HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-09-09, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2010. PAGE 19. AUTOMOTIVE AUTO PARTS FOR ALL CARS AND TRUCKS - Best price guaranteed! Save up to 70%! FREE delivery in Ontario. Order online at www.supraz 2000.com or by phone Toll-Free 1- 877-999-1580. SAVE UP TO $400 ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE. Good driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-866-473- 9207 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. Open Weekends. (Ontario only). MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. AUTOS FOR SALE 100% AUTO FINANCING APPROVAL - We can get you approved for an automobile no matter what your cir- cumstances are. 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At its meeting in June, the Centre's Board of Directors passed a position statement calling for extensive multi-disciplinary research, as well as public consultations on the potential for offshore wind projects, to occur before any proposals are considered. “We recognize and support the need for renewable energy in Ontario. We also recognize that the Great Lakes represent one of the nation’s greatest natural heritage assets, in terms of water and biodiversity,” said Matt Pearson, Chair of the Coastal Centre. “The bed of the lake is Crown Land and is therefore a public resource shared by the people of Ontario.” The people of Ontario expect proper stewardship of public natural heritage assets, including Great Lakes beaches and the lakebed,” he added. In addition to altering the lake bottom during construction, affecting aquatic species, the centre is also concerned about alteration onshore, as cables and other infrastructure are brought onshore to connect to the grid. The Centre’s position statement also identifies potential damage during operation from wind, waves and ice, as well as post operation dismantling concerns. “Both the federal and provincial governments should be funding third-party, peer-reviewed studies to help close some of the knowledge gaps surrounding offshore wind development in the Great Lakes. They also need to bring First Nation peoples to the table, so that they are in at the front- end of the discussions,” said Pearson. The Lake Huron Coastal Centre is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the conservation and wise stewardship of Lake Huron’s coastal ecosystems. The full statement is available online at www.lakehuron.ca Continued from page 7landlocked turbines by stating thatthe newest salvo of wind turbines tobe put up is getting even closer toroads and houses on land.“The blueprints for the new towers are getting closer than 550 metres,” he said. “And they’re too close to the road. [Ratepayers] are telling me that these towers are going to be 140 metres tall and will be built 100 metres from the road.” Van Diepenbeek went on to saythat the companies putting up thewind farms on private land are notfollowing the Green Energy Act.“These companies are notconsulting the municipalities they are building in,” he said. “The Green Energy Act says that they need to.” Councillor Bill Seimon of Huron East stated that if the setbacks in Toronto were good enough for Torontonians, then they should be good enough for Huron County.“We should have the sameconsideration as they have inToronto,” Seimon stated. “The rulesshouldn’t be dictated by where thevotes are coming from.” Councillor Shewfelt then stated that the townships have the ability to shut down any possible building if they feel it may harm the township. “Building permits need to be issued whenever one of these buildshappens,” he said. “Use the right to deny those building permits toprotect the township.”County councillor states new turbines ignore rulesCounty discusses TinyTownship septic info Nominate an outstanding young person today. Deadline November 30. www.ocna.org - Awards Councillor Bill Siemon of Huron East wants Huron County Council to consider all possible opportunities for the Huron County’s mandatory septic inspection program. Siemon became aware of Tiny Township – a township in Simcoe County – and its less-expensive septic system inspection program through Ashfield-Colborne- Wawanosh’s inspection of potential alternatives. Tiny Township currently charges approximately $90 for its inspections, less than one third of the $320 that the Huron County Health Unit is proposing to the lower-tier municipalities in the county. Siemon stated that until the information about Tiny Township, which was found by Ashfield- Colborne-Wawanosh (ACW) councillors and ACW resident Roger Watt, could be evaluated, the current plan should be stopped. “We need to put our plan on hold until the Health Unit receives and evaluates the information,” he said. Siemon then suggested that council rescind any support for the current by-law until the Health Unit can detail the differences in the expenses. Councillor Bernie MacLellan of Huron East stated that Bob Worsell, public health manager, had received the information, and that council should wait for his written report, which will help move things forward. Council is expected to deal with the issue during its next Committee of the Whole meeting. By Denny Scott The Citizen