HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2010-01-28, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2010. PAGE 15.For months, curriculum co-ordinator Dawne Boersen has beentelling trustees of the Huron-PerthCatholic District School Board that, with every release of details about the provincial government’s full-day, every-day kindergarten pro- gramming, additional questions arise. And, at a regular meeting Monday, Jan. 25, it was clear that remains the case. Earlier in the month, there was official notification of Ministry of Education funding for four Huron- Perth Catholic classrooms in the 2010-11, phase-one version of full- day, every-day kindergarten. Two will be at St. Ambrose elementary school in Stratford, and two will be at St. Joseph’s elementary school in Clinton. The amount of time devoted to kindergarten-style curriculum is not expected to change. However, the classrooms within the program will be staffed by both a kindergarten teacher and an early childhood education (ECE) specialist, who will provide daycare-style programming that will feature some links to thekindergarten curriculum. Optional daycare-styleprogramming will also be availableon an extended daily schedule: from7-9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.Due to the significant media attention given to the official announcement – which also included 10 phase one classrooms in the co- terminous Avon Maitland District School Board – trustees have been hearing numerous concerns about how the program will roll out in Huron and Perth. At the Jan. 24 meeting, Boersen acknowledged these concerns. “The program, especially the extended-day component, is causing a lot of questions and a lot of concerns across the province because (school boards) are now entering into a realm that we haven’t been involved in before,” she told trustees. At the most recent opportunity for school board representatives to meet with Ministry officials, Jan. 18, ECE specialists were also invited to attend. At that time, Ministry officials revealed the extended-schedule classroom – outside regular school hours – will be staffed by one ECE specialist and one other person,probably with a level of trainingequal to that of an educationalassistant.Fees for the extended-scheduleprogramming, which will be financedoutside regular education grants, will be set by the two coterminous school boards, with approval from the Ministry. Subsidies will be available on a basis similar to that now used by municipally-administered daycare services. Boersen noted that, at this point, already-existing before and after- school programming, offered to children older than kindergarten age by outside service providers, will not be affected. But school boards will take over responsibility for all programs for kindergarten-aged kids, even if they’re now being offered within school facilities by other providers. In keeping, however, with Boersen’s repeated comments about the emergence of further questions about the program, trustees were quick to press her for additional clarification. Goderich/Northwest Huron representative Jim McDade wondered what type of jointcommittee will have to be put inplace by the coterminous boards.Stratford’s Ron Marcy asked aboutthe administration of subsidies forextended-care programming. And business superintendent Gerry Thuss admitted that, at a recent meeting of his counterparts from across Ontario, questions about how to access funding for such things as daycare-style snacks, over-and-above school custodial costs, and the hiring of ECE specialists were all “fairly hot items.” In all instances, Boersen explained the questions have been forwarded to Ministry officials, but no clarification has yet been provided. Perth South/St. Marys trustee Bernard Murray, meanwhile, expressed a concern that reaches beyond details into the philosophical basis of the programming. He highlighted what many rural residents see as a “catch-22”: if they send their three-year-old child off on a bus every day, it’s possible they’ll miss out on the comforts of home; but if they opt not to place their kids in the program, they may miss out on learning opportunities being provided to other neighbourhoodchildren.“It’s a question especially in ruralareas,” Murray said, “where theyhave to get on the bus every day. Fivedays a week? I don’t know. Maybeevery other day they can handle it. (Parents) don’t want to disadvantage their child by not putting them in the program, but maybe the reality is that little Johnny can’t really handle it every day.” Boersen couldn’t offer much comfort, but she did say that the Ministry intends to treat 2010-11 as a developmental step in the program. The small number of sites where it will be available will be closely monitored, she explained, in hopes that any necessary changes will become clear before the program is implemented elsewhere. 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