HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-07-15, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 2010. PAGE 3. July 26 - 30 9 am - 12 noon at Blyth Christian Reformed Church Completed JK - Grade 6 Blyth Community Vacation Bible School • Bible Stories • Crafts • Snacks • Games • Songs Contact: Lorna Fraser 519-523-9687 or Ella Ives 519-523-9514 Pre-register: www.vacationbibleschool.com/blyth Reading the Bible (by J.C. Ryle) (Continued from last week) 5. READ THE WHOLE BIBLE AND READ IT IN AN ORDERLY WAY. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable.” I know of no better way to read the Bible than to start at the beginning and read straight through to the end, a portion ever day, comparing Scripture with Scripture. 6. READ THE WORD OF GOD FAIRLY AND HONESTLY. As a general rule, any passage of Scripture means what it appears to mean. Interpret every passage in this simple manner, in its context. 7. READ THE BIBLE WITH CHRIST CONSTANTLY IN VIEW. The whole Book is about Him. Look for Him on every page. He is there. If you fail to see Him there, you need to read that page again. A Grace Gem Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church, Listowel, ON 519-291-1956 Sunday Buffet 4:00 - 6:30 pm Stickers Family Restaurant Auburn 519-526-7759 All-you-can-eat only $1245 The great $10.00 SALE continues Check it out! Jack & Sylvia Nonkes 83189 Scott Line, Blyth 519-523-9456 Spring Breezes greenhouses NEWS FROM BLYTH By Marilyn Craig Call 523-9318 From Marilyn’s Desk Blyth United’s new kitchen sees actionRev. Gary Clark welcomedeveryone and made theannouncements. The choir sang theanthem and the call to worshipfollowed with the first hymn, “LordSpeak to Me”. Children’s time was followed by the second hymn, “I Am Walking On the Path of Peace.” Scripture was from Luke 6: 17-30.Rev. Clark’s message, “Heart Rate”Loving Others”, was the third in hisVital Signs Series.The next hymn, “Love Devine’was followed by the offering, the offertory hymn, offertory prayer, prayers for the world and The Lord’s Prayer. The last hymn, “O LoveThat Wilt Not Let Me Go” wasfollowed by the commissioning,benediction and “Go Now InPeace”.The church hosted the Blyth Festival’s country supper on Saturday and the catering committee got to try out their newly-remodelled kitchen. It looks great.Hats off to all who have put incountless hours in order to have itready for this.Next on the list for the catering committee is a large wedding in Bayfield on August 7. Sharon is needing kitchen help for washing and chopping on August 6 at 9 a.m. at the church. Give her a call if you can help out, 519-523-9421. Don’t forget Vacation Bible School on July 26 - 30 at the Christian Reformed Church. I am sure that they would still take help if anyone has the time that week. Let Hillie Blok or Lorna Fraser know. Happy birthday to Joan Chalmers who celebrates July 15; Janis Vodden and Murray Musty, July 16; Ann Nesbit and Barb Musty, July 18; Kim (Craig) Hornyak, July 19 and Emily Josling, July 20. Happy anniversary to Christa and Mike Haggit on who celebrate July 16. Our deepest sympathies go out to Dwight, Janice and and Dawson Hallahan as well as the whole Hallahan family, on the loss of Logan in a tragic accident this past weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Summer brings new insect risks With summer now upon us, it is time to remember how to prevent getting West Nile Virus from mosquitoes. But there’s also a new emerging disease from ticks. Lyme disease is an infection caused by bacteria that is carried by ticks, which can be found throughout Ontario. While most people have not heard of this disease, there has been an increase in Lyme disease cases in Ontario. Early signs and symptoms of Lyme disease include fever, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint pains. There is also a skin rash in the shape of a bull’s eye. Public Health Inspector Colleen Ryan says if you have these symptoms seek medical attention. Be sure and tell your health care provider if you have recently been in any wooded areas. If untreated, Lyme disease may lead to serious complications. Lyme disease is spread by the bite of deer ticks. The small black- legged ticks cannot fly, but settle on tall grasses and bushes until they attach themselves to a person or animal passing by. Ryan says it’s important to take precautions when walking into any wooded area to prevent tick bites. “You can get protection from Lyme disease as well as West Nile Virus by following a few simple measures.” • Wear white or light-coloured clothing which makes it easier to spot and remove ticks. • Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants to prevent mosquito and tick bites. • Wear closed footwear and socks, tuck pants into socks. • Stay on paths where possible. • Wear insect repellent with DEET. • At home, shake clothes outside and check your body for ticks. • Brush and examine dogs for ticks to avoid bringing the pests into the home to bite people later or infect the pet. If you notice a tick on your body, use tweezers to remove it. The tick needs to be grasped by its front end as close to the skin as possible. It then needs to be pulled out gently but firmly. The tick should be saved in a jar and taken to your healthcare provider for testing. Ryan says by following these simple steps, you can help keep your family safe this summer season. The health unit’s website has more information on West Nile Virus and Lyme disease: www.huroncounty.ca/health Show stopper Blyth’s campgrounds played host to the annual Bluewater Kennel Club’s All Breed Dog Show and Obedience Trials from July 6-8. The event brought in participants from across North America and breeds from around the world. (Denny Scott photo) TOLL-FREE 1-877-513-5333 Beat the temptation.