HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-10-28, Page 7THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2010. PAGE 7.
There were eight tables of shoot on
Friday, Oct. 22 at the Belgrave
Community Centre. The winners
were: high pink card, Bev Hayden;
second high pink card, Marie
Stewart; most shoots, Louise
Hammond; high white card, Bob
Grasby; second high white card,Mary Hunter; most shoots, RossTaylor.The next shoot is Friday, Nov. 12at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome.The community congratulatesRoss and Wilma Higgins on their50th wedding anniversary. Theycelebrated along with friends andrelatives on Sunday, Oct. 24 at the
Belgrave United Church.
Congratulations and best wishes
are extended to Lois Anderson,
formerly of Belgrave and now
residing in Goderich, who was 80 on
Saturday, Oct. 23.
Sincere sympathy is extended
from the community to Louise
Bosman (sister-in-law), Walter
(nephew) and Patricia Armes andMary Hatheway (niece) and dearfriend Ruth Hastings on the loss ofJanisa Coultes.On Sunday, Oct. 31 at the KnoxUnited Church there is a potlucklunch following worship. The lunchthis month is being hosted by thechoir in regard to setup, beverageand cleanup. Please bring your
potluck offering and join us for this
fellowship time in our faith
Demand for Food Share in North
Huron is up 28 per cent. The Board
of Directors of the North Huron
Community Food Share need our
help. They are seeking pressing
assistance for residents in our
communities. The current usage of
the program and the donations of
non-perishable food items/or
monetary donations are no longer
keeping up to the demand.
In 2009-2010 the increase in
demand is 28 per cent higher than
the previous period in 2008/2009.
Let us do whatever we can to
supplement the demand both in non-
perishable food and monetary
donations. The latter needed to
enable Food Share to acquire
perishable goods, such as dairy
products, bread, meat, fish, etc.
These figures speak only partially to
the growing gaps between fellow
citizens in this area as in all areas of
our province. This week, Oct. 22,
statistics were released in Ontario
that indicated welfare recipient
demand has almost doubled over the
last year. When will we, as a people,
put an end to this economic inequity
that creates such a two-tiered
The Belgrave Women’s Institute
met on Oct. 19, beginning with the
Opening Ode and the Mary Stewart
Collect. The president, Doreen
Marks welcomed 11 members and
three guests and read, “We Love
October Best”.
The minutes and financial report
were given by Dianna Robinson.
Eight members had attended the
London Area Convention held in
Holmesville on Oct. 14 and reported
an interesting program, including the
guest speaker, Jay Campbell from
London. The theme of the day was
the importance of volunteerism. The roll call was donations ofslings and volunteer hours withknitted items to be brought to theNovember meeting. The programconvenor, Wilma Higgins,introduced her granddaughter, LauraHiggins, who spoke and showedpictures of her trip in June. She waschosen from F.E. Madill Secondary
School to attend a 10-day gathering
of young people from around the
world to take part in a leadership
development group touring New
York and Washington. They visited
the United Nations building and
heard speakers in the conference
room and general assembly room.
Places of interest were the John
Kennedy Center, the 9/11
memorials, the statues of presidents
and the White House. She had
pictures of Wall Street, Times Square
and a cathedral. After Laura
answered questions, Audrey Fenton
gave her a gift of appreciation.
The meeting closed by singing the
WI Grace and a social time was
enjoyed with lunch served by Gladys
Van Camp and Nancy Jardin. The
next meeting will be on Nov. 16 at
Knox United Church at 7:30 p.m.
A model Citizen
Jean Nethery received her Citizen of the Year award from
The Citizen board of directors member Lois van Vliet during
The Citizen’s 25th anniversary open house held at the Blyth
Office on Oct. 21. (Denny Scott photo)
Due to municipal snow removal operations, the parking of cars on Blyth
streets and municipal parking lots during the winter months (November
1 to May 1) will be strictly prohibited.
All vehicles must be removed from Blyth streets and roadways of the
municipality, between the hours of 2:00 am and 7:00 am.
Violators will be prosecuted or will be required to bear the cost of
having their vehicle towed away. The owner of any such parked
vehicle will be liable for any damage to the said vehicle or to snowplow
Section 181 of the Highway Traffic Act states: “No person shall deposit
snow or ice on a roadway without permission in writing so to do from
the Ministry or the road authority responsible for the maintenance of
the road.”
The fine for violation of Section 181 is $110.00.
Gary Long, CAO/Clerk
Remembrance Day
Nov. 11/10
Service will be held at the BLYTH
MEMORIAL HALL at 10:45 a.m. with
Pastor Les Cook officiating. The
Parade Parties will meet at the
Blyth Legion at 10:15 a.m.
Blyth Legion
Branch 420
Thursday, November 11, 2010
By LindaCampbellCall 357-2188PEOPLE AROUNDBELGRAVE