HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-03-16, Page 2PouteS 2—Clinton News-Record, Thursday, March 16, 1972 Kinettes prepare for Interclub meeting, BY JOYCE PEPPER BY MARG RUPP 122, was taken by Mrs. Blanche Dougall and Mrs. Pearl Love. The study on Africa was continued by Mrs. Dougall, The roll call "A sign of spring" was answered by 14 members, Mrs. Myrtle Orr read a prayer from the Glad Tidings, and Mrs. Edith Hell read a portion from the Presbyterian Record. Members of the W.M.S, are responsible for crafts at the Queensway Nursing, Home for the month of April, It was announced that the April Thank-Offering meeting will be on April 10 at 8.15, with a special guest speaker to be Rev. Chan from Thedford. It was decided to invite guests from Zurich United and Lutheran Churches, the Arnold Circle and the Home Helpers. Mrs. Aldene Volland and Mrs. Ester Wright are in charge. Mrs. Grace McEwan gave a very interesting' resume of her trip to the Barbados. Mrs. Ruby Hoggarth closed the meeting with the Benediction. scrap books on Africa, wit) Thompson having made an excellent start on his. The Congo and Ghana flags were drawn, Everyone danced around the table African style. Next meeting will be March 26, , week in June. The members decided to cater to a wedding and a Men's Bonspiel, An invitation was accepted to' a birthday party at the Seaforth Legion Ladies Auxiliary on April 19. For the April meeting, the Zone Commander, Mrs. Evelyn Caroll, will be visiting, and also a penny sale will be held with each Please turn to Page 12 motor trip to Florida. + + + We were most thankful that the hydro and telephone service was not disrupted due to the ice storm. The town has been fortunate in this respect during the past two winters. The lamp, candles and matches were ready just in case, however, We understand the Clinton Figure Skating Club will be sponsoring several films which will be shown on Friday evenings at the Clinton Public School. This will provide some good entertainment for the youngsters and some revenue for the club, The first of these is Friday of this week. Watch the Coming Events for details. + + + At Council meeting Monday night, a grant of $200 was made to the Huron Central Agricultural Society for the Spring Fair, Reeve Harold Lobb said he thought, with the fair running for three days this year, it should be the best fair ever. Prize lists and information about the Women's Division of the fair are available from Mrs. Elizabeth Collins at 482-7229. + + + Public Works foreman, Dave Ball will attend the C. S. Anderson Road School at University of Guelph from May '7 to May 10, + + + • A new truck replacing the one destroyed by fire has been received by the Public Works Department. + + + Tenders for gravel for the town streets will be called in the near future. HENSALL KINETTE MEETING The Ilensall Kinettes held their March 8 meeting at the home of Mrs. Murray Baker, Guest for the evening was Mrs. Jim Stan. A donation was made to the Canadian Mental Health Association. The Kinettes have been busy preparing for Interclub, which they are hosting for District 1, Zone p i in April of this year. Mrs. Ron Wareing won the raffle. ST. PAUL'S A.C.W. CHURCH MEETING The regular meeting of the A.C.W. of St. Paul's Anglican Church was held at the home of Mrs. D. Windover. The President, Mrs. Scrabuik opened the meeting with the members' prayer,. Devotions were taken from the Living Message. