sleep. Equipment provided by the Elgin Nott family, the Smith family, and Bill Holland, all of R.R. 4 Clinton, finally rescued the horse which then walked some distance to the barn. Others who took an active part in the rescue were Bob Patrick and Jack Patrick and Jack Baker who were first on the scene, Andrew Veenstra and Dr. Turnbull, The aged Clydesdale who wouldn't give in to perish is reported to be in excellent condition, ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL PLAYING NIGHTLY THE VERSATILES You've seen them on the Tommy Hunter show, + + + MARCH 20 to APRIL 1 For an evening of easy dancing and listenin g DON'T MISS THE CHAPARALLS APRIL 3-15 PEABODY and HIS FUNKY LITTLE BAND MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON 4-6 P.M. (Country and Rock) + + + lib daughter, Mrs. Eric (Shirley) Luther resides in Hensall. Mrs. Luther left on March 4 to go to Newfoundland, and expects to return March 17. The funeral service was held March 13, with burial to he made in Newfoundland. di ANEW 137, NEM CLINTON'S FIRST All Night Sing FEATURING., * THE PROVERBS * CANADA'S GALILEANS * THE REVISED VERSION WED., MARCH 22 AT 8:00 p.m. Central Huron Secondary School Auditorium, Clinton ADMISSION AT DOOR: Adulfs—$1,00; Children (Under 12}-50c EVERYONE WELCOME $5,00 Couple Dress Optional ROYAL CANADIAN - LEGION ;ay 4,/in SPRING BALL To beautify the hall a corsage for every doll SATURDAY, APRIL 8 at the Hall. BOYD'S ORCHESTRA Dancing 9 to 1 Food — Refreshments Fun For All Tickets Available At The Bar 10,11b' Whon you're ready to nan !hr.: day .. see the beautiful RAINHOV i:WEDDING LINE 1 INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton Wollitoion And $..forth rEL. cLINTON 48 -9525 • rh u.16 ftr.17 son WALKABOUT 'AN EXCITING AND EXOTIC ADVINEY1 »noun BOLOR BY OBLI,DCe. MIT EIIIIrOMNIAOIr SY. MAT. 18 Alt Ittril rallig hat %RN Tilt Ceti 2q ittt anew. griniiiIVOS glittni"iakaafaii4,56 RUMMAGE SALE 44rAre,ge;r4 , Salvation Army Depot 15A Rattenbury St. E. Clinton, Ont. FRIDAY, MARCH 171 -1, 1972 12 noon to 9 pm. SATURDAY,MARCH 16TH, 1972 1:30 to 5:30 P.m, 1lb Sun. 19 Mon.20 Tue. 21 BIM IBB—.1.'s I, 4 0.1rsill NFL NUMB, 1041111E PETER1i0ABBIT ... i l ) _.,,.,r0.0;14. TALES OF ""'-. -- 1 --rifr BEATRix POTTER ,- a. \-. Olo BM, !II, OF oloorun I , THE ,-7. ,c ,.; ' ROYAL BALLET,/, ./ ';',4,-' Terhnienlor iS i ' wod.22 I GREGORY PECK DAVID NIVEN ANTHONY QUINN COO !ILAN AT HOME FRI., MARCH 17 at CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL CLINTON DANCE TO LIONEL THORNTON'S ORCHESTRA • DANCING ADMISSION DRESS 9-1 $5.00 COUPLE OPTIONAL we were sinking faster..." - the waves were 35 feet above us..:' ernx,;(;esrtrark fins THOA HEYERDAHL EXPEDITIONS opelt,70;00SY NOM, SHOW NO PASSES ACCEPTED You must see RAI Air astounding true-life adventure for the whole family, ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE LRoyAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL WEDNESDAY ONLY NAIRN 22 St;owtiMos 6:30,-8:$0 Adults $1,50 Children 760 THERE'S SOMETHING NEW AT ififfiriemilni 2 Huron St. CLINTON A BIGGER & BETTER BABY-CARE DEP'T.! COME SEE & SAVE - BABY PANTS 4 Pr' for .69 NEWBORN Q TIPS 1 80's .89 MEDIUM J&J BABY SHAMPOO 8 oz. .88 TODDLER NEW PANTY HOSE - MORE COLOURS, MORE STYLES! OPENING SPECIAL ONE SIZE 3 pr. $ 1 KNEE HIGHS - BONUS BUY BIKINI BRIEFS •5 9 2 pr. $ 1 A SPECIAL FOR DAD - KNEE HIGH SOCKS .69Pr. PRE EASTER HEALTH & BEAUTY AID SPECIALS! NOXZEMA HAND LOTION 6.3 oz ARRID EXTRA DRY DEODORANT DR CREST FAMILY SIZE 1.39 SHAMPOO I ". 1 1 9 • MACLEANS GIANT .69 FAMILY .7 9 COLGATE FAMILY 6 7 9 MR. CLEAN IVORY LICIUGID,ANtt?. :78 98 MODERNE BEA"• 3 1 BRECK 60z HOLD LOTION 1.6,5 FLUSHABYES 60's 2.47 2.57 2.67 60's 60's 4 oz. BAN SUPER DRY DEODORANT 7 oz + Bonus OLD SPICE STICK DEODORANT RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT 7 °z HEAD & SHOULDERS SOFT'N .69 1.99 1.39 .99 1.09 BUFFERIN 100's .89 BROMO SELTZER FAMILY 8 3 SPIC & SPAN GIANT .98 J CLOTHS *49 FACELLE RAYEL /. 