HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-05-20, Page 17THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2010. PAGE 17.
There were nine tables of shoot in
play on Friday, May 14 at the
Belgrave Community Centre.
Winners were: high pink card,
Alice Nicholson; second high pink
card, Eilene Sellers; most shoots,
Freda Scott; high white card, Ron
Taylor; second high white card,
Louise Hammond; most shoots, Bob
Grasby. The next shoot is Friday,
May 28 at 1:30 p.m.
Team captain Nancy Jardin would
like to thank each of the 18 volunteer
canvassers who covered Belgrave
and the surrounding area in the
month of April for the Canadian
Cancer Society.
Pat Hunking and Steve Coultes
greeted worshippers and handed out
the Service of Worship at Knox
United Church on Affirmation/
Confirmation of Faith Sunday, May
Rev. Tom Murray welcomed the
congregation. Our thoughts and
prayers are with Alice McDowell
who suffered a serious fall while
attending an Ontario Principals’
Conference in Kingston. She was at
Fort Henry when the fall occurred.
She remains in Kingston Hospital
and is undergoing surgery to
stabilize one of the fractured
vertebrae in her back. She will
hopefully be moved to a hospital in
London where she will await further
surgery to repair her heels.Please keep Alice, Ron,Johnathan, Michael and Caroline inyour prayers as they deal with thisvery difficult time. Alice is principalat Blyth Public School and her threechildren attended East WawanoshPublic School.The contemporary band organizedand led by Elizabeth Stennett: piano,
Elizabeth Stennett; guitars, Nicole
Coultes and Lila Procter, and drums,
Doug Whitson (Blyth United),
entertained with singing, Come,
Now is the time to Worship with the
congregation joining in and also
singing Shine, Jesus Shine.
The Affirming, Or Covenant of
Faith was read responsively as
printed in the service of worship.
The senior choir sang, I Was There
to Hear Your Borning Cry
accompanied by Elizabeth Procter.
The sacrament of baptism was
administered to Heidi Raynard and
Trevor Raynard with Ken Procterassisting Rev. Tom Murray. Eachwas welcomed into Belgrave UnitedChurch and to any other church theyattend.The Song of Life was, In The BulbThere is a Flower. The children wentto the front and Rev. Tom asked ifthey had seen any bees and if theyhad watched as they go from flower
to flower enjoying what God has
Happiness is playing together and
team work. God wants us to be
happy. Jesus went up the side of the
mountain and taught the disciples to
be happy.
The hymn, Will You Come and
Follow Me was sung.
The scripture reading was from
Micah 6: 6-8, the new International
version. Cassandra Carter, Gabriel
Carter, Lindsay Shiell, Andrea
Shiell, Brianna Yuill, Jessica Procter,
Tyler Hallahan, Jeffrey Hallahan,
Ben Pletch, Laura Higgins, HeidiRaynard, Trevor Raynard andKathleen Stennett were confirmedby Rev. Tom Murray, assisted byKen Procter and Mary Thomas.Each were welcomed into thecongregation and received a Biblefrom the Knox United Church andgiven to each by Mary Thomas.The Gospel Reading was taken
from Exodus 24: 12-18 from the
message God’s word to all of us was
entitled, The Cost of Non-
Discipleship. It is hard to live alone.
God never intended us to live alone.
He spent his whole life warning the
people they were going the wrong
way. We need to work as a team
and take this faith to the next
The confirmation prayer was read
by the confirmands and the
congregation responsively, The
Journey of Faith and Life. The
closing hymn was, We Are One.
By LindaCampbellCall 357-2188PEOPLE AROUNDBELGRAVE
By Rachael Snell, Marion
Studhalter and Tine Verschaeve
In language the Grade 4/5 students
are finishing up their literature
circles and then presenting a “Book
Talk” (short infomercial about the
book they have read). In science,
they just finished their unit on
human body and in social studies
they are just beginning their unit on
ancient civilizations and medieval
The Grade 1/2 students are
studying science, science and more
science. Their study of the growth
and changes in animals is being
integrated into their reading, writing
and artwork this term. The class is
currently learning about the impact
humans have on animals and the
environment and how we can be the
positive change in our world. They
are learning to appreciate all
creatures for their unique
contributions to the planet.
The Grade 6/7 class is finishing up
its expository writing. Grade 6
students are beginning to do
probability in math. Science is
focused on answering multi-level
questions regarding water use in our
world and presenting the
information in electronic form.
Students will begin reading in
literature groups next week.
The Grade 2/3 class is
investigating area by using pattern
blocks to cover a space in different
ways and calculate the area of
different shapes. They are also
learning how to apply the standard
form of two- and three-digit
subtraction to solve problems. In
language and writing they are
learning to gather and sort ‘jot’notes
on lions. In science, the Grade 2
students are finishing up their unit of
study on the simple machines and
the Grade 3 students are
investigating different types of
bridge structures (such as the beam,
arch and suspension bridge).
In social studies the Grade 2
students are beginning to learn about
people and their lifestyles from other
countries like Mexico and
investigating how they meet their
needs. The Grade 3 students are
continuing to learn about the
important buildings and jobs of the
Kids Giving Water is having a
fundraiser. The first one is called
“Kiss a Pig” where the teacher with
the most money in their bag will
have to kiss a pig and on May 20,
they will be having a draw for a
student-teacher lunch. The ticket
prices are 75 cents or three for $2. If
your name is drawn the teacher will
supply the student with a lunch
Friday, May 21.
Kiss a Pig fundraiser underway in Blyth
The Blyth PS Bear Paw
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