HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-01-27, Page 7SEW now far NEW MATERIALS are here! Every kind imaginable! They are really beautiful! SALE CONTINUES ON MANY LINES OF GOODS — COME IN OFTEN TOO SEWING CENTRE — DRY GOODS CLINTON HENSALL Clinton Nows,BecorO, Thursday, January 27,1072-7 Oul NW OW Mal AO — OWN MOO WW1 Ann ON Ina MO an — WWI OM Ana ma ow — — as BO Wm We — SOW — — EDITH ANNE HAIR FASHIONS 482-7697 PRESENTS Clinton OUR ANNUAL FEB. PERM SPECIAL ON REGULAR . T0 $17.50, $15, $12.50 & $10 NOWII 0 S-A-V-E PERMS I I I B I I I NOW IS THE TIME TO TRY L'OREAL COL R AVAILABLE DURING FEBRUARY AT SPECIAL PRICES You can save an extra "dollar" more, if you bring this ad in during February. You will receive a dollar discount on your L'Oreal color treatment. I I "SHAGGY LOOK". with the "NECK BANG" "THE SHOP WITH THE FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE" FEB. 1 to FEB. 29 CLIP THIS AD TRY THE I I "IsosAummnamaxisiMenftillainiiinl . Mailing 22.2 million booklets is a big job. IL"M*31 • • •••}0:,2,.::::.**.nt,0'',01§iiXii::0.:,, Tax reform legislation has been passed by Parliament and is now law. What does tax reform mean to you? I-low will it affect you? To answer these questions, the Department is conducting a massive national mailing program, Booklets are' now being printed and mailed to all tax- payers as quickly as they come off the press. The complete mailing will be finished in about three weeks'. All taxpayers will receive at least two booklets.— "Highlights for Individuals" and "Valuation Day". These should provide answers to most of your questions. Some taxpayers will receive additional informa- tion, according to their specific needs, Read your booklets. Afterwards, if' you have questions, ask us. We'll be glad to help. You will find that your booklets will make it easier to file your income tax return in 1973, because they will help you to prepare now. I loot National Revenu Revenue, natiOrial, Taxation Imp& uburn women attend Huron Presbyterial BY MRS. WES OPAPNocK Mrs, John Pollock, Goderich, was re-elected president of Huron Presbyterial of the Presbyterian Church in Canada when they held their annual meeting et Goderich Knox Church last Wednesday. She resided for the meeting which as opened by singing The Lord is ny Shepherd with Mrs. MacDougall of Hensell as pianist. Reports from the different ecreta ries were accepted and 1w treasurer, Mrs, J. A. cConnell gave the financial tatement. Mrs. Wilfred =Jerson reported for the iterature section and the Glad idings secretary Mrs, R. A. Orr f Hensel' reported 119 obscriptions. Mrs, Dale Nixon, eaforth reported for the senior roups. Mrs. C. Kalbfleisch gave he Friendship and Service report es. Harvey Hyde of Hensall eported 45 members in the resbyterial. It was announced at the Hamilton-London ynodicat would be held in rskine Presbyterian Church, ainilton on April 11 and 12. Mrs. re was named Presbyterial elegate. Seaforth invited the Huron resbyterial to have their spring eeting there and they named ay 2 at 1:30 p.m. The offering as received by Mrs. Alex Eewright and Miss Hazel cDonald and dedicated by Miss cDonald. Rev, G. L, Royal brought reetings from Presbytery and Knox Church. He installed the officers for 1972 which are as follows: President, Mrs. John Pollock, Goderich; Secretary, Mrs. Ray Dyke; Vice-president, Mrs. A. Enwright; Treasurer, Mrs. J. A. McConnell; Afternoon and Evening groups, Mrs. Dale Nixon, Seaforth: Young Women's and C.G.I.T., Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, Auburn: Literature, Mrs. Wilfred Faber. Hensall; Nominating committee, Goderich: Friendship and Service, Mrs. Charles Kalbfleisch, Goderich: Associate Members, Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Hensall; Glad Tidings, Mrs, R. A. Orr, Hensall: Children's groups, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Hensall; Supply, Miss Jean Scott, Seaforth; Press, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock. Mrs. Pollock closed the meeting with an . inspiring m, esagea--Who- would iyouetbef in 192, A social hour was enjoyed wi{{{{th tea served by members of the Arthur's Circle. AUBURN W.I. The January meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute was held in the Community Memorial hall with the president, Mrs. Leonard Archambault in charge. The meeting was opened , by the Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Canada with Mrs. Robert Phillips as pianist. The minutes were approved as read by the secretary Mrs. Donald Haines. She also gave the financial statement, It was decided to look after the Huronview birthday party on April 19, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt end Mrs, Gordon Taylor were named a committee to look after it. It was decided to cater to two