HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-02-24, Page 7'ALM TRICIAN' SAYS A/EIVRECTRICSYSTINS WE MOST LEAAN, "TH/S OUR BOSS - MAKES HIS CONCERN KEEP UP—TO —DATE WE BECOME A RED CROSS VOLUNTEER At the.-- SALVATION ARMY DEPOT 15A Rattenbury St. E. Clinton WEEKLY RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY$ — 1:40 pail. Arrangements, for donations of clothing and furniture March 1st and after. Contact; $gt. Les Nice Phone 482-9697 Nowricg DR. H. BEZNAR of Waterloo, Ont, will speak on THE ABORTION LAW with slides on the subject at C.H.S.S. Auditorium- February 29, 1972 —4:00 p.m. A list will be available for names to be signed as a Petition. Read Psalm 139. Itwill become clear that it is plain murder and against the will of God as the Creator of all life. ADMISSION FREE Attendance restricted to 18 years and over. OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS' LIMITED 411111111111111r 11111.111.1111111111111 • , •., • • 1... ORDER YOUR SEED a GRAIN Forage Seeds Now While Stocks Are Available EARLY DELIVERY and CASH INS, COUNTS ARE NOW IN EFFECT 5 9.8-oz pouch yaks 1.00 MONARCH LUNCHEON MEAT PRICED LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE lb 73c COTTAGE ROLLS HALVES • 12-oz tin 49( bag 69c 3for49c ORANGES AMY QUALITY RIGHT ! TRIMMED SIGHT! Our strict standards of trim guarantee you c omplete satisfaction or your money cheerfully refunded. COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS BEEF BRISKET, SWEET PICKLED, FLAT PAC CORNED BEEF Shopsy Brand • NEW ZEALAND, FROZEN, IMPORTED LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS lb 75c 11,98c lb 69c r —we care We use: only pure vegetable shortening. Only 100% pure cane sugar. Greater milk content. A blend of special spring wheat — a premium flour. We don't think you can find a better bread value! JANE PARKER, WHITE, SLICED 4 $ LOAVES BUY 4 SAVE 12.c THEY'RE HERE AGAIN! Cake Donuts JANE PARKER ROLLS, MIX OR MATCH Brown & Serve, Plain or Wheat Twin Rolls pkg of 12 Brown & Serve, Plain, Poppy Seed, Sesame Seed French Rolls pkg of 10 4 pkgs of 12 1 *00 (BUY 3 — SAVE 23c) / 1 000 HOT CROSS BUNS JANE PARKER, DELICIOUS PLAIN OR TOASTED PACKAGE OF 6 PACKAGE OF 12 Aylmer Winter Taste of Canada BARTLETT, CHOICE QUALITY 19-fl-oz tin 39? Aylmer Pears 4 14-fl-oz tins 79,/ 41441"oz tins 69p! /NLMER, CHOICE QUALITY Peas & Carrots WHOLE Aylmer Beets CHOICE QUALITY Aylmer Peas 4 19-fl-oz fit's 8 9? I9-f!-oz fins 495,1 Harvard Beets 415 f! °z tins 895e CREAM STYLE, CHOICE QUALITY Aylmer Corn AYLMER, CHOICE QUALITY WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, BLUE, LILAC TISSUE Babies Only Please 3 pkgs of 2 rolls 1.00 30.oz pkg 89c IMPERIAL pkg of two, 8.oz tubs 49c ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2E, 197. ASSORTED COLOURS OR DECORATOR WHITE SWAN TOWELS Florida, Seedless, Peak of the Crop, Size 48 GRAPEFRUIT 10'0'89° TEXAS, WASHED, READY TO COOK SPINACH 10.oz cello bag 29c CALOORNIA NAVEL, EXTRA LARGE SIZE PORK CHOPS SHOULDER OR BUTT LB 69g1 ,1/: t4 4 ^I 5 -jt . t4 1;1 FRESH 7 BONE CUT (COUNT THEM) PORK ROASTS PORK LOIN' Shankless Shoulder lb BONELESS lb 59c lb 59fit BONELESS lb 79c Pork Loin Chops Centre Cut lb 99c Roasts LB 7 Lean Butt Roast Rib Portion WEST ST., GODERICH' A&P Super-Right Meats are always ... FRESH GROUND PORK lb 69c SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY PORK LIVER SLICED Ib 32C TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED, VACUUM PACKED 2 1/2 TO 3 1/2 -LB AVERAGE Fresh Baked Treats from Jane Parker pm PARKER, LEMON MER'NGUE 22.0Z PIE OR (SAVE 10c) Blueberry Pie full 8" 24-oz size 59ft JANE PARKER (BUY 3 — SAVE 47c) Spanish Bar Cake 3 19 oz cakes 1.00 JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON (BUY 4 — SAVE 32c) WITH CHEESE KRAFT PIZZA MONARCH, SOFT SPREAD, MARGARINE 7 VARIETIES, CAKE MIXES PORK LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO PORK CHOPS lb 9 TO 11 CHOPS- IN A PACKAGE NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED rAayfield Brownies, Cubs celebrate Lord laden-Powell day Sea Scouts, Bangers, firownies, Cubs and their Leaders attended Trinity Anglican Church Sunday morning, Feb. 20 to honour Lord Baden- Powell, the founding Father of the Scouting movement. The colour party was made up of David Renner, depositing the Canadian Flag; Shirley Brandon the Ranger Flag; Jimmy Mackie, the Sea Scout Flag . and Dennis Merner the Cub Flag, The colour guards were Mike Gozzard and Valerie Merner. Jeff Mayman and Peter McVean assisted during the Offertory. The Rector, Rev. G. Youmatoff, spoke mainly to the young people and told them, regardless of their age, they should set a good example, as there are younger people than they, who are looking to them for advice and guidance, He 'spoke on the siege of Mafeking and how Lord Baden- Powell became involved in starting the Scouting movement which has expanded to 70 countries throughout the world, A meager force of 800 men, under the command of Baden- Powell were stationed at Mafeking and were commanded. to hold the,post, against tremendous odds. Being a resourceful and brilliant army officer, he involved the men, women and children of the army personell into such activities as back- woodsmen, explorers, hunters, frontiersmen