HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-07-08, Page 12PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 2010.Blyth Public School2010By RachaelSnell A decade seems like a long time doesn’t it? Well it must have whizzed past us, because I sure didn’t see the end coming. It seems like only yesterday when Mrs. Bufffinga told us it was nap time, and we all ran to our cubbies to get our blankets. Time went by and we got older, too old for kindergarten, no more play time for us. We then moved onto Grade 1, with Mrs. Thomas. For the first time ever, we were all together in one class and at school everyday. Mrs. Thomas soon taught us how to read and write. Then she started to make us write journals everyday. At the time, it was just a nuisance, but now I think she was just being nosy. Soon we bade her farewell, and all of us ended up in Mr. Gole’s room. Mr. Gole took us to swimming lessons in Vanastra during the early spring. He also took us to the Wawanosh Centre in June, as had Mrs. Thomas and as Mrs. Imanse would in the future. After 10 months, we had to say goodbye to our favourite male teacher. Our only male teacher. There was no more candy left for us in his good ol’ candy jar. After the summer holidays, we entered Mrs. Imanse’s room. Here the friendships we have today started to form. As old walls came down, new ones went up. Mrs.Imanse prepared us for our first big test: EQAO. She also taught us about pioneers. I still remember when she demonstrated making butter by hand, and we had butter on bread for a snack. It was delicious. I also remember when she read us the books The Castle In The Attic and Tuck Everlasting while we sat on the carpet at the back of the class. Sadly we had to tell her goodbye also, as we were her last class at BPS. Suddenly we were thrown into a room where desks could fly and chairs went boom. It was magical. This room rightfully belonged to Mrs. Decker, the queen of all flying desks, booming chairs and frightened children. She was the one that made them all perform their duties. We learned about medieval times that year and had a medieval feast of chicken wings at the end of the unit. There were many faces covered in sauce after that meal. A couple times that year, I thought that she was going to bring out the gallows to hang a couple of us. Thankful, that never ended up happening. Soon, we reached the ‘Badham Funny Farm’. Some of us stayed there for three years, others for less. Grade 5 was the first time since kindergarten that we had been split up. Some of us did not get to the funny farm right away and had to stay in the land of flying desks for another year. Ms Badham took some of us camping at Point Farms. This was where we watched the sunsetsover the lake, sang songs at the campfire, listened to raccoons making a back door in “my” tent that some of the boys were sleeping in, saw raccoons dragging a “certain someone’s” lunch pail out of theback door they had created, told ghost stories at the campfire, heard raccoons reopening the recently- patched back door to grab the same certain someone’s midnight snack out of the tent. Thankful, because ofthat certain someone’s mistakes, we now have a new and improved tent. Thank you. That certain some- one knows who he is. Blyth graduating class Blyth’s Grade 8 class celebrated its victorious emergence from the primary system with a ceremony on Tuesday, June 22. Back row, from left: Jade Eberts, Mrs. Abby Armstrong, Marion Studhalter, Shelby Hakkers, Ryan Nesbitt, Dalton Richmond, Marlayna Kolkman,Chad Wheeler, Alex Peters, Mike Van Wyk, Keyonia Johnston, Matt Van Wyk, Melissa Van Schaik, Trystan Weber, Holly Howson and Laura Good. Front row, from left: Jordan Reinink, Mikayla Henry, Rachael Snell, Wyatt Carey, Julia Tyler, Robbie Gordon, Tine Verschaeve, Kayla Dale and Kody Tachauer. Good luck in high school graduates. (Denny Scott photo) Continued on page 18 Best Wishes To The Class Of 2010! Congratulations from all of us at Scrimgeour's Food Market Queen Street, Blyth 519-523-4551 ELLIOTT NIXON INSURANCE BROKERS INC. Established 1910 BBeesstt WWiisshheess ttoo aallll oouurr GGrraadduuaatteess Blyth 519-523-4481 Blyth Decor Shoppe Queen St., Blyth Don "Barney" & Linda Stewart Bus.: 519-523-4840 Home: 519-523-9448 CChhaauunncceeyy’’ss HHaaiirr aanndd SSuunnttaannnniinngg Schwartzkopf, Paul Mitchell, Matrix, Joico, Osis, Scruples 211 DINSLEY STREET... 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