weddings, July 14 and March 4, The committee in charge for the March 9 wedding, is Mrs. boy Daer, Mrs, Frank Raithby, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, and Mrs. Craig, The diftingroont A rnold. -committee will be Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer and Mrs. Eldon McLennan. Pions were discussed about the 50 anniversary of the Auburn W, L and it was decided to hold it on May 2 at 12;30 with a inenewt. Mrs. Len Archambault, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, Mrs. Robert Phillips and Mrs, Donald Haines were named a committee to be in charge of the Anniversary. Delegates, Mrs, L, Archambault and Mrs. Eleanor Bradeock were named delegates to attend the 75th anniversary of the founding of the W. I. to be held at the Royal York . on Feb. 12. Mrs. Eldon McLennan, introduced Mr. Harry Bosne.11 of the Dominion Road Machinery Company, Goderich. He gave an interesting account of the company's accomplishments and stated that after World War 11 they employed 45 and now 465 work there. The speaker was thanked by Mrs. Gordon Powell and presented him with a small gift. Mrs. Robert Phillips entertained with a delightful piano instrumental which was enjoyed by all. The roll call was answered by ways to combat pollution, An excellent motto--A. chip on the shoulder is time heaviest thing to bear" was prepared and given by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. In the absence of Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell, the card report was given by Mrs. Donald Cartwright. The collection was taken by Mrs. Eldon McLennan and Mrs. Gordon Powell. The Pennies for Friendship were taken by Lorie Cartwright. An impressive In Memorial service was given by Mrs. Archambault in memory of Mrs. Charles Straughan, a charter member of the Auburn Branch: A moment of silence was observed. A contest was given by Mrs. Donald Haines and Miss Sheron Collins. The winner was Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. Lunch was served by Mrs. Gordon Powell. Mrs. Eldon McLennan and Mrs. Donald Haines. Any girls 12 to 26 years old wishing to take the 4—H spring project—Sleepwear—please cgp,teet Mrs. Donald. Haines as soPPAPP94.1).1e, • - Mrs. Ralph Munro returned last weekend after a month's visit at Toronto with her son, Robert Youngblut, Mrs, Youngblut and family and another son, Mr. Donald Youngblut, Mrs. Youngblut and family at London. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines visited at Fordwich last Saturday with their daughter, Mrs, Ronald Livermore, Mr. Livermore and Robert. Mr, Keith Scott of London spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Wayne and Eric. Mrs. Bert Marsh entertained 14 ladies of Unit I of Knox United U.C.W, for their January meeting when Mrs. W. G, Elliott and Mrs. Peter Verbeek were named co- leaders for this re-organized group. Mrs, Gordon Chamney accepted the nomination as secretary-treasurer and MrS. Jack Armstrong together with Mrs. Norman McClinchey wilt be Oda] conveners. Their first $ duties were to convene illy dinner that proceeded the cherch's animal meetin,. it was decided that each member keep a (Hine a weekbank with monies handed in et the December meeting, Plans were mode foe the Jan. 26 general meeting of the U,C.W. when a film strip will be shown on this year's Mission theme—"A New Generation Africa." In keeping with the theme—The New Year, the roll call was answered by a Bible verse containing the word New. Mrs. Verbeek read the scripture lesson from Revelations 21, and also e poem entitled the New Year, In time meditation, Mrs. Elliott left time ladies with the thought that there is nothing new about the New Year unless there is something new within each person and Christ is at hand to help each one to meet this challenge, A request was made fora start to be made this winter' preparing articles for a bazaar to be held on Nov. 1 and also for articles to go in a bale for Rev. Roberts in Argentina. Mrs. Verbeek divided the names of the 36 ladies who are connected with Unit I into groups of four to look after the remaining nine meetings of 1972. Mrs. Vere Cunningham assisted Mrs, Marsh, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Verbeek with a brief social time. KNOX ANNUAL MEETING Knox United Church held their annual meeting last Wednesday with a dinner served at 12;30 with the members of Unit I of the U.C,W. cater ing. Pastor Fry was chairman for the meeting and opened with a devotional period. The minutes of the previous annual meeting were adopted as read by the secretary, Mr. Keith Arthur. The reports of the various secretaries were adopted as read. The election of new officers was held. Torrance Tabb and Donald Haines were elected as elders to retire in 1978. Glen Webster, Daryk