and scouts; and kept his men strong and self-reliant and able to stand on their own feet in difficult situations, so they were able to hold the post until reinforcements arrived. From his work in the Army, Baden-Powell felt that boys could he good Scouts and scouting could be fun. His wife expanded this idea to take in the girls in the Guiding movement. Baden-Powell died in 1941 and was the only Chief Scout of the World. The Rev. Youmatoff, welcomed all the young people into the Church and was happy to have had the honour of joining with them to begin Baden-Powell week with the traditional Church Parade. LIONS MEET Mr. Norman Coughlyn, Lions Clpb District Deputy Governor of Atwood, was guest speaker at tact: vlek's Bayfield LionT7Clam dinner meeting held at the Tank and Tummy Restaurant. He spoke on "Lionism" and their "Efforts in the Community". To become more involved in the Community and to stand up and be counted he advised. He also suggested that all Lions Clubs publish a financial statement, so the public know what is being done with monies donated. Bayfield Lions are giving his advise serious consideration for their year-end statement. A donation of $60.00 has been given to the Ladies Auxilliary to Cubs, Scouts, Rangers and Brownies. Preparations are also under way for the annual Ladies Night to be held in Clinton, April 28. 4-H PROGRESS WITH "SLEEPWEAR" The Second meeting of Bayfield 4-H Club was held at the home of Mrs. Joan Merner on Monday evening, Feb. 14. The leaders instructed the girls on the proper way to pin a pattern on material for their "Sleepwear" project, They are to have their patteres pinned onto their materials and if possible have their garment cut- out for the next meeting, which will be at the home of Mrs. Audrey Bunn. TROPHY DAY FOR SKATING CLUB. Saturday, Feb, 19, the Goderich Figure Skating Club held their Trophy Day, where the skaters competed in various categories, Two of our Bayfield Figure Skating Club coaches are members in Goderich, so they entered these competitions. Shirley McFadden took the Bronze Medal for Open Free- style Skating. Richard Simons took the trophy and Gold Medal for Senior Free-Skating- a Silver Medal for Dance; skated with Patrice Craven; and a Bronze Medal for pairs; skated with Debbie Jeffrey. Once a skater has won a trophy in an event he (or she) cannot win it a second time. Shirley McFadden is a strong competitive skater, who won the Senior Trophy in 1968, so competed in Open Free-Style this year. Here's to a Gold Medal next year Shirley! Congratulations Richard! SENIOR CITIZENS CONSIDER BUS TRIP The postponed meeting of the Senior Citizens Club of Bayfield was held in the Municipal Building on Friday evening, Feb. 19, with 25 members present. President, Mr. Clair Merner presided for the meeting which was opened with the Lord's prayer and the singing of God Save The Queen, in unison. Mrs. R.J. Larkson gave her secretary's report, which was approved and Mrs. Bill Parker read her treasurers report,— also approved. Mrs, Norma Wallis was appointed card and flower secretary. All members are to report to her if they know of any member who is ill or in hospital. A special note of thanks was :voted to Mrs. Maude Sturgeon who etipplied —a beautiful valentine cake for lunch. They regretted Maude was unable to be present; but the delicious cake was enjoyed by all. Bus trips for the summer or early fall were discussed. Three suggestions to consider were Point Pelee and The Jack Miner Sanctuary at Kingsville; Bus trips for the summer or early fall were discussed. Black Creek Pioneer Village Museum, Toronto; or the Ford Museum at Dearborn, Michigan. As they have always had people outside the Club join with them to fill the buses they would be very happy to have anyone interested in taking one of these trips to contact Mr. Clair Merner or any member and give their preference. The meeting was then adjourned by Mr. George Brown seconded by Mrs. Dorothy Weston. Entertainment was provided by Mr, Harry Baker who showed excellent movies both local, and of a hunting trip to Calgary, Alberta and a visit to Churchill, 'Manitoba. These were so very interesting; they hope he and the Treasurer will show more of their pictures during future meetings. The President thanked Harry on behalf of the members and a delicious lunch was served. The next meeting will be in the Municipal Building on Friday evening March 3; 8 p.m. Reeve Oddleifeon and all Councillord and Clerk were present for the regular Bayfield Village Council meeting held on Monday evening, Feb, 21 in the Municipal Building, A statement of approval from the Department of Transport and Communication's in the amount of $9764,30 for maintenance of roads (1971) was received, The Development Office for the County of Huron sent a letter requesting copies of any brochure for Tourism advertising be forwarded to them so the Village may be advertised outside of Huron County. Correspondence received from the Department of Lands and Forests stated that it had been established by the Public Trustee that all River Flats Title was still vested in the Crown and all negotiable streams and banks thereof. A letter was read stating that the Honourable Charles