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. G. A. Anderson, and prayers were offered by Mrs. Windover and Mrs. F. Forrest. The roll call was answered by a Bible verse having the word "Love" in it. The study book was taken by Mrs, Forrest. Mrs. Anderson read about the life of St. Patrick. Conveners were appointed for the smorgasbord to be held May 6, Plans were made for the 95th Anniversary of the Church, which will be held May 28. A donation of $100 was made to the General Account of the Church. Mrs. G, A. Anderson closed the meeting with prayer. HENSALL LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY MEETING Hensall Legion Ladies met for their March meeting in the Legion Hall, with president Mrs. Irene Davis presiding, A donation of $10 was made to the Salvation Army, Plans were made for' the Annual Penny sale to be held the first Constance BY MARY McILWAIN C.O.C. OF CARMEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The C.O.C. of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their meeting at the Church Sunday morning. The C.O.C, motto was repeated and the roll call of seven was answered by giving a sign of spring, The offering was taken by Danny Reid. Mrs. Robert Taylor offered a prayer. A discussion on the structure and the animals of Africa was held, The children did further work on their booklets drawing pictures. Meeting closed with prayer. Next meeting will be the Easter meeting on March 26, MARCH 9—Mrs. W. L. Whyte spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vander Molan, Paul, Mark and Margie of Oakville, visiting in Guelph on Monday with Bill and Margie Whyte before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rolston of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Scott of London called on Saturday at the McIlwain home. THE WEATHER? YoU CAN NEVER TELL, TO ORDER OIL FROM US IS WELL (lett "irtp7) Topnotch Feeds Limited Are pleased to announce that Mr. Leonard Strong has joined our company as sales repre- sentative for Seaforth and district. Mr. Strong is well-known in this area having farmed here over 30 years and since retiring from active farming has spent six years in the feed trade. PERSONAL O LOCAL TRAMMARKL lac Mrs. Pearl Passmore spent the weekend visiting with Mr, and Mrs, Ron Passmore and family, London and while there attended the Knights and Hamilton hockey game in the Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Riehl, Jackie, Shelley and Kim of Huron Park were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family, Mrs. Wayne Hoegy and Scott of RR 1, Dublin, visited on Monday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dale and Cheryl, Mrs, Russell Fleming of Seaforth is spending a few days this week with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wammes on the birth of a son, Ronald Martin, on Sunday, March 5, in Clinton Public Hospital. The weather is uncertain— but our regular delivery service is not! Count on US and order our Fuel Oil today! UNIT 2 U.C,W. MEETING A film on Africa called "Sing to the Glory of Africa", highlighted the March meeting of Unit 2 on Monday evening. Mrs. Pat Venner chose this film as her study, The roll call with "Did You Know" was answered by 14 members present. Mrs, Julie Brodie acted as Chairlady for the meeting and read a poem entitled. "Happiness". Mrs. Elva Forrest for her devotional chose an article from the local newspaper called "Genuine Brotherhood", written by the well-known Indian Chief Dan George. It was announced that the April meeting will be a Thank Offering meeting with the special guest speaker to be Dr, Moyo from Seaforth. It was suggested that each member bring a guest along. Unit 2 are responsible to put flowers in the Church for the month of April. Volunteers were asked for, to help with the Spring Thaw Supper to