Ball, Peter Verbeck, Norman McDowell and Len Archambault were appointed as Stewards to retire in 1975. Elected to the Board of Trustees were Gordon Gross, Charles Scott, Percy Youngblut, and Robert Armstrong. Mr. Fred Wagner and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall were re-elected as church treasurers and the M & S treasurer elected was Mrs. Donald Haines and assistant, Mrs. Robert Arthur. Mr. Kenneth McDougall was elected captain of the ushers and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson were elected to the manse committee to retire in 1974. Mrs. Ralph Munro was named auditor to replace Mr, Bert Marsh who wished to retire. Mrs. Torrance Tabb was named to continue being captain of the flower committee. A vote of thanks was given to Pastor and Mrs. Fry for their work during the past year and Pastor Fry expressed thanks to all for the fellowship and kindness extended to them. A committee of Harold Webster, Maurice Bean and Keith Arthur were named to be the pastoral relations committee and attend Presbytery to ask Pastor and 'Mrs. Fry to stay on the Auburn charge, BY GEOfie CAMPBELL At the general Meeting held Jan. 24 the Branch welcomed as new members, five locals. These men are all known in the town and we are happy to have Al Galbraith, Robert Johnston, Terry Maguire, Spence Cummings and John Lawson on the membership, Once time opening ceremonies were dispensed with business was carried on as usual. Our initiation team of flee Kingswell, Cam Proctor, Cliff Sundercock and Harold Black did a fine job on the initiation and we hope for more new members in the near future. The Legion is sponsoring the spring camping show again' this year and we hope to have a bigger and better show than ever, If any one has merchandise or equipment pertaining to camping please contact Percy Brown who is chairman of the overall show. Space at the arena is restricted but we hope to get one and all under the roof. Our monthly socials are a good time for all who attend and we welcome those who wish to attend, up to the limit of our guest capacity. The next social is Feb. 12 with music by the Mitchell Royalaires and we have a dance Jan. 29 with Boyd's Orchestra to Varna BY FRED h CLYMONT The Saerant, of the Lord's Supper was ;1(11, !festered in the United Church et Sunday with Rev. Bruce Gun I Dashwood in charge also a li 1;,tismal Service when James Day ,;. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bev Hill a •a baptized. The annual engrega tional meeting of the 1 ed Church was held last Mond., evening. Good reports were en from the various depart nts and the treasurer ref ;,,f1 a good balance on hand The skating ei Isms been busy during the pe • week. Public skating on Tile- fly evening and Saturday aftern , )11 and evening, help sponsor the Pipe Band. This is an "advance ticket" dance so they could be sold out. Contact Percy Brown re a ticket but soon. The Branch did its usual good turn at Christmas and made a number of families happy with Christmas baskets. A donation has also been made to the Ability Fund, which is one way the "Old Sweats" can help out. For the Bingo players—The Bingo chairman is prepared to offer a new game to the old faithfuls and we hope plenty of new Bingo fans, in the very near future. Watch your local paper for future ads re this change. A few years ago one of our stalwart members—Past President, Zone Commander etc. Doug Thorndyke presented a trophy for the Legion member who did his best for the Branch r I I I I I I I I 1 rir during the preceding year. This is an annual event and this year the presentation of this award was very much enjoyed by all present, Who won it? None other than our Padre Dr. A. Mowatt, The Legion is playing its usual part in the forthcoming Winter Carnival. Bingo Monday Feb. 7 in the Community Centre, our own Jack Reid is parade Marshal on Feb.12 and there is a dance Sat, Feb. 12 in the Legion Hall. One change at the Branch is the Hall Rental. Please note—Anyone wishing to rent our hall for Wedding Receptions, Birthday Parties., Dances etc. please contact Rene Brochu at the Legion Hall, phone 482-9061 or at his residence phone 482-3379, We try to keep busy and involved so when you think—think Legion. Clinton Legion Branch welcomes 5 new members FINK PLUMBING-HEATING & ELECTRICAL LTD. Wish to thank their many patrons who, over the years, have been so faithful to them and ask their continued support for B. is FINK MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS am an as um I as — um Imo mos mar llasial MEP an OW MOW lint WM NW OM ORO SZIMBEI HIM Ralf NM IOW lion. Plumbing - Heating - Electrical Sheet Metal Air Conditioning and Refrigeration AIR CONDITIONING and REFRIGERATION ARE NEW .ADDITIONS TO the SERVICE OFFERED 24 HOUR SERVICE 262 2114 IIENSALL