HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-07-08, Page 7THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 2010. PAGE 7. Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh (ACW) Township Council received a letter from concerned citizens near Allan’s Creek at Sunset Beach regarding failed water quality tests. According to the correspondence from the Sunset Beach Cottage Association, the creek, which is at the southern end of ACW, has e.coli above the 100cfu/100ml allowable limit on “practically” every test. Two of the tests exceeded 10 times that safety limit. Council forwarded the letter to the the Huron County Health Unit, the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority and Provincial Minister of Health Deb Matthews from London. Huron Sands Road speed limit changed Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh (ACW) Township Council decided to change the speed limit on Huron Sands Road to 60 kilometres per hour. At the request of residents of the road, ACW councillors noted that other ‘lake’ roads, or roads used to access Lake Huron on the west side of Highway 21, were 60 kilometres an hour, this decision would bring Huron Sands Road in line with that. Ashfield Ward Landfill Site Update Councillors of Ashfield-Colborne- Wawanosh (ACW) will be welcoming Kent Hunter, an engineer from R.J. Burnside and Associates Limited and Neegan Burnside Limited, to clear up any miscommunications that have arisen with the proposed minor expansion of Ashfield Landfill Site. Council anticipated Hunter being at a future meeting to discuss matters with residents regarding the work done by himself and his firm in regards to any threats caused by the landfill’s expansion. Ashfield Landfill Site for ACW residents only Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh (ACW) residents will now be the only individuals permitted to use the Ashfield Landfill Site. The decision came after concerned citizens request that council do everything they can to not have to increase the size of the landfill. Canada rang in another birthday on July 1. Our country celebrated 143 years and with so many greataccomplishments, has proven onceagain that it is great to be Canadian. One week prior to our countrycelebrating, Hank Snell celebratedhis own 70 years. There werefireworks and all for our greatnation; pies, cake and ice cream forHank. Hank celebrated with anentourage of photos showing his great accomplishments in life at the Auburn Community Centre. Celebrations and stepping stones go on and we are pleased to announce many weddings, threenewly-wed couples get acongratulations. Jeff Carter, an Auburn native, sonof Wayne and Cathy, was married inAuburn on June 19 to Kelly Hasson,daughter of Greg and Val Hasson ofGoderich.Jarred Scott married Sara Lee Eppin the mountains of Alberta on June 19. Jarred is the son of Wayne and Marie Scott of Auburn and grandson of Auburn’s long-time postmaster Ken Scott. On June 26, Erin McPhee marriedRyan Samworth and they now live inAuburn. Erin's parents are Gerry andDeb McPhee of Auburn. Family traditions were alsoremembered at Ball’s Cemetery onJuly 4. Many families attended tohonour their loved ones who havepassed on. Families gathered andremembered their roots as pipers Jim Craig and David Ross played on with Amazing Grace. The service was led by Minister Bruce Whitmore and music was accompanied by organist NancyPark. Heritage is a big part ofcommunity living and ceremoniessuch as these pass on. Peacemakers Vacation BibleSchool is being held in theBrucefield United Church, not theAuburn United Church.Anyone who wishes to sendblessings to the newlywed couples can contact Gail Dobie at 519-526- 7539 or inquire at the Auburn post office. A special farewell to The Hilvers who are moving to the east coast. Best wishes to Mike, Lisa, Sarah and Joy. ACW landfill remains for residents only ACW council briefs TOWNSHIP OF NORTH HURON Be a responsible Cat Owner! Although the Township of North Huron does not have a cat by-law, the owner of a cat has a responsibility to keep their cat on their property, and if going outside placing a leash or harness on their pet to restrain it. The must also be responsible enough to vaccinate and neuter or spay their cat to prevent attracting stray cats into the area. Cat owners should be aware that cats can roam a lot further than dogs. When allowed to roam, they can get into garbage cans, defecate in flowerbeds and sandboxes, cause traffic accidents and contribute to pet overpopulation. In addition, they can have a devastating effect on local wildlife, killing songbirds and small animals. The most important reason to keep your cat indoors is for their own safety, millions of cats suffer and die because their owners give them free reign to roam the neighbourhood. In the outdoors, cats can fall victim to disease, cat fights, poison, parasites, cruel people and the biggest cat killer of all, traffic. While property owners can take steps to deter cats on their property, they should also be aware that they cannot, by law, do anything cruel to any animal. It takes everyone’s help to control animals at large. Keeping your garbage in a container with a tight lid on it helps to keep unwanted animals from spreading garbage. Municipalities can adopt by-laws to control cats, which becomes an expense to both the taxpayer and the cat owners. Be a responsible cat owner and keep your cat safely confined in its natural habitat; the Cty. Rd. 25 BlythCarlow Cty. Rd. 15 G o d e r i c h B e n m i l l e r Hwy.#8 Londesborough Clinton H w y . # 4 Greyhaven Gardens N W E Located 500 yds. west of Londesborough on County Road 15 551199--552233--99778811 Open 7 Days A Week BBlluuee BBooxx SSaallee Thursday • Friday • Saturday • Sunday Thursday, July 8 - Sunday, July 11 Bring your Blue Box and fill it with Annuals for $2500* *Exceptions may apply Back by popular demand ~ Second Annual Standard Blue Box Size NEWS FROM AUBURN New faces The Auburn Lions installed their new executive for the 2010-2011 year last week. Back row, from left: Bob Worsell, secretary; Ian Andrews, director; Ben Craig, first vice-president; Marinus Bakker, past president; Jim Whytock, tail twister and Doug Chamney, president. Front row, from left: Gordon Dear, director; Travis Teed, director; Kim Teed, treasurer and Lion tamer Ken Grigg. (Photo submitted) By Kerri Herouxhopturn@hotmail.comPEOPLE AROUND AUBURN