HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-04-15, Page 12PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 2010. The special event that was held for Hank Blok by the Blok family and the Auburn District Lions Club on March 27 raised $5000. Lions members Marinus Bakker and Ian Andrews presented a cheque to Hank Blok annd his daughters Danielle and Courtney Blok. There is more love and support in our lives than we realize, and, as I continued on with the activities this week-end, this became more obvious. Anda ka sung? Masain ka? If you were blessed enough to attend the Missions Conference this week-end in Auburn, then you may know these two languages. They both mean “where are you going?”Anda ka sung is Marano and Masain ka is Bicolano. These are two different dialects from the Philippines. It was a very moving, inspirational weekend with speakers who are missionaries and have hands-on experience with giving aid to poverty stricken communities all over the world. This is certainly a call in someone’s life that takesbravery and courage to move whereyou are needed in foreign lands withless than desirable conditions, butthe heart is there.I would like to also take this timeto thank Lil from Lil’s kitchen inClinton for preparing the Phillippines dishes on Saturday at the Missions conference they were tasty! The weekends in Auburn, I am finding, are never short of activities, with last weekend kicking off in Auburn with a concert at he Evangelical Missionary church, a nice welcome for the guest speakers they were having. The concert, featuring the band Article One, brought out 300 people. I was delighted to see families and their children participating. It went on just past 10 p.m. with one encore. The band members were great at getting the youth to get up and move, I didn't mind kicking my heels off myself! There is no rest when God’s work has to be done. The Evangelical church invite young people to Monday night soccer, they are now in the field at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday night is still the Olympians ages JK- Gr.6 as well as youth small groups starting at 6:30 p.m. Friday night faith in song presents Valiant with special guests The Huron Harp Ensemble at the Blyth Christian Reformed Church at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for children 12 and under. This is an ABC event. Contact the BlythCRC to purchase tickets.The Knox United Church had theirdinner on Wednesday night and Iwas told it was delicious with about200 people attending. “We had agreat turnout and the cooks deserve around of applause” I was told by one attendee. As well as this 80 Leatherlandrelatives gathered at the Auburn Hallon Easter Sunday for a bounteouspot luck lunch at noon. Special guestwas 90-year-old Annie Vincent. Theafternoon was spent reminiscing andvisiting with everyone. Games andan Easter egg hunt were held for the children. Quite a few stayed for supper also.Joyce (Leatherland) and ErnieUnruh along with all their family,nine came from Calgary and Reginafor this special day. Others camefrom Windsor, Guelph, MountForest, Goderich, Vanastra andsurrounding area. A great time was had by all. 404 Queen St., Blyth 519-523-4792 541 Turnberry St., Brussels 519-887-9114 The Citizen Check out all our books at... Books for the Birds! THE BACKYARD BIRD-LOVER’S GUIDE More than 300 pages of information on birds, how to attract them, their nesting habits, their preferred foods and other information needed by bird-lovers. Beautiful colour illustrations to help you identify birds. $27.95 BIRD BRAINTEASERS Fun and games based around the bird world with more than 300 pages of puzzles, games and trivia. “There’s a smile or more on every page and I’m still smiling,” said Rick Norris, crossword editor of the Los Angeles Times. $11.95 BIRDFEEDERS, SHELTERS & BATHS From works of art to simple projects using materials around the house, this book provides instructions and ideas for everyone from craftsmen to children. $18.95 SPARROWS & FINCHES OF THE GREAT LAKES REGION Beautiful colour photos help you identify the many varieties of sparrows and finches that may appear at your backyard feeder. Tips on how to attract them. $16.95 THE BEDSIDE BOOK OF BIRDS Noted Canadian writer Graeme Gibson turns to his love of birds, collect-ing bird stories from various traditions around the world. Illustrated with international drawings and paintings. $39.95 WILD TURKEYS Whether you want to hunt the growing population of wild turkeys across southern Ontario or simply watch them, this 160- page book helps with tips on the bird’s habits and habitat, hunting equipment, and even field dressing instructions and recipes. $21.95 WOODPECKERS OF NORTH AMERICA Woodpeckers are fascinating birds, using their beaks to find food and communicate. See beautiful colour photos and learn about 28 North American species, their feeding habits and their benefit to the environment. $24.95 THE ART OF BIRDWATCHING Here’s a humorous guide to the fastest growing hobby in North America including both useful information and lots of fun. Also included, a list of contacts for naturalist clubs across Canada. $11.99 THE BIRDER’S COMPANION This 200-page book is packed with information useful to people who want to understand birds: everything from what they eat to where they live, how they move, their migration, their songs and their relationship to humans. $16.95 Good job! Last month the Auburn Lions Club pulled together to help one of their own. When member Hank Blok was diagnosed with cancer, the Lions felt they should help him, and help him they did, raising over $5,000. From left: organizer, Ian Andrews, Blok’s daughter Courtney, Blok, Blok’s daughter Danielle and Lions president Marinus Bakker. (Photo submitted) Auburn Lions help family facing medical problemsBy Kerri Herouxhopturn@ hotmail.com PEOPLE AROUND AUBURN Sections of Auburn and southeastern Ashfield-Colborne- Wawanosh Township may see a change in the way their 911 calls are handled in the near future. ACW has decided against including North Huron’s recently amalgamated fire coverage service within their municipal boundary, instead opting to have Lucknow and Clinton cover areas previously covered by the Blyth fire station. The council decided during their April 6 meeting to have a by-law brought forward at their next meeting, on April 21, that would see an automatic aid system set up with Central Huron, under which Central Huron would respond to all fire calls in the ACW portion of Auburn, and as far north as the Huron County Works shed. Lucknow would also receive calls in the area, and would relieve Central Huron. If, after an hour, Central Huron is still on the scene of an Automatic Aid call, they are there under the terms of mutual aid. Automatic Aid charges $350 per full truck that is dispatched to a fire, which will most likely mean each call will cost $1050 for ACW to call in Central Huron. Council is currently drawing up a letter explaining the changes that will occur if the bylaw is passed. The municipality and fire department will take care of any changes that need to occur for 911 numbers, phone system classification, and changes to fire service. In the interim, ACW has contracted out North Huron through the Blyth fire station to cover the areas in question. ACW is currently paying North Huron monthly for the charges incurred, and will continue doing so until all the changes have been finalized. By Denny Scott The Citizen Lucknow, Clinton to cover Auburn-area fires Rock on Article One was in Auburn on Friday night to play a show at the Huron Chapel Evangelical Missionary Church. The band played for over 100 people, young and old. Article One has played in Auburn before and they seemed right at home. (Shawn Loughlin photo)