HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-04-15, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2010. PAGE 19. A-Z DRIVERS WANTED ACROSS COUNTRY TRANSPORT IS SEEKING Professional AZ Drivers & Owner-Operators for Flatbed Divisions. Competitive wages. Must be able to cross border. CALL 1-800- 565-3634 Ext. 225 or send resume to Fax: 905-563-0899. AUTOMOTIVE SAVE UP TO $400 ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE. Clean driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-866-473- 9207 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. Open Weekends. (Ontario only). MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. 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Please apply by sending your resume to: Jody@NahanniNCL.com. CLASS 1 DRIVER. Edmonton-based company seeks experienced Class 1 driver to work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. General labour duties included. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work. Phone or fax 780-444- 7103; John@RaidersConcrete.com. CONCRETE FINISHERS. Edmonton- based company seeks experienced concrete finishers for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work. Phone or fax 780-444-7103; John@ RaidersConcrete.com. Proform Concrete is looking for good people to work in Alberta in the follow- ing positions, CONCRETE PAVER OPERATORS - $26.00/hr, CENTRAL MIX BATCH PLANT OPERATOR - $28.00/he, CONCRETE PAVING FIN- ISHERS - $23.00/hr. Medical and den- tal benefits available. Applicants must have experience and please note which position applying for. To apply mail resume to #201, 5301-43 St, Red Deer, AB. 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Two of these were from Manitoba printers and she felt the distance would be a problem. “We can’t do everything by e-mail through the internet,” she said. “We need to have face-to-face meetings.” Only one of the printers, aGoderich company, was from thecounty but Jerome said that quotedid not meet the specificationsrequested and the company hadnever done a project like thisbefore. “I don’t know if we want to go that way,” she said, feeling the company would be learning on the job. The two other companies located in Ontario had printed books this big before. One of these was located in Oshawa and provided the cheapest of the proposals but the price was only guaranteed for 30 days and the printing won’t actually take place until early next year. The committee’s preferred choice was Pinpoint Publications of London, even though its price was $9,000 higher for the 1,000 copies proposed to be printed. Jerome said the Pinpoint representative had worked with the committee, giving advice from thebeginning. “I know the type ofwork he does. He goes above andbeyond to make sure you get whatyou want,” she said.There would be savings in travelcosts in going to London versus Oshawa, she said. Nicholson pointed out that Pinpoint provided a proof of every page of the book for review while the Oshawa printer provided proofs of just eight of the approximately 1,300 pages in the two volumes. “My feeling, on the advice of the committee, is that we go with Pinpoint,” said Mayor Dorothy Kelly. Councillors Bill Thompson and Lynn Hoy agreed council should take the advice of the committee. “At $9 a set you don’t need much of a glitch to use that (saving) up,” agreed Councillor Paul Gowing. Council passed a motion to accept the quote of Pinpoint Publications.Nicholson presented the budget,showing that if 1,000 copies of thetwo-volume set are sold at theproposed price of $100, therewould be a profit of $26,000 overthe actual printing costs. If this was applied against the $128,000 that council has spent, or budgeted for the costs of researching and assembling the book, it would reduce the actual taxpayer outlay to $2,600 more than the $100,000 council had agreed to finance, she said. The committee also suggested council might consider increasing the price of the sets to $125 if not pre-ordered which would generate more money but Thompson didn’t agree. “I think it would mean a whole lot of books left over,” he said. Nicholson agreed it would be preferable to keep the price constant. Other possibilities for additional revenue include sponsored pages in the book. “We’re striking asponsorship committee,” she said.The committee is alsoconsidering selling CDs containinginformation it collected that won’tbe going into the printed history for lack of space. To promote the book, Shirley Garniss suggested a notice go into the August tax bills with an offer to pre-order the books. The book will also be publicized through the Ontario Genealogical Society and the Huron County Historical Society and all those who have contributed information will be contacted about purchasing the book. Council accepted the budget and set the price of $100 per book. Nicholson said that though the price might seem expensive to some people, if 1,300 pages were photocopied, the cost would be higher than the printed and bound books. By Keith RoulstonThe Citizen