be held on April 5 from 5 to 7. Mrs. Brodie read an article called "Recycling trash begins in the kitchen", which was very interesting. Mrs. Ella Drysdale as Hostess, and her assistants served a delicious lunch, +++ The Police Department, will soon have a new cruiser. Council arcepted the tender of J. & T. Murphy Ltd. for $2,703.75, plus Trade. There were only two tenders, the other being from Lorne Brown Motors for $2,732.25. + + +, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Lee and Mr. and Mrs, Ray Mitchell have returned home from a three-week CARMEL PRESBYTERIAN EXPLORERS Carmel Presbyterian Church Explorers met on Sunday morning at the Church. The roll call was answered by eight members. Four children presented their PAUL KERRIGAN 0 ,2482-9653 1.379 VICTORIA, ST.,S.,CLINTON '5NI*100 INT THE McKILLOP MUTUAL E INSURANCE CO. OFFICE — Main Street, Seaforth Phone 5270400 Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer If the first three Scores or the lost three scores on your torts are the some numbers us the ollicial W.H.L. scores, you 0112 eligible to become u 5,00 winner. II the tom scores on your form correspond identically to the official scores for grimes ployed on the dale indicated on the Lucky Puck form, you ore eligible to become q 100. winner. (A faros indicating SI score of 9 will be accepted it that team scores .9 or more goals.) FIRE, EXTENDED COVERAGE, WINDSTORM, THEFT, " PROPERTY DAMAGE, LIABILITY, 'ETC. — COMPLETE FARM COVERAGE, including Machin- ery and Livestock Floaters, — URBAN PROPERTY — We now offer Composite Dwelling Insurance as well as Homeowners In- surance. — SUMMER COTTAGES, TRAILER CHURCHES, HALLS. AGENTS: JAMS KEYS, RR 1, Seatorth; V. J. LANE, BR 5, Seaforth; WIC LEPER, RR 1, Londe shoro; SELWYN BAKER, Brussels; HAROLD SQUIRES, RR 3, Clinton; K. J. ETUE, Seaforth; DONALD G. EATON, Seaforth. A BEAUTIFUL PHILO° 19" PORTABLE COLOUR TV Built to the highest quality standards in the TV industry by PH1LC KAM LUNCHEON MEAT 12 oz. square tin W.M.S. 'OF 'CARMEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MEETING HOMES TER IDEA FlOPLE ban &mob bonus dtscounb TOP VALU CHOICE SLICED PINEAPPLE 19 oz. tin CAPRI Assorted Colours BATHROOM TISSUE 4 roll pkg. c SHOP THESE POPULAR IBA LUCKY PUCK BONUS BRAND PRODUCTS The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church met on March,9. President Mrs. Racheal Schwalm opened the meeting with a poem. The devotional using a poem and Scripture from Psalm (Assorted Colours) FPOBWDERED DETERGENT BABIES ONLY, PLEASE _ MONARCH Asst'd Cake or SQUIRREL 'SMOOTH 3c 1 .29 BATHROOM TISSUE (Prepriced 1.691 39 5Ib . box PEANUT BUTTER TEE OFF TIME FOR SAVINGS! GET INTO THE SWING NOM .29 3 lb. jar or tin DAINTY INSTANT • FRIED RICE tgoL LEIN, Al 5 VARIETIES 89c ICING MIXES buns Mond bonus discoed 7.s to 9.8 or. Pouches RED ROSE ALL PURPOSE GROUND COFFEE 1 lb. bag 9c 77 o _ _ Chinese Style, 12 or, pkg. 3 Beef, Chicken, Pilaf 311 .DR LIPTON CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX Pkg. of 2's 1k _ BALLARD'S CHAMPION (Assorted Varieties) 61 I • DOG FOOD I MONARCH 1 PASTRY FLOUR 85c 7 b. bag ALL PURPOSE CHASE & SANBORN GROUND COFFEE LIQUID DETERGENT (Prepriced 63c) VIVA (Assorted Colours) PAPER TOWELS 5 9` 2 roll pkg.:. _ _ _ _ KISMET SOFT MARGARINE SPALDING EXECUTIVE 3 WOODS 8 IRONS Reg. OUR PRICE I ' $315.00 9 IRONS 89' 19c 24c 35c 1 lb. rub .••••••• lb. bag I _L___ SUNLIGHT 59C 7-PIECE GOLF Outfit Perfect for the,, Beginner in Price & Performance 24 oz. PL WNW.. *WNW. WINI•00 MEN'S — LADIES' BOYS' — GIRLS' WNW. 00.40 MARTINS ASSORTED FLAVOURS FRUIT DRINKS 28c 44 tn. tin TWO - PARCHMENT MARGARINE. 