HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-04-01, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 2010. PAGE 3. Happy birthday to Carla Pawitch who celebrates April 3; Debbie Cook, April 4; Adeline Campbell, John Stadelmann, Steve Caldwell, April 5; Brenda Cook, April 7; and Lenora Davidson, April 8. I’ve noticed that some of our snowbirds have come back from the south where it was a cool winter. Welcome home everyone. Community Vacation Bible School which is sponsored by thechurches in Blyth is looking forvolunteers to help. This year theVacation Bible School is July 26-30from 9 a.m. to noon for the kids whohave completed JK to Grade 6 thisyear. If you can help or need moreinformation call HillieVanAmersfoort at 519-523-4836 orElla Ives at 519-523-9514. Everyone is welcome. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Greeting at Blyth United Church on Sunday, March 28 were Barb and Doug Howson. Ushering were Elaine Chamney, Terry Richmond and Brenda Brooks. Music director was Floyd Herman and Fred Hakkers ran the Power Point. Everyone was invited downstairs to join the Sunday School for their Palm Sunday play. Those taking part were Brett Glousher and Quinton Hakkers as narrators, Ally Glousheras the woman, Bryce Glousher asJesus, Reid Button as the Blind Man.Braidon Abell-Rinn led the rest ofthe children as they paraded aroundthe Sunday School auditoriumwaving their palm branches. Theytold the stories of the fishermen, theblind man and the woman whotouches Jesus’ clothing. Everyone did a fantastic job. Sunday School Superintendent, Lorna Fraser welcomed everyone to church this Palm Sunday. She drew everyone’s attention to the announcements in the bulletin and also the events leading up to Easter Sunday that the different churches in the community are having. The call to worship was the singing of “Come All You People” followed by the children parading and waving their palm branches as they sang “Hosanna.” The children presentedthe first part of their play. The nexthymn was “Jesus Brave and Bold.” The Sunday School presentedthe second part of their play.The choir sang the anthem, “Walkon Water” accompanied by Floyd atthe piano, Cappy playing the violin,Doug on drums and Rev. Gary Clark with the guitar. The children paraded around the congregation waving their palm branches and sang, “Give Me Oil in My Lamp” and went into the church parlour for the time of fellowship. The offering was received followed by the choir singing, “Father Hear Me Pray”. Lorna led the congregation in the “Prayers for the World” and singing of The Lord’s Prayer. The last hymn, “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” was followed by the commissioning and benediction and the Three-Fold Amen. Everyone was invited for coffee and cookies.By Rachael Snell, Marion Studhalter and Tine Verschaeve Well it’s been another exciting week at Blyth Public School. March break is over, the second-term report cards are out and spring is upon us. On Wednesday, March 24 most of the classes went to see part of the OFSAA girl’s hockey tournament at the Blyth arena. It was South Huron battling Eden in a match that had you on your toes for most of the game. Newcombe ball for the Grades 1-5 has started up thanks to Madame Antonio. It looks to be a very promising season. The first game will be the Polar Bears against the Panda Bears. The magazine sales start on March 29. If you would like to order a magazine I’m sure a student from Blyth P.S. would gladly let you order through them. The Grade 8 class has started a new geography unit. They will be considering the push and pull effect that causes people to move from place to place. Novels can be enjoyed on a number of different levels, as the Grade 7/8 class learned from reading the book called, The Giver”. They noticed that in the book there are some odd names – Asher, Jonas, Caleb, Benjamin and Gabriel to name a few. Are those names connected in any way? If so, do you think that the author’s decision to use them was accidental? The Grade 3 students are researching things about pioneer villages. The Grade 4 students have been designing real estate posters for their castles. The whole Grade 3/4 class is working on multiplication in math. They are also doing a novel study on “Castle in the Attic.” In science the Grade 3 students started a new unit on structures and stability. The Grade 3 students started a new unit on light and sound. The regional science fair is next week. Registered in senior category are: Robbie Gordon, Rachael Snell and Tine Verschaeve, Marion Studhalter, Matt VanWyk and Wyatt Carey, and Eric Steele. Registered in junior are: Ward Verschaeve, Brandon Marshall, Brennan Kolkman and Jonathan Pizzati, Chantal Van Schaik and Tiffany Conrad and Phaedra Scott and Kathryn Chalmers. The case of Ronald Hallam, who went missing from his Ashfield- Colborne-Wawanosh home nearly one year ago, still remains open today. Hallam vanished without a trace one year ago and he remains missing to this day. To date, Huron County OPP have investigated all received tips and leads. Hallam, who was 66 years old at the time of his disappearance, left his home on Prosperity Line at approximately 11 a.m. on March 25, 2009. Police called off the extensive search one week later. Hallam is described as 5’8” tall and weighing approximately 200 pounds. He is balding with grey hair. He was last seen wearing a red and black lumberjack-style jacket, a black baseball cap, light-coloured work pants, a dark grey t-shirt and work boots. Anyone with any information on Hallam or his whereabouts, no matter how small, are encouraged to call Huron OPP at 1-800-310-1122 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222- 8477. The Citizen offices will be closed on FRIDAY, APRIL 2 for Good Friday The deadlines for the April 8 paper will be the same as usual: Monday, April 5 2 pm in Brussels and 4 pm in Blyth Moving Sale! April 9th & 10th ONLY Minimum 1 Metre cuts on material* Kits 50%off* Discount Bin 50%off* Notions & Books 40%off* Fabric 40%off* Christmas & Halloween 50%off* * Does not include long arm quilting Friday 10 am - 7 pm Saturday 10 am - 5 pm 408 Queen St., Blyth 519-523-9515 SHARLA M. HANEY B.A. LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public P.O. Box 427 345 Queen St., Blyth, Ontario N0M 1H0 Phone: 519-523-9836 Fax: 519-523-9885 Email: shaney@ezlink.ca Promotional Rates on a Residential Real Estate Purchase OR Sale $395.00 each plus all applicable taxes and disbursements.* * Promotional Rates apply until May 31, 2010 The only refuge in sorrow (J.R. Miller, “Counsel and Help” 1907) “Being in anguish -- He prayed more fervently.” Luke 22:44 We see the Master at prayer in Gethsemane. It was here that He prepared for His Cross. We should notice that His refuge in His exceeding sorrow -- was prayer; and that, as the sorrow deepened-- the refuge still was prayer. Prayer is the only refuge in sorrow.The lesson from the garden prayer is that we should take all the hard things, the anguishes, the insufferable pains, the bitter griefs of our lives -- to God in prayer. We may be sure, too, that God will answer. If He does not relieve us of the suffering, He will strengthen us so that we can keep it, and still go on trusting and singing. “Do not worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 A Grace Gem Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church, Listowel, ON 519-291-1956 Easter Sunday Brunch 9 am - 1 pm Stickers Family Restaurant Auburn 519-526-7759 $7 9 5 A l l -y o u -c a n -e a t Township of North Huron Council & Committee Meeting Schedule April 6 Regular Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. - Council Chambers April 12 Committee of the Whole 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers April 19 Regular Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. - Council Chambers April 20 North Huron Police Services Board 7:00 p.m. - Board Room April 22 Maitland Economic Development Meeting 7:00 p.m. - Blyth Community Centre By MarilynCraigCall 523-9318From Marilyn’s Desk NEWS FROM BLYTH BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED Students attend hockey games ACW man still missing