HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-05-27, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2010. PAGE 15.Huron East councillors defeated amotion to donate to the ClintonPublic Hospital Foundation for itsgala event on June 26. The motion, which was made by Councillor Les Falconer, was made in order to donate “something” Falconer said, saying that it would look bad if council donated nothingto the event.Several councillors disagreed withhim, however, resulting in themotion being defeated.“I know there are Huron Eastresidents who use other municipalities’ hospitals and I know there are members of other municipalities who use our hospitals,” MacLellan said. “But we need to take care of our owncommunity and we need to focus onour own hospital.”MacLellan also said there is a limitto how much Huron East can donateto surrounding healthcare facilities.Councillors David Blaney and Frank Stretton agreed, with Blaney saying that if the municipality were todonate to the Clinton Hospital, thatsimilar donations should be made tothe hospitals in Wingham andListowel, which are used by many ofthe municipality’s northernresidents. Falconer agreed to such an amendment, saying that if there’sone thing the municipality should free up money for, it’shealthcare.“If we can’t afford $500 for eachof those hospitals, used by ourresidents, then there’s something wrong,” he said. Continued from page 1 for a nominal fee members will receive news throughout the year about the centre and be given a chance to vote during the annual general meeting.” Gowing said there should be no significant changes made to the daily operation, but that the group will need to keep the facilities to a higher standard of health and safety. “We’ll be better off than a lot of facilities that haven’t been brought up to date,” he said. “It was a lot of time, but it was time well spent.” The process to go from a committee of council to where they are now was a long one for the board, according to Gowing. “We had to get the okay from the Recreation Board, then we had to have policies in place like snow removal, emergency procedures and contacts, and health and safety practices,” he said. “But we’re now ready to go.” The Friday night euchre, May 21 had many good laughs with seven tables at play. It was hosted by Marion Harrison and Adrian and Shirley Verstoep. Winners were: share the wealth, Allan Martin and Leslie Knight; travelling lone hand, Delphine Dewar; high lady, Myrna Burnett; low lady, Shirley Verstoep; most lone hands, Linda Stevens; high man, Marion Harrison; low man, Allan Martin; most lone hands, Allan Edgar; tally winners, Joan Jacobs, Margaret Peebles, Helen Dobson, Sharon Freeman, Yvonne Knight, Helen Cullen, Beryl Smith, Neil Hatt, Viola Adams, Keith Turnbull, Dorothy Martin, Jean Dewar and Eileen Ament. The next euchre will be Friday Huron East council turns down donation to hospital Centre debuts floor Euchre in Cranbrook Hello? Is it me you’re looking for? Brussels was calling all moms over the weekend for the Mom-to-Mom Sale at Brussels Public School. However, while mothers were searching for deals, their children were doing some searching of their own, finding toys they might like to have. From left: four-year-old Benetta VanNes, three-year-old Charles VanNes and 17-month-old Johanna VanNes. 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