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The Citizen, 2010-09-16, Page 6
PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2010. Brussels Library needs to be preserved says writer Anti-turbine groups hold information meeting Driver speaks up THE EDITOR, At a time when Brussels is losing its elementary school, it should be important for this dynamic little community to find a new focus for the heart of its existence. To support what appears to be a newly-invigorated main street, it seems timely to take a hard look at a real opportunity to resurrect an architectural gem, whose future may be casually discarded. Its status could easily be elevated to become a focal point and a magnet for education, culture and arts right there in the midst of the new bustle of activity in the heart of downtown Turnberry Street. I am referring, of course, to the amazing little 1909 public library, one of the 111 Carnegie gifts to Ontario citizens, in this case in the form of an $8,000 incentive grant, to support the establishment of a community library. Andrew Carnegie did not provide total funding for the building, feeling that each community should also find a means to support the new facility. His belief was that no group could be improved by a simple act of charity without some responsibility tied to it. His gift was also given, “provided the community will accept and maintain it as a public institution, as a part of the city property…” The Brussels Library seems to be unique. Its unusual corner entrance makes it a special community library building. It does not take a lot of imagination to see how it can be improved and expanded with a contemporary addition that will combine its new aspects with the preservation of the old. I understand there is even space next door if a timely property acquisition were to be made. This feat to update an aging community treasure has been accomplished many times across Ontario as citizens determined that the original buildings required improvements to become more contemporary facilities and measures to make access much easier for all of its people. The best local example is the recent addition and upgrade to the Huron County Library branch in Goderich, where, under the leadership of the local IODE, with support from a large community fundraising campaign team, of which I was co-chair, and with the commitment of the municipality, a shabby and aging Carnegie facility was transformed into a busy, state- of-the-art community hub, now complete with its own museum gallery. With visionary leadership, the same transformation can occur in Brussels. It would come at a time when Brussels needs a special boost. I challenge the community, the new municipal leaders and those with responsibility for our library and cultural services, to devise a re- development plan for a multi-purpose facility using the Carnegie building as its hub. It would be a timely project wherein every participant in such a progressive endeavour could emerge as a winner. Brussels and area would surely be the better for it. Paul Carroll, Central Huron. The steering committees of twolocal citizens’ groups haveannounced a major publicinformation meeting featuring threeof Ontario’s foremost authoritiesspeaking on the adverse effects of industrial wind turbines. The meeting is planned for the Regional Equine and Agricultural Centre of Huron (REACH) in Clinton for Thursday, Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. and is expected to attract people from all over Huron and beyond. Central Huron Against Turbines (CHAT) and Huron East Against Turbines (HEAT) are organizing the event to inform the public about major wind turbine developments that they say will negatively impact on public health, property values, wildlife, rural culture and the agricultural and tourism industries. Burkhard Metzger, a member of CHAT, says that hundreds of turbines will spring up all acrossHuron County, without due regardfor the residents. There are majorprojects planned in Huron Kinloss,Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh,Bluewater, Huron East, Central Huron and South Huron. Recently another major protect was proposed which will see many more turbines sited offshore in Lake Huron. “The public consultation process as mandated by the Ontario government is a joke”, he says. “The government is pushing ahead with its own agenda to be seen as “green” and responsible while the developers are moving in to make huge profits for out-of-province investors, such as T. Boone Pickens, a Texas-based multi-billionaire. Meanwhile a few local farmers make money from leasing their land while the rest of the community suffers the consequences.” HEAT’s Gerry Ryan explains thatno one in either group is againstgreen energy. “The projectdevelopers in our area are trying tosqueeze a giant wind turbine intoevery corner of land that is 550 metres (the minimum allowed setback) away from family homes. And that’s too close. At that distance, it’s been shown that up to 10 per cent of people will likely get suffer ill effects.” Expert speakers for the evening include Dr. Robert McMurtry, former Dean of Medicine of the University of Western Ontario. He says that the number of people already suffering apparent adverse health effects from the relatively few industrial wind turbines already in Ontario is now over 100. He has been publicly calling for an independent epidemiological study into health effects from wind turbines since Nov. 23, 2008.Another speaker is William K.(Bill) Palmer, a LicensedProfessional Engineer who haspresented scientific studies of WindTurbine Noise internationally. He will address the subjects of economics, noise and safety. His main concerns arising from industrial wind installations, is that improperly sited they can do a great deal of harm while providing little mitigating benefit. The third speaker will be Ian Hanna, a farmer from Big Island, Prince Edward County, who has filed a judicial review of the Green Energy Act, 2009, based on the Precautionary Principle as it applies to industrial wind turbine installations.The Precautionary Principal states that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm, that it is not harmful falls on those taking the action. Theapplication claims there is more thansufficient scientific uncertaintysurrounding wind development inthe province to allow Ontario’scourts to strike down key portions of the legislation until such time as proper health studies have been carried out. His legal challenge is expected to cost over $250,000 and is being supported by contributors from all over Ontario. It is expected that many municipal councillors and supporting groups from Huron-Kinloss, (HALT), the Bluewater Shoreline Residents’ Association, other cottagers’ groups and Wind Concerns Ontario will attend. REACH is located at 169 Beech Street in Clinton. The public is encouraged to attend the meeting on Thursday, Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. THE EDITOR, As I live across from Blyth Public School, I see a lot of traffic as parents take their children to and from school. Most times, things are done in an orderly and safe manner. But you must be vigilant at all times, the teachers and bus operators are very cautious and handle the children in the safe fashion. Sometimes parents are not as cautious. I witnessed a situation late in the first week of school that turned out alright, but probably in the busiest week of the year with garage sales and Threshers, it could have been different even in a normal week. While driving north on Morris Street between King Street (the school street) and Dinsley Street, two young mothers, probably after leaving their older children at the school, were walking on the sidewalk pushing strollers and they had a dog with them. They also had a toddler probably three or four years old riding a small bicycle. The bike rider wandered out onto the street, first on one side then down the middle, then on the other side in the centre of the traffic lane. I slowed, then came to a complete stop, while this was taking place, neither mother made any attempt to get the child off the road; they let the child take his own time and finally get back on side with the two mothers. By this time there were two vehicles that had come to a stop facing me and at least one vehicle behind me. I think they were very irresponsible in protecting and/or training the child on the bicycle. At least they had the dog protected and under control. Bill Howson, Blyth. Letters to the Editor It’s impossible to save too much money, but this is pretty close. Lennox® knows you don’t compromise. And neither do we. That’s why we dedicate ourselves to product innovation and customer service. So go ahead, get comfortable. 519-357-4300 Wingham 519-832-2026 Port Elgin www.comfortcentre.com For All Your Home Comfort Needs. Wingham and Port Elgin Locations to Serve You. 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