The Citizen, 2010-10-07, Page 10PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2010.
Countdown Club
The Countdown Club is starting up again at the Fellowship
Bible Chapel in Londesborough. Youth from Senior
Kindergarten to Grade 6 are welcome to come on
Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. to learn about Christianity. (Denny Scott
The municipal election is fast
approaching. To help everyone make
informed choices that day, an all-
candidates meeting has been called
for the Hullett Ward. On Wednesday,
Oct. 13 there will be an opportunity
for all voters to hear how each
person wanting your vote feels about
local government and how they hope
to represent you, if elected, for the
next four years. It’s a chance to put a
face to the names on the ballot. The
meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at
the Londesborough Community
On a political note of a different
sort, the financial statement for the
G8 and G20 Summits was made
public the same time as we heard
from athletes preparing for the
Canada Games in India that
conditions in the athletes’ villagethere were less than ideal. We mayquestion the price tag for Canadabeing a host to the rest of the world;however which country would yourather be a citizen of?Londesborough citizens offer bestwishes to Edythe Beacom whocelebrated her 95th birthday onSunday, Oct. 3. Edythe is
comfortably enjoying the amenities
of life at the Seaforth Manor and if
you are over that way she might
appreciate a visit. She can share all
kinds of memories of life in
Londesborough with you.
Bert and Joanne Lyon returned on
Sept. 22 from a week’s holiday on
the west coast. They attended the
wedding of their granddaughter
Karissa to Daniel Connolly. Karissa
is the daughter of Ron and Kathy
Moes. Also enjoying a west coast
holiday and the nuptials were Wayne
and Jane Lyons and Calvin and
Cheryl Bakelaar. How nice for their
whole family to be together for the
event. It was an outdoor wedding at
home and Bert said the showers
cleared for the ceremony and
pictures but returned as everyone
went indoors for the reception. Bert
and Joanne spent a day on
Vancouver Island with Vera (Lyon)Bell.Another celebration was alsomarked with a trip to BritishColumbia in early September by Jimand Rosemary Johnston. The villageresidents took an Alaskan Cruise tocelebrate 40 years of marriage. Theycommented that it was a wonderfulexperience. Congratulations and best
wishes from the village, Jim and
During the children’s time with
leader Terry Fletcher at
Londesborough United Church on
Sunday, Oct. 3, he told them that if
one wished to talk to everyone in the
whole world in their own language, a
person would need to speak 2,796
languages. He gave several children
slips of paper on which were typed
“hello” in different languages. Then
they said “hello” to everyone at the
same time in the language on that
paper. They recognized that it helped
to know what the English word was.
Terry went on to tell the children
that October 3 was World Wide
Communion Day. If everyone
celebrating communion were
gathered in one place talking to one
another would be difficult. However,
he stated that persons observing
communion that day are all united in
faith.Assisting Terry with thesacraments that morning were HelenDale, Erin Yantzi, Helen Lyons,Betty Archambault, Don Goodalland Carmen Drost. A communionanthem titled, “This I Saw” wasshared by the senior choir.In verses five and six of Luke 17the disciples ask Jesus to increase
their faith. Jesus replies with the
well-known phrase about having the
faith of a mustard seed. Those two
verses were the focus of Terry’s
message to congregants that
Fletcher commented that having
faith in God is easy when life is
going well but difficult when things
aren’t going well. He suggested that
we need to strengthen our faith in
those easy times so it will serve us
well in the darker times. Just as the
power of an athlete needs to be
continually worked on so does our
faith. Faith is a gift from God that
needs to be cultivated and used just
as the gift of music, poetry,
woodworking, etc. should be used.
But, how?
Terry offered five ways to
strengthen faith – prayer, reading the
Bible, reading Bible stories to
children, talking to others about
faith, and reaching out to others in
Christ’s name. With God’s help our
faith will be strong enough for alltimes of our lives.The sacrament of baptism will bepart of the Thanksgiving service atLondesborough United.A change has been made to thehours when someone will be in thechurch office. Terry will now beavailable there on Wednesday andThursday mornings. Margaret will
be there on Tuesday and Thursday
for the Municipality of
Central Huron
Londesborough Hall
Wednesday, October 13
7:30 p.m.
All citizens of Hullett Township are invited to come
out to hear what the candidates have to say.