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They heard of rings dropped, weather concerns, flowers forgotten, pranks played, dress issues, date choosing, etc. Gowns were paraded and /or talked about, for the most part, in family groups and the audience had a chance to make those connections. There were 23 family weddings groups all whose family name was recognized in the community. The oldest wedding dress in the show was originally worn by Ellen Stewart when she wed Theodore Dexter at the Londesborough Methodist Church in 1882. Ellen was John Jewitt’s great- grandmother. There were three otherdresses from the 1800s. The gownworn by Nick Whyte’s grandmother,Mary McLean, in 1891 was ondisplay. Margaret Morris marriedJoseph Hunking in 1894 and herdress was part of the show as well.Betty Hulley family had on display her grandmother’s dress from 1899 when Caroline Tebbutt married John Tebbutt. The last dress of the evening was the newest of the wedding gowns. It was worn by Terri Frew when she and Kevin Trewartha were united in 2009 in a Celtic ceremony known as a Hand Festing. With one exception, the fashion show featured women. However, Jack Lee strolled through the audience in the suit in which he was married to Helen Radford in 1947. Displayed around the school auditorium were other items and memorabilia from weddings, shoes, purses, headpieces, etc. Two lovely night gowns or dressing gowns from the trousseau of Rubie Manning were shared by the Hunking family. There was a parade of bridesmaids dresses to begin the second half ofthe program.Harriett Shillinglaw and LauraScott were commentators for theevening. Throughout the show theyoffered interesting facts aboutwedding traditions, wedding itemsand fashion history. Other gowns modeled in this celebration were grouped by decades and Laura and Harriett explained some overall design facts about changes through the decades and world events which influenced those changes. Each of the models chose one dress to wear for the parade of gowns that was the evening’s finale. They were piped through the room by John Jewitt. As is usual in the Londesborough community, when an event is planned, everyone assists. Guests to the show were ushered in by Gordon Shobbrook, Kevin Hulley and Damian Riley-Cronk. As guests arrived, minister at Londesborough United, Terry Fletcher, shared his talent on classical guitar. The Snell Family Generational Singers offered anumber of musical interludesthroughout the evening. Guests sat attables generously provided byNancy Snell. Plants and shrubs fromGreyhaven Gardens and flowerarrangements by Jane Hoggart andBrenda Konarski created a beautiful setting for the fashions. Tim Elliott was responsible for a number of props. Lunch was served by members of the Londesborough Lions Club dashingly dressed in black and white. Guests enjoyed punch from a punch bowl from IceCultures in Hensall. During intermission there were door prizes from Nature’s Nest and Greyhaven Gardens as well as two surprise prizes for each table. This event was convened/inspired by Barb Bosman on behalf of the Londesborough UCW. She and her capable committee members, Ann Adams, Bev Riley, Kim Roetsicoender and Catherine Allen offer their thanks to everyone who helped make the show a success. NEWS FROM LONDESBORO By BRENDA RADFORD Call 523-4296 PEOPLE AROUND LONDESBORO The worship leader at Londesborough United Church on Sunday, June 13 was Don Atkinson. The senior choir favoured congregants with the anthem, “On Higher Ground”. On June 10, the United Church of Canada celebrated its 85th anniversary/birthday. During the children’s time at the front,Atkinson spoke to them about what a big deal celebrating a birthday can be. He gave them each a treat and a party hat to wear in recognition of the church’s birthday. The responsive reading, Psalm 5, was a prayer for help in times of trouble. The New Testament reading was Luke 7: 36 to 8:2. The Pharisees of Jesus’ time were powerful religious leaders who preached many holy rules. They acted holy but were a corrupt group devoid of humanness. However persons of the times did not want to upset or oppose. The Pharisees were very critical of Jesus and took many opportunities to discredit his teachings to the populace. United Church’s birthday celebrated in Londesboro Story and Londesboro news continued on Page 16