The Citizen, 2010-03-04, Page 11THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 2010. PAGE 11. The congregation was small at Duff’s United Church on the second Sunday in Lent. The meditation for Lent and the extinguishing of the Lenten candles was led by Monique and Emma Baan. The congregation sang happy birthday to Ryan Baan. The announcements included that the World Day of Prayer is Friday, March 5 at St. John’s Anglican Church at 2 p.m. The Minute for Missions was read by Murray and Olene Dennis and was about Going Green. Did you know that 55 million plastic bags are used every week. Yes, they are cheap and handy, but did you know thatthey take years to break down andwhen they do, they leach chemicalsinto our ground. They blow aroundand cause concerns to our wildlifethat try to eat them. Did you knowthat plastic bags are made of petroleum, 60 million barrels a year, a resource that could be saved and put to better use. It is all our responsibility to work toward a cleaner environment, one bag at a time. Patty Banks read the scriptures and the anthem by the choir was, Dust and Ashes Touch Our Face. The time for the Young at Heart had Rev. Peter showing the children pictures of a hen and a fox. The fox hunts the chicken and what does the chicken do. The hen would protect her young and fight back. Jesusdescribes Herod as evil like the fox,out to harm or destroy. Jesus and we,are likened to the hen. We are here tomother and protect ourselves andothers from the evil.Rev. Peter’s reflection, Enduring Faithfulness, continued and expanded on Jesus’ mission in the temple and his journey to Jerusalem. Herod’s plotting did not deter Jesus from his mission. During the season of Lent, we travel the wilderness with Jesus and the journey to his crucifixion on the cross. Lent offers us hope and invites deep reflection on our own discipleship to God. We must never give up our faith in God, even during moments of doubt and allow our faith to grow. Hurray! Canada’s most fantastic showing at the Olympics culminated with the men’s hockey team capturing the gold medal in the final Olympic event of the 2010 games. Over 206 Canadian athletes competed and made Canada proud of all their accomplishments. They captured 14 gold medals, the most of any country in any Olympics, since 1924, plus seven silver and five bronze medals. The figure skaters Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, have brought close to home the reality of winning a gold medal. Vancouver and Whistler, put on a wonderful show for the Olympics, despite the sometimes not-the-best weather. The closing ceremonies had a mixture of the casual entrance of the athletes, the passing of the Olympic flag from the Vancouver to the Sochi officials, the fantasy of floating moose, dancing beavers and RCMPs, the humour of some Canadians, with amazing technical support and the musical talents of many Canadian artists, the extinguishing of the Olympic cauldron and the fantastic fireworks. It has been a wonderful 17 days of sport, sparking a national spirit and uniting Canadians in support of our athletes and our country. Way to go Canada. Congratulations to our own local hockey teams that have been doing very well with the Atoms, PeeWee and Bantam all winning WOAA divisions. They have advanced to the All Ontario games. The Atoms are playing a series against Port Carling and on the weekend tied the series at two games apiece. The PeeWee’s take on Manvers and the Bantam also face Port Carling. Enjoying a week away on the snowmobiles were Laurie and Deb Campbell and Bill and Tammy King. They trailered to the Bracebridge area, where there is more snow and then headed out on the trail system to places in the area. The Muskoka area is beautiful and they had a great time. Our condolences are extended to Lillian Appleby and family on the loss of her husband Lloyd. Lloyd was born and raised on the seventh of Morris and left the farm for only a year after being married before returning to the farm with wife Lillian. They have two children, Larry and Laurie and two grandchildren. Lloyd farmed and worked closely with a couple of neighbours for many years until retiring from farming. Lloyd was a weekend bartender at the Blyth Inn for over20 years, so many will remember hissmiling ways. He loved to playcards, shoot, euchre and some criband that is how we have come toknow Lloyd and Lillian. Lloyd wasalways pleasant and had some kindof joke for us and he will be missedby many. Our sympathies to hisfamily and his extended family andfriends. Three couples have returned from a great week away on a cruise. Bill and Marion Sellers, Murray and Marlene Fischer and Brian and Dianne Huether cruised the Caribbean. They stopped at the islands of Curasal, Aruba and Costa Rica, where they went on a tour of a banana plantation. They went part way through the Panama Canal, turned around in Panama Lake and came back out again. They report having a great time, great food, good weather and a fun time together. A young man with Walton roots and his wife, Gerrid and Val Dalton, along with 11 others from the area, have returned from a mission trip to Panda Vida, two hours north of Mexico City. The group is part of the Bethel Bible Church from Seaforth and they support a girls’ orphanage there. The climate at the orphanage is quite wet at times and very dusty at others so one of the tasks was to lay interlock brick around the orphanage. They also worked on the septic system, painted, installed four industrial washing machines and got new tires for the orphanage’s van. They were away 10 days and the weather was very cool and wet. For fun they taught the kids how to play road hockey and went to see a football game, which is their favourite sport there. The food was spicy, but tasty. The group had taken numerous items of need such as hygiene products, etc. and teddy bears for the little ones. Next year they are planning to return to start building an orphanage for the boys of the area. The others attending from Seaforth area included Bob, Janet, Peggy, Marie and Heather Hulley, Mark, Heather, Rebecca, Samantha and Rachel Robinet and John Blanchard. Celebrating birthdays this past week were Beverly Stevenson, Ryan Baan, Nathan Bachert, Stacey Linton Courtney, Jeffery Huether, Holly Ryan, Audrey McIlwain, Crystal Whyte, Megan denDekker and Kathy Ryan. Happy birthday to all. Duff’s hears about waste bags BBBB rrrr iiii dddd eeee ssss IIII nnnn HHHH uuuu rrrr oooo nnnn AAAA nnnn oooo nnnn ----llll iiii nnnn eeee rrrr eeee ssss oooo uuuu rrrr cccc eeee cccc eeee nnnn tttt rrrr eeee ffff oooo rrrr HHHH uuuu rrrr oooo nnnn bbbb rrrr iiii dddd eeee ssss We are looking for stories and photos from Huron County couples. For more information call The Citizen 519-523-4792 Email us your writeup at norhuron@scsinternet.com www.northhuron.on.ca (click on Brides In Huron) Send us a description of your wedding (up to 600 words) and up to 2 photographs and we’ll post them on the Brides in Huron website for one year for no charge. By Jo-AnnMcDonaldCall 887-6570PEOPLE AROUNDWALTON NEWS FROM WALTON More than 50 invited guests are expected to help United Way of Perth-Huron wrap up the Huron County 2009 Campaign on Thursday, March 11 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the Clinton Racetrack and Slots, where they will announce the final fundraising total. The formal program will begin at 6:30 p.m. with greetings from Huron County dignitaries. Acknowledgement and award distributions to the corporations and volunteers who supported the community through the United Way 2009 Campaign will follow. The event will finish with announcement of campaign achievement. “We are very pleased to have the opportunity to thank the volunteers and workplaces who supported the campaign. It is a fun way to wrap-up the campaign and we thank Clinton Racetrack and OLG for sponsoring the event”, notes Ellen Balmain, Executive Director. Huron United Way to celebrate donars BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED Classified advertisements ppuubblliisshheedd iinn The Citizen aarree nnooww aavvaaiillaabbllee oonn oouurr wweebbssiittee aatt wwwwww..nnoorrtthhhhuurroonn..oonn..ccaa