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HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1972-01-06, Page 3Mot Omit 1 GRANULATED EXTRA FINE WHITE SUGAR 5 lb Bug 61 C TOP VALU FROZEN ORANGE JUICE CONCENTRATE 6 ox Tin lit OFFICE HOURS MONDAY through THURSDAY 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. FRIDAY 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 12:36 P.M. Clinton Community Credit Union 70 Ontario St. 482-346 7 IGA TAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK EYERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED IN THIS CONTEST MEMOIR" WINNERS \kiwi...0V Irr .0, Lon no, Mr. Max Edwards R, R. it 2 Wlarton, Ontario HERE Mr. Harvey Hill 8 David Strafe Wallaceburg, Ontario ARE THE LUCKY Mr. David Elliott 286 Seymour Street Amherstburp, Ontario • WINNERS OF IGA3 Mr. Gordon Maskell , 229 Chapel St. Sinus». Ontario "WIN A MERC" Mrs. Wes Davis 21 Clarence St. Aylmer, Ontario CONTEST Doug Young 410, Admiral Street Woodstock, Ont. _ • Mr, Bob Zister Usto,fof, Ontario Mr. Dean Martin Landsdowne Street Southampton, Ontario Mr. Melvin Stott 107 Rose St. Sarnia, Ontario Mrs. Sylvia Beside 118 Toronto Street Goderich, Ontario Mr. Bob Munroe 46 Susan St, Mealord, Ontario E. Rigg R.R. t4o. 2 Harrow, Ont Mr. Wilfred Weaver 39 Elgin, St. Durham, Ontario Mrs, Jim Walsh Main Street Parkhill, Ontario Mr. Tony Morand 1410 Shawnee Road Tecumseh, Ontario Mr. Ron Murray Main Street 14, Forett, Ontario I A. P. Anderson NkNad Street Stratford Ord. , Eric Stewart 317, Wellingtonrngesel ,o Street n lop VIII WIENERS ORMAN Sig lb sIbt BACON MART ANIS WEINERS omoratio SOLE PORTIONS I lb 55 be E Va4 ja boa '2.494 pace pka I 16 894 CANAOA G RADE "A" FRESH FRYING CHICKENS /Vs to 3 lb Six* BUY ONE PAIR OF SHOES AT REGULAR PRICE -- GET AN EXTRA PAIR FOR ONE DOLLAR. Includes Men's—Wornen's—Boys' and Children's Shoes 10% OFF Mar OVER TtIE FOOT SNOWBOOTS and NEW SPRING SHOES We Specialize in Large Sizes and Narrow and Wide Widths. Don Keast Quality Footwear 53 Main Street, Seaforth I M citgrouAsmn LEGS OR I BREAST I PORTIONS /OR MAISMG SH001 Oat OF BEEF MISR CUT MAN COMO STEWING BEEF ITALIAN FARM SAUSAGE 'Wilt bAboc,p1Ais et POEM! olat, ROSE Dist PicAtts 24" 41114 TOP YMil Cont 1 DESSERT PEARS : et o 01000,' NORM OISAERA,IP ASNIN WIN 110,610 boa A al, 311 el, )1 1164 WOW/0 Alunitus OvEtirit 401011 WAII 9 wiA fiONITilkt POLISH l'Ef er . • . 11111A0I OME OR NM 00 3 4 ORM MIN D, I NANT NU, 4 . 9 Rost moon, lottbibutAstoRorot sift FEMININE NAPKINS of &grit 1,40Y ERDIKUI Son; Mk OR MU MIR ''4,.71 t HAIRSPRAY . tor WOW K th AC, 0((Y, too OR UIROR 30 by t SHAMPOO El TOP VAIN SPAGHETTI 4 itt,t. ti , „ :Zs WEIRD LOORMIT 7 DM DINNER MOM NIM ZIARNit LAMB LEGS %NA PsitIM lb 79s MON AND MUTT MGR OR 1101M SPARE RIBS lb 67' WE RESERVE THE MIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PRICES EEEECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SAT. JAN, ilk, 19/1 WtlTOM PIAINIM SAME CRACKERS OR SALTINES i16 Pb' MORARMRIOUIAR. 0440OurfiRVOUR p‘a TOR ROASEINO ort let CHICKEN CRISP Clinton I A _TREIHWEET RECONSTITUTED GRAPEFRUIT, ORANGE OR WN)ED JUICE 40 tit TOP H VALLI FANCY ACH HALVES OR SLICES 00 EMT COCKTAIL 14 et 49c 29 • ' -Clinton .1NoW$.,RecO.r.O„ Thiarsciay, January 6, 1977 3 Varna MII,VENA ERickS0N The Croquet Club's ' 7th nue!, pre-New Year's Eve tanning committee meeting was eld at the home of Dr, and Mrs. ack Walters with dinner at 00, Committees as follows were et-up: Children's party, Patricia pd William Tillman; in charge f dates, Heather Gregory; in charge of hair-cuts, John Walters and Ken Mackie; adjudicators for Art show, Hugh Gregory and Cathy Tillman; wine and bread steward, Jack McPartland; in charge of younger children, Janet Walters and Leslie. The monimating committee presented the slate of officers as follows; president, George Cantrick; vice-president, Mary Lou Beechie; secretary, Joan Walters; treasurer, Peter Tillman; chairman of grounds committee Dr, Jack Walters and Bob Van Ryn. Their New Year's Eve dinner, held at the Albion Hotel was served to 60 guests. At the dinner Ray and Pat Bauer of Waterloo presented a Canadian flag to Mrs. E. B, Robinson for her hotel. Albion Hotel guests over the New Years holiday were Mr, and Mrs. Mark Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tillman arid family of London; Mr. and Mrs. Rob Gordon; Mr, and