S. MacNaughton, member for Huron, was no longer Minister of Transport and Communications; but is now Chairman of The Management Board in the Ontario Conservative Government. A letter from the Huron County Health Unit stating, no person shall install any X-ray equipment without the permission of the Department of Health was read. Further complaints were received by Council re- snowmobilers driving over private property and destroying small shrubs, garden property and lawns. The, Huron County Planning Board has appointed Reeve Oddleifson as their Chairman. A meeting of MODA is slated for May 10 to 13 at the Victoria Inn, Stratford, Council was informed. Re—dogs running loose in the village and frightening the young and old people. If complaints" continue a by-law will have to be enforced. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Manager requesting information on relief stations and also a letter to the Dept of Lands and Forests re- dredging the mouth of the Bayfield Harbour. Council passed a resolution to request a supplementary budget of $5000.00 from the Government for the paving of roads in the village. By-Law No, 75—Municipal and School Tax Credit Assistance Act (1967) was read at third time and passed. For those residents 65 years of age and over who are interested in the above, By-Law may request further information from the Clerk. , The next regular Village Council meeting will be held, Monday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m. LEONARD TALBOT DIES Leonard E. Talbot passed away, Saturday Feb. 12 in Exeter Hospital following a short illness. He was the son the the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Talbot. Mr. Talbot was born in Stanley Township April 10, 1901 and had farmed in the Township all his life. He was predeceased by his wife the former Veva Dawson whom he married in 1929 on the Goshen Line. Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. Marie Leitch of London; Mrs. Doug (Betty Jean) Hoggarth of Mount Forest arid one son Bob, on the home farm; 3 sisters Mrs. Roy (Freida) Scotchmer; Mrs. Lloyd (Esther) HAROLD WISE LIMITED ejectritat- PIUMbing And Heating contratto 2S2 Bayfield Rd...--482-70S2 fin Makins, both of Hayfield and Mrs. William (Verdi) Cameron of Seaforth; one brother William Talbot Sr, of Bayfield; nine grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral service took place from Beatty Funeral Home, Clinton, Monday, Feb, 14 with the Rev. J. Reddock, St. Andrews United Church, hayfield, officiating, Interment was in the Hayfield Cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs Bert Greer, Melvin Greer, Jack Scotchiner, Alvin Steckle, Ivon Steckle and Walter Westlake all of Hayfield and area, PERSONALS Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mr. Alvanley Garrett,' who passed away Wednesday, Feb. 16. Miss Rhea Sturgeon, London, spent the weekend at the home of her family, the Jack Sturgeon's. Mrs. Norman F, Cooper, Mount Clemens ; Michigan, has returned to her home after spending the past week at the Albion Hotel and visiting with friends in and around the village. Mrs. Myrtle Pease and Irvin of London, were at their village residence this past week-end. Mrs. 'George Kalanzis, Birmingham, Michigan was in the village during the week-end and left Sunday for Toronto to fly to New York. Mrs, Elsie Sullivan and David, Sparlingville, Michigan, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Donald 'McLeod and family over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss, London were at their cottage this past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scotchmer, Robert and Lori, of Chatham were week-end guests of his mother Mrs. L.W. Scotchmer. Miss Mary Pounder of London, had as her guest for the week-end Miss Gwen Vanderhys of Chatham at the Pounder village home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake entertained about 50 friends from the Clinton area on 24 snowmobiles during the week-end at a luncheon and coffee-party at their home. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent snowmobiling along the beach, Mrs, M. Talbot, Mrs. L. Cleave, Mrs. W. Taman, Mrs, A, 13rokenshire and Mrs. E. O'Brien, visited with Mr. and Mrs, R. Jeffrey and Shannon Nicole of Chatham on Thursday last. Misses Cathy and Karen Stevenson of London were with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Eric Earl this past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. F. McFadden attended a Business meeting in Toronto last week-end and visited with Mr. and Mrs. A.E, Lewis. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bulien who are convalescing at their home after their stay in Clinton Hospital following an unfortunate snowmobile mishap two weeks ago, also to Mr. Jobe Marks who is able to be out of hospital following a motor vehicle accident. Sunday, February 27, Rev. Garwood Russell, Rector of St. George's Church Goderich will take the service in Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, while the Rector, Rev. George YOurnatoff will be conducting special services in Goderich, Mr. and Mrs, George Bell have returned from a three-week holiday in the sunny south. Clinton Nows,Fiewrd, Thursday, February 24, 1972—'7 .