HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-11-11, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2010. PAGE 19. Duff’s holds Remembrance Day serviceContinued from page 14of Brussels, Helen (Elliott) Cullen ofGrey Twp., Bernice (Smith) Bartjaof Mitchell, Edna (Culbert) Matheson of Kincardine, Betty (Daley) Little, and David Matheson. Neil reports that it is really something to have them, all over the age of 80, able to gather together. It is a shock and with sadness to report the passing of Keith Williamson. Keith was a resident of the 17th of Grey or Walton Road for all of his 61 years. Our sympathies are extended to his wife Dianne, mother Erma and sisters Arlene and June and their families. Keith was a farmer with his father, having a few dairy cows at one time and then beef cattle. Always a well-kept farm with beautifully painted fences. Keith was a volunteer canvasser for the Heart and Stroke campaign, held in February since 1987. When I would drop by with his canvassing kit, it was usually a very pleasant visit with him, and his mom and dad for an hour or so. Broomball was his sport of choice and for many years, he travelled the road to Seaforth arena. Keith was a quiet, pleasant fellow with a hidden sense of humour that would surface with a broad smile on his face. Keith was never in a hurry and many times in the last few years, I wouldmeet him walking on the roadbetween the two homes. A short stop to say hello, what’s new and on our way again. Our condol- ences again to the Williamson families. The Chesley Saddle Club held its year-end gathering at the Walton Hall on the weekend. The hostess was Judy Emmrich and the group enjoyed a social time and then a potluck meal. The annual meeting followed and the over 35 in attendance cleaned up and enjoyed some more visiting. We had a busy weekend attending showers for our daughter Kelly for her upcoming wedding in December. Lee Ann, Alicia and myself travelled to New Hamburg to attend the groom’s relatives family shower. The Jarosz/Keppler families gathered for the afternoon and enjoyed a delicious lunch, funny games and Kelly opened some very beautiful gifts. It was a lovely afternoon on Saturday. Sunday afternoon was the McDonald/Clarke family shower held at the home of Jason and LeeAnn Konarski. Coffee and Chocolate was the theme of the afternoon and guests arrived with a coffee mug that reminded them of Kelly. They had to tell a story of whythe cup reminded them of Kelly andit was quite hilarious. They then hadthe opportunity to have coffee with different creams, etc. and different foods dipped in chocolate from the chocolate fountain. The gifts were opened and a lovely afternoon was enjoyed. There was a good crowd attending Duff’s United Church for Remembrance or All Saints Day service on Sunday. Rev. Peter opened the service with the singing of “O’ Canada” and a prayer. Presbytery Rep. Marie McGavin gave her report on attending the Presbytery meeting at St. Mary’s United Church. The London Conference and other others across Canada are discussing how to make a more consistent rule on determining what Churches consider a resident member. Out of the 42 churches represented there were almost 42 different answers. The debate will continue. Neil McGavin read the scripture readings for the day. Rev. Peter’s reflection was entitled “Love Instead of Revenge”. The offering was accepted by Michael Craig and Jackie Glanville. The act of Communion was held with Neil and Marie McGavin and Don and Monique Baan assisting Rev. Peter.Announcements included that theDuff’s United Church annual turkeysupper served 603 folks through dining in and takeouts. A great job was done by all helping and things went very smoothly. The wedding shower for Kelly McDonald will be held on Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. Note the time change. The UCW Christmas dinner will be held on Dec. 1 with a fashion show by Anna’s of Seaforth. Call Dianne McCallum, Donna McClure or Marie McGavin for tickets. There is coffee and a social time following church every Sunday and this Sunday will be breakfast following the service. The age old game of curling begins in Brussels this week but with something new. The Brussels Curling Club has had its curling rocks refurbished, reground and rehandled over the summer thanks to a Trillium grant and donations by club members. The club had the opportunity to try a set of new rocks last year and found quite a difference in the handling and throwing. The gliding surface was smoother, so the rocks reacted quicker and sweeping could draw the rocks farther. Steve Knight was in charge of the grant and met with the company used to refurbish the rocks. They were delivered last Wednesday morningand the handles were put on this pastweekend. The club raised monies forthe handles by having members donate the cost of the handles and having their names engraved on them. Now the club is looking for folks to come out and give curling a try. The game of curling is age-old but is for every age. Curling starts at 7 p.m. on Monday evenings and lessons are free. New curlers can curl free until Christmas and then if they wish to continue, normal draw fees will be charged, about $40 per draw. A draw consists of usually five games and you will be on the same team for those five games. Prizes are awarded at the end of the year for the teams with the most points earned. Come out and give curling a try, have some fun and exercise and a social time after the game. Celebrating birthdays this past week include Chris Stevenson, Kathleen Williamson, Jim Ryan, Clara Glauser, Steven Huether, Justin Morrison, Mark Bachert, Rita Bowers, Terry Sloan, Jane Zwep, Kevin Grosvenor, Jeanne Kirkby, Darcy McCutcheon, Johnathon Williamson. 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