HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-05-27, Page 14HOGGARTH. Raymond R. Hoggarth, May 28, 2000, beloved husband, father, grandfather, son, brother and friends. The Broken Chain We little knew that day, God was going to call your name, In life we loved you dearly, In death, we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, You did not go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God called you home. You left us beautiful memories, Your live is still our guide, And though we cannot see you, You are always at our side. Our family chain is broken, And nothing seems the same, But God calls us one by one, The chain will link again. – Joan, sons and family. 21-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of CLARENCE RUSSELL COOK Late of the Village of Blyth, who died on the 28th day of April, 2010. All persons having claims against the Estate of Clarence Russell Cook are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 7th day of June, 2010 after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated this 11th day of May, 2010. PHILIP B. CORNISH Barrister & Solicitor 35 Ontario Street P.O. Box 190 Clinton, Ontario N0M 1L0 Solicitor for the Estate Trustees 20-3 PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER – do you have a loved one who needs assistance? Do you need a break? I have many years experience with elderly, disabled, Alzheimer’s, Down Syndrome and dementia patients. Call Karen at 519-523-4907 or email warwick@scsinternet.com tfn -------------------------------------------- FAXING SERVICE We can send or receive faxes for you. The Citizen, 404 Queen St., Blyth. Phone 519-523-4792. Fax 519-523-9140. tfn CUSTOM CROP SPRAYING, 90' Rogator with GPS. Thompson Farms, Clinton 519-524-0957. 19-8 NOW BOOKING – two-bedroom cottage with bunkhouse at Point Clark, includes fully-equipped kitchen, gas barbecue, fire pit, horseshoe pit and much more, close to lighthouse and beach. To find out more or to book your holiday call 519-523-4799 after 6:00 p.m. tfn STUDENT LOOKING FOR FULL- time job or part-time starting as soon as possible. Especially enjoy farm work. Call me with any job you have. Joshua 519-887-9954 or e-mail at: susieq@tcc.on.ca 20-3 -------------------------------------------- VENDORS WANTED FOR BLYTH Area Farmers’ Market. Earn up to $500 a week selling your vegetables, fruit, home baking, preserves or crafts. Saturday afternoons, June 26 to Sept. 11. For information call Keith at 519-523-4792 (days) or 519-523-9636 (evenings). tfn PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2010. Classified Advertisements In memoriam Real estateReal estateReal estate Legal notices Huron East council approved the municipality’s grant budget at its May 18 meeting. The budget, which totalled $17,996, was approved by council, allocating funds to service groups and organizations that hadn’t asked for it, something that rubbed several councillors the wrong way. “It’s not our policy to give money out when it wasn’t asked for,” said Deputy-Mayor Bernie MacLellan. “That’s how people get cheques sent to them by the government after they’re dead.” MacLellan said the municipality should install a policy where only grants that were requested would be granted, saying that a request form for 2011 could be sent out with this year’s grant cheques. Clerk- Administrator Jack McLachlan, however, said that was what he and the staff did last year, but it wasn’t adhered to. Councillor David Blaney, however, disagreed, saying that if such a policy was put in place, it would be broken very soon, especially if there was a deadline attached to the application. Blaney said that as soon as a deadline is installed, that a “significant” community group would miss it, and council wouldn’t feel right about leaving them out and adhering to its new policy. Councillor Joe Steffler agreed with Blaney, using an example of the Santa Claus Parades in Brussels and Seaforth. “I would hate it if Seaforth got money for its Santa Claus Parade and Brussels didn’t because they forgot to send in a request,” he said. Councillor Bill Siemon agreed, saying that it wasn’t a bad policy, but that with many of the service groups or organizations, secretaries and presidents change every year and it would be tough to hold a continuous line of communication. After the debate, however, the grant budget was passed by council. Organizations that received grants from the municipality include: the Belgrave, Brussels and Blyth School Fair, the Brussels Agricultural Fall Fair, the Brussels Horticultural Society, the Brussels Santa Claus Parade, Ethel Minor Baseball, Huron County Farm and Home Safety, Huron Hospice Volunteer Service, the Huron Plowmen’s Association, the Maitland Bank Cemetery, the Walton Area Sports Club, the Brussels and Seaforth Legions, the Seaforth Agricultural Fall Fair, the Seaforth and District All Girls Marching Band, the Seaforth Horticultural Society and the Winthrop Ball Park, among others. OPEN HOUSE Call: Dale Gilchrist 519 525-2235 or Luke Smith 519 528-2685 Sales Representatives for Wilfred McIntee & Co., Ltd. 345 Mill St., Blyth Affordable home on a large lot, across from a school and close to downtown with eat-in kitchen, upgraded 100 Amp panel, large garden, and mature trees. $89,500 519.482.3400 1 Albert St., CLINTON www.rlpheartland.ca Helping you is what we do. 249 GYPSY LANE, BLYTH $475,000 6 BR on 6.9 acres. Large SR overlooks the pond. 3 wood burning f/p in MF FR, library & LL games room w/wet bar. Walk out basement. Att’d. garage plus barn. Call Fred*** or Rick** MLS# 100974 Broker of Record*** Broker** Sales Representative* P r i v a t e S e t t i n g ! 274 GYPSY LANE, BLYTH $645,000 Seniors/Adult 8 unit complex. 8 large 2 BR apartments. Large lot facing 2 roads (potential for additional building site). Paved parking for each unit + additional parking. Chair lift on stairway. Call Werner* MLS# 101318 G r e a t I n v e s t m e n t ! Wanted acation propertiesV Services Services Tuff-Concepts Landscape & Design Tom Warner Owner, Operator 519-887-8493 519-525-1672 Professional Turf Management Sweeping, Sod Installation & Reseeding Property Maintenance ~ Garden Design & Install Spring & Fall Clean Up ~ Decks, Fences & Patios BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED Classified advertisements ppuubblliisshheedd iinn The Citizen aarree nnooww aavvaaiillaabbllee oonn oouurr wweebbssiittee aatt wwwwww..nnoorrtthhhhuurroonn..oonn..ccaa Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Council met on May 18, and are following through on its plan to switch residents in the Southeastern portion of the township to Lucknow and Central Huron fire coverage. ACW ratified and approved the sending of a letter to affected residents, explaining that their new coverage will either come from Lucknow or Central Huron, citing the tripling of fire coverage costs as the main reason. The Lucknow Fire Department has Medical First Response according to Councillor Marilyn Van Miltenburg, while other councillors stated that, under mutual aid, if a call requires Medical First Response, it will still come from Blyth. Work is already underway to have emergency calls from the affected area directed to Central Huron or Lucknow, depending on proximity. By Denny Scott The Citizen ACW proceeds with Clinton, Lucknow fire coverage plan Huron East sets grants budget for 2010 By Shawn Loughlin The Citizen At their May 18 meeting, Morris- Turnberry councillors supported a minor variance to the zoning bylaw that will allow a Turnberry couple to build an addition to their house. Huron County planner Carol Leeming told councillors that the 10-foot addition Glenannon Road residents Don and Marian Eadie wanted to construct on the front of their house would make it only 912 feet from a nearby barn, instead of the 929 feet required by provincial minimum distance separation (MDS) regulations. With less than two per cent less than the required MDS, council felt the variance was minor indeed and supported the proposal. Council also supported an application from Paul Cook to add two small parcels from nearby farms to the side and rear of his agricultural small holding on Cardiff Road in Morris Ward. The purpose of adding one of the pieces of land was to provide more of a buffer between the well on the property and the neighbour’s farming operation. In another planning decision, council supported creating a new lot in the centre of a Belmore property that will, in effect, create three lots. One of the lots currently has a house and one has a former church which the owner, Lorne Underwood, hopes to renovate for a house. The new lot created in the centre currently contains only a garden shed but Underwood proposes to build a house on this property. All lots are slightly smaller than the area required by the Huron County Health Unit for septic tanks, but the health unit supported the application. Morris-Turnberry allows variance By Keith Roulston The Citizen Jay Hahn, a former Brussels resident living in Milton will be competing the Southern Ontario Amazing Race (SOAR) again this year. This will be his third year participating. Consisting of both travel and arranged challenges, the game tests a team’s knowledge and determination, as well as its ability to traverse Southwestern Ontario. The weekend-long race takes place on June 4-6, starting in Guelph, and only the organizers know where the event will take contestants. Last year’s race took competitors through Guelph, Elmira and Elora, as well as small towns in between. According to Hahn, challenges last year included eating raw tea- preserved eggs, using a giant slingshot to propel tennis balls to a teammate, sliding down a zipline over Elora Gorge, starting a fire from scratch, mental tests and the ability to travel. The event serves as a fundraiser for the Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington, and is made possible, according to Hahn, by the team of dedicated volunteers who run the foundation. Last year the SOAR raised $64,000 for the foundation. Hahn and teammate Mike Pinkney hope to raise $5,250 on their own this year. For more information about the race, visit therace.ca/index.html Hahn in Amazing Race