HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-02-04, Page 7THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2010. PAGE 7. The executive The stage is set for another Brussels Fall Fair when the Brussels Agricultural Society set its executive at its annual meeting on Friday. From left: Nicole Noble, first vice-president; Maurice Douma, treasurer; Mary Douma, secretary; Dorothy Cummings, outgoing president; Cathrine Campbell, homecraft president; Dona Knight, outgoing homecraft president and Jeff Cardiff, president. (Shawn Loughlin photo) Huron East has voted to enter into a mutual aid fire suppression agreement with North Huron within the municipality of Morris- Turnberry. This agreement, approved at council’s Jan. 26 meeting, would provide assistance from North Huron to Huron East and vice versa in Morris-Turnberry at no cost. Huron East, however, cannot enter into a similar agreement directly with Morris-Turnberry, because the municipality has no fire suppression service of its own. This unusual circumstance is why the agreement has to be done this way, says Huron East fire chief Marty Bedard. The agreement, drafted by Bedard, has now been approved by Huron East council and has been sent to North Huron for its approval. Bedard said the situation is unusual, but this is how he has been instructed to carry the agreement out. He said that he doesn’t have to draft a similar agreement with Howick, because Howick has its own fire department. It’s the unusual case of Morris- Turnberry not having its own fire department that has set the terms of this agreement into motion, he said. “I’ve done this in consultation with the fire marshal’s office,” Bedard said. Bedard was asked if he had the blessing of the fire marshal on this by deputy-mayor Bernie MacLellan because he said it seemed like this proposal was looking for a loophole where maybe there wasn’t one to be found. Bedard said there isn’t a loophole that the municipality was trying to exploit and that a municipality without a fire department cannot be part of a mutual aid agreement. Council passed Bedard’s recommendation and the agreement has been sent to North Huron for approval. HE enters into fire agreement Continued from page 6 wishes go out to those in hospital or ill, including Mary Huether in Seaforth, Edna Pearson, Mary Bone and Sheila Richards in London. The Cranbrook dart club had over 20 people out for an enjoyable evening at Cranbrook Hall. Fred Smith was on a roll earning the high score for the third week in a row. This week he shot a 120. Karen Bowles had the ladies’ high shot of the night with a 90. Everyone is welcome to come out Wednesday at 8 p.m. Celebrating birthdays this past week to finish up January were Ryan Jacklin, Chris Ryan, James Blake, Brian Traviss, Dave Watson and Mark Wilbee. We kick off February with Thys deJong, Sarah Mitchell, Elgin Schade, Brian Williamson, John Driscoll, Marilyn McDonald, Mike Durell, Amy Shortreed Whyte, Sherri Bachert and Pamela Hackwell. Happy birthday all. The special fundraising committee met this week to set the wheels in motion for the spring event. The event planned is a fashion show of wedding dresses for the past 50 years. The event, A 1/2 Century of Going Down the Aisle in Style, will be held the last week in April and will feature wedding dresses from 1960 to 2010, modelled by some of the original brides and by others. Committee members include Patty Banks, Heidi McClure, Judy Lee, Karen Hoegy and Jo-Ann McDonald. There were over 50 in attendanceat Duff’s United Church for theservice downstairs on the fourthSunday after Epiphany. Greetingparishioners were Judy Lee and Jo-Ann McDonald. Rev. Peter welcomed everyone and thanked all for attending. He explained how donations for Haiti relief would be handled. The donations are going into a central fund of the United Church of Canada and when forwarded, the Government of Canada will hopefully be matching the funds. He invited all to help those who cannot help themselves at this difficult time in Haiti. Graeme Craig delivered the minute for missions. He commended all who realize the need for assistance in Haiti as well as all whocarry out mission work in thiscountry and local area. People assist in mission workwhen they help work at localfunctions, with community betterment activities and recognizing the needs of others and pitching in. Rev. Peter, as an example, fulfills his commitment to missions when he visits with congregation members and shut-ins, even on the stormy Thursday last week. Other ways people can support missions, is to give regularly to the food banks. A few cans of food a week from everyone can feed many. The time for the young at heart had Rev. Peter ask the children if they ever make excuses not to dosomething. He had one childvolunteer her excuse, then Rev. Peterread a few excuses he hadresearched. Some were quite unique. Rev. Peter then said that God calls everyone to do the work of the Lord and that there is no excuse. People can do even the smallest thing in God’s work and it is all important. Together they can do marvelous things. The scriptures were read by Patty Banks and Brooke Leslie Ribey. Rev. Peter’s reflection was entitled, Known, Claimed and Called. God mysteriously chooses people. He means for them to accomplish abundantly more than they can ask or imagine. They are empowered to proclaim the word ofGod.God prepares a destiny for all andthough people may feeloverwhelmed and inadequate, theyshare God’s spirit, that will equip and empower them in every circumstance, to live and love in accordance with God’s purpose for them and for the world. They are known, chosen and called to carry out God’s mission and ministry, here in this place, at this time and may God bless each one in this endeavour. The offering was collected by Graeme Craig and Brian Wilbee. Following the conclusion of the service a breakfast was served. Donations received were directed to the Haiti relief fund. 20 out to enjoy a night of darts BBLLYYTTHH PPRRIINNTTIINNGG IINNCC.. BLYTH 523-9211 PRINTING IS OUR BUSINESS • Colour • Business Printing Forms • Posters • Brochures • Letterheads • Flyers • Envelopes • Carbonless • Business Forms Cards • Labels WE CAN DO IT ALL! Construction Ph.:519-523-9354 Cell:519-525-8615 Custom 5" seamless eavestrough in aluminum or steel N e w NEWS FROM WALTON Minister talks of Haitian donations By Shawn Loughlin The Citizen The Ethel euchre was held on Monday, Jan. 25 with five tables in play. Winners were: share the wealth, Yvonne Knight, Helen Dobson; high, Helen Cullen, Grace Stewart; second high, Yvonne Knight, Helen Dobson; lone hands, Dorothy Dilworth, John Subject, Leslie Knight. Numerous tally prizes were given out. The next euchre will be held on Monday, Feb. 8 at 8 p.m. 5 tables in play at Ethel euchre BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED