HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-05-27, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2010. PAGE 3. Blyth PS New CAP student at Blyth Library PC professor Amber Narzel, the new Community Access Program instructor, will be available to teach computer skills at the Blyth Library every other week. (Denny Scott photo) Amber Narzel, a new instructor forthe Community Access Program(CAP), recently started givingcomputer lessons at the Blyth Library. The CAP is funded by the government of Canada and teaches people the basics of computer usage. Narzel, who can be found in the Blyth Library every other week, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m on Thursday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays,said that she does both consultingwith individuals and group sessions.“We have our Cyber Safe seminarfor parents to teach their kids to besafe online,” she said. “That is May27 from 6 to 8 p.m.” A graduate of Ottawa’s Everest College’s Business program, Narzel says that she teaches programs that help a range of people, no matter what their level of computer literacy. “We really service a range of people,” she said. “We can help people who haven’t been on acomputer before, or people whowant to learn about their camera,eBay, Kijiji, we really cover a lot ofdifferent topics.”Other lessons Narzel has taughtinclude Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, genealogy research and website design. The programs are free, which is unique in the area, according to Narzel. “I’ve heard that they teach theseseminars in Goderich too, but thisprogram is for free,” she said. “Icover the same things they do, butthey charge $20 per person.”Weeks that she isn’t in Blyth,Narzel is at the Howick Library. Appointments are approximately an hour long and can be set up by contacting Narzel by phone at 519- 523-4400, or through e-mail at amarzel@huroncounty.ca By Rachel Snell, Marion Studhalter and Tine Verschaeve We are sad to report that our principal, Mrs. Alice McDowell has suffered a fall. She is greatly injured and in a hospital in Kingston. We wish her well and a quick recovery. Our track and field meet was held last week. We want to congratulate everyone who will be going on to Regional Championships. There will be practices after school for the next two weeks in preparation for the Regionals on June 9. The Grade 6-8 will be focusing on water issues, as well as investigating the current oil spill and volcanic eruption. They will be analyzing the short-term and long-term effects of these disasters. The Grade 6 students will be doing EQAO the second week in June and are looking forward to showing off all they’ve learned this year. The classes have been finishing project after project and over the long weekend many teachers will be marking non-stop. Happy birthday to Niel Edgar of Wingham who will celebrate his birthday on May 29. Birthday wishes also go out to Albert Wasson and Grant Sparling who celebrate on June 5. I hope everyone had a safe and holiday weekend. The Morris-Turnberry History committee is still wanting your family stories. The deadline for stories about the schools is fast approaching. We still have room for stories for your home farm. If you have a story you would like to see in the book and don’t know how to go about writing it up, please call or e- mail the Township Office at morris@scsinternet.com or call 519- 887-6137 and we will see that someone comes to talk to you. Some members of the committee are in the office on Wednesday mornings. Come on people of Morris, show your pride and if you haven’t put your stories in, do so very soon. Blyth Building Supplies Friday, May 28th BBQ lunch: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Pop 11:30 am - 1:30 pm 1100 %%DDiissccoouunntt on everything storewide (excludes blow-out sale items) Cash & Carry only! Door prizes& More 208 Hamilton Street, Blyth 519-523-9305 Jack & Sylvia Nonkes 83189 Scott Line, Blyth 519-523-9456 Closed Sundays An outstanding selection of annuals, perennials, baskets, mixed pots, veggies, herbs, soils, mulches & more Spring Breezes greenhouses It’s Time For Spring Planting... Check out our $100 Gloriosa Daisies this week only Sunday Buffet 4:00 - 6:30 pm Stickers Family Restaurant Auburn 519-526-7759 All-you-can-eat only $1245 The purpose of God for our life on earth (J. R. Miller, “Garden of the Heart” 1906) We should get it settled in our minds, that the purpose of God for our life on earth, is to have us grow into Christ’s image. We are not in this world merely to accomplish a certain amount of work -- but to be fashioned into strength and beauty of character. If we would always remember this, we would not be perplexed so often by the mysteries of our lives. If joy is ours -- it is to make us better and a greater blessing to others. If sorrow is ours -- it is to purify us and bring out some line of Christ’s image in us more clearly. If our hopes are disappointed -- it is because God has some better things for us, than that which we so earnestly desired. If we are called to endure pain -- it is because the best in us can be called out only by pain. If bereavement comes and we are left without the strong human arm we have leaned upon heretofore -- it is because there are elements of strength in our life, which never could be developed unless the human supports were taken away. If our burdens are heavy -- it is because we grow best under burdens. If we are wronged by others -- it is to teach us better, the great lessons of patience and sweet temper. If our circumstances are uncongenial and our condition hard -- it is that we may be disciplined into self-control, and may learn to be content in whatever state we are in. The Master is always teaching us new lessons, making us into the beauty of the pattern He has set for us, and preparing us for greater usefulness and better service. A Grace Gem Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church, Listowel, ON 519-291-1956 83341 CURRIE LINE RR 3 BLYTH Owner: Gaye Datema 519-523-9407 Come and see us this season for all your gardening plants Cty. Rd. #25 Blyth Cu r r i e L i n e Wetsinge Farm Flowers NEWS FROM BLYTH By Marilyn Craig Call 523-9318 From Marilyn’s Desk By Denny ScottThe Citizen