HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-04-15, Page 9THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 2010. PAGE 9. Mary Hunter greeted worshippersand handed out the Service ofWorship at Knox United Church onthe Second Sunday of Easter, April11.Rev. Tom Murray welcomed thecongregation. The opening hymn,
“Lord, Speak to Me” was followed
by the Call to Worship which was
read responsively. “Praise to the
Lord, the Almighty” was the song of
praise. The senior choir of mixed
voices sang “Every Day is a Gift
from the Lord” accompanied by
Elizabeth Procter.
The children and youth gathered
in the front pew for storytime. Rev.
Tom told different things that we
required for our identification. It is
proof of who we are.
In the Bible Thomas doubted that
the other disciples had seen the
Lord. Thomas had to see the nail
marks in Jesus’ hands before hewould believe it was Him. This ishow he would identify that it trulywas Jesus. The children adjourned toSunday School after the singing ofthe hymn, “In the Bulb There is aFlower”.
The reader, Mary Thomas, shared
scripture with responsive reading
Psalm 150 and reading Acts 5: 27-
The congregation sang, “As
Comes the Breath of Spring” for the
song of the Holy Spirits’ presence.
The gospel reading was taken from
John 20: 19-27.
God’s word to us was entitled,
“Who We are Called to Be”. Our
ancestry can be traced right back to
Jesus Christ. We were born to be
Jesus’disciples. He showed proof of
who He was by his wounds. Jesus
died and changed the world with
creation. Everyone of us iscommissioned and have been invitedto be a part of Jesus’ life.The offering was taken up by KenProcter and Mark Stennett. TheSong of Easter’s Triumph, “Rejoice,the Lord is King” was the closing
hymn. The sung blessing “Go Now
In Peace” concluded the worship
The Renewal of Baptismal
Faith/Confirmation of Faith was
held in the church basement. The
topic was “Assessing Your Gifts”.
On Thursday, April 29 there is a
ham and scalloped potato supper atthe Belgrave Community Centre.Tickets are available from anysteward.On Friday, April 16 there is acommunity seniors potluck dinner at12 noon at the Community Centre.
Please bring dishes and cutlery. Bob
and Ruth Gordon will speak on their
recent trip. Everyone is invited.
Dan Hunter of Golden, British
Columbia has been a guest for 10
days at the home of his parents, Jim
and Mary Hunter. While here he
visited other relatives and friends.
The Seaforth X-ray Department
Open House and Ribbon Cutting
to celebrate the new digital X-Ray equipment
at the Seaforth Hospital Site
Thursday, April 15, 2010
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
X-Ray Department
Refreshments will be provided.
The community extends sincere
sympathy to Ron and Marg Cook
and families in the loss of Marg’s
mother, Jean Robertson of
There were seven tables of shoot
in play on Friday, April 9 at the
Community Centre. The winners
were: Mary McIntosh, high pink
card; Bev Hayden, second high pink
card; Jane Grasby, most shoots;
Lillian Appleby, high white card;
Jim Coultes, second high white card;
and Ron Taylor, most shoots. The
next shoot is Friday,April 23 at 1:30
p.m. Everyone is welcome.
On Saturday, April 10, many
women from Belgrave and area
attended Women’s Day Out at the
Blyth Memorial Community Hall. It
was sponsored by the Blyth United
Church Women.
The theme was Young at Heart.
Registration was from 9 - 9:30 a.m.
with a friendly greeting and coffee
and muffins. After welcoming and
opening remarks the ladies were
entertained with many numbers by
“Audibly Awesome”. The guest
speaker was Gisele Ireland.
The demonstrators who were
introduced were: Ellie Brewster, an
RN representing the Healthy Hearts;
Patty Armstrong, rug hooking; Peter
Gusso of the Station House Bed and
Breakfast; Denise Lockie, Wescast
Community Centre; Heart and
Stroke Foundation; and Rural
Response for Healthy Children,
Diane Hahn.
The luncheon at the dining hall
was divided into two groups. While
the one group ate the other one
participated in the toonie draws and
learned different aspects from the
demonstrators and also visited local
All of the ladies enjoyed a
bountiful buffet consisting of many
delicious salads and cold meats and
finished up with a dessert.
Afternoon entertainment featured
Granny Annie Elliott Pasqually and
Elvis impersonator Mike Lorenz.
The Fashion Show was presented
by Gibson’s Men’s Wear and
Finlayson’s Fantasy of Bayfield.
Some of the Belgrave ladies were
lucky enough to win a gift from the
toonie draw or a door prize. An
enjoyable day was brought to a close
by the closing remarks.
The 17th annual Women’s Day
Out will be held on April 9, 2011.
The community extends birthday
wishes to Helen Stonehouse who
was 93 on April 10. She resides at
Braemar Retirement Home in
On Thursday, April 8, many
attended the afternoon or evening
seminar on bulbs at the Huron Bay
Co-op in Belgrave. Cathy Swain of
Van Noort in St. Catharines gave a
very informative talk with many
pictures she had taken.
Summer flowering bulbs, corms
and tubers can be planted in the
spring – as soon as the danger of
ground frost is past until the end of
May. Summer-flowering bulbs
prefer a sunny spot, either in the
garden or in containers. They can be
planted in a single hole made with a
trowel or in a large trench or bed.
Plant the bulbs, corms or tubers
twice as deep as the bulb is tall.
Exceptions to this rule are begonias
and dahlias which should be planted
just under the soil surface. For small
bulbs, four inches is a good distance
apart. Before planting you should
loosen the soil thoroughly. To
develop roots quickly, summer
flowering bulbs need thorough
watering immediately after planting.
Several summer-flowering bulbs are
suitable for use as cut flowers.
After an informative presentation
draws were made and each person
received a bulb. Lunch and a social
time followed.
Healthcare is Changing.
Learn How. Have Your Say.
The Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance Wants
to Hear From You!
Help us achieve our VISION 2013* goal of building a better local
healthcare system that ensures:
• four open and robust Alliance hospitals
• a comprehensive range of the best healthcare services within the Alliance area
• opportunities and tools for healthcare professionals to be able to continue to do their best work
• a work environment that helps to attract and retain the best and brightest physicians and staff
• a true system of care across the Alliance
* For more information about VISION 2013 visit www.hpha.ca
For more information about our community engagement activities, or to RSVP
for a Community Talk, please contact:
Michelle Jones at michelle.jones@hpha.ca or 519-272-8210 Ext. 2423
Knox United, Belgrave discusses religious faith
By Linda
Morris-Turnberry councillors, at
their April 6 meeting, decided to
spread the cost of a one-time Quality
Management System study over five
years in order to limit the rate of
The study, required for water
systems, had cost $20,000 and the
initial budget proposal had called for
the amount to be recovered in one
year with a 14.8 per cent increase in
water rates.
“Could you not take (the cost) out
of capital and put it over five years?”
asked Deputy-mayor Jim Nelemans.
He pointed out paying for the cost of
the study in one year would mean
water rates go up this year and go
down again next. He felt it was
better to have a three per cent
increase over the next five years
Mayor Dorothy Kelly said she
liked that solution rather than a
prohibitive one-year increase.
Council agreed to the longer-term
rate increase solution.
Water cost increase
spread by M-T council
By Keith Roulston
The Citizen
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