HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-11-25, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2010. PAGE 3.
Something’s cooking
The Blyth United Church held its annual fall supper on Saturday night and Laurie Sparling and
Cliff Snell were busy working away in the kitchen while diners crowded the hall, waiting to be
served. The pair were preparing mashed potatoes and rutabagas. (Vicky Bremner photo)
Blyth PS
Happy birthday to Chad Haggitt
who celebrates his birthday on Nov.
Sorry to hear that Gwen Papple
had the misfortune to break her
ankle. We wish her a speedy
recovery and hope that she will be
back walking at the arena soon.
Sympathy is extended to Vera
Hesselwood of London and family
in the death of her son Kenneth this
past week. Vera this is to let you
know your Blyth friends are
thinking of you at this time.
Winners of the Nov. 15 euchre
were: high lady, Berva Cartwright,
78; high man, Delores Howatt, 80;
lone hands, Dorothy Carter, five and
John Pollard, four; low lady, Sheron
Stadelmann, 40; low man, Laura
May Chamney and Len
Archambault, tied with 49; door
prize, Doug Cartwright; share the
wealth, Len Archambault, JaneGlousher and Lillian Appleby. Thenext euchre will be Monday, Nov.29 at 1:30 p.m. in the Legion hall.The Scouts had their winter campthis past weekend. Everyoneenjoyed themselves and came home
tired and cold. They were camping
in a bush just off Hwy. 86.
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on Sunday, Nov. 21
were Barb Richmond and Brenda
Brooks. Ushering were Nicole Kerr,
Brenda Brooks and Terry
Richmond. Floyd Herman was
music director. Bryce Glousher ran
the power point. Rev. Gary Clark
welcomed everyone to church and
drew everyone’s attention to the
announcements in the bulletin.
Special attention went to next
Sunday which is Birthday Sunday
and the Stewards would be serving
lunch after church.
The call to worship was repeated
in unison followed by the singing of
the prayer hymn, “This is the Day”.
The scripture reading was from
Matthew 1: 1-17. The children were
asked to come to the front for their
story time.
Rev. Clark had them line up in a
row. He then passed the lighter
along from one child to the next and
Candice Abell-Rinn lit the ChristCandle at the front. Rev. Clarkexplained to the children that thescripture he read this morning was aline like they had made except it wasthe names of the people who camebefore Christ. When they passed the
light along it was like passing
knowledge along as people have
done for generations. He said a
prayer with them and the
congregation and the children went
down to Sunday School for their
time of fellowship. Candice carried
the Christ Candle down to Sunday
The next hymn was “In Christ
there Is No East or West.” Rev.
Clark’s message to the adults was
“So where are you from?” This is a
question we often ask someone we
have just met hoping that we might
know someone from where they
come from or at least the place they
came from. In the scripture this
morning he read a long list of names
from Abraham and Sarah through
the 42 generations to the time that
Jesus was born. We should always
be thinking of what we can do for
the next generation. Matthew wants
us to know that we are part of God’s
dream for the world. Through the
generations the people have been
slaves, nomads but they always find
their way back to God. Today we arepart of a river that God has plannedfor us. We stand on the shoulders ofothers and there will be others whowill stand on our shoulders.Someone might ask us where weare from. We are from a people of
Hope, Compassion and Love. It is
not our bloodline that is important
but that we are a people of faith. We
are all brothers and sisters of Christ.
The choir sang an anthem, “Flying
Free.” The offering was received
followed by the offertory prayer.
The next hymn was, “We are
Pilgrims.” The prayers for the world
were followed by the singing of The
Lord’s Prayer.
The last hymn, “Blest Be the Tie
That Binds” was followed by the
commissioning and benediction and
the choral response, “Lord We
Pray.” Everyone was invited to have
coffee and to stay and help decorate
the church for Advent.
By Carlene Bremner,
Isaac Nicholson and Eric Steele
The Junior Kindergarten class
continued its study of
transportation, concentrating on
safety this week. They talked about
the various signs on area roads, the
colours within a traffic light and
what they symbolize, along with
practising many safe ways of
crossing a roadway when walking
or biking.
The class talked about flight,
gravity, balance and the universe as
they discovered some of the ways
airplanes and rockets take off into
The final 2010 tax installment for the Township of North Huron is
due on Friday, November 26, 2010. Interest at 1 1/4% per month,
or any part thereof will be charged on unpaid accounts as of
November 29th, 2010 and the first day of each month thereafter.
NOTE: Persons who have acquired properties and have not
received a tax bill should contact the Municipal Office. Failure to
receive a tax bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility
for payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment.
Please contact the Treasury Department in regards to the various
payment options available. Pre-authorized payment sign up
forms are available at www.northhuron.ca or at the Town Hall.
Donna White
Director of Finance
Township of North Huron
Corner of Queen St. and Westmoreland St., Blyth
David & Tamara Riach
Classes Available
Book Early
Thank you for your support!
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By MarilynCraig
From Marilyn’s Desk
The Blyth Lions Club is participating in the Lions Club
International Youth Exchange Program.
If you live in Blyth area, aged 16 to 21 and are interested
in being an exchange student, then please contact:
Lion Bev Blair
or any Blyth Lion
Deadline December 31, 2010
The smallest trifles
(Charles Spurgeon)
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart
from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered!”
Matthew 10:29-30
It is most important for us to learn, that the smallest trifles are as much arranged by
the God of Providence, as the most startling events. He who counts the stars — has also
numbered the hairs of our heads. Our lives and deaths are predestined — but so, also,
are our sitting down and our rising up!
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956
Auburn 519-526-7759
New Sunday
7 am - 3 pm
Continued on page 18