5/1 a FRASERVALE FROZEN COD FISH & CHIPS 49c 20 ex. Pkg. TOP VALU WHITE RED ROSE Instant Coffee 99c oz. jar - AJAX 64 oz. pt. jug olio% LIQUID BLEACH AV HIGHtINER. FROZEN COD 'N BATTER n9C • 14 oz,- pk g. 7aor Blikr With or Without Garlic Or Polish DILL PICKLES OR SWEET MIXED PICKLES 49 c 24.32 oz. far 7, Top Vain in Tomato Sauce Beans with Pork 2 9 20 oz. tin KRAFT PURE RED RASPBERRY JAM 79c, ;lax. iar ST. WILLIAMS SPY Apple Plie9 tiptria 3/1. PARAMOUNT COHOE SALMON1 59c U,S. NO. 1 GREEN CRISP HEAD $179.00 LETTUCE BEN HOGAN 3 WOODS 2 Matched Woods 5 matched irons 12 styles and colours (Over 300 pairs) 8 price ranges Reg. OUR PRICE $358.50 $252." ARNOLD ' PALMER REGISTERED Reg. OUR PRICE sus 0 $264.00 $132.00 av MEN'S & WOMEN'S LEFT & RIGHT HAND SETS !f:.• Starting $ 1 5 .60 at !!!. sucgm,E2 4/1 ea. 'MEN'S WOMEN'S REG. $86.00 REG. $76.95 OUR PRICE OUR PRICE $44'" $38.48 FLORIDA JUICY TEMPLE 59c OVER 200 IN STOCK ORANGES CANADA GRADE 'A' DOT C FRYING CHICKENS Canada Fancy Controlled Atmosphere McIntosh A5plbplbeasg 69 c CANADA NO. 1 P.E I. Table Potatoes ncic le lb. bag .2 !_1,!!!'_ CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO PARSNIPS 35c U.S, NO.1 FRESH NC, STARTER SETS ASPARAGUS 69c lb. It Shaft Savers • Ladies' Bags a Sunday Bags ARNOLD PALMER REGISTERED S IRONS 2 WOODS OUR PRICE Reg. $120.00 $72 4° 48 TYPES OF CLUBS AND PRICES TO CHOOSE FROM CALIFORNIA SUNKIST NAVEL doe, ORANGE S 5 9c Florida Marsh Seedless Red and White GRAPEFRUIT5/ft, n9C U.S. NO. 1 GREEN PASCAL CELERY' 29c LB. MACGREGOR LOUISE SUGGS MODEL 3 WOODS 8 IRONS .1 Reg. OUR PRICE $119.0° $162.50 2.3 lb. Sire FRESH CUT CANADA RED OH BLUE BRAND LB. 69 _, CUT THICK CHICKEN or 0.59c GRADE 'A' U SWISS IR.89c TURKEY LEGS DUCKLINGS STEAKS We Sell Only Canada's FINEST Red or Blue Brand Beef • Newest 1972 Colours • ALL GOLF ACCESSORIES Are well Displayed and on sale now. 2 lb, bag CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO MARSH CARROTS25c SAVE NOW4..S$S BRING IN YOUR CLUBS — LET'S MAKE A DEAL! In IGA's LUCKY PUCK CONTEST I $100 Winner MRS. CHARLES JOHNSTON $5 Winners Mrs. Bill McKellar Lloyd Collins Carl Le Blanc Dianne Mall ough Chrittena Finnigan Helen Armstrong Lois Meriam Lindsay Griffith Ross Patterson Earl Willis Marie Park Tad DeJong Cathy Meriam Mrs. William Elliot (2) George Hallam Mrs. Reg Williamson (3) - Supplied awl Serviced by M. Web Ltd. BUY THE BEST FOR LESS 4 BOB MARTIN, DICK DUKE, 2 PROFESSIONALS TO SERVE YOU =HARE" • SAVINGS O SELECTION O SERVICE COLEMAN'S FOOTBALL HAMS Either Half 03 lb. 1139 SWEET mato BACK BACON Ib 89c NtrmbEEsAhlturder chopl tb, 59c BURNS LINK ar IARM STYLE SAUSAGE MEIN Ocean Porch NINES&9t lb. *OP ONTARIO GROWN GRADE 'A' FRESH TURKEYS 49c '6.9 lb. Sire lb. 55C We're located at 3c MAPLE LEAF PICKLED Sgt i COTTAGE ROLLS lb. vac poi xbro. RED OR BLUE BRAND BLADE STEAKS 1695c - TOP VAN S113 N 1 lb. sac pac 479 DEVON SLICED C SIDE BACON 9c 1lb. vac pal NIP TOP VALU WIENERS =n 4., 1 lb. pkg. WO "QM. MAKE trAf WIENERS lb. pkg, 67` PRIMROSE BEEF OR YEAL STEAKETTES 5c lb. FRESHLY GROUND MINCED BEEF a t 316s, or more ,161, BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA "E gIG.sc tANADA GRADE A' ROASTING CHICKENSA 9, 3 to S lb. sire LC, (Inelividually Wrapped) RAINBOW TROUT 15. &I re n r 1 BATTERCRISP OCEAN PERCH 16 oz. l/W East Park Golf Shop RED JACK HEADLESS SALMON 95, 3416. Aeg.Hr. '10P VALU MINCED NAM OR VARIETY PACK. 46 ox. AFP 609 WILLIAM ST., LONDON 672.2660 ,— OPEN DAILY 9.9 SAT. 8.6 MraVi•rlir,e0.0MMOZAWA40MOV,Z44'We" AMMOVAM AVM:. ESIRVE THE MONT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PRICES EFFECTIVE ONTO. ttomtip $$$$$$ MAAC1118,141' w