HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-02-04, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2010. PAGE 15.Huron East bids on used fire tanker for Brussels AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. SAVE UP TO $400 ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE. Clean driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-866-473- 9207 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. AUTOS FOR SALE 100% AUTO FINANCING APPROVAL - We can get you approved for an automobile no matter what your cir- cumstances are. Drive a little and save a lot. Over 300 vehicles to choose from. Apply online www.gabies.ca. 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After an inspection was conducted by a member of the Brussels Fire Department, the tanker was deemed to be in good shape, leading to the request by Huron East fire chief Marty Bedard to submit a bid. This does, however, fly in the face of an earlier decision made by Huron East council to purchase only new vehicles for its emergency services departments. Councillor Alvin McLellan, who championed the idea of buying used emergency vehicles earlier asked several questions inquiring as to what had changed since that would make the purchase of a used fire tanker acceptable now. McLellan mentioned issues suchas old wiring in a used truck and the“buying of someone else’s problem.”Bedard agreed, it is a risk, but withthe poor state of the 1974 tanker in Brussels, he said this move would help the municipality to buy a few extra years before having to purchase an entirely new tanker. “You take a gamble with used vehicles,” Bedard said. McLellan said that he supported the idea, but he also supported the idea months ago, when it was his suggestion and it was shot down by the rest of council. “I’m not going to speak against the idea,” he said. “I’m just throwing out what was thrown at me.” Brussels fire chief Murray McArter says that the 1974 tanker would need significant brake repairs before its annual inspection this year and a crack in the truck’s frame would also have to be repaired. Bedard said that while the purchase of this tanker would be a “band-aid fix,” it would give the municipality a chance to stagger the purchase of its emergency vehicles and not have to buy two or three in the same year.The 1974 tanker was purchased in2004 for $2,800, leading deputy-mayor Bernie MacLellan to say thatthe tanker “doesn’t owe themunicipality anything.” Another concern that was raised when the issue of buying used vehicles was first mentioned was the transmission, as older vehicles tend to have manual transmissions, something that is being phased out in newer emergency vehicles.McArter said that would not be aconcern as all but four members ofhis department are licensed to driveemergency vehicles with manualtransmissions and the remaining four are in the process of becoming licensed. The question of how much the municipality should bid was also a hot one after Bedard suggested $8,500. While the cost was debated for ashort time, MacLellan said that$8,500 is generally what themunicipality budgets to spend on anemergency vehicle per year forsafety testing and maintenance, so if Huron East got one year out of the new tanker, without having to repair it, the municipality will have broken even. Council voted to submit a bid before the Friday deadline. Continued from page 3 assessment for language this week. They are also creating Fractured Fairy Tales. In math they are reviewing time. The Grade 4 students are also writing the common assessment this week. They are creating coats of arms for their Medieval unit. For math, the Grade 4/5s are learning about area and perimeter. In science they will be looking at how energy efficient their homes are. They will be creating an energy efficient clubhouse. For language they are writing paragraphs with a topic sentence. The intermediate classes will be going skiing on Feb. 26. The intermediate in-class speeches will be held on Feb. 9. This week the students had a food drive in support of the Clinton Salvation Army, which burned down three weeks ago. The Grade 6/7s led by Ms Badham, raised a total of $420. That is 14.58 dollars per person. In second place with dollar value came the Grade 7/8 class, which raised $240. In second place with amount of value brought in per pupil came the Grade 1/2 class, led by Mrs Middleton. They got an amount of $13.47 per person. In third place with dollar value is the Grade 1/2 class, which raised $229 in total. Third in per person amount is the Grade 3/4 class, led by Mrs. Cook. Great job to all who participated in this event. It was great to see all of the school getting so into a school fundraiser. KGW (Kids Giving Water) has now raised $1,000 to build a water well in Kenya, Africa. Students give over $1,400 in food By Shawn LoughlinThe Citizen