7 LADY PA T BALSAM sot.i 93 Hensall member to bring two or more articles. Sports Officer, Mrs. Iva Reid, announced there will be a bowling tournament in Goderich on April 26, and a Zone Card party in Exeter on March 29. Mrs. Martha Rooseboom won the mystery prize and the attendance draw. Mrs. Mary Bisback won the guessing prize. UNIT I HENSALL UCW Unit I met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Don Joynt presiding. Herdevotional entitled "Genuine Brotherhood" was written by the famous Indian Chief, Dan George. A beautiful vocal solo entitled "My Jesus I Love Thee", was sung by Mrs. George Hess accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Albert Shirray, The roll call was answered with 10 present and two visitors, It was announced that the Spring Thaw Supper will be held April 5. Mrs, Harvey Keys gaVe the study on Angola, and also the story of Dr. Sid Gilchrist, a doctor who worked in Angola. Mrs. Audrey Christie was hostess for a social hour gettogether. HENSALL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING Hensall Women's Institute held their March meeting in the Legion Hall, the theme being Citizenship and Education. President Mrs. J. McAllister welcomed members and gtiests,'•:•' Lond.esboro barn burns, pigs lost About $30,000 damage was done in a fire near Londesboro last Wednesday morning. A large barn on the farm of Murray Adams, just east of Londesboro was destroyed in the fire which also killed 450 hogs. Blyth firemen battle gusting winds and saved two other barns nearby, one of which was built only last year. Mr. Adams said the fire started about 8:30 a.m. while feed was being forced under pressure from a truck into storage bins in the, barn. He said sparks caused by a piece of stone or metal, mixed in with the feed and striking a metal section of the bin, might have ignited either explosive grain dust or nearby piles of hay. "It went up real fast. We tried to get the hogs out, but when we opened the barn door, the wind blew the smoke right at us and we ' couldn't see a thing," Blyth firemen, hampered by the wind and blowing snow, had to water down two nearby barns Containing 375 pigs to prevent the buildings from being ignited by showers of sparks. Three men get suspended sentences Three Clinton men charged in connection with a robbery of a grocery store in December were given suspended sentences when they appeared in Provincial Court in Goderich on Monday. Judge Glenn Hays suspended, the sentence on Clair Proctor, 204 of Clinton; Douglas Swan, 20, of Brucefield and Paul Radford, 17, Clinton and placed them on two years probation. The charges arose after a break-in which netted $1,700 from CorrieS Red and White on Dec. 9, 1971. A charge against Keith Holland, RR 4, Clinton was dropped by Crown Attorney W. G. Cochrane on March 1. Clintch News,Record, Thursday, March 16, 1972-3 Greta. Lammie and their committee. HENSALL LADY'S MOTHER PASSES AWAY IN NEWFOUNDLAND On March 11, 1972,, at Deerlake, Newfoundland, Mrs. Kenneth Campbell, in her 78th year. Surviving is a large family, sonic of whom are ,-residing in Newfoundland, and others in and around 'the Toronto area. A Continued from Page 2 Members reported on visits made to sick and shut-ins. A motion was made to renew membership in the Association for the Retarded. Mrs. G, Coleman chaired the programme which opened with Mrs. G. Payne leading in a selection of Irish songs accompanied by Miss Greta Laramie. Tony Kyle entertained the members with his prize winning entry in the public Speaking Contest which he 'won at S.H.D.H.S. Mrs. Bev Beaton introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Cliff Britton, who gave an interesting view of Citizeriship—its growth and development from-pioneer days. Courtesy remarks were made by Mrs. E. Riley. Before closing, Mrs. J. McAllister conducted an auction sale. Lunch was served by hostesses Mrs. Elgie and Miss