HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-07-08, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 2010. Hullett Central Public School2010 By Megan Hoggart We have finally made it! It seems like only yesterday that we walked into our kindergarten classroom – excited and a little afraid. Tonight we stand before you as teenagers, excited and a little upset to be saying farewell to elementary school and looking forward to high school and beyond. How quickly the time flew by and how wonderful it is to be part of the small rural school community of Hullett Central Public School. Graduates, teachers, parents and friends, it is a great honour and privileged to speak to you as your valedictorian tonight. I wanted to reflect over the past years of learning, friendships, mistakes, and successes as we make the transition to the next chapters of our lives. Our time at Hullett has provided us with a solid foundation to be fully equipped and safely launched into our high school years and beyond. We have been well taken care of by our teachers and fellow classmates. I have researched some of the best life lessons from Regina Brett, Oprah Winfrey, Maria Shriver and the teachers at Hullett. I wanted to share these with you, to advise us what we need to lead ourselves with a happy, healthy, successful and significant life. Regina Brett offers two pieces of advice that I think are worth cherishing, as we live our best lives: “Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good. Things may not always work out as we desire, but it’s important to take the learning in good times and bad. Strive for success and never miss the learning in a good mistake,” and “We have had our days when we got along well and other days when we were frustrated, mad, and discouraged with our fellow students. As we leave tonight, be sure to let it go. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.” Oprah Winfrey offers several good ideas to live your best life: “No one is in charge of your happiness except for you. This is so important as we get older and make choices that are good for us. If we take responsibility for living a good life, it will be of our own design … be sure to dream big!” and “Take time to be grateful for all the gifts in your life. Give thanks for small things and your magnificence will only increase. When you focus on goodness, you create more of it.” The famous people offer a lot, but our Hullett teachers have also done their part in guiding us along our path. As little kids in kindergarten class, Mrs. Kemp went the extra mile to show us caterpillars turning into butterflies, show and tell turning into a special story and that nature was to experience in a new way. She taught us the very important life lesson, “Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.” Ms Weiss made her Grade 1 classroom a magical place to be. With her big cozy reading chair and funky reading classes, we were drawn into her storytelling every day. She would teach us to count with candies and nurture us with ice cream on special occasions. Ms Weiss taught us that, “all that truly matters in the end, is that you were loved.” In terms of reading and writing, Mrs Vandendool taught us the important basics of the English language. She encouraged us to keep trying and never give up. I think if we asked her, she might give us advice that said, “when in doubt, take the next small step.” Ms Pickell is very clear about her expectations for learning, treats everyone equally and truly cares about her students. She would share her personal life experiences to help us learn. If we were to ask her for advice – she would offer, “Time heals almost everything, give time, some time.” Mr. Caldwell would share his sense of humour and teaches an important lesson that we need to laugh everyday. Enjoy life to the fullest, nothing beats a good belly laugh. Ms Gilroy would agree with Regina Brett, “when it comes to chocolate, resistance is impossible.” From time to time, it’s important to enjoy the finer things in life – shopping for shoes and quality chocolate. Now there is a life lesson I have mastered. Ms Maver is a hardworking individual who teaches us a valuable life lesson to work hard to achieve what you desire, and in the end, everything should work out just as you wanted it to. Mrs Barnett … I think Ms Barnett would say no matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up … and from time to time it doesn’t hurt to shut up. Thanks Ms Barnett for sharing your passion for music and telling us straight up what we need to know. It is refreshing, funny and honest. Now Mr. Allen is new to Hullett and we welcome his hysterical jokes over the announcements every day. As the leader of the school, I’m guessing he would say, “when it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.” But I’m not sure – we will have to ask him for his words of wisdom. Mr. Coups has a unique way of teaching that inspires everyone to work to best of their ability. He creates a positive atmosphere for students to try to do their ultimate best and sets goals for success. Throughout the years, he has offered lots of good advice and I think the best is using your voice to connect your dreams into action. Thanks for making a difference in our lives and for wishing us well into the future. The class of 2010 is a great group of kids – we have laughed, we have cried, we have tried and we have been there for each other. Together we have made it to tonight. It’s exciting to think we have the potential to change the world – in little ways, like caring for each other or holding the hand of a friend in need. We can change the world in big ways like promoting world peace, finding a cure for cancer, or challenging poverty. In closing, I want to leave you with a First Nations blessing: “May the rain wash away your worries, May the breeze blow new strength into your being, May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.” Hullett’s outgoing Grade 8 class Hullett Central Public School’s graduating class celebrated its success on June 23. Back row, from left: Mr. John Coups, Tyler Berry, Damian Riley-Cronk, Kyle Pollard, Lukas McIntosh- Schilder, Connor Wilts, Tyler Boven and Mr. Shawn Allen. Front row, from left: Patrick Bergsma, Adam Westerhout, Chloe Middegaal, Claire Fleming, Megan Hoggart, Sydne Thurlow-White, Tiffani Maloney, Janette Plaetzer and Jason Salverda. Congratulations Hullett graduates. 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