Mrs, Derek Sybersma of Stratford; Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Shepherd, Windsor; Mr, and Mrs. Jack McPartland and family of Ottawa. Mr. Dave McConkey, Miss Michelle Robinson, Miss Mary Jane Mingay all of London, were weekend guests at the Dr. Jack Walter'S residence, Mr. Bud Robinson, London, Mrs. Harreline Atkinson, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Don cLeod and Mr. and Mrs. Don u rray and family of toneycreek were New Year's weekend guests of their mother, rs. E. B. Robinson at the ibion Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Martin, hamesford were weekend uests of her brother-in-law, inter and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Francis and Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Garrett, orma, Diane and John were hristmas dinner guests of her rother-in-law, sister arid niece, r. and Mrs. Jack Van Egmond nd Stisan of Clinton. The' first Council meeting of 972 was held in the Municipal uliding, Monday evening Jan. , with Reeve Oddleifson and all ouncillors and the Clerk resent. Council received a letter from he Ontario Board of Education equesting a representative from he municipality to attend the estern Ontario Seminar Sports 'onvention to be held in ondon, relating to Sports articipation in schools in estern Ohtario. Also an invitation was ceived to the Good Roads eminar for Reeves and ,ouncillors, Wed. Feb. 23 in the Royal. York Hotel in Toronto, Topic for discussion is "Re-Organization for the Future" and the guest speaker will be The Honourable Charles MacNaughton, Minister of Transportation and Communications, The Huron County Developement Office requested suggestions from Council for preparation of brief on passenger transportation for Huron County. A letter of approval from the Huron County Health Unit to Mr. Harry Baker re-water works and sewage for new home he plans to build on Williarn Street was received by council. Legal action on the contravention of a village by-law has been withdrawn. Council stated they are prepared to take lefial action if any of the Village by-laws are contravened. A discussion on the heating system replacement in the Old Town Hall took place, and was tabled for further consideration when more information and investigation has been completed. Council stated the traffic by-laws in the Village apply to all vehichles including snowmobiles, especially the speed-liinit by-law. Complaints were heard from residents pertaining to the late ((early??) hours snowmobiles are operating in the ;village and request the owners and operators to use some discretion; especially in the early hours of the morning. If snowmobilers will not comply with council request they will have to resort to enforcing stricter control. Next Council meeting will be held on Monday evening Jan. 17 at 7:30 pan. We are pleased to report that Mr, Clair Merner is home and recuperating nicely following surgery in Toronto, Esther Merrill has returned home from a Christmas holiday spent touring Florida with friends. She visited Disney World, Key West, Homestead, relatives at Auburndale and then returned via Clearwater. • Mr. and Mrs. George Durham and sons Jim and Ron visited with Mr. Durham's uncle Carl and Mrs. Diehl from Friday to Sunday. They also saw Mr. Durham's mother, Mrs. Morris Durham at Huronview. Miss Kay Reid of Windsor was another visitor at the Hut arriving Thursday and returning Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Shepherd of Windsor who were also New Year's guests. Mr. Alfred Morris, Capreol visited with his sister, Mrs. J. M, Atkinson over New Years. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ervine were week-long guests of their son-in-law, , daughter and granddaughter, Mr, and' Mrs. Robert Meyers and Michelle in Waterloo. Miss May Ervine, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Meyers and family, Milverton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyers and ,Michelle, Waterloo were New Year's guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ervine, Mrs. L. B, Smith was in London from Christmas until New Years with her son-in-law, daughter and grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowse, Jim Cathy Vicki, Jill and Dale, Mr, and Mrs. Norman F. Cooper have returned to their home in Mount Clemens, Michigan after being with her mother, Mrs. J. M. Atkinson, for the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heard, Stratford were with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw, on Sunday for a New Years family dinner. Mr. Gordon Merrill, Brock University, St. Catharines; Mr. Brian Merrill, Centennial College, Toronto were home with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill for the long holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Long, Andrea, Greg and Jamie of Guelph and Dr. and Mrs. Moore Hislop, Jttlie, Lori and Monica. Port Boron, Michigan were with the ladies father, Mr, Harry Baker on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and M. Jack Pounder, John, Cathy and Mary-Beth, London entertained Mr. and Mrs, Doug Fraser and two children, London at their New home for the New Year celebrations. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Scotchmer, Robert and Lori of Chatham were with his mother, Mrs. L. W. Scotchmer for New Years. Miss Rhea Sturgeon, London spent New Years with her parents and brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Sturgeon, Bud and Andrew. Mr. Stuart Atkinson, David and his friend of St. Clair Shores, Michigan visited in the village for the New Years weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Art Latimer, Bill, Gil and Christy have returned to their home in Toronto after holidaying with her mother, Mrs. Gilbert Knight for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mitchell, Mark and Tracy Dunnville were New Years guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Renner and family. Mr. Glen Smith, Brantford visited last week with his mother Mrs. L. J3. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowse, Jill and Dale of London were with her mother Mrs. L. B. Smith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker and Mrs. L. B. Smith attended the wedding of the latter's son, Mr. Glen Smith of Brantford to Beverley Candy of Lambeth in Lambeth United Church on Dec. 31,1971. Summer visitors at their cottages and homes during the holidays were: Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Tillman and family; Mr. Norman Brown and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Chapman and family; Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Gregory and family; Dr. and Mrs. Jack Walters and family all of London; Mr. and Mrs, George Cantrick, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Erb, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webb, Mr. and Mrs, Ed McComb, Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Kalanzis all of Birmingham, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bauer of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Cook of Chicago, Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Butcher of Plattsville, Mr, G eorge Lindsay of Waterloo were holiday guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay and Donald. Miss Patricia Payne, London was with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Warner Payne for the holidays. Miss Lynn Brandon RNA Wingharn General Hospital was with her parents,, brothers and sisters, Mr. arid Mrs. Ken Brandon over the holiday season, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wachhaus were at their village home during Christmas and New Years, Mrs. Myrtle Pease and Irvin London spent a few days at their home in the village this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Larson and Karen, London were with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Larson over Christmas. Miss Karen Larson, London was a New year's guest at the Jack Pounder residence. Mrs. L. W. Scotchmer held a buffet dinner for her family last Sunday, Guests included Mr, and Mrs. Jack Pounder and family London Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scotchmer and children of Chatham, Mr, and Mrs. Doug Fraser, and children of London. Mr. Ed Craig, Clinton was a guest of his son, daughter-in-law and grandson, Mr. and Mrs. SHIRLEY GAY ENRICHED WHITE SLICED BREAD 24 oz Loaf C Dr. Jack Albert Craig and Tom from Wednesday 'till Saturday, New Year's dinner guests at the borne of Mr, and Mrs, Albert BY MARY mni MAIN Andrew and Janice Vivian of Staffa spent a few days of the holidays with their aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Thompson and Ricki, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, Kim and Greg of Winthrop spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. New Year's Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Jim, Sharon and Bob were Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Hunter of Colborne Township, Mrs. Hazel Bennett of Michigan and Miss Betty Thompson of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Bob Storey and Alvin spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storey. Mr. and Mrs. George Turner, Barry and Bonnie and Mr. John Turner, all of Tuckersmith, were New Year's Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson, John and Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan, Bill, Doug, Betty and Bobby spent New Year's Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hart of Brussels. New Year's Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson and Ricki were Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian and family and Mr.' and Mrs. Carter Kerslake and Craig, all of Staffa. TOP VALU 1st GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER 1 lb Print 9. Walters' Craig and Torn were Mr, Ed ,Craig, Miss Martha Carrie of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs, Roger, Layton, Joanne and Sheryl of Brucefield, Mrs. Ella Jewitt, Don, Larry, Kenny and Steven; Mr, and Mrs. Jim Preszeator, Billy and Debbie; Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol Ann, Judy, Danny .and Billy; Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Jewitt, Kathy and David; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jewitt and Lori of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson, Brenda, Bonnie and John of Varna held their family dinner at the Foresters Hall on New Year's Day. New Year's Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan, Paul, Jim and Gary were Mr. and Mrs, H. corriforth of Mississauga, Miss Nancy, Buchanan of Brampton and Mr. Gordon Buchanan of B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Staniforth, Kevin and Tammy of Point Edward spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Scarrow, John and Doug. r I GOOD THINGS II HAPPEN I WHEN YOU HELP I I RED CROSS I 134 FREP iViceLYMONT The members of the local Orange Lodge with their wives will hold a Bowling Party on Saturday evening, Jan, 0„ The United Church Women Will hold their January meeting on Thursday evening of this week. Mr, Floyd McAsh of Hamilton spent the holidays at the home of his parents. •\ TOP VALU INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz Jar 79, Rolle Id Croquet .Club holds New Year's dinner at Goitstalice Many visit during holiday VALLEY FARM CHOICE FROZEN FRENCH FRIES 9 oz Pkg IOC J KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 24 oz Pkg ( uurrus DELSEY ASSORTED COLOURS BATHROOM TISSUE 2 roil pkg TOP VALU RECONSTITUTED APPLE JUICE 48 oz Tin MIX-O LIQUID BLEACH 64 oz Plastic Jug SHOE SALE SQUIRR EL * NU BUTTER 3 lb Jar 19 TOP YALU BEANS WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE 19 oz Tin I8I I PRIME RID I ROAST L lb 3rd to 7th rib taRtD OR BLUE Mow PRIMROSE BEEF STEAKETTES ib 49c REP OR BLUE DRAW) • I RIB 1 STEAKS Ibi r" LOINgiCUT CHOPS '115 lb MEM StICM ITT 65( BEEF LIVER SWAMP. Orminod Yolit MOHO lOt PIGS FEET, PIGS TAILS, 4 Ebi 1 PORK ROCKS or PORK LIVER lb 85' /RIM M11ROWN 6 SERY1 tb Wir LOIN PORK CHOPS 0,1,00.1 IMMUNE OR IhRMEITI1 SAUSAGE lb 491 QUARTER N PORK CHOPS FAMILY PACK 9 to I 1 chops r Mil e tipAsti 137 99' *1 "CLIC' PENS tb."1-t: Ott Ot4BY ORR" PENS VI` tijitri BA GS 2.m'.2,9* IgitTillITtiir""b 4:: " YEW ERR 250 SHEET REFILLS 88t TOMATO CAMPBELL'S 2 SOUP 2 41,:. YORK FANCY a it ASSORTED 5 11. 4 4 1 VEGETABLES "A' ROYAL CANADIAN RED 9 SOCKET Em- 4 SALMON 6n MOMS PARCHMENT MARGARINE d 88 1 pk, COUNTRY GENTLEMAN TOMATOES t 2 '' MbNAR04 PASTRY _71b 794 FLOUR "" ,.., boa tudo, CHUNK, 3 . CRUSHED OR INANE PINEAPPLE IN ,_ 4 ows ma rt74. MOTHER MOM ALL NMPOSE GROUND COFFEE ‘'s 3( TO TOP VAN} " : 2 1 KETCHUP A C xurntx 3 PLY .„.,,,,,....tos $1 TISSUE . 1Knna of 200'4 KiftbaR ASS001116 tit4.064$ 5 PAPIE1 411 ‘ FOWLS . INRSNIIT CINIRSOCTAOKTLATI 141" 79 lb t 1„I ROASTING " CHICKENS lb I I I PRIOR GRADE 3 lbs and 0P iC Pb I gagi 7 TOP VALU NO, I MOM' lb 65( lb 7 C stlab SIDE BACON g4 4= 6 MOEN NEW MALAND 9 LAMB LEG STEAKS 4, 8 4 COMAIAN'S RONIMSS WIN MAIM MISR PORK SHOULDER 16 49(